Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #33

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Lori's former friend AR also had a lot of nice things to say about Lori... until she didn't.

Yes, for those who may not know or remember:

AR revealed in her interviews with DateLine and with CBS that when Lori visited her on Kauai with Tylee in late January 2019 (when Lori abandoned CV and JJ for 58 days), Lori - in what AR described as an uncharacteristically disorganized and manic demeanor - touted all the same strange beliefs that CV later independently documented in his divorce filing shortly after that time. So, AR has confirmed that she learned of Lori's strange beliefs directly from Lori, completely independently of CV's claim that Lori held these beliefs. Yet, some of Lori's family members continue to claim these strange beliefs were an invention by CV. Someone's lying or repeating someone else's lies and IMO, it isn't AR and it wasn't CV.

AR also revealed that Lori told her during that visit that CV was going to die while Lori was away that time. CV did die, but not then. He died several months later, by two shots to the chest in Lori's rented home.

AR also revealed that Lori told AR during that same visit - when inviting AR to be gathered as one of the 144,000 chosen - that the gathered would have to separate from their children. AR declined the invitation. Lori's children have disappeared. So, long before Kay or any other parties she may point to as endangering her children now had any beef with her, Lori was telling AR that the 144,000 chosen (of which she claimed to be one) would need to separate from her children. Those kids disappeared to serve Lori's interests, not to protect theirs.

Edited to correct month of Lori's visit to AR.
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Yes, that's his official book website/blog. Have you read all of the posts on his blog from 2015? I linked to them previously here: ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #27

I've been meaning to re-read them to see if anything new stands out, but I haven't had time.
Thank you @Gardener1850 for linking these.
I do remember seeing it before but did not have time to go through all the links.
I will take the time today to do so.
Much appreciated :)
Yes, for those that may not know or remember:

AR revealed in her interviews with DateLine and with CBS that when Lori visited her on Kauai with Tylee in late January 2019 (when Lori abandoned CV and JJ for 58 days), Lori - in what AR described as an uncharacteristically disorganized and manic demeanor - touted all the same strange beliefs that CV later independently documented in his divorce filing shortly after that time. So, AR has confirmed that she learned of Lori's strange beliefs directly from Lori, completely independently of CV's claim that Lori held these beliefs. Yet, some of Lori's family members continue to claim these strange beliefs were an invention by CV. Someone's lying or repeating someone else's lies and IMO, it isn't AR and it wasn't CV.

AR also revealed that Lori told her during that visit that CV was going to die while Lori was away that time. CV did die, but not then. He died several months later, by two shots to the chest in Lori's rented home.

AR also revealed that Lori told AR during that same visit - when inviting AR to be gathered as one of the 144,000 chosen - that the gathered would have to separate from their children. AR declined the invitation. Lori's children have disappeared. So, long before Kay or any other parties she may point to as endangering her children now had any beef with her, Lori was telling AR that the 144,000 chosen (of which she claimed to be one) would need to separate from her children. Those kids disappeared to serve Lori's interests, not to protect theirs.

Edited to correct month of Lori's visit to AR.
Your post is so well thought out and cogent. The perspective you present is simply chilling and damning for Lori and her family.
This is in a family where Lori's sister, Summer, said Alex was "the most easygoing, relaxed, hilarious type of person. There's nothing about him that was a hit man."

And so many people had nice things to say about Chris Watts, Dr. Jeffrey McDonald, and Ted Bundy. Nice guys, all of them.

Until they weren't.
'Cult mom' Lori Vallow's ex-husband sued her years ago for allegedly hiding their daughter: report

'Cult mom' Lori Vallow's ex-husband sued her years ago for allegedly hiding their daughter: report

Danielle Wallace
9 hrs ago
“Cult mom” Lori Vallow Daybell was reportedly sued by her ex-husband for allegedly hiding their daughter and breaking a child custody agreement in 2006 – years before two of her children disappeared, prompting national attention over the now nine-month-long missing persons’ case.
Her third husband, Joseph Ryan, who was Tylee’s father, filed a motion against her in 2006, alleging she denied him all visitation rights and hid their daughter from him during the month of August that year, the Daily Mail reported Friday, citing court documents. He also claimed Vallow Daybell’s brother, Alex Cox, assaulted him with a stun gun in a parking lot over the dispute.
I find it disturbing that she treated her children as if they were her possessions. They are living, breathing humans who have minds of their own...IF, and it’s a BIG IF, Tylee and JJ are hidden away, Tylee may hate her mother for the rest of her life...totally psychologically damaging to both children..
I find it disturbing that she treated her children as if they were her possessions. They are living, breathing humans who have minds of their own...IF, and it’s a BIG IF, Tylee and JJ are hidden away, Tylee may hate her mother for the rest of her life...totally psychologically damaging to both children..

Yes! When her family says she would never hurt her children, they are somehow ignoring how much and how badly she is hurting her children right this very minute - even if the children are in a bunker somewhere.
Yes! When her family says she would never hurt her children, they are somehow ignoring how much and how badly she is hurting her children right this very minute - even if the children are in a bunker somewhere.
She is also hurting Colby (yes, her CHILD, even if grown) very badly right this minute. Her family are such despicable liars. Moo.
I will not watch any more interviews on the rubber chicken circuit with Lolo’s mouth pieces. As pointed out by many astute sleuther’s, these enablers are lying with contradictions and inconsistencies plainly visible. They endorse a bizarre narrative that’s likely to be Lolo’s defense. We already know this family snubs their nose at the law. They don’t believe in paying taxes. Straight up fraudsters and probably have been their entire lives. If anything besides finding the children comes from this its hopefully a huge microscope is put on these shysters and criminals. Those who milk the system and avoid the rules most of us live by. For the few assets these people have they seem to have unlimited resources for material goods and plastic surgery. Enough of these people, bring on the prelim.
But what about children with dark ratings? Are they included in the warrior army?

