Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #26

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Just sounds like Nate & Dateline got special treatment. I can understand the other reporters feelinog duped but it's his territory. Not sure other places get that advantage or not. And yeah, local PD would trust Nate & Dateline has a big reputation to hold.

Hope it doesn't cause friction in the coverage, or friendships.

As far as the makeup, that was an in your face by both LVD & her lawyer. It didn't help as her smirks & laughing will sink her in the end. jmo

Special parking, CD & lawyer's business is next door to the court & jail, yeah, he gets treated special. Nothing to write home about.

Now we know who to look out for in case other questions arise about other people but I think they did okay considering.

FWIW, the other family members are in no way disliked. CD is. I guess that was the next best thing to security?
Is this how her attorney sees this case?


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Others have said that the jail doesn't allow in person visits at all. They are all via screen although I guess you can go into the jail and use a screen there, you can also do the same thing from home (where ever home is). I suspect the inmate needs to want or be willing to talk to you regardless though.

If Lori would agree to see Colby I think LE might make an exception and arrange for a face to face visit. We’ve all probably seen videos of suspects talking to family members mid-interrogation while LE “steps out”. It’s amazing to me what some people have said even when they knew they’re being videoed. And even if the suspect says nothing there can be value in observing reactions to family member questions.

Sadly, I don’t think Lori will agree to meet w/Colby at all. And my heart just breaks for him. Having his mother show such callous disregard for him must be a pretty big blow. Add to that two missing siblings—unbearable!

She has no soul.

Sorry , the lady attorney stated that the children have to be missing for a year? It's only been 6 months..could someone please explain? Thanks..
She was making a point that the code Lori has been charged under does not give a definition for abandonment (in terms of length of time), the implication being that prosecutors used it purposely to suit their agenda, and that if Lori had been charged under a different statute that different statute does specify one year as the relevant time period the parent has abandoned the child. I think I've heard that is usually the statute used in non-criminal child custody filings.

Reporters working for MSM outlets do not pay for interviews. Paying for interviews taints any information that is collected and turns it into entertainment and not a trusted source of information.
Have you a link that states MSM do not pay for interviews? For example we know that NBC (?) bought the wedding photos and EIN could no longer use them - the photographer took away that permission.
She was making a point that the code Lori has been charged under does not give a definition for abandonment (in terms of length of time), the implication being that prosecutors used it purposely to suit their agenda, and that if Lori had been charged under a different statute that different statute does specify one year as the relevant time period the parent has abandoned the child. I think I've heard that is usually the statute used in non-criminal child custody filings.

Thank you
I keep wondering that myself. Someone in a post yesterday suggested that they react that way at inappropriate times, when nervous, etc. Obviously it isn't helping her any, but my assumption is that whatever she's showing the outside world in looks and in word has as much chance of being fake as real.

i just feel it is her way to deal within the new and nerve wracking experience... As much as she has defied the law, courts, partners .... she has always been able to privately manipulate the details in her own favor. She is now out of her league and expertise... imo she has just had to develop a stoicism that serves as her wall. Looks smug, but I think it is just her wall, her wall forever.
I thought Justin Lum posted about losing Lori and Chad's wedding photos in HI because the photographer got a BBD (Bigger Better Deal) from ABC, though?
Yes that is correct but was it NBC? The Dateline company anyway who are not exactly a "rag" IMO.
Great post.

FYI IANA mental professional. o_O
Re: LVDs MO: I notice from reading the first timeline, that when Tylee was a toddler and her marriage to Tylee's dad was on shaky ground about two years after they married, she went on a game show and entered a beauty pageant? Ummm... Young families with toddlers are demanding and tricky, yes, but that screams 'escapist' mentality to me. Don't acknowledge or confront anything negative about yourself or your life, just run away from it.

Also, once she married CV and 'the honeymoon was over' after about a year according to CV's sister, the custody drama got intense and sister became concerned about Lori's mental state. Oh, and that whole stun gun incident! All of the drama is just another way for LVD to escape the reality of family and marriage and kids? Normality, family and security are all just too oppressive and unappealing when you crave so much attention and adoration.

Re: LVD and AxC: initially, maybe they were the black sheep of the family growing up and bonded because they 'got' each other, and it evolved from there. He was obviously her minion for life. Maybe she was the only person who appreciated him growing up, or maybe he was just easy prey. I will stop there. ;)

Re: other family members: I have only been reading here for a week or so but my burning question would be - what is the status of LVDs relationship with her parents?

JMO MOO and a cowface
Just my experience with SSI/DI, they will cut you off first, ask questions later... It can be anything from sending a letter to your known last address and having it returned, to ATM withdrawl's from a State not listed as your residence. Not reporting change of address is a big deal, also not reporting any extra income... even things as small as a lottery ticket...

I think Tylee was collecting on her father JRs SSI death benefits, which she would be entitled to until she reached legal adulthood (longer if she was disabled in some way). CR also was probably receiving them from JR, until he turned 18.

JJ was likely getting SSDI, and nothing yet from CV's death benefits, as his case was still in Probate. So if she didn't report the move to ID, he may have been about to be cut from those. Another reason Lori would have seen them as a burden IMO.

