Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #20

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So, I think that Chad has been setting up the story he planned to tell his followers, AVOW or whoever they might be. I think it may go something like this: He went to the islands to grieve for his wife, Tammy, where she came to visit him to tell him he must marry Lori immediately in order to continue on with his great mission. He only married Lori because Tammy directed him too. Then he will spin all of the revelations he received/receives that although he and Lori have been persecuted (like all of the important men in the Bible and Book of Mormon) he will rise above to lead his great followers into the End Times.
I am no writer but I see this line of BS in his future. (Wow, am I psychic or something?) I guess what is most important is who would ever believe his line of BS?
That's almost word for word what I am thinking also... sure you're not psychic?
Out of interest, what were they? To join WS? :)
haha.. nope. I joined WS out of pure choice. You people are awesome!
Mostly just about my own personal life. Nothing that would affect other people in the way that creepy employer did with "Jessica". That's not ok in my book because it's manipulative. I think it's probably ok to feel prompted to offer someone a job... but saying that to them is manipulative. If it's meant to be.. offer and they will accept!
No. The kids appear to have been long gone (9/24) before Kay found where they were living (November sometime). The last they had talked to JJ was in September.
Yes they were but nobody knew that because nobody could locate them. I think they thought they could avoid getting caught by disappearing.
Lori wasn't homeschooled. In the very first thread of this case I found newspaper clippings from her high school her senior year. Here's her name listed among the graduates of Eisenhower High School in Rialto, California in 1991: ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019
Lori also shows up in the yearbook named (but not pictured) in chorus at Ben Kolb Middle School in Rialto in 1986. Alex, brother (I will leave name out) and the deceased sister are also shown in yearbooks so it does seem, as you speculated Gardener1850, that the children were not home schooled.
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Out of interest, what were they? To join WS? :)
I think it’s fascinating to hear about the religions. We don’t seem to discuss it in the UK do we? I can’t ever remember sitting down with friends and chatting about it. My nanna often talked about it but only with family. Thanks for taking the time to explain it to us all everyone who has done so. It’s very insightful. JMO
BBM. Do you have a source for that? Because this is the first I have read about CR not returning calls from his step-brothers after CV died. I do recall CR's interview saying he ignored calls and texts from Charles in Feb 2019 after Lori lied to CR saying Charles had cheated on her. CR was dealing with his newborn baby being in the hospital at that time and was angry at Charles, because CR believed Lori's lie. It's possible he didn't know what to say to his step-brothers (Charles' sons) and it could have made it extra awkward if he still believed that Charles had been cheating.

It was in the group text message LVD sent the boys. I am attaching just the one page that CV's son pleads for LVD to call him back. I understand CR was lied to about a number of things going back as far as early 2019 (possibly further) in regards to the relationship between LVD & CV. I understand he was also lied to as to what happened when CV was shot. It may not have been CR's responsibility to inform CV's 2 other son's what happened, but they were his step-brothers, and since one of them called him and LV was not returning calls to me it would have been the right thing to do. That's my only point and if it were me I'd have certainly stepped up. Yes, I absolutely think CR was a victim in this and my heart breaks for him. I imagine he is suffering from terrible guilt blaming himself in some small way, if he would have done this, done that, not believed Lori's lies he could have possibly prevented things. I just thank God he was not sucked into this madness or he, his wife and baby girl could be missing too. JMHO and I hope it's ok to share this text, they were posted in news reports, so they are public knowledge.

I have deleted my photo as not to break rules. The only link I have to the texts with the photos is on Justin Lum's Fox 10 Phoenix Facebook page. The texts are in his Feb. 2nd post. I can't find a direct link on Fox10 website.
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What an eye opening segment. $15-20,000 shelled out on supplies & shield of protection. Unbelievable how some are preyed upon by this type of group.

At the risk of beating a dead horse, I will say this again... There is nothing weird about what the employer said, especially if it was said at church or in certain contexts (new couple needing work, etc.). I know it seems strange to someone outside the LDS faith. It might even seem strange to someone who is LDS but lives outside of large LDS communities, but to someone in Idaho or Utah, this wouldn't be weird at all.
Have we seen/discussed this yet today?