Well, the book didn't mention anything about a rating system that I can recall...I think that came later.

I mean, the whole thing is so insane, it makes my head spin. I wouldn't even believe it as a role-playing online game.
Yes, for those who may not know or remember:

AR revealed in her interviews with DateLine and with CBS that when Lori visited her on Kauai with Tylee in late January 2019 (when Lori abandoned CV and JJ for 58 days), Lori - in what AR described as an uncharacteristically disorganized and manic demeanor - touted all the same strange beliefs that CV later independently documented in his divorce filing shortly after that time. So, AR has confirmed that she learned of Lori's strange beliefs directly from Lori, completely independently of CV's claim that Lori held these beliefs. Yet, some of Lori's family members continue to claim these strange beliefs were an invention by CV. Someone's lying or repeating someone else's lies and IMO, it isn't AR and it wasn't CV.

AR also revealed that Lori told her during that visit that CV was going to die while Lori was away that time. CV did die, but not then. He died several months later, by two shots to the chest in Lori's rented home.

AR also revealed that Lori told AR during that same visit - when inviting AR to be gathered as one of the 144,000 chosen - that the gathered would have to separate from their children. AR declined the invitation. Lori's children have disappeared. So, long before Kay or any other parties she may point to as endangering her children now had any beef with her, Lori was telling AR that the 144,000 chosen (of which she claimed to be one) would need to separate from her children. Those kids disappeared to serve Lori's interests, not to protect theirs.

Edited to correct month of Lori's visit to AR.
I’ve wondered if there was a failed attempt or two on CV’s life prior to the eventual murder? There was the paint ball gun incident with Tammy and the failed shooting of Brandon. I have no doubt they were planning another attempt to murder Brandon but the poop hit the fan before they could accomplish it. The up close and personal murder of CV with witnesses in the home doesn’t feel like their usual MO so they must have been really anxious to get rid of him at that point.
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I still have a hard time believing the kids are hidden so well that the FBI, among other trained professionals, can find NO trace of them!

This did not happen in a vacuum. If it were just a question of the missing kids, I could see the possibility of them being hidden. When you add the totality of every single thing that’s happened with these two in just the course of a few months, the conclusion is pretty damning IMO.
I agree and will say once again.... If she loved them so much, she would be hidden with them. If she had actually gone with them we wouldn’t have found her yet either. This has nothing to do with the kids to Lori and that’s obvious. This is all about her and her new found life and love. The kids are on no ones radar because they are gone... :( JMO
I just really really hope they are found so she can deal with the full extent of the law and so they can be buried properly and not thrown away like trash.
Many, many, MANY divorced people do this. Just saying. It's very wrong, but very common.

Agreed. This is just another spin of the same story we have seen over and over on WS. Susan Smith, dating new guy, so she gets rid of the kids from previous guy. Dianne Downs, just wanted to get rid of the children, for new BF.

LVD is just a bit smarter and a better liar. CD wanted LVD and no extra baggage. LVD was more than happy to oblige.
The things these two say are so odd...

"If I can get some concrete evidence for law enforcement for them to be able to say this is where Tylee and J.J. are, this is what’s happened to them, it’s an open and shut case and we’re done. We move on with our lives. But it didn’t play out that way," he said."


"Asked if she feared for Tylee and J.J.'s safety, Melani said no.

"I know Lori would never do anything to hurt her kids," said Melani."

How the FBI spied on Lori Vallow in search for missing kids
So..Just thinking out loud tonight.
Everyone says that "Lori" would not hurt the children.
And maybe they are telling the truth, maybe not.
Maybe "Lori" did not hurt the children...
Maybe Alex did, or Chad did, Or someone else.
that is why they all keep repeating that Lori wouldn't because someone else did.
BUT--LORI KNOWS whether she did it or not....she KNOWS
Hope I am making sense here LOL
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So..Just thinking out loud tonight.
Everyone says that "Lori" would not hurt the children.
And maybe they are telling the truth, maybe not.
Maybe "Lori" did not hurt the children...
Maybe Alex did, or Chad did, Or someone else.
that is why the all keep repeating that Lori wouldn't because someone else did. JMO

Yet, Lori had lied to various others and said Tylee was attending BYU-I.

And she also lied to LE when she said JJ was with the grandparents (who were actually the ones who asked for the welfare check).

And then she lied again and said JJ was staying with a friend, MG, and they were out seeing the movie, Frozen 2, so could not be reached. MG would not comply with Lori's request to falsely confirm that claim.

And the next day, Lori fled with CD, vacating the townhouse in which she had been living in Rexburg and abandoning the storage unit in which she had placed the children's bikes, various sports items, winter clothes, and memory books.

None of that sounds like a person who has herself been victimized by others around her hurting or hiding her children against her will.
I agree and will say once again.... If she loved them so much, she would be hidden with them. If she had actually gone with them we wouldn’t have found her yet either. This has nothing to do with the kids to Lori and that’s obvious. This is all about her and her new found life and love. The kids are on no ones radar because they are gone... :( JMO
I just really really hope they are found so she can deal with the full extent of the law and so they can be buried properly and not thrown away like trash.
Great post! Also, which is it? Are we hiding them from threats or for the end of the world? Can’t have it both ways! MOO
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