Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #32

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@KonaHonu thank you for responding. I guess I wasn't clear. You stated (RS& bold BM)
"spouses and minor children have rights that supercede beneficiary declarations in many situations.

This explanation does NOT make Lori a saint but it could explain everything. She's still a money-grubbing (word I wont use) but it is consistent with her moving to Idaho and not telling anyone and also with putting the kids in hiding to protect them. It also explains why she would no produce them even for law enforcement."

I genuinely don't understand how her possibly having rights to the insurance money would lead to: moving to Idaho, hiding the kids, and not cooperating with LE. I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm trying to walk myself through the thought process and I'd appreciate your help.

Recourse for wanting some of the money would be to file something with an attorney. She has yet to do that. Even now, while she's sitting in jail and her attorney has time to file lots of ridiculous documents. Still not a Post-It about the policy. If this is a game-changer to the narrative, I don't see it.

And my understanding is that the money was given to Kay to take care of JJ, so I can't imagine Kay would withhold the money as long as she had evidence it was being used for his maintenance. But to expect the administrator of any "trust money" for a child to hand it out without some sort of oversight involving the child would, in my opinion, be ludicrous.

She may have feared for her children, whether warranted or not. I can grant that. That might lead one to hide them, move. But she has never claimed this. She has also never asked police for protection for her

We have seen footage of her involved with LE--she doesn't indicate any aversion to them. In fact, she seems able to bend them to her will. And we know she has local LE "ties"--meaning, at the very least, advice from a former officer. I'm also of the opinion, based on her extensive custody battles, that she knows grandparents have essentially no legal rights to grandchildren. She still has not shown any evidence that she or her children are in danger or any sort of custody dispute. She has a lawyer. After all this time, no claims. Also, we know LE likely has access to all her texts and emails over the last 18+ months. Not a peep or a leak of any threats to their safety--in fact, the opposite: that there is no custody dispute and the children are in danger in their current situation. And I don't think anyone would be swayed by even a few messages from a frustrated KW trying to reach the grandson for whom she is supposed to be providing. I also don't buy the "she could have done this more quietly" line--how?! After months of silence, Kay finally asked for a welfare check--not a national manhunt, arrest, or months of media! And the kids were already gone! This is literally all because of Lori and she could end it with one smidge of evidence. No one else to blame.

I'm trying to find some sense, but I see zero evidence for any of these claims. And not providing a single text or email in her defense that she is being threatened makes that ring hollow. She doesn't have to wait for trial. She has no reason to sit in jail, apart from the children she loves, and spend all her money when she can resolve this without suffering any of those losses.

So I guess that leaves me with, why would she sit in jail, away from her children, wasting money on this horrible lawyer if she doesn't have to? Why would she blow this up into a national manhunt if she didn't have to? She's had plenty of opportunity to quash this. Does she think if she provided proof of life she'll compromise their location? She could move again, immediately, and we would leave her alone this time, and possibly even provide police protection, or put those threatening her behind bars. She could flip the situation and put others on the defensive. She hasn't. I can't see any of this making sense, even to a deluded mind. Her lawyers, certainly, have counseled her to end this, and provided the means to do so in a way that would benefit her and any living children?
Possible reason for Lori's aversion to LE: One of the officers who did the welfare check in Rexburg on November 26 is a dark translated being (one of only 50 in the world). It's a joke, but also what Melani's new husband wrote in his report for the FBI.
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Charles did not die but was set up and murdered by Lori and Alex. Charles changed his life insurance beneficiary to someone he trusted and had already predicted his murder and who would do it. Lori could easily provide evidence the kids are OK, if they are safe and this would then go away. So why doesn't she do that?

I would have hoped the attorney CV hired would have advised him that he couldn't change the beneficiary without Lori's approval. Perhaps there are exception to this. Maybe that's why he wanted her committed.
Without medication? We don't know that. Without financial support? We don't know that either. Lori might be able to say that she gave a lump sum to a caregiving family and will settle up on the other end. Remote location? We don't know where they are. Voluntarily? It's clear that young Tylee loves JJ like a mom. If she could be convinced he was in harm's way, then maybe she could be coerced into hiding with him. This is a discussion forum and I believe Kona has brought forth some very compelling arguments.
There is no reason for her to hide them. There was no welfare check until late November when she had been in Hawaii for her wedding and honeymoon before that. It is a legitimate argument for her to claim the life insurance yet there is no evidence she has done that. She continued to live in the Az home for 7 weeks then moved away without informing anyone so how was she going to receive the insurance money without claiming it? And what has hiding the children got to do with that anyway? It is a smokescreen IMO. MBP knew where she and Alex were and knew about Alex's wedding so I do not believe SS and JC did not know about these events.
Charles Vallow's son speaks out about his dad, his missing siblings and why he is 'pissed off' seeing Lori Daybell | East Idaho News

I thought I would repost this article by one of Charles' sons to remind us of the circumstances of Charles death and the aftermath.

