Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #32

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I haven't looked closely at those, so I don't know about them. Here is what I'm seeing and believe to be them. Circled in red is Lori's group. Circled in blue are other passers-by unrelated to the group, only highlighted for reference. As you watch the video keep your eye on the people who I circled in red and watch their behaviors and you'll clearly see that there are four of them and they are all part of the same group in spite of separating later on.

ETA: Quoting myself from the previous thread to help bring context forward to explain what might be going on:

Video feed cuts in at 11:18:53 (15:36 on YouTube) and in the bottom left corner you see two adults emerge from the trees walking away from the camera. The first one appears to be Alex, as he's wearing a dark jacket and blue jeans, like we see in the photo. The second person appears to be Lori and they are wearing a dark hoodie with a white emblem on the front and white pants. In the photo of her we only see her upper body, but she's wearing a dark hoodie and you can barely make out a white emblem on the front, which is mostly covered by her hair.

At 11:18:56 [Lori] stops, turns around facing the camera, and waits for two [children] to catch up. It is here where you can see the white emblem on the front of her dark hoodie. At 11:18:59 [Alex] stops and turns around also. At this point the two [children] emerge from the trees also. The first one appears to be JJ as he's wearing a darkish [green?] sweater and dark shorts (you can see his calves), as seen in the photo. The second appears to be Tylee as she's wearing a light grey jacket. Where I'm uncertain is it looks like she's also wearing light grey pants, whereas in the photo Tylee is wearing black pants.

At 11:19:00 [Tylee] and [JJ] catch up to [Lori] whereupon she turns back around and begins walking again. Seconds later, at 11:19:04 [Alex] turns back around and begins walking again. This shows that these four are definitely together as a group. At this point two other adults emerge from behind the same trees, just behind the group of four.

From 11:19:13 to 11:19:30 it's hard to make out what is happening. The group of four pass behind the next set of trees, followed quickly by the group of two. As they emerge it appears that the group of two are bypassing the group of four. Yet it no longer appears to be a group of four but rather a group of three...?

Up until the video feed is interrupted at 11:20:06 I can't make sense of what I'm looking at. The group of two hurriedly make their way far ahead of what is supposed to be the group of four. But it seems quite clear that the group of four is now a group of three...

Ok, I've watched it several more times now and I've figured it out! It has become a group of three. The three are [Lori], [Tylee], and [JJ], and they continue on ahead until the feed is interrupted. [Alex], for whatever reason, stops at 11:19:13 behind the tree and appears to bend down. He stays hidden in this position until 11:19:53, a good 40 seconds, when he finally gets back up and continues walking forward at a leisurely pace. What's he doing? Tying his shoes? Looking at something? Collecting some nasty swamp goop for future use? o_O

Whatever he's doing nobody seems to have noticed, except [Lori] who turns around briefly at 11:19:23 to look at him and then continues walking forward with the [children].

OK, thanks, now I understand. I got it wrong, your explanation is much more plausible. Sorry about that, folks.
In the East Idaho News article it says "The final report on Cox’s death has not been released." What else is typically in a final report?

Not sure they covered the basics:
Bilateral Pulmonary Thromboemboli
Contributory cause of death -
Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease

I have a feeling the family was informed prior to the release. Perhaps these results made them more comfortable speaking.
In this case I think 'threats' is very subjective. We've got's Kays comments and here emails texts reported by CBS yesterday. But I don't think we hav anything on the "brothers".

True. But, if the threat caused a mom to secret-away her children, face charges and continue to sit in jail... I would consider that a serious threat (not subjective). And, if the threat was that serious... it surprises me that no one has stated nor released (nor leaked) info supporting that before now. This is all just my opinion... but we're on the same team here... so it doesn't really matter, lol :)
Thank you.

Having watched the 14 minute video, I think my biggest takeaway is that Lori's family, her mother and sister, are victims in this too. It seemed clear to me that they do love Tylee and JJ. They are heartbroken that this whole mess is what it is. They were clearly devastated by the loss of Alex.

What I find perturbing is how much Lori and Alex have kept them in the dark and not part of their lives. They didn't find out that Alex had been married or moved back to Idaho until the police informed them of his death. Out of 5 marriages Summer, her own sister, had never been invited to any of them. Her mother says she was invited to at least one of them, but never attended? Whatever the case, they never even found out about the marriage to Chad (and obviously wouldn't have been invited) until after the fact, and likely from the news instead of from Lori by the sounds of it. What kind of familial relationship do these things reveal? Not a very close or loving one. And yet mother and sister are desperately trying to defend Lori, against all reason and evidence. They want to believe in the best, that Lori wouldn't, couldn't do any of the things that she is accused of, or that all the evidence points to. They don't want to entertain those thoughts. And who would? They've been caught up and swept up in this whole mess. Blindsided by it.