Justin Lum Fox 10 on Twitter

Justin Lum Fox 10

Press Secretary for Idaho Governor says office has not received request for Lori Vallow’s extradition yet. No timeline set. Hearing is set for Monday 3/2 in Kauai. Process is routine but this case has obviously garnered “overwhelming interest.” #fox10phoenix
One thing I don’t think this Cult or new religion invented by Daybell, understands is the children’s rights. Children have rights. JJ has a right to his meds and his therapy dog (as seen on earlier on this thread, it is a law if prescribed by a doctor no matter what landlord says) He has a right to communicate with his grandparents (if they don’t abuse him.) Mr P, from AWOW seems to be anti-government and doesn’t want to acknowledge JJ & Tylee’s rights. Hiding them from society is a huge violation of their rights as human beings. Unfortunately we don’t know if that is the case. I hope they are safe, but most of us suspect they are gone. This biggest violation of all. I know a lil OT but I just feel like sometimes kid’s rights as humans is often overlooked.
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Can couples get sealed in a temple despite being married to someone else? For example, could Lori and Chad have been sealed to each other before Tammy and Charles had even died?

No, the Official Church would not allow this.

I would not put it past those two, to be delusional enough, to think that they could seal each other. I'd imagine that is a real possibility. MOO
At the risk of beating a dead horse, I will say this again... There is nothing weird about what the employer said, especially if it was said at church or in certain contexts (new couple needing work, etc.). I know it seems strange to someone outside the LDS faith. It might even seem strange to someone who is LDS but lives outside of large LDS communities, but to someone in Idaho or Utah, this wouldn't be weird at all.

A few threads ago I mentioned how multi-level marketing schemes and what LE calls "affinity fraud" prospers in Utah and (to a lesser extent) Idaho. That this doesn't seem strange is part of the reason. In fact, it appears that the prepper groups, while not MLMs, are taking advantage of the same kind of tendencies to take advantage of their target audience.

One thing I don’t think this Cult or new religion invented by Daybell, is the children’s rights. Children have rights. JJ has a right to his meds and his therapy dog (as seen on earlier on this thread, it is a law if prescribed by a doctor no matter what landlord says) He has a right to communicate with his grandparents if they don’t abuse him. Mr P, from AWOW seems to be anti-government and doesn’t want to acknowledge JJ & Tylee’s rights. Hiding them from society is a huge violation of their rights as human beings. Unfortunately we don’t know if that is the case.
I think the children have been seen more as possessions or bargaining chips. I don’t think their rights have even been considered. That’s if in the best case and they’re found alive, in the worst case then absolutely no thought has been given to their rights. They also have the right to stability, security, love, shelter and being kept free from harm, It appears they’ve failed on every level. MOO
From everything I'm reading here what seems most likely to me is that Chad and Lori simply lied to their followers/fellow cult members and said they were sealed in the temple. Theoretically, if Chad and Lori both have temple recommends and are both able to enter the temple, but their fellow AVOW members do not have temple recommends/cannot enter, then could Lori and Chad have entered the temple together only under the guise of getting sealed (for those who were outside waiting for them), but perhaps no sealing took place? I can see such a ruse occurring much more easily than picturing Lori and Chad going off into a corner somewhere and officiating their own ceremony. I'm not convinced Lori and Chad actually believe what they have been selling to others. But I do see evidence that they put on the faces that they think others want to see or tell others what they think they want to hear. It seems to be all about keeping up appearances to them.

I'm not picking on you, just selecting one of many possible posts on the topic to address the question. Where is this source coming from that Chad and Lori are/were sealed in a temple? Or is it just speculation and rumor?

Personally I believe this whole temple thing is way off base and completely the wrong direction to be looking. And as evidence I point simply to their beach wedding - which is on record and we have proof of.

Consider this. If somehow Chad and Lori were able to procure a temple sealing (and it's a huge if, but let's entertain it for a moment), and they truly believed they were now sealed together, then why in the world would they then go and have a beach wedding? It simply wouldn't make sense. No, the fact that they had a beach wedding is evidence that they couldn't and didn't have a temple wedding/sealing prior. And the fact that they've been on Kauai or Maui since their beach wedding is evidence they haven't had a temple sealing since then.

In addition, all photographic evidence depicting her modesty standards suggests Lori is not an endowed member of the Church, or if she is she's not living up to her covenants. Which means she wouldn't be able to enter a temple anyhow. MOO.
I thought I had read that Joseph Smith taught it, and BY reluctantly continued that teaching.

That's the official stance of the Church. When you go down the rabbit hole though, that doesn't seem to be as apparent. It has to do with a lot of different moving parts. You have contradictions depending on whose account you read, missing scriptures, added scriptures, the hole goes deep. lol

You start looking into it we may not see you for a week or two.