" “I was initially in disbelief because I had just talked to my dad,” Steve recalls. “I was texting him and I remember calling him a couple times the morning he had gotten shot, and he didn’t respond. It was really weird. He usually returns calls and texts relatively fast, so something was off.”

Lori informed Steve and his brother that Charles was dead by texting them a message. A text chain provided to shows the boys repeatedly asked Lori for information surrounding the death, but she didn’t answer their questions and was vague in her responses.

READ | The text messages Lori Daybell sent Charles Vallow’s sons after he died

Finally, on July 20, Steve texted Lori, “If you won’t answer those questions, can we please have his watches and other stuff he always talked about and had around?”

Lori responded within an hour and told Steve she would send some items to his house. That was the last communication he has had with his stepmother.

“My dad had a collection of watches, very fancy watches. He wore nice watches for years and years so I thought she was going to send me some of them,” Steve says. “The package arrived and inside were two cheap Timex watches you’d find at CVS. Anything that was worth money, we didn’t get. I’m assuming she sold everything else.”

Steve says Lori refused to tell them where Charles’s body was or if a funeral was planned. Steve and his brother eventually figured out the mortuary where their dad was taken and they walked inside to speak with the funeral director.

“He was very shaky and nervous. We asked him for information and he said something like, ‘I can’t tell you that. It was requested that I tell you nothing,'” Steve says.

A memorial service was arranged, and Lori never showed up. Neither did Joshua “JJ” Vallow, Charles and Lori’s 7-year-old son who has been missing since September. Kay and Larry Woodcock, JJ’s grandparents, begged Lori to allow the boy to attend, but she ignored their requests. The last time Steve saw JJ was last April.

“I loved to hang out and play with him and watch movies and run around. He would call me all the time – something like 15 to 20 times a day – and then it dropped to two to three times a day, and then it just stopped,” Steve says. “I figured maybe he’s going to school or something like that. I never thought anything bad was going to happen to him or Tylee.”

Steve was never close with Lori, even though he spent summers and weekends with her and his dad. He was 10 years old when Lori and Charles got married and describes his relationship with his stepmom as “acquaintances.” Her extended family members were always around, which makes Steve wonder why he hasn’t heard from any of them since Tylee and JJ vanished.

“Nobody has attempted to reach out. It’s weird. Her family was always over, and not a single one of them has said a word except Colby (Lori’s oldest son),” Steve says. "

Can someone remind me who Cole and Zach are?

Fourth husband: Charles Vallow – 3L (1700s London)
First wife: 2D
Cole Vallow – 3D
Zach Vallow – 3L
Joshua Vallow – 4.2L
Did Melani's lawyers try to smear Brandon before it was known that Tylee's Jeep was involved in the murder attempt on him? They insinuated that Brandon had plenty of shady connections in his life that could have made him a target. Did those connections call Lori to Idaho and asked her to borrow the Jeep?

LOL. So true.

Similarly, Melani (Dateline) thought Alex’s explanation of his involvement in Brandon’s shooting was perfectly acceptable.

(Paraphrased convo)
Melani: Hey, what happened with that?
Alex: Haha. Who would be dumb enough to try that in broad daylight - in a known vehicle?
Melanie: Oh right. That makes sense. Haha.

So apparently some dummy had access to the Jeep to attempt murder but was considerate enough to return it to Rexburg.

Is the snow starting to melt so that a search and recover can be implemented? I believe the children were dropped in the acid pools out there. No trace will be found. But maybe some small article of clothing, personal things were accidentally dropped along the walk to the pools.
Sick. The entire lot of them. No matter what they believe, it’s what they did that is important. No excuse in my mind justifies death of all these related people, last but not least, the children.
I would be interested to know when she met Chad if she did not know they were married. This had to be before 5 November, or even before 2nd October when Lori bought the rings.

Also, I find it interesting and that they accuse CV of cheating, which who know's if that's true or not. When other CFM's knew LVD was cheating. They just try to flip everything around and reverse accuse. It's a very narcissistic behavior patterns.