Anyway, SSI/DI def. has an open case and if she's found guilty on that, she will need to reimburse them all that cash as well.
Yes.. SSI is very quick on matters of stopping payments. (eg widowdom). My question is relating back to the bondsmen. They probably will take this into consideration when approving any bond based on assets, right? The more they look, the more the debt stands and the assets fall.
Our discussion can generally be split into 2 parts, addressing the practical and logistical like: What did Lori and Chad do?; How did they do it?; How are they financing everything?; How involved are they the (at least 3) mysterious deaths?; Where are the kids? Alive or Dead?; Plus a million more questions.
And then there is the religious, spiritual, non-standard LDS beliefs, which I will be the first to admit, I am not well versed.

Thinking about what we have seen Chad and Lori do (and not do), it seems to me that the Doomsday, end of world in July thoughts are not uppermost in their mind or driving their activities. We know Lori loves Hawaii. She tried to get a 1 million dollar bankroll when they killed CV, but that didn't work out. She found somebody else. The bankroll was not as big, but she was able to go back to Hawaii. Did they spend long days preparing for the end of days? Were they recruiting special people to join them in the 144,000? Not really. They were living in a ritzy neighborhood, doing yoga, going to the beach and hanging out at pricey resorts. Lori is the queen of short term planning and doing whatever she wants. I think that if she had not been arrested they would still be living in Princeville, going to the beach, drinking smoothies and occasionally flying to Costco in Maui. I saw no preparation for the coming apocalypse.
Chad may be more into the end of days stuff, but I think Lori just uses it when it suits her purposes and then discards it when she can loll around Kauai. The kids are gone, but she is getting their SS and there is money in the bank. Nothing else to worry about.
She also has the next husband lined up ready to go before she gets rid of the ex and the kids.
Great post.

FYI IANA mental professional. o_O
Re: LVDs MO: I notice from reading the first timeline, that when Tylee was a toddler and her marriage to Tylee's dad was on shaky ground about two years after they married, she went on a game show and entered a beauty pageant? Ummm... Young families with toddlers are demanding and tricky, yes, but that screams 'escapist' mentality to me. Don't acknowledge or confront anything negative about yourself or your life, just run away from it.

Also, once she married CV and 'the honeymoon was over' after about a year according to CV's sister, the custody drama got intense and sister became concerned about Lori's mental state. Oh, and that whole stun gun incident! All of the drama is just another way for LVD to escape the reality of family and marriage and kids? Normality, family and security are all just too oppressive and unappealing when you crave so much attention and adoration.

Re: LVD and AxC: initially, maybe they were the black sheep of the family growing up and bonded because they 'got' each other, and it evolved from there. He was obviously her minion for life. Maybe she was the only person who appreciated him growing up, or maybe he was just easy prey. I will stop there. ;)

Re: other family members: I have only been reading here for a week or so but my burning question would be - what is the status of LVDs relationship with her parents?

JMO MOO and a cowface
The parents, the parents, the parents. We all really really want to know. They are very strong anti-msm people. And lots of anti-government history in their pasts. But we know so little. Three of their children are dead (one at birth). Of the three still alive, we have Lori, a brother who is seemingly distancing himself from supporting LOri, and the one sister who did come to the custody hearing of Lori's niece, MBP. I just don't think we have much more. In my private desire for justice and payback...I guess I hope that the FBI's involvement might bring the parents back into the picture!!!
I really have to thank Gardener1850 for these timelines that answer so very many questions and details in this case.
Timeline Links (Update 7):
Part I (1968 - 2017)
Part II (Dec 2017 - 10 July 2019)
Part III (11 July 2019)
Part IV (12 July 2019 - 30 Nov 2019)
Part V (December 2019)
Part VI (January 2020)
Part VII (February 2020)

I haven't been here for a long time, but have followed this case from the public information.
Amazing to find that almost everything I know is contained in the timeline.
And it's full of small details that I was not aware of.
For example, that the list of unusual deaths is a bit longer and goes further back than most people seem to know.
(Like LVD's sister and mother of MB(Now MP) apparently died of an insulin overdose)

It would be nice if professionals would comment on the patterns and dysfunctions apparent in this timeline.
It's fairly extensive, but of course not the same as a diagnostic Psych evaluation. Their restraint based on ethics is understandable, yet one could comment with such disclaimers.
Social workers have these maps they make (similar to dna + family trees) that show patterns of dysfunction, incarceration, substance abuse, child abuse, etc. It's rather amazing to see how the habits of an uncle or aunt pop up in a niece, nephew or skip a generation, etc. I'm not a SW or PsychD, but I did work with them for a number of years.

Intelligent people who have not lived in isolation can look at what is going on here and have opinions that may be fairly accurate. There are statistical facts that in may cases here on WS which lean towards one theory or another.
LE Profilers build profiles in part based on that kind of information. To me, that's also part of being a sleuth.
Build theories and then see which ones hold water based on the facts.

The KEY thing is that human beings are creatures of habit. There are always patterns.

