Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #20

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I'm going to guess no, but curious if @LHS indicates their friend had a different experience. As a rule, if a publisher expects an author to pay them money for virtually anything, run far and run fast. The publisher's profit should come from your book selling well and them taking a cut of those profits for their investment. (Your investment was the time to write the book). There have long been companies out there (called "vanity publishers") that take advantage of naive authors in this regard.

The problem with that rule which used to be straightforward is that self-publishing has changed things because if you're self-publishing you're both the publisher and the author. There are plenty of scam artists working that side of the fence now too and it isn't as straightforward to decide what makes sense.
I don't think that he did that... not to my knowledge, however, if you wanted a small stash of books to give to people or sell yourself, you did have to pay for them, even if you were the author of said book.
hm yes we've heard from no one from Lori's childhood or teen years, right? given how self-isolating and mistrustful of govt etc her parents are alleged to be, its entirely possible Lori was home-schooled and had no close friends in her early years. Speculating, moo

Lori wasn't homeschooled. In the very first thread of this case I found newspaper clippings from her high school her senior year. Here's her name listed among the graduates of Eisenhower High School in Rialto, California in 1991: ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019
A comment on a twitter post mentioned putting bodies on top of bodies. Has there been any search of the cemetery in Provo where Chad Daybell worked or the Rexburg Cemetary for disturbed graves? Provo is 4+ hours from Rexburg. According to the definition, one of the jobs would be grave digging. So he would be familiar with the aspects of that and if JJ is deceased, they could have put him somewhere no one would think to look.
It occurs to me that Tammy seemed to run the business side of things. Did your friend have any interaction with her and, if so, also no luck?
Yes Tammy did run the business end of things. Pretty much Chad was a solicitor, and an author... Tammy designed the covers, did the editing, and handled the finances. Yes my friend had interaction with Tammy and describes her as sweet and kind and efficient. But, Chad was the head hauncho who made the decisions. If he didn't approve, it didn't happen. Just as others have surmised, this matches his domineering side.
If I had a special needs child who loved and depended on a service dog, a rental that did not welcome the dog would not be on my list of places to live.
Absolutely. No matter what we have been through as a family...loosing the dogs has never been an option. I could not do it because it would break my asd sons heart. They are what’s taught him compassion, to care, kept him calm in meltdown, made him feel safe, loved, they have been everything to him throughout his childhood. One of our dogs got ill last year, we nearly lost him, it cost us thousands to save his life and we did it because non of us could cope with loosing him before his time...especially my asd son. He was ready to sell everything he had to save the dog.

I cannot understand what motivated LV to get rid of the service dog...other than she had already decided JJ wouldn’t be around to need it and possibly she had started being mean to JJ and was scared of the dogs reactions to that. MOO

ETA Can Landlords Deny a Service Dog?

Service dogs are protected in landlords agreements.
A comment on a twitter post mentioned putting bodies on top of bodies. Has there been any search of the cemetery in Provo where Chad Daybell worked or the Rexburg Cemetary for disturbed graves? Provo is 4+ hours from Rexburg. According to the definition, one of the jobs would be grave digging. So he would be familiar with the aspects of that and if JJ is deceased, they could have put him somewhere no one would think to look.
The mafia are recorded as doing that...2 in a coffin. JMO
It's been posted, different source. I got excited, though, and thought this meant she had officially confessed, but the confession is according to her new husband.
Its interesting that the new husband is distancing himself from being involved. I would like to hear more of his story of how he and MB became involved in each others lives
I don't think that he did that... not to my knowledge, however, if you wanted a small stash of books to give to people or sell yourself, you did have to pay for them, even if you were the author of said book.

