Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #26

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Chad's special treatment most likely came from his attorney's good rapport with the local Sheriff's office. Their offices are literally right next door to each other. Someone in that office did Sean Bartholick a solid. That was a mistake. MOO

ETA clarification
JJ believed his father wasn't dead but was instead traveling on business. And JJ was in the house at least in the beginning when his father was killed. Therefore I don't envision it would have been hard for Lori to convince him Tylee went somewhere (presumably college, since that what she was telling other people).

It's easy to lie to little kids. "Dad just left for another business trip. He'll be back soon. Let's have a cool pool party!"

"Now, Tylee is off to college, Uncle Alex is taking her there. Give your sister a big hug goodbye and ... oh wow, JJ, look at that cute squirrel!"

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JJ believed his father wasn't dead but was instead traveling on business. And JJ was in the house at least in the beginning when his father was killed. Therefore I don't envision it would have been hard for Lori to convince him Tylee went somewhere (presumably college, since that what she was telling other people).

So then it may have been simply that JJ, due to his young age and autism, was credulous and easily duped. Could be, I guess.

I do think that he was probably missing Tylee big time by Sep 18 and that probably had a lot to do with his crawling under the bed and having an outburst when Lori left: Tylee had left him high & dry ten days before (through no fault of her own), which undermined his sense of safety and well-being, and Lori was all that he had left so it triggered major separation anxiety when she left him in the care of the sitter. He probably was scared Lori wouldn't be returning, just like Tylee hadn't.
Poor little squirt. :-(
But Lori couldn't have known that JJ would take a dislike to the babysitter or that the babysitter would fail to establish a good rapport with him. It's normal for babysitters to engage the child, ask questions about their interests, siblings, etc. Unless JJ just intrinsically hated everyone and was extremely tight-lipped and secretive, Lori should have had concerns that he would open up to the babysitter about their fun trip to Yellowstone, his relationship to his sister, etc. It seems odd to me that she was unconcerned about that IF Tylee really did not come back from the family day-trip to Yellowstone.

But if Tylee had said goodbye to JJ and told him she was going off to college with some degree of fanfare and hugs, then he'd believe that and his story would jibe with Lori' no reason for Lori to feel concerned about what he might say. So maybe that's what happened. Hmmm.

Regarding people making a stink about Lori being transported in the white van vs the other vehicle...and about Chad parking in a special lot and entering through a special door....this is a rural community in Idaho that has never dealt with a case generating this type of pandemonium and publicity. It doesn't mean any higher-ups are corrupt or "in the cult." It just means they're trying to avoid a chaotic feeding frenzy of reporters and angry citizens. MOO

Right, regarding the "special treatment."

As far as the Yellowstone trip ...

I've found what LE has let out about that and the actions they've taken curious. I don't expect them to lie to the public, but also know they aren't going to tell us everything and the things they hold back are often key facts. The public (and sometimes reporters?) may assume facts not in evidence. They've told us that Lori, Alex, Tylee, and JJ went to Yellowstone on 9/8. They've shown us the picture Lori took while there with Tylee in it. They've told us that ... I think the wording is that they can't find anyone who has seen Tylee since that day.

What they haven't said is that they know for sure or have any evidence that Tylee didn't leave Yellowstone. Maybe they have a picture of the car leaving Yellowstone and they can see some of the people in the car, so know for sure those people left Yellowstone, but can't be sure if there are others that were there. The request for pictures implies that they think there is at least a chance that Tylee didn't leave the park with them that day and they don't have definitive evidence. That could be no picture of anyone leaving. That could be they're sure she wasn't with Lori and crew, but could have left with someone else. Or maybe it means she didn't leave. Pictures from the park could uncover lots of stuff, including potentially Tylee leaving with someone else that had a cover story JJ thought was okay.

I think JJ got a cover story that he bought to some degree as to where Tylee went when he last saw her whether that was at the park or after they left. I doubt he witnessed her demise at the park, if that happened, or odds of him saying something to someone would be too high.

