Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #26

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Thanks. That’s comforting.
In my opinion, I sleuthed this on my own pretty heavy, I think he did that purely for attention and I don’t think he really knew what he was talking about. MOO And it was a different September
In my opinion, I sleuthed this on my own pretty heavy, I think he did that purely for attention and I don’t think he really knew what he was talking about. MOO And it was a different September
GH interviewed Nate Eaton who had some info on the wedding photographer. Also there was an article about the photographer but I can’t find that at the moment.
Thanks. I'll take your word for it. Those videos are very long and I've already listened to it once, so I must have forgotten that part.
Perhaps, but it's only been a few months since TD's death. If he skipped Nov. and Dec. payments, there would still have been a positive balance in the escrow account and thus I would think they'd have disbursed the second half of 2019 taxes. Usually a person is not in default of a mortgage until after three months of missed payments.
It's been nearly 5 months since Tammy's death though.
Someone here posted that they can be cut off.
I don't think they can without triggering some sort of alarm, but am only guessing. They presumably have GPS tracking also.
I think the problem is that she herself has neither $1million in assets nor the $100k cash. Chad has the 10% cash but no assets worth $1m dollars. Also Lori is not putting up any security herself, which is a bigger risk to any bondsman. They will also know she absconded before and may just not want this risk. I hope so anyway.
And she can’t get money off Melani, because Alex failed to kill her husband, so she doesn’t have the insurance payout. I wonder if Alex’s new wife took out an insurance policy on him?
ITA and when anyone makes a “bid” you do expect it to be countered, but I would suspect that the most they expected was $100,000. JMO

I agree. The 1 million dollar bail, was probably higher than expected. After all, based on the actual charges, it seems excessive.

That being said, I am surprised that she was given the option of bail at all. Lori has flaunted the law in Idaho. There is definitely justification for not allowing bail at all. She fled the jurisdiction when questioned by police, and ignored a court hearing for her to show up in Idaho with her children. She demonstrated her contempt of the court system and LEO, several times over.

She looks like Jodi Arias, enjoying the attention. It is depraved.
Interesting. If he has a mortgage as you say then typically (I suspect there are exceptions) the mortgage company is going to collect money for property taxes and insurance as part of the mortgage payment and then pay those when due, specifically to help reduce their risk. I seems strange that they wouldn't do this or wouldn't have paid the property tax on time.
Are we sure the property taxes are past due? In CO property taxes are paid in arrears, meaning the property taxes you pay in 2020 cover 2019. We get our tax bill in Dec or Jan and the 2019’s full year’s payment isn’t due until April 2020. Or you can split your payments paying half in Feb 2020 and the remainder in June.

I seem to recall someone saying ID property taxes are due in Dec and June. If true, and ID taxes are paid in arrears like in CO, Chad could have paid for 1st half 2019 taxes in December w/the 2nd half 2019 payment not due until June of this year.

Idaho peeps, how does it work there?
Charles' permanent residence is listed in probate court in Houston as 1006 Harbour Sands Drive. It's valued at $750k. In addition, the probate filing by a third party says Vallow had assets in excess of $50,000. So, he had something in his estate. I also have to believe he had a 401K.
Will probate in Texas be able to hold this up indefinitely? I would feel certain that Kay would have made some of these calls as well, though I would believe Lori would feel she has rights here.
Are we sure the property taxes are past due? In CO property taxes are paid in arrears, meaning the property taxes you pay in 2020 cover 2019. We get our tax bill in Dec or Jan and the 2019’s full year’s payment isn’t due until April 2020. Or you can split your payments paying half in Feb 2020 and the remainder in June.

I seem to recall someone saying ID property taxes are due in Dec and June. If true, and ID taxes are paid in arrears like in CO, Chad could have paid for 1st half 2019 taxes in December w/the 2nd half 2019 payment not due until June of this year.

Idaho peeps, how does it work there?
That's where I lived when I had to wait for my fed tax return before I could pay property taxes in April! :p
According to Madison County Sheriff's Office, the first and second rows of seats behind Lori are for court personnel and court security. I believe the lady sitting with these 2 men is the Madison County clerk. I am guessing that these 2 men are security. MOO

Madison County Sheriff Idaho
Given the way they reacted to the judge (when he mentioned the incorrect number of years for the charge), I think they are probably attornies.
It would indeed show up there and it's the first place I checked. But, if it was a recent purchase, it might not be reflected yet. Then again, they may just be renting since, as someone noted, that's a fairly common practice with LV.