LVD could have set up his dating profile - since she had np problem using his email, changing his pin and draining his bank accounts. I wish Morgan would just ask some of these questions....
Documents sent by Chad Daybell reveal so-called 'past lives' of Lori Vallow When perusing some of Chad’s religious writings, whether his “train dream”, or imaginative accounts of his and Lori’s past lives, I never fail to be slightly amused by their embellished quality. However, this newest release (per Justin Lum) re: his and Lori’s “family” of 7 children really smacks of a poorly written teen novel: son number 4: “16, tall, high school quarterback”; daughter #5: “one of the Dream Girls”. Hmm..
This dude is so pathetic, I'm sorry. How do people not only buy into this crap, but also manage to probably hear about it all the time? Like, how do people actually put up with this weirdo?
BBM- I agree 1000%
I am having a hard time feeling any sympathy for them but as a mom and grandma and sister myself, I understand where they would want to defend LVD.
I also think they might be AFRAID to say anything negative about her.
Probably Afraid for their lives.
I know I would be considering all the deaths that surround LVD. JMO

In another case that I vaguely recall, I saw a good way that a close relative handled a similar situation when asked by a reporter why they were in the courtroom.

They simply said nothing except to say that they are there in support of their loved one. That was it. The end.

They didnt add any statements whether they believed their loved one or not. They just said they were there in support of them.

That seems to be the best way to handle it but of course with this group they have to go much further and start to claim their loved one is innocent and all that. And of course there is no real proof provided to backup their claims.
Morgan Loew Interview Transcript (videos linked at end) Note - the part about JC's phone contact with JJ on October 1st is not in these videos.

JC = Janis Cox
SS = Summer Shiflet

JC: Well we have a goal. So we’re just gonna do our goal. Tell the truth.

Why do you think it’s important to sit down and do this interview?

SS: I think it’s important because Lori has been portrayed a particular way in the media this far as a monster, a heartless villain that’s just after money, and that couldn’t be further from the truth of who she really is. I think it’s unfair that she’s been treated the way that she has been and I’m really hoping that by us speaking out that people might soften their hearts a little bit towards her, and help see that she’s really a loving, sweet, warm person, and she’s more beautiful on the inside than she is on the outside. She’s just a loving wonderful person.

How difficult has this been for you?

JC: It’s probably the worst thing that has ever happened in our family. I hate to see it like this. I know the truth about Lori. I know how loving she is. I don’t have the answers about the children. I love those two kids with all my heart. Tylee and JJ. They’re two of the loves of my life. And I know that Lori has always protected them. If everyone knew how far she had gone to protect them, their whole lives, I don’t know where the children are but she felt like she was keeping them safe, that’s the impression she gave us.

You’re her mom and she cut off communication and you don’t know where your grandchildren are. That just, that’s gotta seem strange.

JC: It does, but she did say, she said ‘I’m not going to be able to tell you everything’. She did have some major fears, that were real, to her. She didn’t share them all with me. She felt like, in her mind, that she was protecting us, in her mind, but it didn’t turn out that way. I did talk to a friend of hers in Hawaii, that was a mutual friend, and she said, she said she was gonna see her at church, Lori was going to go to church in Kauai, and I said well if you talk to her tell her that her mom thinks she should put the kids in a room with today’s date, take a picture, and send it to the police. Please, that’s my advice, as her mother. That would solve a lot of problems.

Why won’t she do it?

JC: I don’t know. And to me, that’s what I would do.

Summer, do you think that she is guilty of the things that she is accused of?

SS: No. No I don’t. Not even a little bit. I know for a fact that she did not conspire to kill Charles, in any way, shape or form, I spent a lot of time with Lori and Alex um leading up to Charles’ death and I know that there was never any kind of discussion like that about it. Charles texted probably 20 or 30 times ranging from ‘I swear I’ll be nice, please call me’ to ‘your end is coming soon’. So I saw a lot of threatening texts from him. If Alex hadn’t have been there I think Lori and Tylee would have been on the news for a very different reason.

You asked Alex to go to the house that morning?

SS: Yes I did. I asked Alex um the day before Charles was coming, if he would please go, stay with Lori um he said Lori’s going to be fine, she can call me if she needs me, and I said please, I have a very sick feeling in my stomach, please just go stay there. I was going out of town, and I didn’t feel safe, um with Charles coming into town after the things I had read, um so I said will you please just go stay there and if you’re there then maybe nothing will happen. And that’s what I thought. I thought it would just be a deterrent from trouble.

What was your reaction when you heard what happened that morning?

SS: Shock. I think they were in shock, I was in shock, I found out er Friday evening and um I was in shock that that had transpired, but I was very grateful also because I know that um it would have had a very different outcome had Alex not been there. And I’m sad that that happened, I didn’t want that to happen, I feel for his family, um I understand what it feels like to lose a brother, it’s not fun, um, and so I don’t wish that on them by any means, but he was here with an agenda, he was here causing the trouble, she was not trying to go after him, he was here bugging her.

