Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #37

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I'll throw in my two cents. It looks like an old plastic tarp used for irrigation dams when flood irrigating. They are orange. There is a pile of them in my backyard. In one of the aerial photos you can see a stream of water running down the side of the field next to the tree and dry pond. It looks like pasture. I think there's a good possibility that it was dug up but not with the body and that LE quickly realized what it was. An old irrigation dam tarp. MOO.

Good explanation. Also explains the dark color inside the tarp.
37th thread and I'm just now joining in.

I've known the basics of this case since the beginning... Major players, dead spouses, quick wedding, LD's brother dead, missing kids, etc. but I kept away because my youngest child is a 7 year old boy. It's such a great age. I'm so heartbroken for sweet J.J. Was he ever properly loved and cared for?

Two nights ago I decided to get more involved / invested and began reading the timeline, media thread, etc. Fell asleep hoping these 2 kids would be found. And the next day - wowza - they were found. That was really quick (for me) and my head is spinning! I can't believe after all this time they have finally been found. So, I'm really not up to speed but here to mark my spot and try to learn from all of you.

The orange *blanket* (?) at the dig site had me concerned. I cropped, enlarged, and enhanced the photo and was seeing something that looked a lot like a spine and pelvis. Someone up thread made the point that LE would not leave remains out like that and I'm really hoping that's true. JMO
I rather think they were hung up for the filming of Dateline, or another media piece. I believe that was done outside the unit, on the shutter?

did we see them hung up on Dateline? I will have to watch again.
I am still stuck on the motorhome thing. IIRC the permits were requested in March. Just before shutdowns for Covid, not sure if that played a role in delaying things but maybe CD was thinking he could put a motor home up on the property for one of his kids and cover the burial site. Inspectors go out with an undercover FBI agent for permits. Sunken terrain, odor of decomp, etc that could have tipped them off. Aerial photography also supports their suspicions - warrant requested to bring in ground penetrating radar & cadaver dogs to look for remains (as they had always planned).

This whole motorhome idea appears to have come up after LVD was arrested & returned from Hawaii. Because from what I can figure, CD & LVD planned to not return to Idaho and live in Paradise sans children & responsibilities forever and the afterlife. Strange to want to have the motor home because he didn't appear to want to move LV into that home initially - couldn't because they were still hiding the fact they got married. When the kids realized for whatever reason, that there would not be 2 residences (ie: home & motorhome) they planned to move out by mid june?
speculations . . .
I, too, speculate that his desire to place a manufactured home on his property was to conceal the burial site. The requirements for a mobile or manufactured home foundation are the same in Fremont County as those for a permanent structure. I take this to mean a poured concrete slab. It would be interesting to see his application and the site where he planned to place it. It is a requirement for the application to be approved. As you suggest, this may have been a trigger for investigators. They may have waited until the spring thaw for the warrant. Maybe he was moving forward and that was a trigger as well.

Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix
Am not sure how to phrase this question

Hope I'm not offending anyone by this question, but when a search for a buried body takes place, how do they make sure to take care that the remains are not disturbed by randomly digging, if in fact that does happen?
No offense for me. This is a problem archaeologists have to navigate as well. Digging is destructive, but it's the means to arriving at the truth. Work is meticulous and slow. Look how tidy those holes are! Typical tools might be trowels (like cement trowels and with straight edges, not like garden tools), a little whisk broom, even toothbrushes. The dirt from the dig spot is put through a gigantic sieve by the bucket load, so that artifacts that aren't picked up by human eyes show up on the top side of the sieve.
Digging is layer by layer, little by little, not 6 feet at once!
It's likely LE has additional ways to narrow the spot to dig. Note in the photo, they've dug a hole in the shape of a rorshach blob. That's pretty specific.
One of the bigger surprises to me in this dig operation is that LE hasn't gridded out the search area. It's possible they do that electronically, I suppose.
did we see them hung up on Dateline? I will have to watch again.

Yes they were hung up for the east Idaho news story and the Dateline piece. It looked like everything had been removed from the original storage unit prior to filming (like when she stopped paying they put the remainder of her stuff in a much smaller unit). I think they were hung up just to display them better for filming. MOO
Sorry if this is a double post..

Chad Daybell's neighbor describes 'strange' behavior after JJ and Tylee's disappearance

Chad Daybell's neighbor describes 'strange' behavior after JJ and Tylee's disappearance
Neighbor says Chad Daybell had large bonfires in the area where remains were recovered

*In article
Then suddenly, Matthew saw Chad try to leave.

"I saw his car take off down the road headed south towards Rexburg," Matthew said. "Just seconds later, the marked police cars had their lights and sirens, and floored it to go catch him."

Edit: My opinion..The neighbors / friends have watched closely and were on full alert to all of the movements. Small community has to be horrified where the children were found.
I don't know about that. Once the children were found, even his friends must have abandoned him. Has Christopher Parrett issued a new statement yet?
He's reversed course at this point and apologized ("publicly") on his (private) forums. Hopefully he's being sincere, but something about the whole thing comes across as a political play in order to save his own business and reputation. It's like: "oopsie, golly gee, would you look at that?! Guess I was wrong about Chad and he played me like a fiddle this whole time. Jokes on me! My bad! I'll eat my crow now. Hehee. *nervous laugh* "

An actual public apology and statement (not just on his own private forums) regarding the matter should be a first priority for him. Especially with how he's vehemently and publicly slandered and attacked the Woodcocks and all other innocent victims in this whole ordeal. Same goes for all his other cohorts and partners in crime, like Hector Sosa. They've all treated this whole matter so lightly and crassly it's despicable and shameful, especially coming from someone who claims to be a follower of Christ. They all need to repent and make amends post-haste.