Yes, I believe they are victims of Lori and Chad's tragic and selfish actions. And my heart breaks that they're caught up in the position they are. Eventually the truth will come out and they will be forced to face the reality of what their daughter and sister has done. I suspect they already know it but don't want to acknowledge it (the nervous and over the top laughs seem like more of an attempt to convince themselves rather than the reporter asking questions). I really feel for them.
MBP knew about the marriage of Alex because he was a witness at her marriage. So how did SS her aunt not know about this or about the marriage of Lori and Chad? Were they not in touch with MBP either? Yet they seem to know about CV and KVW- which had to come from Lori. So then why did they know nothing about Alex or Lori's marriages?
I find the timing of his death extraordinary, to say the least. However, as I said at the beginning, I never expected his cause of death to be the same as Tammy's because that would have given investigators a heads up on what to look for with Tammy, being that if they did murder him with the ties to Lori they might have expected a very thorough investigation. In a way I think it's neutral news, because it doesn't take away from the investigation for innocent victims, IMO.

So Alex died of natural causes. Fine, that rabbit hole is closed regardless of what we think or feel.

Lori has a claim to the life insurance money because of Arizona’s community property laws, ok fine. That’s straight forward enough too. So, now we know her custody battle is about the possession of cash not kids because the custody battle can’t involve Tylee since the Woodcocks have no claim on her.

Good enough, let’s move on. Let’s talk about the most recent release of more whack job writings by the prophet Chad. We’re in Jim Jones/David Koresh territory here and we know how those ended. Let’s be happy Chad never gathered such a flock.

This case just makes me want to puke, the hubris is waist deep. Lolo’s entire family is living on the edge of reality. Actually, outside of reality but let’s not confuse their nonsense with facts.

During the short time I’ve been here this is one of the most frustrating and unnecessary cases I’ve followed. Whatever Lolo and Chad did didn’t have to happen. Whatever motive they had to dispose of the kids could have been handled differently.

If I could reach through the screen and strangle that entire bunch of Coxes and Daybellls I’d be there. RIGHT NOW! Please let this insanity end. PLEASE! There is no reason whatsoever for those children to be hidden. ZERO! Good lord help me.

Best wishes all and thank you for all the contributions to this case.
I would have hoped the attorney CV hired would have advised him that he couldn't change the beneficiary without Lori's approval. Perhaps there are exception to this. Maybe that's why he wanted her committed.
It would be good if someone could provide a link to this fact because I have never heard of such a law or regulation.
Have you asked your sister where the kids are?

SS: No. I’ve talked to her a couple of times, um the first time I talked to her, everything is recorded, and I know she can’t tell me, and I don’t want to put her in a position that’s gonna make anything worse for her, um, I want her to know I love her and I support her and she knows I love her and the kids. But I did tell her we were worried about her and the kids the first time I spoke with her, and she said to me ‘you know me and you know I’ve always taken care of my kids’. And I do know that. I do know that, it’s removed every doubt in my mind that she’s done anything wrong. I know she wouldn’t do that, that’s just not who she is and her children are everything, she’s always put them first, above everything, every fight she ever had with Charles was about how he treated Tylee and if he was not kind to Tylee she would leave the house and say 'if you can’t get along with Tylee we’re not staying here'.

Thanks for transcribing (or posting) all that. I've snipped to get to this point:

Summer says she last spoke with JJ on October 1st and lasted texted with Tylee on Sept 24th.

Her comment that "the first time I talked to her, everything is recorded...." indicates that Summer didn't reach out to Lori/Lori's family again until after Lori was arrested on February 12th.

This became a national news story shortly before Christmas, so at the very least, Summer would have known about all of this on December 23rd. (And because of things the welfare check triggered, she almost certainly knew they were missing long before that....but I'm feeling generous today.)

Summer could have called Lori anytime between December 23rd and February 12th to ask Where Are The Children -- without anyone recording her.

So.....why is she so careful to attribute her lack of questions for Lori to the jailhouse recordings???
Can someone remind me who Cole and Zach are?

Fourth husband: Charles Vallow – 3L (1700s London)
First wife: 2D
Cole Vallow – 3D
Zach Vallow – 3L
Joshua Vallow – 4.2L
Charles' sons from his first marriage.
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