Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #28

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But why would you hold out? I can't see an advantage? If you have him on something like conspiracy, or even obstruction of justice, like the call to MG, why not get him in jail and then add the larger charges on as they develop, but in the mean time have him behind bars? I genuinely don't see why, so if there are good reasons, I'd love to hear them.

The only thing I can think is that they are still monitoring his every move. Who he talks to, where he goes. Maybe they are hoping he inadvertently leads the FBI to info. they need. I’m sure all his phones are wire tapped. And who knows what else the FBI is capable of doing as far as surveillance goes. Plus if he’s in jail he can’t talk to Lori and I’m sure they are listening on their conversations to see what could be said to help their case. But I wish they would arrest him already. MOO
That is my exact thought, that the coronavirus fits right in with their end time narrative and, to the degree they actually believe, justifies and emboldens LVD and CD.[/QUOTE

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OFF Topic. Twitter Post from Salt Lake City Police Department. Hope it makes you smile. It made me smile :)

SLC Police Dept. on Twitter

Due to the confirmed case of #COVIDー19 from community spread, SLCPD is asking all criminal activities/nefarious behavior to cease until further notice. We appreciate your anticipated cooperation in halting crime & thank criminals in advance. #SocialDistancingNow #behaveyourself

I saw that one PD offered testing for your pot, heroin, and meth, to make sure those were virus-free.

That's one of the advantages of poison though. If you choose the right stuff, you can leave it somewhere you know the person will eventually get into it, and you can be a thousand miles away.

So, was last time they were all together on the day of the welfare check in November? Do you think they planted the poison that day before they took off for Hawaii? Or did they go to AZ before going to Hawaii? We need more details of where they all were. I think if they did poison him then they would be monitoring AxC to watch and wait for him to take the poison. He died 2 weeks after Chad and Lori left Rexburg. We need more details on that 2 weeks. MOO
This is dated March 4, but I somehow missed it. Apologies if it’s been posted on here. I found it interesting, especially LV’s friend revealing information about their high school days. Everything We Know About Missing Idaho Kids' Mom Lori Vallow Daybell
Yes, we have had a lot of discussion about this one. But thanks for posting--->it is SUCH a reminder how long ago two weeks feels these days!!!! AND I personally thought this would open the doors wide for more to come forward from different periods in her past...but nada...
Feds are going to have their digital prints up the ying yang, it will all be exposed. My thought on their "place of refuge".... it's a condo in Kauai, TYVM.
TYVM??? thank you very much??? For what???????
Yabbut they have to file a financial statement. Ain't gonna happen as long as they have a dime in the bank. And show where the $430k has gone.[/QUOTE
I worry they won't find anything from her autopsy/toxicology. You can do toxicology on someone who has been embalmed, but it would be questionable. Especially questionable in court, they could claim the chemicals used were stymieing the data. So the safer way would be to get her on the current charges, and more (probably tax, she was carrying around bags of cash) and fraud (life insurance) But the pause is probably just from them building a case.

I agree that the toxicology on an embalmed body seems more than tough and with possibly questionable results. However, IF Alex's autopsy revealed his COD as some type of poison... then, this information could possibly narrow tox testing on Tammy's tests as well. If both Tammy and Alex died of the same substance (as many have speculated) this might be helpful in proving manner of death. Yeah, I know... this is all hugely speculative.
My guess is it is financial (first)...she can't even make bail. Bailbondsmen claim they are turning her away, but give me a break. I don't think she has the assets, if she were worth millions, some one would have backed her bail. Also, they (attorneys) don't want the bad press. In my state (CT) Fotis Dulos, just 10 miles away from me, had not only bail but an attorney that stayed, even after he killed himself. Everyone wondered why his attorney, to this day, tries to have his case heard...his attorney wants a piece of his millions of dollars in real estate. It is silly, but my point is, people will show up if you have the cash. She doesn't. She is obviously crazy, and little by little, people will abandon her. Chad will too, my next guess is...Chad will turn states evidence against her to save himself. He will still be in deep ship, but...deservedly so.

and she doesn't have the kids either because if she did, by now.. she would produce them to get out of jail. They are not safe, there is no great hero in Lori , likely the opposite- cowardly- evil-doer , she is not riding it out in prison for to present the kids in a grand gesture of righteousness and she never hid them for a "higher" cause, she can't present them, she sits in jail.
That is my exact thought, that the coronavirus fits right in with their end time narrative and, to the degree they actually believe, justifies and emboldens LVD and CD.

Well if that is the case I hope Lori is soooo scared she is gonna get the virus. Even if she thinks she will still be saved as one of the 144,000. Or maybe she’s scared if she doesn’t get out of jail she can’t be one of the 144,000. Whatever she believes in her crazy head, I just hope she’s scared. And I don’t usually wish bad karma on anyone. But let’s be real, she is a terrible person and mother! MOO
I have to admit, I'm getting fairly demoralized about the fact that Chad hasn't been charged with anything. Don't you think if they had the tiniest bit of criminal evidence against him, they'd have brought him in by now? And then continue to build a case and add charges?
Yes, I alternate between thinking they are mistakenly (imo) only focused on Lori and they think he is more valuable to them on the outside because he will make mistakes and do things like trying to cover his tracks and destroy evidence and he can communicate with Lori. I can't say which one I lean towards more than the other.

