Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #26

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Yeah, that's possible. I'm on the fence about Chad.... How deep in it he is?! If he really is in the "after glow" of LVs spell, maybe he will start waking up? Or that veil he often mentions will start lifting?? Lol.

Idk, my brain is fried from this case, so can't imagine how those directly involved can make sense of it.
In my opinion, Chad is fully in. He either knew or participated in the murder of Tammy, and certainly knew what happened to the kids. Chad has lied numerous times, and continues to do so. He isn't stupid, although he can give off that air. He is calculating. MOO.
I’m super confident, yes. :) But keep in mind I was super confident LE had looked at Casey Anthony’s full internet history hahahahhaha oh sorry I lost my sanity for a moment.
Her daughter disappeared, then her Jeep is used in a murder attempt weeks later. W t h. Just on that I wouldn’t let her make bail.
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On the right is Chad and his attorney leaving the Courthouse from an alley between the Women's Detention Center on the left and Bartholick's office on the right. That entire area is fenced, gated and topped with razor wire.

ETA - The photo on the left is a street view for reference.

At the link below, there's a video of Chad walking to his car from the opposite side. You can hear a LE officer telling the rerporter to "get back away from the gate."

No reporters could get near Chad.

Liliana soto

Avoiding cameras...Chad Daybell attending wife’s #LoriVallow court hearing. Entering & exiting thorough a back door. Another special treatment? Everyone else entered thorough the main door. #Rexburg

0:02 / 0:10
5:02 PM · Mar 6, 2020

Source for screen shot -

Yep, that's definitely the jail parking area. That's what I thought I saw before, but I wasn't sure. I could be wrong, but I don't believe SB would have been allowed to park there on a normal court day. But that video from East Idaho news shows citizens acting crazy, standing in front of the car to block them from leaving. That's so dangerous. IMHO, they shouldn't be allowed to exit that way again for both their safety and the public's safety. It's feasible to me that the sheriff's office may have received threats against both Lori and Chad and they were attempting to avoid an incident. It wasn't a good plan but they will probably learn from the public backlash and change their security protocol again.

I just hope we don't end up getting more courthouse rules for the next hearing due to all the complaining. That's what happened in the Patrick Frazee Case in the little town of Cripple Creek, CO. A tent went up to obstruct view of the defendant being transported from car to building. The media should be happy they are allowing a pool camera in this case. In the Frazee case there were no cameras in the courtroom at trial and no live tweeting allowed. Reporters had to leave the courthouse property and cross a street with snowbanks piled up to tweet updates at the breaks. And if they left during a non-recess they were not let back in until the next recess. Being able to see Lori and Chad's faces on camera in court is important IMHO. There may be people who still support Lori and Chad and maybe those people will come to their senses from following this trial on TV. If anyone knows where JJ and Tylee are and they are holding back info, then I hope the very public trial makes them speak up.

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I am not a lawyer
It is my understanding that if the issue competency of a defendant is raised, there must a psychiatric evaluation. I can’t imagine that Hawaii cared one way or another, they would not pay for an psychiatrist to evaluate and even if they wanted to they could not do it in the short amount of time she was Hawaii.

You are correct that when the issue of competency is raised it must be resolved by the judge as soon as reasonably possible. A defendant must understand the proceedings sufficiently to assist his/her defense and the proceedings will be halted if the defendant is found to be incompetent by this legal standard. Competency may be raised by the defense, prosecution or by the judge himself/herself. In this case the defense counsel have not raised the issue and certainly nothing in her behavior so far has suggested she isn't competent legally. Indeed, she has been communicating with her defense counsel and responded appropriately when asked a question by the court. At some point, if the defense chooses to claim a mental defect as part of a defense, the prosecution would insist upon (and be entitled to) an independent psychiatric exam. Additionally, the prosecution in this case will likely seek an exam by a shrink even if the defense doesn't raise the issue because of the many reported allegations of bizarre behavior, statements and actions on her part in the past. The state will want to be able to explain her behavior to the jury and should be entitled to the exam for that reason alone.
I was wondering about the last photo of Tylee in Yellowstone. Lori is taking the photo? Alex looks like he is talking to someone else? Could there have been a fifth person with them? Chad?