So the timeline doesn't have every possible detail about these people.
There is a good record of CD's employment history. I actually had to lookup what a cemetery sexton does.
Nothing against the profession, but I can see why in this case it is brought up in the timeline.
There is a kind of morbidity to this case and CD's employment is one of those many things you sort out as coincidence or think there are just too many coincidences here.

What I did not see was a similar tracking of LVD's employment history.
In a video somewhere I recall it being said that she worked in salons (apparently as a stylist).
Since I'm not a SW or Psych professional, please take the following comment with a grain of salt.
I've learned in multiple ways that there are at least 2 professions that harbor dysfunctional (and dangerous women),
sex workers (including dancers), and stylists. These professions are easy to get into, often pay well - mostly in cash, allow transient people with criminal/dysfunctional/mental histories and/or have curious social networks.
Now, I don't mean to imply that there is anything wrong with the vast majority of hair stylists.
It's just that most salon businesses tends to not ask questions or have a lot of requirements.
It's a people business, where chatting people up and making them feel good is the path to bigger tips.

Ok, moving on... Not a lot of people get married 5 times. It's certainly much more common today to find people married 2 or 3 times, but 5? That's not some kind of flag?

There is a pattern with Kauai, why?
Other than the obvious paradise-like beauty, it's expensive (for most people).
I'm a little bit curious how a hairstylist manages find a series of high earning men who bring her to Kauai.
My gut starts to say gold-digger or con-artist, but that's just my gut.

I'm very curious why (with this emerging picture of LVD as a sociopathic narcissistic delusional con) she and CV would adopt a special needs child. To me, it smacks of someone going out of their way to show how righteous they are, how holy they are, how wonderful they are... because they want to look good. In other words, it seems the type of thing (but over the top) that sociopaths do to make others think they are normal great human beings, when the reality is they are just manipulating.

Why was LVD so enamored with CD?
From my objective view, CD appears to be high IQ, mentally ill in multiple ways (including sociopath).
Is it possible from his writings and appealing to vulnerable people's deep seated anxieties, that LVD sensed her "soul mate"? Or is it just some whimsical fantasy where she seduces another dude?
There are a number of cases where one "lover" convinces another to murder a spouse (or even two).
It's also painfully common to see step-parents abuse (or kill) their step-children while the natural parent does nothing to protect them. Back to the timeline - It is disturbing that CD repeatedly prophecized his healthy wife's coming death.

AxC is clearly a bad dude. The timeline demonstrates that he has zero concern for laws (or is experienced in evading them). Just imagine if his shot at BB had not missed! We have BB's survival to thank to reveal "the cult".
I'm very curious what he was doing at the storage unit so many times.
In at least one case he was putting gun cases in.
So he shoots at BB and this same type of description fits with TD being terrorized by a man with what she thought was an empty paintball gun. Is it just me, or does AxC seem to be acting out a video game?
I was really fascinated that even going back a couple of LVD's husbands that AxC tasered JR and served time for it.
It apparently nearly gave JR a heart attack. Wonder who else AxC tasered? I also wonder if a coroner with a HS education can determine if someone was tasered to death?
My big question on AxC is: Why did he have this lifelong obsession of apparently doing the dirty work for his sister?
I'm very curious what their childhood in San Bernardino was like... Some journalists need to go dig that up.
Considering how they were so easily able to have a pool party after shooting CV to death, I'm convinced that wasn't AxC's first kill.

So BB has been the most vocal about "The Cult".
I was surprised to see in the timeline that LVD, AxC and MB/MP(LVD's neice) all had rented apartments in the same Rexburg complex. Also surprised to see that AxC's sudden marriage to ZP in LV was followed by MB's sudden marriage days later also in LV. With these people's chaotic lives spanning several states, I'm trying to understand how they even had time to find someone bereft of any sense to marry them.
Think about this... not only were people dying, being harassed and shot at...
Children were vanishing and yet there were 3 weddings inside of 2 months.
Ok, it's definitely dysfunctional, criminal, and weird... but who exactly is "The Cult".
CD seems to write books based on his mental illness, and that has a following.
And sure there are other people who make money off of the same industry, so they play together... that's not necessarily a Cult.
As far as I can tell, "The Cult" IS what swirls around LVD.
So that's CD, MP, and who else?
Am I missing something here?

Other things that stand out:
Why was LVD constantly checking with LIFE for a school JJ was withdrawn from?
I'm impressed with the speed of how probate and life Insurance companies were contacted and/or paid out.
Surprised that none of the dead were cremated.
Really want to hear more from BB and his PI on why he is certain MP knows where the missing children are.
Seen a number of posts on blogs that people think the children are with other "family" members.
What other family members?

LVD and AC had a sister who died in the house, Alex was home - he used her CC , her death was supposedly related to her diabetes. I cannot find an MSM on this rn . This sticks in my mind ,I appreciate your recapitulation and personal filter on this.
There are a lot of smart people here with life experience/ education /tremendous care /depth and willingness to share. Sometimes a professional , seminal thinker will bounce into a thread and drop a sentence that makes things sparkling clear or stimulates other theories. Appreciate this.
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