Janis, Alex was your son, and he has been described as the family hitman.

JC: (Laughs) I can’t help but laugh. Alex is the most laid back person. He’s been funny his whole life. He was protective of, very protective of Colby and Tylee. Very protective. He said 'I tasered a paedophile', and so he said 'I’m willing to admit it', he’s he’s always owned up to anything he’s done wrong. He certainly wasn’t perfect. But he doesn’t have the intensity of a hitman. He doesn’t have the desire to be hit…he doesn’t think that death solves anything.

When’s the last time you communicated with Tylee?

SS: August, before they moved was the last time I saw her. And then I texted with her a couple of times but the last time I texted with her was September 24th on her birthday, and she responded and said ‘thank you Summy, love you, happy birthday to you too’.

And that date is significant because the FBI said she has not been seen since the beginning of September. Do you believe that that was Tylee who was texting you back?

SS: I don’t really have any way to know. Um, I like to believe that it is, um, but I, I really don’t have any way to know, it could be either way, but as far as I know it was her. Um, I don’t have any reason to think otherwise.

Are you defending Lori because she’s your daughter, and she’s your sister, or are you defending her because you really think that she did nothing wrong?

JC: We really think that she did nothing wrong. She’s had some bad judgement. She’s married a few men that we didn’t care for.

SS: She’ll be the first to say..

JC: Yeah, she’s made mistakes.

SS: She’s made a lot of mistakes and she’s paid high prices for those mistakes. She is a very humble person. She doesn’t blame other people, she takes responsibility for herself.

So what is the scenario that Tylee and JJ are still alive?

JC: Well to us we believe they are because we know Lori. And that’s…we have seen her dedication. His mother had been drug, drug mother, he was born addicted to drugs, and he only weighed 1 lb 9 oz. They didn’t know of course then that he was autistic. But she was dedicated to him from the moment he came home.

Are they in a bunker somewhere? Are they with friends? Where do you think they are?

SS: We don’t know. We wish we, we wish we knew. We don’t know. But we also don’t know what Lori has been through, she was being threatened, she was being followed, um she had reasons for doing what she did, and we don’t know everything that she’s been through or why she’s doing things the way that she’s doing them now.

Who was threatening her?

SS: Well, um, Kay was threatening her, um.

JC: And her brothers. They were very upset about Charles’ death. There was a lot of threats made to Lori.

SS: I feel like Kay could have handled this uh a lot of different ways, and she could have gone and filed in court for JJ she could have done things a lot of ways. She did this very strategically and deliberately um this is somebody who’s hurting and in pain because she’s lost her brother and I understand that but this is a revenge situation, this is not a, um, this is something that could have been settled much quieter and calmly, and it didn’t have to get to this level. Lori is the legal parent of both Tylee and JJ. She has a right to live wherever she wants to live and raise them and not include anybody in their lives that she doesn’t feel is good for them, that’s her right as a parent. She should not be forced to do any of the things that she’s been asked to do. That’s not, it’s not okay.

Have you asked your sister where the kids are?

SS: No. I’ve talked to her a couple of times, um the first time I talked to her, everything is recorded, and I know she can’t tell me, and I don’t want to put her in a position that’s gonna make anything worse for her, um, I want her to know I love her and I support her and she knows I love her and the kids. But I did tell her we were worried about her and the kids the first time I spoke with her, and she said to me ‘you know me and you know I’ve always taken care of my kids’. And I do know that. I do know that, it’s removed every doubt in my mind that she’s done anything wrong. I know she wouldn’t do that, that’s just not who she is and her children are everything, she’s always put them first, above everything, every fight she ever had with Charles was about how he treated Tylee and if he was not kind to Tylee she would leave the house and say 'if you can’t get along with Tylee we’re not staying here'.

All she would need to was show proof that the kids are alive, and are well. Can you understand why she is refusing to do that?

JC: You know it seems simple, it did to me, that’s why when I was talking to her friend, I said if you see her, just tell her, that’s what I would do, that’s my advice. But I don’t know what she knows. All I know is the woman that she is. I did not see any great change in Lori. I think the only change that happened was when she found out Charles was cheating on her, that ruined that marriage. Before she accused Charles of cheating he never said one bad word about Lori ever. Not once.

SS: Never.

JC: He never said anything, then he started all of this ‘she thinks she’s god’, tried to get her excommunicated from the church,

SS: Took JJ.

