Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #26

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Im scratching my head about this statement. Surely he misunderstood something.

If she can produce 1M in assets she doesn’t need a bonding company. This doesn’t make sense which is why I think he’s got it wrong.

Another note regarding questions about Chads mortgage. A colleague got burnt about 10 years ago accepting property as partial collateral for his fee. When the accused defaulted on his bail conditions he found out the mortgage had been “amended” and the payoff was higher than the amount originally recorded. He will no longer accept property as payment without first receiving a payoff statement directly from the mortgage company. What he painfully found out is mortgage companies don’t have to change the recorded mortgage if the “note” changes. The note dictates what you owe and the conditions for payment. The mortgage is only the instrument that secures it but the note is not required to be recorded in my jurisdiction. Might be different in other states.
I think the problem is that she herself has neither $1million in assets nor the $100k cash. Chad has the 10% cash but no assets worth $1m dollars. Also Lori is not putting up any security herself, which is a bigger risk to any bondsman. They will also know she absconded before and may just not want this risk. I hope so anyway.
Very interesting. I would assume bondsmen would be more on top of this issue than many others considering RE as collateral...
I’m not sure if I have the question correct? But the $1 million assets (to be used for bail) would have to be liquid assets to be paid to the court. What a bondsman is looking for is simply assets (homes, etc) that could have a lien placed on them if the person ran? Experts - is this correct? MOO
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So... I discovered something a while back when researching HS that is potentially very alarming with regard to the kids. I’ve never brought it up because it wouldn’t have been fair game for sleuthing. Now that this letter of his was released and he’s in MSM what kind of liberty do we have to post here about some other things he’s written/ talked about? None I assume?

Send it as a tip to Adam Herbets, is my advice. ;)

Worst case scenario, he already knows it.

Best case scenario, it's incorporated into a future news story.
Charles family is from the Lake Charles, LA. Area. South LA. had strong ties to Acadian-French names. BB’s last names is a Acadian-French name, too. I wonder how Melani was introduced? Could BB be related to Kay’s family?
So... I discovered something a while back when researching HS that is potentially very alarming with regard to the kids. I’ve never brought it up because it wouldn’t have been fair game for sleuthing. Now that this letter of his was released and he’s in MSM what kind of liberty do we have to post here about some other things he’s written/ talked about? None I assume?

I’m replying to my own post because I found some of the information in a MSM article I hadn’t seen before. It has to with Sosa discussing the false god Moloch who is related to child sacrifice by fire and obsidian weapons. In the article Sosa talks about his book and says,
“I was strongly impressed by the Spirit to put in the exact wording in the paragraph about Moloch. This false diety will have a hand in the events happening in September. That's why I made a reference to obsidian. The Aztecs used obsidian daggers to cut out the hearts of their human sacrifices. Obsidian utensils are as sharp or sharper than most modern surgery scalpels."

I wonder what year he is referring to when he says September. This seems significant since the children disappeared in Sept and Tylee was last seen in Yellowstone. Does anyone know what Sosa’s book says about Moloch? Could this nutso stuff apply to our case?

What is known so far: Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow


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It would indeed show up there and it's the first place I checked. But, if it was a recent purchase, it might not be reflected yet. Then again, they may just be renting since, as someone noted, that's a fairly common practice with LV.
I couldn't open the Fremont County files. Maybe I just don't know how to do it accurately...but I use county files in a few states and they seem to work fine!! What I am wondering ----is there any way to get property grantee and grantor records by dates.... It would be very interesting to see a list of names of recent purchases in Island Park--- there might be other names that could be of interest/ I know we could only discuss those that have appeared in msm, but still might be worth it.
Would that be because that was the condition in the Hawaiian hearing, that is to turn in her passport?

If she is found with a passport, wouldn't she be in violation of the hearing in Hawaii?

No. The Hawaii ruling only applied if she made bail while there. She didn't make the $5 Million bail in Hawaii, so it is moot now. The Hawaii judge has no jurisdiction over Idaho courts and vice versa. MOO.
I’m replying to my own post because I found some of the information in a MSM article I hadn’t seen before. It has to with Sosa discussing the false god Moloch who is related to child sacrifice by fire and obsidian weapons. In the article Sosa talks about his book and says,
“I was strongly impressed by the Spirit to put in the exact wording in the paragraph about Moloch. This false diety will have a hand in the events happening in September. That's why I made a reference to obsidian. The Aztecs used obsidian daggers to cut out the hearts of their human sacrifices. Obsidian utensils are as sharp or sharper than most modern surgery scalpels."

I wonder what year he is referring to when he says September. This seems significant since the children disappeared in Sept and Tylee was last seen in Yellowstone. Does anyone know what Sosa’s book says about Moloch? Could this nutso stuff apply to our case?

What is known so far: Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow
In my opinion, I sleuthed this on my own pretty heavy, I think he did that purely for attention and I don’t think he really knew what he was talking about. MOO And it was a different September
Former county property tax collector here - I’m in Oregon, but Idaho works similarly. 2019 tax bills are sent out late in the year and are DUE on 12/20/19 The taxpayer has the option of deferring half the amount, interest and penalty free, until 6/20/20. The taxes are technically already due, but who’s going to pass up an interest-free loan if they don’t have piles of available cash. This is why so many names are on the list.
In Oregon there is a discount for paying in full when you first get the bill, so mortgage companies will do that rather than going for the installment option. If there is no discount in Idaho it may be that the mortgage companies would wait to pay and keep the escrow money invested for an extra six months.
You do not necessarily have an escrow account on Every mortgage either. I don’t have one on my current mortgage or the previous one. I think you have to have really good credit for that however, so it probably doesn’t apply to Chad’s, IMO.
Considering earthquakes occur on an almost daily basis out west any one of us could be seen as a ‘visionary’ in predicting the next ‘big’ one, especially when the time bracket is so ambigious. MOO

Yea, all it takes to be a "prophet" is a bit of forethought, nothing prophetic about it.

Most of these predictions, are based on past events/history, science, and the likelihood of something happening in the near future.

For example: Predicting that the US will get involved in a conflict with the Middle East in the very near future.

Wow, I must be a prophet (Sarcasm).

The really sneaky "prophets, use a combination of multiple techniques, to help pull this off more consistently, and people buy it.

Perhaps, but it's only been a few months since TD's death. If he skipped Nov. and Dec. payments, there would still have been a positive balance in the escrow account and thus I would think they'd have disbursed the second half of 2019 taxes. Usually a person is not in default of a mortgage until after three months of missed payments.
It's been nearly 5 months since Tammy's death though.
I just had a thought that maybe they will give a paid interview to MSM to help with these costs. I would not put it past them and she seems to lap up all the attention. MOO
I haven't seen that about the wedding people before. Do you have a link to where you read it?
GH interviewed Nate Eaton who had some info on the wedding photographer. Also there was an article about the photographer but I can’t find that at the moment.
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