If so then either the picture of them entering the park didn't include him, he met them in a different vehicle, and/or LE is purposely hiding that they know that he was there (but maybe want him to be worried or not sure). Don't think we can rule it out. As far as that goes, do we know what vehicle they took and how many it would fit? :)

In my opinion, Chad is fully in. He either knew or participated in the murder of Tammy, and certainly knew what happened to the kids. Chad has lied numerous times, and continues to do so. He isn't stupid, although he can give off that air. He is calculating. MOO.
I agree with everything except that Chad is calculating. I don’t think he or Lori think anything through. If they were calculating, they would have a story by now. Instead, she clams up and he sneaks around avoiding reporters mumbling about the legal process eventually straightening everything out.
If so then either the picture of them entering the park didn't include him, he met them in a different vehicle, and/or LE is purposely hiding that they know that he was there (but maybe want him to be worried or not sure). Don't think we can rule it out. As far as that goes, do we know what vehicle they took and how many it would fit? :)

Was it the Alex truck? Would five fit, two in front and three in back? This is just me thinking Alex is talking to someone that isn't the person taking the photo. MOO
Totally agree! Put Simply... If she could produce those kids, she would have

Here’s a novel idea, if she doesn’t want to physically bring the kids in, fine. She doesn’t want to risk them being turned over to child services, no problem. They claim the kids are safe, easy. Have the kids take a photo or video of themselves with a newspaper showing today’s date. Use a magic marker to block the name of the paper if they’re that paranoid. Easy stuff, lawyers negotiate down the felonies and broker child servics visits. Entire matter almost goes away.
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That was me....I haven’t gone back to rewatch the various hearings to see if the smirking is correlated to discussion viewed as negative from her perspective.

This is what I posted in the last thread.

Someone very close to me always smirks at what most people would consider an inappropriate time. After much counseling and reflection he has determined it’s an anxiety response. As a situation is happening, his anxiety, increases and the smirk is revealed. It used to get on my nerves, but now I recognize this as a trigger and try to de-escalate the situation and in turn his responses are more appropriate.

Sometimes I wonder if that’s what’s happening with Lori. I’d have to go back and watch the 3 hearings again to see if there is a smirk pattern correlated to what’s being said.
She marched out of that hearing un escorted and smirking really hard. I think it was involuntary but in her mind thinking she had gamed the system somehow. Probably expected the $1m bail and was told by Chad “ I can do it”. We’ll see
I know I missed some posts so if this has been brought up, I’m sorry.

The report who started the special treatment is not thinking things through and is making a mountain out of a mole hill. As I mentioned in the last thread, we want Lori and Chad healthy, unharmed, and alive. If they are not, Tylee and JJ may never be found. So if some special treatment is needed to assure they stay that way, then do be it. I’m fine with it as long as the special treatment doesn’t involve candlelight dates in her jail cell. Lol. What happens after Tylee and JJ are found, I hope they get everything that’s coming to them. Additionally, Chad going in through a side door protects the family as well as the public. There’s a lot of angry people out there and things could easily turn ugly and get out of hand. I would hate for those that love JJ and Tylee to get caught up in a dangerous situation. I think LE, if it was their intent, did the right thing. I think if a reporter started the special treatment whining took a step back and thought of it in terms of needing Chad and Lori to say where the kids are, that would have been better.

As for Lori’s competency, IRRC, her lawyer addressed that during the arraignment.

I think Lori may have had some jealousy towards Tylee. Tylee was so close and good with JJ, something Lori couldn’t be. I think Tylee being a teen and taking on a mother role of a special needs sibling may have caused some resentment and frustration with Lori. Tylee had no friends in her new place and was isolated. I think an argument may have broken out between the two and that’s when something happened.

SSI/DI, those charges may be coming. My guess is that the SSA is probably aware now and may have already suspended payments.

I find it interesting that Lori was added as CV’s heir in February. Maybe she though KW got everything and when she was contacted by the state, dollar signs appeared in her greedy eyes.
For those upset with special privileges, I have been part (behind the scenes) of several higher profile cases in a rural community. They were not near this magnitude but they were murder/death penalty cases that drew alot of attention in our rural area. When plans were made to transport the defendants, there were death threat considerations, media considerations, that were huge for an area that had never addressed these issues . The resources alone were huge. So, cut them a break. From the hearing yesterday, this is a bigger case than this county has ever had. It is very difficult logistically to even hold a small hearing with the massive publicity and likely fear of death threats. They have to protect CD and LV on their watch. Rather than special treatment, after my much smaller experiences, I feel for the courthouse personnel and law enforcement trying to pull this off. I cannot even begin to explain how tough this would be and all the things they have to consider.
Thank you for your perspective. It makes sense that they are not used to this much publicity. I do have a question of integrity though. The RPD had been pretty forthright with Nate previously. Why change that now simply because there were more reporters? There was no reason to tell the reporters that Lori was going to walk from building to building when they planned to drive her. I don't understand the lies.
Being sucked into the vortex here on Saturday night. Hoping for a little more snow so as to get some spring skiing in at the Ghee.

