Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #26

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There is not a conspiracy to treat Lori and Chad preferentially.

Rexburg is doing the best job they can with this complex case

If they are allowing Daybell to secretly enter/exit the court from the back door and other family cant there is absolutely preferential treatment. If this has happened my guess its because of the lawyer, not Daybell. Regardless, it’s not a good look to allow Daybell shelter like that and shouldn’t be happening.

I think RPD is probably doing a good job now because they are under extreme scrutiny but were they doing a good job when it took 2 weeks to conduct a welfare check? AFAIK they have never commented on why it took 2 weeks but that’s not doing a good job.

What I'm wondering now, with the weekend delay, and headlines about local BB's... Do we all still think it's a sure thing Lori will make bail? I'm less sure now then I was (crushingly) lastnight....

My thoughts are changing too. Initially I thought she would make it but if she doesn’t get out Monday then I doubt she will. Daybell would have had the weekend to confer with his minions and cohorts while getting his ducks in a row. Monday looks like the day we might draw some conclusions.
If they are allowing Daybell to secretly enter/exit the court from the back door and other family cant there is absolutely preferential treatment. If this has happened my guess its because of the lawyer, not Daybell. Regardless, it’s not a good look to allow Daybell shelter like that and shouldn’t be happening

I don’t know where this idea of Chad secretly entering and exiting the building came from. Looking at google maps images, the whole LE complex looks awfully small for clandestine movement. Whether it happened or not, it is not a conspiracy to help Chad out. That was my point.

I did not say RPD was flawless. Unfortunately, putting kid welfare checks on the back burner is something that happens at many LE agencies. Sadly, I don’t think it would have made any difference in this case. The kids were already dead.

My point that we should not vilify LE and the court system. They are not perfect by any means, but there is not a web of conspiracies supporting Lori and Chad
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The RPD, additional LE staff and court officers and staff are not the enemy. Questioning their integrity is insulting to the people in these positions who are doing the best job they can. There is not a conspiracy to treat Lori and Chad preferentially. And asking if the judge is part of a doomsday cult is ridiculous and insulting to the court. The Lori walking and driving issue sounds like a last minute decision or one staff member not knowing the plan, or the decision wasn’t actually made until she was done being booked. What would be achieved by “lying” about that? There are so many crucial issues in this mess, it doesn’t serve any purpose to create baseless conspiracy theories about administrative decisions. Rexburg is doing the best job they can with this complex case, complicated by increasing regional and national media descending on them. Reporters do not get unlimited access and as more reporters arrive access will be limited. Nate and Justin are not our friends. They are reporters covering this crazy awful story. Finding conspiracies everywhere seems to be in vogue now. Whether Lori was walked or driven is not worth thinking about. What waste of energy. LE is not the enemy.

Yeah, the debate strikes me as... a little weird, as well.

I can understand the reporters' paranoia being high with all the, ah, unique aspects to this case coming out every day; but it also seems a little odd that they haven't yet figured out that this is the biggest case any of them have most likely seen to-date, and thus they're not going to be seeing the same protocols for LV and CD as they see enacted for Local Leadfoot or Lester Loiterer. Maybe both LV and CD have been receiving credible death threats. If Dateline and Keith Morrison thought it was strange I might agree it was strange, because they report on people like El Chapo and Charles Manson (perhaps not real examples, but that caliber of prisoner) all the time; and must be used to some unusual procedures.
Is Lori allowed visitors at this point? I know Colby said he was going to try and visit her and ask her where Tylee and J.J. are. Does anyone know if he tried to visit her yet? Has Chad visited?

Others have said that the jail doesn't allow in person visits at all. They are all via screen although I guess you can go into the jail and use a screen there, you can also do the same thing from home (where ever home is). I suspect the inmate needs to want or be willing to talk to you regardless though.

Yes, but I was wondering as each state is different. Looking at the dp does not even seem to bother or matter to them. Sometimes when the dp is on the table the defendant will cooperate but not in this case it appears.
TBH she doesn't think she's going to be convicted so the dp is neither here nor there for her. And if they can't find the bodies, then there won't be a dp anyway. At least that is what I remember reading. JMO
Yes, but I was wondering as each state is different. Looking at the dp does not even seem to bother or matter to them. Sometimes when the dp is on the table the defendant will cooperate but not in this case it appears.
Desertion of children is not a capital crime. The death penalty will never be on table for these charges. And that is all she is charged with right now.
As for the separate door entrance/exit out of courtroom, it’s not uncommon for cases like this. High profile, high tensions, lots of people, etc. I know a family member of the amber guyger trial not too long ago. He told me all had to go through a separate entry and exit to minimize any issues that could arise during/after court hearings.
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Desertion of children is not a capital crime. The death penalty will never be on table for these charges. And that is all she is charged with right now.
Speaking for myself, but answering Ms. Josie’s post, we were talking about if/when she’s charged with murder. Not for these particular charges that she’s facing right now.