JC: He went to, he went to attorneys, and said ‘I’m scared for my life’. The whole time he was texting us, calling us trying to get Lori back. Finally he said tell Lori I’ll drop all the court proceedings if she’ll just come back and talk to me.

Do you think she’s in a cult?

JC: No.

SS: No.

JC: No.

SS: No.

JC: We don’t.

I’ve spoken to people who live near Chad and they say ‘we follow Chad’. They look at Chad like he is some sort of messiah.

Cut from long interview but found in short video:

JC: We can’t see Lori blindly following anybody. Can you?

SS: No.

JC: No. We can’t see it.

SS: Some people can do that if that’s what they choose to do. They’re entitled to their religious freedom and belief, that’s the great thing about our country, we have religious freedom and you can believe whatever you choose to believe. He, I don’t know Chad very well. I’ve only met him one time. I’ve never heard anything about him self-proclaiming to be a prophet, or anything else of that nature, or trying to get people to follow him. But if somebody chooses to do that on their you know, on their own, that’s their choice, I certainly wouldn’t ever do that, I, I follow the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints they might be misguided in their thoughts or thinking but I don’t think it makes them bad people.

You don’t think that Chad brainwashed her?

JC: No! (laughing) No! He couldn’t do it. That’s not possible. It wouldn’t be possible. We can’t speak intelligently about Chad and Lori, um, I think that you know when you don’t have any understanding, we didn’t know anything about it, we didn’t know they, we learned they got married on the news. Right? So we didn’t know.

SS: Yeah, We didn’t know. We’ve never been invited to any of Lori’s weddings. So this was not unusual for us.

JC: Well we were invited, we didn’t go to any. (laughs)

SS: Well I’ve never been invited to one, but that’s fine.

How has this last year affected your family?

JC: It’s been devastating. It’s been devastating. We’ve had a family that loved each other, that did everything together, we loved each other through good and bad, we had wonderful parties, they were all very clean, Charles said I’ve never been to a party before without drinking, he didn’t think it could be fun, he was fun at the parties, all of us had a great time, we knew that there were, you know, we all know each other’s imperfections, but we were very close. It’s been devastating not to see Tylee and JJ in such a long time. We love(d?) them so much. (4:02 in video of the 4:52 short video) And it’s been devastating not to see Lori. And it’s, it was hard to hear about Alex, from the police. We didn’t know he’d gotten married, we didn’t know he’d moved back to Arizona, that was very hard. So it’s affected every part of our family.

Is it fair to criticize her for being in paradise in Hawaii while there’s a manhunt on for her kids? I mean, that just, that didn’t look good.

JC: It didn’t look good. I agree, we agree. We didn’t like the way it looked, but we knew that she, they weren’t missing to her. That’s a whole difference if your children are missing-missing, or if they’re not missing to, to her.

SS: Yes, she wasn’t like ‘oh my kids are missing I’m gonna go on a vacation', that’s a very different scenario,

JC: But it’s still, it’s still hard to see because we know how much Tylee and JJ love Lori. They want to be with their mom. JJ would say all the time “Just Mom, just Mom, I want Mom”, he touches Mom. So I don’t like the fact that they’re separated. I don’t like that. But I don’t know what the reason is and it could be a wonderful reason. And maybe she’s protecting them from something terrible. I don’t know. But I do know that, I have faith in her as a mother that she’s doing the best she knows how for her children.

Is there any part of the dark recesses of your minds that say ‘maybe she cracked, and maybe this is not going to end up well’?

JC: We have gone through those scenarios probably a hundred times.

SS: If something has happened to those children it is not by her doing. And it’s not by her permission to do something. There is no way that she did anything to them. There’s just no way.

JC: We know her well enough to know that. We know that. And she couldn’t crack enough to do harm to her children. I’ve never seen anyone who put their whole life and soul into a child like she did. With each one of those kids.

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I am confused, I didn't see any threats just 2 desperate grandparents. Did I miss the threats or have they not been released? Kay was considered a dark spirit could that be why Lori thought she was a threat? After seeing all of the emails from Chad to Lori, wow, it has changed my perspective that Chad is far more the puppet master and Lori was easy to persuade because of her ego (probably Melani too) there must be a certain type Chad looks for and appeals to. I wonder if Chad's children have read these emails from their dad and wondered why they weren't on the list as his children in past lives. (Maybe they were as the redacted names) I am curious who redacted names are. This is beyond crazy and I cannot understand those who back them. Jmo