My opinion is that they have already spent around $2o0,000 to $300,000 from Tammy's life insurance and there is no secret house anywhere that they could have purchased.
Expenses after Tammy's death that we know about:

1. Tammy's Utah funeral and Rexburg, ID memorial service (which VI's said seemed rushed and skimped on as far as the personal touches, no funeral potatoes, etc).

2. Flights for Lori and Chad to Kauai, Hawaii to get married.

3. Beach wedding package complete with flower petals in a heart, ukulele, and about 666 photos of the happy couple.

4. Accommodations for the time they were there for their wedding and honeymoon (hotels or various rental homes).

5. Flights back to the mainland where they pretended to settle into newlywed life in the townhouse-Apt Lori rented (except for the part where Chad made it seem like he didn't know Lori very well and didn't have her phone number). Did Chad start paying Lori's apt rent and utilities yet? We don't know, so I'll leave that off the list.

6. Flights out of Idaho after the welfare check on JJ (we don't know where they flew to initially but they both ended up in Los Angeles Airport).

7. A family vacation for all of Chad's kids living in the US to Knotts Berry Farm in California over Thanksgiving (conveniently right after the welfare check).

8. Shipping costs for whatever was in the boxes they sent over to Kauai that arrived ahead of them at the condo.

9. Flights for Lori and Chad back to Kauai from LAX airport on Dec 1st.

10. New clothing in Kauai because they were in such a hurry to make this alleged "pre-planned move" they didn't take much other than some of Lori's clothing. Chad was seen almost exclusively in Kauai themed clothing.

11. Accommodations in Kauai the second time including both their condo rental estimated at $4000 to $6000 per month for at least 3 months rent ( Dec, Jan, Feb).

12. Resort rates for when they decided to hotel hop (even with a local discount they are looking at a couple hundred per night minimum).

13. Rental car costs for both their times on the island and maybe even for the time in California over Thanksgiving. Plus fuel for the cars.

14. Food and beverage costs for all of December, all of January and most of February (Lori was arrested Feb 2oth). They didn't have access to a pepper's stash, so they would have had to hit up Walmart and Costco. And who knows how often they treated themselves to eating out.

15. Rental furniture for their rented condo while they were in Kauai. Rent-a-Center truck was seen taking away the furniture after Chad gave notice he was moving out.

16. Chad's flight back to Idaho after Lori signed a waiver of extradtion, along with a rental car he drove from SLC to Rexburg.

17. New devices (phones, laptop, etc) after the police seized their devices as evidence in the Jan warrant.

18. A last minute trip to Maui on Presidents Day weekend, a time when Maui is considered among the most expensive US place to vacation for that holiday.

19. Attorney fees for Chad and Lori both, first for a lawyer to make a statement after the Dec 20th Rexburg PD Press release on the missing children, then to retain the Kauai Defense Attorney in late January after the court order and warrants were served and more recently so Lori can hire her own 3 attorneys to fight the Idaho charges.

And this is just what I came up with off the top on my head. I'm sure I'm missing some things. And there may be expenses we don't know about yet. Maybe someone who is good at estimating costs can figure out how much all the above list would cost?

My opinion is that they have already spent around $2o0,000 to $300,000 from Tammy's life insurance and there is no secret house anywhere that they could have purchased.
Expenses after Tammy's death that we know about:

1. Tammy's Utah funeral and Rexburg, ID memorial service (which VI's said seemed rushed and skimped on as far as the personal touches, no funeral potatoes, etc).

2. Flights for Lori and Chad to Kauai, Hawaii to get married.

3. Beach wedding package complete with flower petals in a heart, ukulele, and about 666 photos of the happy couple.

4. Accommodations for the time they were there for their wedding and honeymoon (hotels or various rental homes).

5. Flights back to the mainland where they pretended to settle into newlywed life in the townhouse-Apt Lori rented (except for the part where Chad made it seem like he didn't know Lori very well and didn't have her phone number). Did Chad start paying Lori's apt rent and utilities yet? We don't know, so I'll leave that off the list.