Edited to fix her name
I’ve been thinking about this as well. It’s been mentioned on another site that they may have met another group at YNP. The appearance was then made to JV that TR was going off with her friends. It was also implied that the group was FLDS. They even went so far as to talk of remote hideouts in So. Dak. My head starts spinning when trying to grasp all of this, but with what’s transpired so far, almost nothing is beyond the realm of possibility, MOO.
I’ve been thinking about that too. LE is planing to search Yellowstone but what if she didn’t disappear there? Besides, JJ’s last known sighting was Sept 17. Wouldn’t JJ have questions? I have an 11 y/o brother and he’s always asking my mom where I’m at and I’m 24.
I’ve been thinking about that too. LE is planing to search Yellowstone but what if she didn’t disappear there? Besides, JJ’s last known sighting was Sept 17. Wouldn’t JJ have questions? I have an 11 y/o brother and he’s always asking my mom where I’m at and I’m 24.

IIRC Lori was telling neighbors that Tylee was going to college so we're wondering if she told JJ the same
Now that bail is reduced, will Lori Vallow-Daybell get out of the Idaho jail?

A few possible scenarios are discussed. According to one, she needs $80k in cash, nonrefundable, and $1 mil in home equity. Another avenue is a property bond, where she doesn't need cash, but the process takes two to four weeks.

ETA: $80k instead of $100k is due to a 20% discount because she's working with a private attorney.
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Off topic re off topic posts :rolleyes:

We really do try not to be jerks, but here's the problem that we have a lot of experience with.

One member makes an OT post, maybe a small personal anecdote, so no big deal when it is first posted, except they've just made the thread about them instead of about the case at hand. We may let it slide because we are not jerks :)

But ... then someone else responds to it and then someone else raises it as an OT issue, then bickering starts about moderation and what should or should not be allowed. With many, many active threads and hundreds of members on the board at any given time, by trying not to be jerks in allowing one or two seemingly innocuous OT posts, we end up with TOS violations of discussing removed posts and discussing moderation, and next thing we have 20 posts to remove in just one thread.

If your post is removed as OT, it IS off topic according to Mods/Admins. If you feel a post is OT you can either scroll and roll or Report it but don't discuss it on the thread or you risk a loss of posting privileges. Just report and wait for us to review it. If you respond, both posts will be off topic and cleanup of it all makes us cranky. Then we are thought of as not just jerks but cranky jerks when we are just a bunch of marshmallows trying to keep things in order.

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You are correct that when the issue of competency is raised it must be resolved by the judge as soon as reasonably possible. A defendant must understand the proceedings sufficiently to assist his/her defense and the proceedings will be halted if the defendant is found to be incompetent by this legal standard. Competency may be raised by the defense, prosecution or by the judge himself/herself. In this case the defense counsel have not raised the issue and certainly nothing in her behavior so far has suggested she isn't competent legally. Indeed, she has been communicating with her defense counsel and responded appropriately when asked a question by the court. At some point, if the defense chooses to claim a mental defect as part of a defense, the prosecution would insist upon (and be entitled to) an independent psychiatric exam. Additionally, the prosecution in this case will likely seek an exam by a shrink even if the defense doesn't raise the issue because of the many reported allegations of bizarre behavior, statements and actions on her part in the past. The state will want to be able to explain her behavior to the jury and should be entitled to the exam for that reason alone.

From what I understand Idaho has no insanity defense. so I am not sure that this would even be allowed as relevant in front of a jury. Do any lawyers know, how this could affect this case?

I took it from the phone interview GH did with larry. he stated that because him and kay were older that Charles is kays younger brother.
but I cant find kays age specifically.
in this article larry states he is almost 73 and that's the reason Charles and lori adopted JJ because they would make great parents being younger.

Due to the fact that I am almost 73 years of age and we felt that because of the age difference, the fact that Charles and Lori at that time were the absolute perfect parents,” says Larry Woodcock, ‘JJ’s grandfather.
Grandparents of One of the Missing Rexburg Kids Speaks to KPVI


L. Vallow Obituary - Chandler, AZ

Kay’s message states he is her big brother, also it’s heartbreaking reading that.
I really have to thank Gardener1850 for these timelines that answer so very many questions and details in this case.
Timeline Links (Update 7):
Part I (1968 - 2017)
Part II (Dec 2017 - 10 July 2019)
Part III (11 July 2019)
Part IV (12 July 2019 - 30 Nov 2019)
Part V (December 2019)
Part VI (January 2020)
Part VII (February 2020)

I haven't been here for a long time, but have followed this case from the public information.
Amazing to find that almost everything I know is contained in the timeline.
And it's full of small details that I was not aware of.
For example, that the list of unusual deaths is a bit longer and goes further back than most people seem to know.
(Like LVD's sister and mother of MB(Now MP) apparently died of an insulin overdose)

It would be nice if professionals would comment on the patterns and dysfunctions apparent in this timeline.
It's fairly extensive, but of course not the same as a diagnostic Psych evaluation. Their restraint based on ethics is understandable, yet one could comment with such disclaimers.
Social workers have these maps they make (similar to dna + family trees) that show patterns of dysfunction, incarceration, substance abuse, child abuse, etc. It's rather amazing to see how the habits of an uncle or aunt pop up in a niece, nephew or skip a generation, etc. I'm not a SW or PsychD, but I did work with them for a number of years.