Sorry I should have said In my opinion..unfortunately, this case is crazy and when the defendant gets all the rights, and her and the pit bull attorney are sharing laughs like it's a party.. The judge says no strange looks in courtroom and she's acting like the demon in the exorcist..and her son is sitting there in pieces..WTF..Where are your children?.. aren't the children's rights important. Sorry stupid rant..the prosecutor should have addressed more things JMO
Its watching stuff like this happen in real time, that almost makes CD's alternate reality seem plausible. This is like watching an ancient episode of Star Trek... they beam down to a planet where people drop dead, children vanish, and those directly involved giggle while bail is reduced. Its surreal... but its not!
Our LE nationwide needs to be reorganized to share information faster, better and with very high standards.
Coroners should be top notch MDs, not HS diploma EMTs.
Social services and schools should have raised red flags much sooner.
On and on...
This case shows how true criminals can just dance around the rules as if there are none. The Bill of Rights matters! But, there is no right to be above the laws.
Moreover, there is no right to disappear your children.
The lawyer Elcox argued about how odd all of the publicity and the judge rolls over. Really? This kind of thing in Rexburg rarely raises an Eyebrow or incurs more than a few hundred in bail?
Its such a common occurrence?
Right, regarding the "special treatment."

As far as the Yellowstone trip ...

I've found what LE has let out about that and the actions they've taken curious. I don't expect them to lie to the public, but also know they aren't going to tell us everything and the things they hold back are often key facts. The public (and sometimes reporters?) may assume facts not in evidence. They've told us that Lori, Alex, Tylee, and JJ went to Yellowstone on 9/8. They've shown us the picture Lori took while there with Tylee in it. They've told us that ... I think the wording is that they can't find anyone who has seen Tylee since that day.

What they haven't said is that they know for sure or have any evidence that Tylee didn't leave Yellowstone. Maybe they have a picture of the car leaving Yellowstone and they can see some of the people in the car, so know for sure those people left Yellowstone, but can't be sure if there are others that were there. The request for pictures implies that they think there is at least a chance that Tylee didn't leave the park with them that day and they don't have definitive evidence. That could be no picture of anyone leaving. That could be they're sure she wasn't with Lori and crew, but could have left with someone else. Or maybe it means she didn't leave. Pictures from the park could uncover lots of stuff, including potentially Tylee leaving with someone else that had a cover story JJ thought was okay.

I think JJ got a cover story that he bought to some degree as to where Tylee went when he last saw her whether that was at the park or after they left. I doubt he witnessed her demise at the park, if that happened, or odds of him saying something to someone would be too high.

I think you are spot on. I thought the same thing. But I try not to post things that help perps.
Not sure I buy the part about handing off to an FLDS group, but your post does make me wonder if that photo of JJ and Tylee hugging each other with such feeling....and the reason it was captured on film....was because it was the moment Tylee was about to leave (to where?) and that that was their goodbye hug.

I've sure thought Tylee looked less than happy in that picture. I've thought it could just be normal teenage "rather be doing stuff with my friends than on a family trip" attitude. But obviously she's showing a lot of affection for JJ at the same time. I wonder what she thinks is going to happen or where she thinks she is going. (Also, obviously, whether what she thinks is the truth.)
I think JJ got a cover story that he bought to some degree as to where Tylee went when he last saw her whether that was at the park or after they left. I doubt he witnessed her demise at the park, if that happened, or odds of him saying something to someone would be too high.


Oh, I don't think for a second that JJ ever saw anything violent or forceful taking place with Tylee. But knowing how inseparable they were, how Tylee was his primary protector and nurturer...

I just can't imagine a cover story that was fed to JJ that could possibly keep him from being preoccupied with Tylee, and when she'd be returning. I imagine there were days and days of:

"Where's Tylee?"
"When's Tylee coming back?"
"Can we go visit Tylee?"
Just wondering, since the EMT Tech from Indiana swears she saw a girl who looked just like TR, what if LV gave her to another Morman couple as a second wife? Don't they believe in polygamy in the Morman church? Just curious if anyone else wondered if that may be the case with TR?
JJ believed his father wasn't dead but was instead traveling on business. And JJ was in the house at least in the beginning when his father was killed. Therefore I don't envision it would have been hard for Lori to convince him Tylee went somewhere (presumably college, since that what she was telling other people).
He was either in the house or in the car. The same with Tylee, who told police that after it happened, her mother told her to go into the house to retrieve her (mom's) purse.
Liliana soto

In my years as a reporter I’ve never seeing something like this...#LoriVallow did not arrive in a white van through sally port like authorities made you & us believe...Why lying? To the press to the public? What else have they lied about?

Jon Noetzel on Twitter

Let's not forget that Chad Daybell came in and left the courthouse through an entrance closed off to everyone else. No other family members or attorneys received that kind of treatment. Something stinks and again I call shenanigans.

