Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #22

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I'm not quite following. Who are you proposing that he had an affair with?

The publicly available information seems to suggest that the Rexburg move was at least a year and maybe closer to two before Chad and Lori met.

And I'm still uncertain why Rexburg was the place to go if he wanted to have an affair. Sure it's a little further away from the eyes of extended family. But Rexburg is still a very strongly LDS community, one that would have been as concerned about an affair as any Utah community. And it's one Chad and Tammy from all accounts threw themselves into.

I think its more plausible to say that he moved to Rexburg because of what he felt his religious feelings were telling him and/or knowledge that there was an especially strong cohort of people interested in his religious ideas in the Rexburg environment.

If his motivating factor was an affair, I can think of many, many better places to move (given his strong involvement in the LDS community) than Rexburg.
LVD. 2016/17 has been suggested as when the affair began. I am speculating it began earlier in 2015 and is why he moved to Rexburg as that was the centre for the conferences and the podcasting. What month did they move?
No idea who wrote the letter. It may just be an elaborate hoax, or it may be legit, who knows.

I found it using the original link posted.

However, I happen to have learned a lot about SEO, and how to search better using a SE.

When you add something in "text goes here" google looks for that exact matching phrase.

If you want it to also find another term you can do the following:
"text goes here"+ keyword

This tells the search engine to find the exact phrase, plus the keyword you want. You can also use this with two phrases, both in double quotations.

It's really useful when you are trying to research, and want something specific. MOO

OT: You can also use AND, OR, and even NOT, we call these "Boolean terms".

What is Boolean Search? Webopedia Definition

I've gotten wholly different search results from those Person B got, simply via my enclosing a phrase in quotes, whereas Person B did not employ the quotes.

Oh wow, I missed this post. I hope you’re ok @Maxxer500 !
That last comment made about the second coming is why I think Lori and Chad were so smug (before the arrest). In their minds, they only had to ride this out until July. Preferably on a beach in Hawaii. Some people took their smugness and confidence as possibly meaning the children are indeed alive somewhere. I don’t think so. The end of the world is coming, they’re going to be Gods. They merely sent the children beyond the veil. Why wouldn’t you be smug? Chad can probably peer through and talk to them..

But I don’t think they’re feeling quite so smug now. I think it’s not going quite as planned and they’re going to flip when July comes and goes like any other month. Though I suspect current news events only reinforces their beliefs for now! But on August 1 when Lori is served her bowl of porridge while wearing an orange jumpsuit and plastic shower shoes... I don’t know what they’ll do then.

You said it perfectly, IMO. I've been thinking similar for a while, but I've never been as good as you at articulating it here. This is completely understandably hard for some people to get around/over, as I think unless one has been raised in a tradition where religious fanaticism exists, one doesn't believe it is something that exists in and of itself.

We think that people must, simply must have been motivated solely by pecuniary means; or by sex; because money and sex are both powerful motivators.

But just because you (the general "you") might not believe in some type of extreme doctrine, doesn't mean that nobody does or can. It doesn't mean that it can't upend people's lives. I'm old enough, for example, to remember when we saw this with Heaven's Gate.

This is sooooooooooo what I am hoping to glean. I really feel that when they first met has a lot to with this. Particularly premeditation, the need for children in the new human world, and the determination of how to determine how/when children can be determined to be on "the wrong side of said future>

And when children "go dark". :mad:

Me too. All this talk of “no children”. Assuming there’s more of this, and I’m sure there is, I think it’s going to be very clear they had absolutely no intention of getting those children back.

Yeah, I think some people (by which I mean me, lol, though anyone is welcome to join me) would benefit from going back and reading the 2019 Fall portion of the timeline again in sequence... gonna do that now, come to think of it.
Equally though there’s plenty of reasons to take what she says about him with a grain of salt. She’s put out a pretty horrific statement via her lawyer with some serious accusations also. Not saying any of it is factual but it’s important to consider they’re both full of hate for each other.

B.B. does have his PI backing him up though and the video in LE posession of the shooting/attempted murder. MOO
I'll take MBP's with a bucket of salt. She was not the one shot at, right? As you say, he has the bullet and surveillance footage.
She is clearly just throwing all the allegations possible at him. I bet she has no proof whatsoever. BB has proof of his attempted murder.
What confuses me is his claim that IP is making comments. To the point IP is giving up his own parenting time. It's all quite believable until he shows up hand in hand with MBP. I dunno. But MBP came off as completely unhinged in her rebuttal statement. Jmo
I am wondering if IP may have said this to a family member who still has contact with BB. I cannot see that IP and BB would be communicating with each other. MOO.
It raises an eyebrow as far as I’m concerned that lucky for her AC is now dead and that ACP’s widow/wife ZP was supporting MBP in court yesterday. Seems a little fishy to me that maybe the real relationship and loyalty that ZP has is with Lori and MBP. Likelty not to her husband who conveniently died in her home (arguably to the advantage of Lori and MBP) after marrying her and taking on her last name. ZP and her motivations seem super sketchy. MOO
ITA. The Black Widows' convention? Did Alex have life insurance?
I don't think whatever he donated to the thrift store was of any consequence regarding the missing children; LE executed a search warrant for their house there the same day as the vehicle last month. Whatever was to be found would have been discovered then, no? It's not like the children miraculously appeared out there and disappeared again...


The woman who saw him at the thrift store called Kauai police:

Olson said she didn’t get a good glimpse of the items donated, but snapped a picture of Daybell’s vehicle.

“He did have more donations than he could carry in his hands, because I did watch him back up his SUV around the back of the building and unload whatever he was donating,” Olson said.

The vehicle was different than the black Ford Explorer rental car that was searched by detectives in January.

Olson said after the encounter she reached out to Kauai detectives to inform them about the exchange.

“They just wanted to know if there were children’s clothing donated or anything like that. I informed them that I didn’t actually work there and I didn’t see it,” Olson said.

Olson said her biggest concern was for the missing children.

“The most gutsy question that I dared ask was, ‘Couldn’t Lori just get out of jail if she simply told where the kids were at,’ and he just said, ‘It’s more complicated than that. It’s not that easy,” Olson said.

Thrift store managers said their volunteers didn’t recognize Daybell while he was dropping of the donations, and don’t know what he donated because the items were mixed in with other items.

Hawaii Resident Talks About Thrift Store Encounter With Chad Daybell

BBM. I wonder if the thrift store has cameras? Hopefully detectives paid them a visit to see if any evidence was discarded.

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