Intelligent people who have not lived in isolation can look at what is going on here and have opinions that may be fairly accurate. There are statistical facts that in may cases here on WS which lean towards one theory or another.
LE Profilers build profiles in part based on that kind of information. To me, that's also part of being a sleuth.
Build theories and then see which ones hold water based on the facts.

The KEY thing is that human beings are creatures of habit. There are always patterns.

So the timeline doesn't have every possible detail about these people.
There is a good record of CD's employment history. I actually had to lookup what a cemetery sexton does.
Nothing against the profession, but I can see why in this case it is brought up in the timeline.
There is a kind of morbidity to this case and CD's employment is one of those many things you sort out as coincidence or think there are just too many coincidences here.

What I did not see was a similar tracking of LVD's employment history.
In a video somewhere I recall it being said that she worked in salons (apparently as a stylist).
Since I'm not a SW or Psych professional, please take the following comment with a grain of salt.
I've learned in multiple ways that there are at least 2 professions that harbor dysfunctional (and dangerous women),
sex workers (including dancers), and stylists. These professions are easy to get into, often pay well - mostly in cash, allow transient people with criminal/dysfunctional/mental histories and/or have curious social networks.
Now, I don't mean to imply that there is anything wrong with the vast majority of hair stylists.
It's just that most salon businesses tends to not ask questions or have a lot of requirements.
It's a people business, where chatting people up and making them feel good is the path to bigger tips.

Ok, moving on... Not a lot of people get married 5 times. It's certainly much more common today to find people married 2 or 3 times, but 5? That's not some kind of flag?

There is a pattern with Kauai, why?
Other than the obvious paradise-like beauty, it's expensive (for most people).
I'm a little bit curious how a hairstylist manages find a series of high earning men who bring her to Kauai.
My gut starts to say gold-digger or con-artist, but that's just my gut.

I'm very curious why (with this emerging picture of LVD as a sociopathic narcissistic delusional con) she and CV would adopt a special needs child. To me, it smacks of someone going out of their way to show how righteous they are, how holy they are, how wonderful they are... because they want to look good. In other words, it seems the type of thing (but over the top) that sociopaths do to make others think they are normal great human beings, when the reality is they are just manipulating.

Why was LVD so enamored with CD?
From my objective view, CD appears to be high IQ, mentally ill in multiple ways (including sociopath).
Is it possible from his writings and appealing to vulnerable people's deep seated anxieties, that LVD sensed her "soul mate"? Or is it just some whimsical fantasy where she seduces another dude?
There are a number of cases where one "lover" convinces another to murder a spouse (or even two).
It's also painfully common to see step-parents abuse (or kill) their step-children while the natural parent does nothing to protect them. Back to the timeline - It is disturbing that CD repeatedly prophecized his healthy wife's coming death.

AxC is clearly a bad dude. The timeline demonstrates that he has zero concern for laws (or is experienced in evading them). Just imagine if his shot at BB had not missed! We have BB's survival to thank to reveal "the cult".
I'm very curious what he was doing at the storage unit so many times.
In at least one case he was putting gun cases in.
So he shoots at BB and this same type of description fits with TD being terrorized by a man with what she thought was an empty paintball gun. Is it just me, or does AxC seem to be acting out a video game?
I was really fascinated that even going back a couple of LVD's husbands that AxC tasered JR and served time for it.
It apparently nearly gave JR a heart attack. Wonder who else AxC tasered? I also wonder if a coroner with a HS education can determine if someone was tasered to death?
My big question on AxC is: Why did he have this lifelong obsession of apparently doing the dirty work for his sister?
I'm very curious what their childhood in San Bernardino was like... Some journalists need to go dig that up.
Considering how they were so easily able to have a pool party after shooting CV to death, I'm convinced that wasn't AxC's first kill.

So BB has been the most vocal about "The Cult".
I was surprised to see in the timeline that LVD, AxC and MB/MP(LVD's neice) all had rented apartments in the same Rexburg complex. Also surprised to see that AxC's sudden marriage to ZP in LV was followed by MB's sudden marriage days later also in LV. With these people's chaotic lives spanning several states, I'm trying to understand how they even had time to find someone bereft of any sense to marry them.
Think about this... not only were people dying, being harassed and shot at...
Children were vanishing and yet there were 3 weddings inside of 2 months.
Ok, it's definitely dysfunctional, criminal, and weird... but who exactly is "The Cult".
CD seems to write books based on his mental illness, and that has a following.
And sure there are other people who make money off of the same industry, so they play together... that's not necessarily a Cult.
As far as I can tell, "The Cult" IS what swirls around LVD.
So that's CD, MP, and who else?
Am I missing something here?

Other things that stand out:
Why was LVD constantly checking with LIFE for a school JJ was withdrawn from?
I'm impressed with the speed of how probate and life Insurance companies were contacted and/or paid out.
Surprised that none of the dead were cremated.
Really want to hear more from BB and his PI on why he is certain MP knows where the missing children are.
Seen a number of posts on blogs that people think the children are with other "family" members.
What other family members?
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