Kay's emails and texts to Lori were escalating in anger, desperation, frustration and any other natural emotion, because she was being ignored. This is just another one of those examples of "reverse accusation" where Kay is trying to be civil and work something out so she has visitation, Facetime etc. She does mention in her interview that she did get uppity once or twice. Yet, Summer is accusing Kay of threats and saying this could have been handle more quietly. I'm not sure how, as Lori wasn't responding (does Summer know that), which triggered the escalation. Summer also posits that Lori has the right, as a parent to do whatever she wants and can restrict people from seeing her children if she thought they were a bad influence. Can't have it both ways. If Lori want to restrict Kay, it was going to escalate - what action did Lori take to handle this quietly? Hiding the children isn't handling this quietly, now it is.
Kay's emails and texts to Lori were escalating in anger, desperation, frustration and any other natural emotion, because she was being ignored. This is just another one of those examples of "reverse accusation" where Kay is trying to be civil and work something out so she has visitation, Facetime etc. She does mention in her interview that she did get uppity once or twice. Yet, Summer is accusing Kay of threats and saying this could have been handle more quietly. I'm not sure how, as Lori wasn't responding (does Summer know that), which triggered the escalation. Summer also posits that Lori has the right, as a parent to do whatever she wants and can restrict people from seeing her children if she thought they were a bad influence. Can't have it both ways. If Lori want to restrict Kay, it was going to escalate - what action did Lori take to handle this quietly? Hiding the children isn't handling this quietly, now it is.

Yes and Kay did not escalate this into the media, she knew by the end of November that something was seriously wrong (the police could not find the children) but it was Rexburg Police Department that put out the public announcement on December 20th. It seems to me that they just twist the facts and lie to suit their own fairytale, just like Lori does. MOO
Morgan Loew Interview Transcript (videos linked at end) Note - the part about JC's phone contact with JJ on October 1st is not in these videos.

JC = Janis Cox
SS = Summer Shiflet

JC: Well we have a goal. So we’re just gonna do our goal. Tell the truth.

Why do you think it’s important to sit down and do this interview?

SS: I think it’s important because Lori has been portrayed a particular way in the media this far as a monster, a heartless villain that’s just after money, and that couldn’t be further from the truth of who she really is. I think it’s unfair that she’s been treated the way that she has been and I’m really hoping that by us speaking out that people might soften their hearts a little bit towards her, and help see that she’s really a loving, sweet, warm person, and she’s more beautiful on the inside than she is on the outside. She’s just a loving wonderful person.

How difficult has this been for you?

JC: It’s probably the worst thing that has ever happened in our family. I hate to see it like this. I know the truth about Lori. I know how loving she is. I don’t have the answers about the children. I love those two kids with all my heart. Tylee and JJ. They’re two of the loves of my life. And I know that Lori has always protected them. If everyone knew how far she had gone to protect them, their whole lives, I don’t know where the children are but she felt like she was keeping them safe, that’s the impression she gave us.

You’re her mom and she cut off communication and you don’t know where your grandchildren are. That just, that’s gotta seem strange.

JC: It does, but she did say, she said ‘I’m not going to be able to tell you everything’. She did have some major fears, that were real, to her. She didn’t share them all with me. She felt like, in her mind, that she was protecting us, in her mind, but it didn’t turn out that way. I did talk to a friend of hers in Hawaii, that was a mutual friend, and she said, she said she was gonna see her at church, Lori was going to go to church in Kauai, and I said well if you talk to her tell her that her mom thinks she should put the kids in a room with today’s date, take a picture, and send it to the police. Please, that’s my advice, as her mother. That would solve a lot of problems.

Why won’t she do it?

JC: I don’t know. And to me, that’s what I would do.

Summer, do you think that she is guilty of the things that she is accused of?

SS: No. No I don’t. Not even a little bit. I know for a fact that she did not conspire to kill Charles, in any way, shape or form, I spent a lot of time with Lori and Alex um leading up to Charles’ death and I know that there was never any kind of discussion like that about it. Charles texted probably 20 or 30 times ranging from ‘I swear I’ll be nice, please call me’ to ‘your end is coming soon’. So I saw a lot of threatening texts from him. If Alex hadn’t have been there I think Lori and Tylee would have been on the news for a very different reason.

You asked Alex to go to the house that morning?

SS: Yes I did. I asked Alex um the day before Charles was coming, if he would please go, stay with Lori um he said Lori’s going to be fine, she can call me if she needs me, and I said please, I have a very sick feeling in my stomach, please just go stay there. I was going out of town, and I didn’t feel safe, um with Charles coming into town after the things I had read, um so I said will you please just go stay there and if you’re then then maybe nothing will happen. And that’s what I thought. I thought it would just be a deterrent from trouble.