Jon Noetzel on Twitter

When was the last time you saw a county inmate appear at an IA/bond hearing wearing a fresh coat of makeup? I don't believe I've ever seen that in my near 30 years in this business. Trial yes, IA never. Maybe that's standard procedure in Madison County.

Kim Powell on Twitter

We understand measures need to be taken for Lori’s safety. What we’re upset about is the lying and the other special treatment she and her husband, Chad Daybell, have received. He got to use a closed off side entrance to enter the court, unlike any other family member.
Liliana soto on Twitter

And then her husband using the county jail parking lot as if it was his private payers money pay for this building. Do they do this for fam members of all inmates? I don’t think so.

Liliana soto on Twitter

Let’s not forget the 5 hours we had to wait to see her walk into her cell at the women’s detention center only to see her getting driven in unlike any other inmate we saw walking in.
Justin Lum Fox 10 on Twitter

Click on link.. all the reporters covering this are livid that have been lied to..!

This makes me very angry. This case spans multiple states. If AZ LE didn’t call Rexburg LE, they wouldn’t have tied CV and Tammy with the missing kids together. Justin Lum has worked tirelessly to get information out, build relationships with Colby and Brandon. I feel like Kim Powell paid her way in Hawaii, though most likely not, but she it seems like she may work on spec. It’s been Nate, Justin and Eric as the core team. Dateline and Nancy Grace, et al, just riding on their hard work. Which is great because they got the national attention to help find the kids. For Rexburg LE to give preferential treatment to anyone is wrong. Let’s all remember that sad photo of Kay alone waiting for Lori. That Chad got his own parking spot at the jail- well I will refrain from profanity.

Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix
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I’m just regurgitating what was said on another site, but it just dawned on me that since YNP surveillance cameras captured the four of them entering YNP, then maybe they can look at recordings to see who else may have entered the park that day. They could start by looking for parties associated with PTZ, AVOW, maybe that’s what the FBI is already doing. This is certainly JMHO.
Agreed and can they not tell them who left the park? I am sure they can..... we just won’t know until a trial. JMO
Just wondering, since the EMT Tech from Indiana swears she saw a girl who looked just like TR, what if LV gave her to another Morman couple as a second wife? Don't they believe in polygamy in the Morman church? Just curious if anyone else wondered if that may be the case with TR?

No, the Mormon (not Morman) church doesn't believe in polygamy (at least in this life) although they did a couple hundred years ago. Some splinter groups from it do, but we have ZERO evidence or reason to believe that our POIs have any connection to any of those groups although people keep wanting to think they do.

JJ believed his father wasn't dead but was instead traveling on business. And JJ was in the house at least in the beginning when his father was killed. Therefore I don't envision it would have been hard for Lori to convince him Tylee went somewhere (presumably college, since that what she was telling other people).

In bodycam footage from a Chandler police interview with Cox, he told police that Lori had left her rental home with her children before Charles “came at me” and hit him in the head with a bat, which led Cox to go to the room he was staying in and grab his pistol and return to the room where he was arguing with Charles Vallow.

Lori told the interviewer that she was holding Charles’ phone as he and Cox were wrestling around on the floor and that he got up and came after her with the bat while demanding she give back his phone, which he had set on the counter. She told the officer that she had “gone around the kitchen to get away” from Charles and was “turned around” when she heard the gunshot. At that point “she came back around and saw him on the ground.”

you got me thinking and I read Lori's account and it's hers, doesn't mean any of it was the truth and it's a bit confusing and if all three of them had been pushed and independently interrogated the stories might have collapsed. I think there was a long rehearsal during the time when they did not call the cops and she used I didn't know what to do so I.. "took JJ to school" excuse. Too bad they didn't grab her phone and look at it. JMO

JJ believed his father wasn't dead but was instead traveling on business. And JJ was in the house at least in the beginning when his father was killed. Therefore I don't envision it would have been hard for Lori to convince him Tylee went somewhere (presumably college, since that what she was telling other people).

To be fair, I've seen a LOT of animosity directed towards Kay Woodcock, Colby and Brandon in public posts. They did not get a publicly owned special fenced in parking spot like Chad. He's a POI in a missing children's case. He shouldn't get special treatment to avoid the press. Hopefully, they are on a learning curve here. MOO

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