6. Flights out of Idaho after the welfare check on JJ (we don't know where they flew to initially but they both ended up in Los Angeles Airport).

7. A family vacation for all of Chad's kids living in the US to Knotts Berry Farm in California over Thanksgiving (conveniently right after the welfare check).

8. Shipping costs for whatever was in the boxes they sent over to Kauai that arrived ahead of them at the condo.

9. Flights for Lori and Chad back to Kauai from LAX airport on Dec 1st.

10. New clothing in Kauai because they were in such a hurry to make this alleged "pre-planned move" they didn't take much other than some of Lori's clothing. Chad was seen almost exclusively in Kauai themed clothing.

11. Accommodations in Kauai the second time including both their condo rental estimated at $4000 to $6000 per month for at least 3 months rent ( Dec, Jan, Feb).

12. Resort rates for when they decided to hotel hop (even with a local discount they are looking at a couple hundred per night minimum).

13. Rental car costs for both their times on the island and maybe even for the time in California over Thanksgiving. Plus fuel for the cars.

14. Food and beverage costs for all of December, all of January and most of February (Lori was arrested Feb 2oth). They didn't have access to a pepper's stash, so they would have had to hit up Walmart and Costco. And who knows how often they treated themselves to eating out.

15. Rental furniture for their rented condo while they were in Kauai. Rent-a-Center truck was seen taking away the furniture after Chad gave notice he was moving out.

16. Chad's flight back to Idaho after Lori signed a waiver of extradtion, along with a rental car he drove from SLC to Rexburg.

17. New devices (phones, laptop, etc) after the police seized their devices as evidence in the Jan warrant.

18. A last minute trip to Maui on Presidents Day weekend, a time when Maui is considered among the most expensive US place to vacation for that holiday.

19. Attorney fees for Chad and Lori both, first for a lawyer to make a statement after the Dec 20th Rexburg PD Press release on the missing children, then to retain the Kauai Defense Attorney in late January after the court order and warrants were served and more recently so Lori can hire her own 3 attorneys to fight the Idaho charges.

And this is just what I came up with off the top on my head. I'm sure I'm missing some things. And there may be expenses we don't know about yet. Maybe someone who is good at estimating costs can figure out how much all the above list would cost?


I wonder who was footing the bill for Alex and Melani.
I just had a thought that maybe they will give a paid interview to MSM to help with these costs. I would not put it past them and she seems to lap up all the attention. MOO
Reporters working for MSM outlets do not pay for interviews. Paying for interviews taints any information that is collected and turns it into entertainment and not a trusted source of information.
It's been nearly 5 months since Tammy's death though.

I don't think they can without triggering some sort of alarm, but am only guessing. They presumably have GPS tracking also.
This is correct. Even attempts to remove or move it too much will trigger it. They are quite tight on the ankle. Many also detect alcohol presence as well, and person can't use products with alcohol in them. You also have to be near the transmitter box that is in your home, every 30 minutes, with the exception of when you have permission to go somewhere. At least that is for people who are basically on house arrest, from my experience. For LVD though, I wonder how she would be required to do check-ins with transmitter if she is gallivanting throughout the 4 allowed counties.
Just popping in, because I can't stay away.... but looking for confirmation aka the TRUTH. Did Lori make bail???? OR Were they NOT able to supply the bondsman with 900K collateral?
I thnk we decided that his lawyer was sitting next to him in court. Also, I don't think *if* there is any PR reason to go or not go to court that not going to court would be a bad move unless Chad's ready to turn on Lori. Showing up and appearing to show support for his "wife", at least at this point, seems like the right strategic move to me. MOO
I would love to know if Chad was alone at the hearing because 1) he asked his kids not to attend to spare them the media circus. 2). Their support for Dad is waning. 3). They still staunchly support Chad but think Lori is the Devil incarnate.
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15914954, member: 236773"]Morgan Loew on Twitter

No sign of movement at Chad Daybell’s home today. Lori Vallow can get out of jail if she posts bond. Coming up Tuesday, we’ll reveal what we learned from the hour I spent with one of Daybell’s supporters. Prepping for the end of times and communicating with spirits... #azfamily[/QUOTE]
WHY TUESDAY???????? We are an impatient crowd :)
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