What was your reaction when you heard what happened that morning?

SS: Shock. I think they were in shock, I was in shock, I found out er Friday evening and um I was in shock that that had transpired, but I was very grateful also because I know that um it would have had a very different outcome had Alex not been there. And I’m sad that that happened, I didn’t want that to happen, I feel for his family, um I understand what it feels like to lose a brother, it’s not fun, um, and so I don’t wish that on them by any means, but he was here with an agenda, he was here causing the trouble, she was not trying to go after him, he was here bugging her.

Janis, Alex was your son, and he has been described as the family hitman.

JC: (Laughs) I can’t help but laugh. Alex is the most laid back person. He’s been funny his whole life. He was protective of, very protective of Colby and Tylee. Very protective. He said I tasered a paedophile, and so he said I’m willing to admit it, he’s he’s always owned up to anything he’s done wrong. He certainly wasn’t perfect. But he doesn’t have the intensity of a hitman. He doesn’t have the desire to be hit…he doesn’t think that death solves anything.

When’s the last time you communicated with Tylee?

SS: August, before they moved was the last time I saw her. And then I texted with her a couple of times but the last time I texted with her was September 24th on her birthday, and she responded and said ‘thank you Summy, love you, happy birthday to you too’.

And that date is significant because the FBI said she has not been seen since the beginning of September. Do you believe that that was Tylee who was texting you back?

SS: I don’t really have any way to know. Um, I like to believe that it is, um, but I, I really don’t have any way to know, it could be either way, but as far as I know it was her. Um, I don’t have any reason to think otherwise.

Are you defending Lori because she’s your daughter, and she’s your sister, or are you defending her because you really think that she did nothing wrong?

JC: We really think that she did nothing wrong. She’s had some bad judgement. She’s married a few men that we didn’t care for.

SS: She’ll be the first to say..

JC: Yeah, she’s made mistakes.

SS: She’s made a lot of mistakes and she’s paid high prices for those mistakes. She is a very humble person. She doesn’t blame other people, she takes responsibility for herself.

So what is the scenario that Tylee and JJ are still alive?

JC: Well to us we believe they are because we know Lori. And that’s…we have seen her dedication. His mother had been drug, drug mother, he was born addicted to drugs, and he only weighed 1 lb 9 oz. They didn’t know of course then that he was autistic. But she was dedicated to him from the moment he came home.

Are they in a bunker somewhere? Are they with friends? Where do you think they are?

SS: We don’t know. We wish we, we wish we knew. We don’t know. But we also don’t know what Lori has been through, she was being threatened, she was being followed, um she had reasons for doing what she did, and we don’t know everything that she’s been through or why she’s doing things the way that she’s doing them now.

Who was threatening her?

SS: Well, um, Kay was threatening her, um.

JC: And her brothers. They were very upset about Charles’ death. There was a lot of threats made to Lori.

SS: I feel like Kay could have handled this uh a lot of different ways, and she could have gone and filed in court for JJ she could have done things a lot of ways. She did this very strategically and deliberately um this is somebody who’s hurting and in pain because she’s lost her brother and I understand that but this is a revenge situation, this is not a, um, this is something that could have been settled much quieter and calmly, and it didn’t have to get to this level. Lori is the legal parent of both Tylee and JJ. She has a right to live wherever she wants to live and raise them and not include anybody in their lives that she doesn’t feel is good for them, that’s her right as a parent. She should not be forced to do any of the things that she’s been asked to do. That’s not, it’s not okay.

Have you asked your sister where the kids are?

SS: No. I’ve talked to her a couple of times, um the first time I talked to her, everything is recorded, and I know she can’t tell me, and I don’t want to put her in a position that’s gonna make anything worse for her, um, I want her to know I love her and I support her and she knows I love her and the kids. But I did tell her we were worried about her and the kids the first time I spoke with her, and she said to me ‘you know me and you know I’ve always taken care of my kids’. And I do know that. I do know that, it’s removed every doubt in my mind that she’s done anything wrong. I know she wouldn’t do that, that’s just not who she is and her children are everything, she’s always put them first, above everything, every fight she ever had with Charles was about how he treated Tylee and if he was not kind to Tylee she would leave the house and say if you can’t get along with Tylee we’re not staying here.

All she would need to was show proof that the kids are alive, and are well. Can you understand why she is refusing to do that?

JC: You know it seems simple, it did to me, that’s why when I was talking to her friend, I said if you see her, just tell her, that’s what I would do, that’s my advice. But I don’t know what she knows. All I know is the woman that she is. I did not see any great change in Lori. I think the only change that happened was when she found out Charles was cheating on her, that ruined that marriage. Before she accused Charles of cheating he never said one bad word about Lori ever. Not once.