That is my exact thought, that the coronavirus fits right in with their end time narrative and, to the degree they actually believe, justifies and emboldens LVD and CD.

What did Chad and Lori do to suggest they actually believe the end of time is near?

(I think I might make this part of my signature)
ITA. Now I am wondering about the timing... If someone in Arizona called LVD after a failed murder attempt and she put the Jeep tire and seat in her car and drove it to storage on Oct 2, doesn't that make it beyond convenient that she got the storage locker on Oct 1? AxC would have been on the road to AZ by the time the storage unit was rented so the game was afoot at that point.

By Oct 1 they already planned to use the Jeep. They already planned to shoot out the back, which would require removing the spare tire and maybe that back seat. They already planned on the possibility of being recognized so they needed the storage for hiding things.

On one hand I want to give them props for thinking and planning ahead, but on the other hand they are so bumbling about it...why not use a car that BB doesn't recognize? Why not put a fake plate on it? Why not use a car (or a different gun) that doesn't require you to take parts off the car? Why not rent a storage unit to stash the car parts someplace close to Phoenix where it would be more convenient to change the appearance of the Jeep and can't be traced back to you? And with all the planning put into it, the crux was to allegedly (<- gotta throw those in occasionally) take a single shot at a moving target? And to shoot at his head? Remember, this is the same guy who after shooting CV tells the cops he is trained to shoot for the center of mass, or something like that. Going back now I can't find the bodycam interview where he says that, I think it is when he is still sitting on the sidewalk.

I, too have questioned getting the storage unit on the 1st but unexpectedly needing it on the 2nd. My only thought is that they were thinking through this contingency ahead, that they would only need the storage unit IF they missed. Witnesses would have been much less likely to recognize that jeep if it was only witnesses and not BB. But your additional questions are valid to me.
Perhaps the second trip wasn’t planned, at least not for that quick of a timeframe. Notice they left immediately after the welfare check, went to California for a quick few days and then back to Hawaii.
Yet they made a rental application on Kauai between Nov 7th-12th, and then backed out and returned to the mainland mid-Nov. It does sound as if they had plans to live there, but it also sounds as if something might have needed attending to back in ID.

TYVM??? thank you very much??? For what???????

My sarcasm is an acquired taste? The way I see it, Chad is all dreamy about having a remote, dusty and destitute end times place of refuge amongst the Navajo in NE AZ.

Look at NE AZ here::::: خرائط ‪Google‬‏‏

Lori says, "hmmmm Maybe gimme that condo in Kauai! TYVM"...

ETA: AHA, I got it. It's the NALDS version of "Green Acres" .... The man wanted to live (their personal end times) in the country, the wife, New York. In this case, Eva Gabor won the draw, off to Kauai it was!

(Apologies to Millennials, who may have never seen the show)

Get caught up, here:
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i have certainly felt the same... a Bingy Netflix Series... showing our sleuthing and awwwsome jokes as well!!

I'm gonna' ask that we all have parts as extras, too. I specifically wanna' play the part of a contestant in the Mrs Texas pageant. I am female, have blonde highlights and blue eyes... this is doable, right?! Nevermind that I'm a little older, only stand about 5'2", and haven't worn a bikini in 30* years... nor am I from Texas. But gimme' a sash, a crown and get outta' my way... this is my dream! :D

* Changed from 10 years to 20 - just to be honest, ya know.
Further edited after calculating (took my shoes off) and realized it's been more like 30 years.
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What if AlexC. Believed his sister really was a goddess and he was doing her bidding by removing obsticals in her life, then killing himself when he found out Tammy's body was going to be exhumed and he would have been found out, that he took something to kill himself thinking he'd be taken care of by her in the next life due to his devotion and actions to help her in her plan for upcoming events.
I agree that the toxicology on an embalmed body seems more than tough and with possibly questionable results. However, IF Alex's autopsy revealed his COD as some type of poison... then, this information could possibly narrow tox testing on Tammy's tests as well. If both Tammy and Alex died of the same substance (as many have speculated) this might be helpful in proving manner of death. Yeah, I know... this is all hugely speculative.
i think we are all sleuthing/thinking about poisons, but we just have nothing to go by yet. But do we have any experts here? Are there some toxins/poisons that are really hard to find after embalming. I still go back and forth on Alex----> suicide? or poisoned? In some ways I think it WAS suicide...he just knew how to take more of it to make sure he accomplished the task. Then I start to think someone was directed to off him, and they knew where the poison was, but just didn't know how to administer and overdid it. My mind keeps thinking that Alex's job as a trucker for hazardous waste knew how to find out about chemicals better than most in this group. Except there is a remote connection to JM who is a chemistry teacher. I know, i know...shouldn't say that.. But hopefully when we get to talking about poisons we can!!!
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