And that (paying for a small stash of books to sell/give away yourself) isn't unreasonable or unusual. Sometimes a publisher might give you a break on the price. The key here is that you wont' end up with 100s or 1000s of books in your garage gathering dust, another result the scammers sometimes cause.
What an eye opening segment. $15-20,000 shelled out on supplies & shield of protection. Unbelievable how some are preyed upon by this type of group.
I just realized why it seems such a foreign concept to me. For background: I'm a non-denominational Christian (I've been in several different churches over the years) currently living in the Southeast US. In my religious circles it wouldn't be at all strange to hear someone say "I feel like God is leading me to do X" or "I've prayed about it and I feel lead to do X" but it's never acceptable (at least in my culture) for someone to tell another person outright "God told me to tell you that you should do X". I would run the other way from anyone who says something like that. They are either putting themselves in the place of God or claiming to have some special revelation about MY personal situation without me even asking their opinion? No way. I simply can't wrap my mind around why Jessica was so easily drawn in by a man telling her that he was "prompted" to tell her she should come work for him. I agree, tresir2012, that this prompting stuff sounds like a way to get others to do what you want under a cloak of spirituality.

Posting links for reference in case anyone is lost on what we are discussing:

A look at the religious circle surrounding Chad and Lori Daybell | East Idaho News

So, I think that Chad has been setting up the story he planned to tell his followers, AVOW or whoever they might be. I think it may go something like this: He went to the islands to grieve for his wife, Tammy, where she came to visit him to tell him he must marry Lori immediately in order to continue on with his great mission. He only married Lori because Tammy directed him too. Then he will spin all of the revelations he received/receives that although he and Lori have been persecuted (like all of the important men in the Bible and Book of Mormon) he will rise above to lead his great followers into the End Times.
I am no writer but I see this line of BS in his future. (Wow, am I psychic or something?) I guess what is most important is who would ever believe his line of BS?
So, I think that Chad has been setting up the story he planned to tell his followers, AVOW or whoever they might be. I think it may go something like this: He went to the islands to grieve for his wife, Tammy, where she came to visit him to tell him he must marry Lori immediately in order to continue on with his great mission. He only married Lori because Tammy directed him too. Then he will spin all of the revelations he received/receives that although he and Lori have been persecuted (like all of the important men in the Bible and Book of Mormon) he will rise above to lead his great followers into the End Times.
I am no writer but I see this line of BS in his future. (Wow, am I psychic or something?) I guess what is most important is who would ever believe his line of BS?

I've been prompted to follow you.


The story about the dog is heartbreaking but I was considering a possible, more practical reason why the dog had to go away. LV had been asked to move out of the Chandler rental by the landlord after CV was killed. I think whatever plans had been made were accelerated by having to vacate by the end of August. Is it possible the new rental in Idaho was not pet friendly? Just exploring different angles...MOO

I doubt it. Service dogs are usually protected by ADA & FHA law regardless of if rentals don't allow pets
Blatant lies for sure...
Is anyone else trying to figure out what L and C told CP in that phone call, for him to fall hook, line and sinker...????
IF the kids are missing in September but didn't become a big story until End of November--- it is easy to see how stories(lies) had to change during that 6 week period. I am thinking Cand L might have told CP and his parents the following scenario :

Missing Kids makes news.
Parents and friends want to know what's up since they had been told other stories.
(Custody Battle... LV had no kids).
So they build a story. AC has to be the fall-guy rather that the secret accomplice.

AC (as an alien or whatever those bad "outside the circle" people are called) abused and killed the children.and they , L And C had to protect other kids by offing AC.

The timing of Sept deaths/Nov Missing kids news/ and AC's death make all the sense in the world to me...

IF CD talked to his parents around the wedding date (Nov 5, right???), the lies about LV having no children could stick. But when reported missing at the end of Nov (TY Kay), that story is gone. They had to change the story to "they were being hidden, for custody" and "they had to be protected from these evil abuse and influences of AC".....all the way to saying AC killed them.

All these folks who want to stick by Chad-- would probably have no trouble accepting AC had to be offed.
I think when the family members discovered her location allowing them to request a welfare check was when everything blew up on them and has been spiraling out of control.
I think when the family members discovered her location allowing them to request a welfare check was when everything blew up on them and has been spiraling out of control.

No. The kids appear to have been long gone (9/24) before Kay found where they were living (November sometime). The last they had talked to JJ was in September.
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