SS: Never.

JC: He never said anything, then he started all of this ‘she thinks she’s god’, tried to get her excommunicated from the church,

SS: Took JJ.

JC: He went to, he went to attorneys, and said ‘I’m scared for my life’. The whole time he was texting us, calling us trying to get Lori back. Finally he said tell Lori I’ll drop all the court proceedings if she’ll just come back and talk to me.

Do you think she’s in a cult?

JC: No.

SS: No.

JC: No.

SS: No.

JC: We don’t.

I’ve spoken to people who live near Chad and they say ‘we follow Chad’. They look at Chad like he is some sort of messiah.

Cut from long interview but found in short video:

JC: We can’t see Lori blindly following anybody. Can you?

SS: No.

JC: No. We can’t see it.

SS: Some people can do that if that’s what they choose to do. They’re entitled to their religious freedom and belief, that’s the great thing about our country, we have religious freedom and you can believe whatever you choose to believe. He, I don’t know Chad very well. I’ve only met him one time. I’ve never heard anything about him self-proclaiming to be a prophet, or anything else of that nature, or trying to get people to follow him. But if somebody chooses to do that on their you know, on their own, that’s their choice, I certainly wouldn’t ever do that, I, I follow the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints they might be misguided in their thoughts or thinking but I don’t think it makes them bad people.

You don’t think that Chad brainwashed her?

JC: No! (laughing) No! He couldn’t do it. That’s not possible. It wouldn’t be possible. We can’t speak intelligently about Chad and Lori, um, I think that you know when you don’t have any understanding, we didn’t know anything about it, we didn’t know they, we learned they got married on the news. Right? So we didn’t know.

SS: Yeah, We didn’t know. We’ve never been invited to any of Lori’s weddings. So this was not unusual for us.

JC: Well we were invited, we didn’t go to any. (laughs)

SS: Well I’ve never been invited to one, but that’s fine.

How has this last year affected your family?

JC: It’s been devastating. It’s been devastating. We’ve had a family that loved each other, that did everything together, we loved each other through good and bad, we had wonderful parties, they were all very clean, Charles said I’ve never been to a party before without drinking, he didn’t think it could be fun, he was fun at the parties, all of us had a great time, we knew that there were, you know, we all know each other’s imperfections, but we were very close. It’s been devastating not to see Tylee and JJ in such a long time. We love(d?) them so much. (4:02 in video of the 4:52 short video) And it’s been devastating not to see Lori. And it’s, it was hard to hear about Alex, from the police. We didn’t know he’d gotten married, we didn’t know he’d moved back to Arizona, that was very hard. So it’s affected every part of our family.

Is it fair to criticize her for being in paradise in Hawaii while there’s a manhunt on for her kids? I mean, that just, that didn’t look good.

JC: It didn’t look good. I agree, we agree. We didn’t like the way it looked, but we knew that she, they weren’t missing to her. That’s a whole difference if your children are missing-missing, or if they’re not missing to, to her.

SS: Yes, she wasn’t like ‘oh my kids are missing I’m gonna go on a vacation, that’s a very different scenario,

JC: But it’s still, it’s still hard to see because we know how much Tylee and JJ love Lori. They want to be with their mom. JJ would say all the time “Just Mom, just Mom, I want Mom”, he touches Mom. So I don’t like the fact that they’re separated. I don’t like that. But I don’t know what the reason is and it could be a wonderful reason. And maybe she’ protecting them from something terrible. I don’t know. But I do know that, I have faith in her as a mother that she’s doing the best she knows how for her children.

Is there any part of the dark recesses of your minds that say ‘maybe she cracked, and maybe this is not going to end up well’?

JC: We have gone through those scenarios probably a hundred times.

SS: If something has happened to those children it is not by her doing. And it’s not by her permission to do something. There is no way that she did anything to them. There’s just no way.

JC: We know her well enough to know that. We know that. And she couldn’t crack enough to do harm to her children. I’ve never seen anyone who put their whole life and soul into a child like she did. With each one of those kids.

There’s just so much good stuff to analyze in that interview.

It’s a close family but neither mother nor sister attend any weddings of Lori.

It’s a close family but they didn’t know of Lori’s marriage to Chad until it was on the news.

It’s a close family but they barely mention missing Tylee and JJ, nor do they speak much about the loss of Alex.

I wonder how SS’ husband feels upon learning that Chad rated him a big fat D. Funny how the spouses seem to be Ds. You’d think all these Ls would be better at finding L partners.
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