I just realized why it seems such a foreign concept to me. For background: I'm a non-denominational Christian (I've been in several different churches over the years) currently living in the Southeast US. In my religious circles it wouldn't be at all strange to hear someone say "I feel like God is leading me to do X" or "I've prayed about it and I feel lead to do X" but it's never acceptable (at least in my culture) for someone to tell another person outright "God told me to tell you that you should do X". I would run the other way from anyone who says something like that. They are either putting themselves in the place of God or claiming to have some special revelation about MY personal situation without me even asking their opinion? No way. I simply can't wrap my mind around why Jessica was so easily drawn in by a man telling her that he was "prompted" to tell her she should come work for him. I agree, tresir2012, that this prompting stuff sounds like a way to get others to do what you want under a cloak of spirituality.

Posting links for reference in case anyone is lost on what we are discussing:

A look at the religious circle surrounding Chad and Lori Daybell | East Idaho News

Thank you for re-explaining. I better understand what you are saying now..the personal feeling of a higher power speaking to yourself but not through another... but then, again, I could see a traditional minister/pastor etc saying something like that. My takeaway from "Jessica" is more that this was just a guy sitting in his home offering her a job, and she moved to take this job, and it was only the two of them in this house. I just keep thinking "how vulnerable she must have been, and must have appeared".
I'm not picking on you, just selecting one of many possible posts on the topic to address the question. Where is this source coming from that Chad and Lori are/were sealed in a temple? Or is it just speculation and rumor?

Personally I believe this whole temple thing is way off base and completely the wrong direction to be looking. And as evidence I point simply to their beach wedding - which is on record and we have proof of.

Consider this. If somehow Chad and Lori were able to procure a temple sealing (and it's a huge if, but let's entertain it for a moment), and they truly believed they were now sealed together, then why in the world would they then go and have a beach wedding? It simply wouldn't make sense. No, the fact that they had a beach wedding is evidence that they couldn't and didn't have a temple wedding/sealing prior. And the fact that they've been on Kauai or Maui since their beach wedding is evidence they haven't had a temple sealing since then.

In addition, all photographic evidence depicting her modesty standards suggests Lori is not an endowed member of the Church, or if she is she's not living up to her covenants. Which means she wouldn't be able to enter a temple anyhow. MOO.

BBM. I notice some temples rent clothes. Could she just rent something appropriate?
Out of interest, what were they? To join WS? :)

I know you weren’t talking to me but I thought I’d respond.

I was talking to a friend a few months ago who does not believe in God and she asked me a very similar question. I explained to her that I believe when a thought/feeling/prompting (all terms which are common in the church and mean about the same thing) pops into my mind, if it leads me to do good, it comes from God. We also believe that it is personal revelation...heavy on the personal. I can get promptings for my own life but not for my neighbor’s life (or anyone else).

An example of mine is when I felt prompted to go back to school and earn a degree after a 16 year break and having a few kids. It’s been awesome and I’m so grateful for that prompting. We can also receive promptings to help someone, like feeling like you should go shovel snow from your neighbors drive way or make someone dinner, but if someone came up to me, especially someone I didn’t know well, and said they felt prompted by God to tell me to take a job or write a book I would tell them to take a hike...politely! Haha!

We also believe we can receive promptings for our roll as parents and in specific callings (volunteer positions in the church). An example of mine that happened a few weeks ago was I had a feeling/prompting to check the find a friend app to see where my 17 year old son was during school hours (this is not something I regularly do, only when he’s running late or on a date) and he was not at school. I called him and told him he had 5 minutes to get his butt back to school. Those are simple examples but it gives a basic idea.

As I explained this to my friend she said that her belief was that those ideas come from her own self which I totally respect and understand because I have those same thoughts sometimes. It’s just another way of looking at it.

The thing that worries me is that CD seems to have a long history of saying he’s had revelation/promptings for other people which is NOT okay. I wonder if he told TD and his kids that he believed she was going to die and therefore they prepared/believed/were alright with it. The kids probably grew up with this kind of talk and were used to it. If I told my kids (who are all active members) I was prompted that they should do something like go to a specific university or even to clean their rooms, they would laugh their heads off and say they were prompted to ask for $50 and the car keys. IMO that is very weird, creepy, and abusive. Very simple examples I know but I hope it helps a little.
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