I’m starting to think of the witness list that’s being constructed by the prosecution. This list has to be extensive. LV was part of the PaP podcast for some time. She must have mingled with some of those in CD’s inner circle. PaP, PTZ, AVOW, L$&#F, must all be magnets for the FBI in their digital investigation. Do any of them possibly have knowledge of what happened to the children? Will they honor subpoenas? Why was AC so close to his sister? Was he strictly looking out for her well-being? I think not. It was, IMO, a gross symbiotic relationship where my thoughts start to run wild with what may have happened behind closed doors. Their relationship was definitely not normal. Then add ZP to the list, married for ten days before AC dies, her FB pages completely shut down now, what does she know?

I do believe LE, including the Feds, have so much more info than we have presently, that when all is laid out we’ll all be blown away. Just rambling,...MOO.
Is there a WS psychologist that can provide insight regarding LVD personality and what her possible motivations would be regarding the children and why shy she wouldn't be held accountable for them going missing?

My better half is a psychologist and kinda following the case. Not as much as I am but whenever I ask her profressional opinion about cases on TV I usually get the “I don’t do drive by psychology”. I’ve pressed her before and understand because her position is a proper evaluation can not be conducted without data, background and more knowledge then we have from following afar.

I’m super confident, yes. :) But keep in mind I was super confident LE had looked at Casey Anthony’s full internet history hahahahhaha oh sorry I lost my sanity for a moment.

I think that Casey Anthony case was botched and I made the same comment to my wife after watching Dateline. It seemed there was a lack of cohesion between the Arizona and Idaho authorities in the early days. When I saw it took two weeks for a welfare check I was like “how did that happen”. Did Arizona not press enough, did Idaho just drop the ball? The Arizona authorities interviewed on Dateline about Charles murder sounded like they were very suspicious but barely mentioned any interviews or follow ups with Cox or Vallow. I got the feeling multiple errors were made and the outcome might have been different had the welfare check been conducted in a timely manor. Any thoughts?

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Was it the Alex truck? Would five fit, two in front and three in back? This is just me thinking Alex is talking to someone that isn't the person taking the photo. MOO

But if it's someone who arrived in a different vehicle and met up with them at Yellowstone, that would fit with Alex and Tylee leaving, and Lori telling JJ that Tylee went to college. Just speculation. Hopefully LE has photos if that's the case
Thank you for your perspective. It makes sense that they are not used to this much publicity. I do have a question of integrity though. The RPD had been pretty forthright with Nate previously. Why change that now simply because there were more reporters? There was no reason to tell the reporters that Lori was going to walk from building to building when they planned to drive her. I don't understand the lies.
The RPD, additional LE staff and court officers and staff are not the enemy. Questioning their integrity is insulting to the people in these positions who are doing the best job they can. There is not a conspiracy to treat Lori and Chad preferentially. And asking if the judge is part of a doomsday cult is ridiculous and insulting to the court. The Lori walking and driving issue sounds like a last minute decision or one staff member not knowing the plan, or the decision wasn’t actually made until she was done being booked. What would be achieved by “lying” about that? There are so many crucial issues in this mess, it doesn’t serve any purpose to create baseless conspiracy theories about administrative decisions. Rexburg is doing the best job they can with this complex case, complicated by increasing regional and national media descending on them. Reporters do not get unlimited access and as more reporters arrive access will be limited. Nate and Justin are not our friends. They are reporters covering this crazy awful story. Finding conspiracies everywhere seems to be in vogue now. Whether Lori was walked or driven is not worth thinking about. What waste of energy. LE is not the enemy.
My better half is a psychologist and kinda following the case. Not as much as I am but whenever I ask her profressional opinion about cases on TV I usually get the “I don’t do drive by psychology”. I’ve pressed her before and understand because her position is a proper evaluation can not be conducted without data, background and more knowledge then we have from following afar.

I think that Casey Anthony case was botched and I made the same comment to my wife after watching Dateline. It seemed there was a lack of cohesion between the Arizona and Idaho authorities in the early days. When I saw it took two weeks for a welfare check I was like “how did that happen”. Did Arizona not press enough, did Idaho just drop the ball? The Arizona authorities interviewed on Dateline about Charles murder sounded like they were very suspicious but barely mentioned any interviews or follow ups with Cox or Vallow. I got the feeling multiple errors were made and the outcome might have been different had the welfare check been conducted in a timely manor. Any thoughts?

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LOL, I have a few psychologist's in my fam as well, hence my first choice in major... later 180'd though.... and have had questions of sanity rebuffed as well.... Of Course your wife is correct, they do have a policy on that... unless Lori meets the "Duty to Warn" loophole, which I suppose could be argued?!

....What I'm wondering now, with the weekend delay, and headlines about local BB's... Do we all still think it's a sure thing Lori will make bail? I'm less sure now then I was (crushingly) lastnight....
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