I am still stuck on the motorhome thing. IIRC the permits were requested in March. Just before shutdowns for Covid, not sure if that played a role in delaying things but maybe CD was thinking he could put a motor home up on the property for one of his kids and cover the burial site. Inspectors go out with an undercover FBI agent for permits. Sunken terrain, odor of decomp, etc that could have tipped them off. Aerial photography also supports their suspicions - warrant requested to bring in ground penetrating radar & cadaver dogs to look for remains (as they had always planned).

This whole motorhome idea appears to have come up after LVD was arrested & returned from Hawaii. Because from what I can figure, CD & LVD planned to not return to Idaho and live in Paradise sans children & responsibilities forever and the afterlife. Strange to want to have the motor home because he didn't appear to want to move LV into that home initially - couldn't because they were still hiding the fact they got married. When the kids realized for whatever reason, that there would not be 2 residences (ie: home & motorhome) they planned to move out by mid june?
speculations . . .
Idk that covid played a role in stopping permits. We requested permits for a house project and it was only a three day turnaround to get approved. Jmo
Her autopsy is probably inconclusive (my guess only). The body was embalmed and buried for almost 2 months before autopsy. That would make toxicology testing very hard, and probably impossible as some drugs metabolize quickly.

I thought is always strange, that Tammy was not cremated. If Chad is so knowledgeable on burials....and Tammy died under suspension, I would have thought Chad would have wanted her cremated.
But then if he thought he was so smart and used a poison that was untraceable he might thought he got away with it.

Again it could be Tammys faith does not allow cremation. Does anyone know?

Just thinking out of the box.

Also, some time ago, it was talked about an untraceable poison such as malachite dust being used on Tammy. Thanks you who ever brought it up. I was at the bead store, looking and handling some stones a friend brought in....I Remembered what was said here..the dust from the malachite can be deadly. Also other stones are know to be deadly too. I did have a mask on but washed my hands quickly and did not handle the stones again. So if this was used on any victim, stone dust....that is scary. I did a bit of research....interesting finds.

Some forms of rock dust are quite poisonous in and of themselves. Whether it is inhaled, ingested, or contacted by exposed skin, the effect can be injurious to your health. Malachite and chrysocolla dust is quite toxic (45% to 70% CuO), and should not be breathed, ingested, or left on skin surfaces.Jun 22, 2018

Dangerous Dust | Rock & Gem Magazine

Malachite releases toxic fumes when it gets moist, so the bathroom is the worst place to have it. Having a malachite bathroom as in the picture? Even worst idea yet.

Malachite is also another mineral that should NEVER be used to make Crystal elixirs or Crystal water to be ingested. Great care must be exercised in working with Malachite, as it's poisonous in its raw state. I know many will say, "well in this bathroom it is polished, so it should be ok" and the answer is NO it is NOT for the reasons explained above.

Malachite Precaution and Dangers Everyone Should Know
37th thread and I'm just now joining in.

The orange *blanket* (?) at the dig site had me concerned. I cropped, enlarged, and enhanced the photo and was seeing something that looked a lot like a spine and pelvis. Someone up thread made the point that LE would not leave remains out like that and I'm really hoping that's true. JMO

No matter how much I enlarge the photo, I can't tell what is in the orange tarp. All I know is that it is dark. Someone suggested it could be an irrigation dam tarp. There is an irrigation canal right next to one of the dig sites. One of those things would get full of dark sludge.
Also remember in the MG interview, they truly believed that a massive earthquake would hit Utah at the end of 2019, so massive it would distract the world from "lil old LV/ CD" and they could go about their life scott free... So at least initially they believed it to be a good idea.... and maybe it was just recently that CD decided he needed to destroy the evidence better, or move them.
Having listened to some of the JR's "visions" (very little though, could not make myself listen for long) it seems that the idea of this big earthquake comes from her. I also believe it was her who predicted earthquake long ago (like in 2014 I believe?) and then when it didn't happen mentioned it over and over again, that it will happen "very soon". It was also JR who named Rexburg as a center of new church where the LDS bishops will ask for her forgiveness when the doomsday comes. I wonder how much JR's ideas influenced CD or vice versa. It was mentioned before "folie a deux" - I think it's mass folie. Those people who still continue to follow all these "visions" should really think now about this BS that their world is turning around. JMO MOO

Strange to want to have the motor home because he didn't appear to want to move LV into that home initially - couldn't because they were still hiding the fact they got married.
That would be nice if LVD was brought as a new wife on bail to live in the motor home on top of her own dead children's bodies. She would have sweet dreams.

(Sorry for being nasty, but all of this is just heartbreaking)
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Agree. The spite of TR's murder has to have real hatred in it. Maybe she called Chad a fraud and had second thoughts about how Charles was killed. Maybe LV just hated fat so much she killed her own daughter for it.
Tylee was labeled a level 3 dark spirit by Chad back in October 2018. She didn't stand a chance with those two.
did we see them hung up on Dateline? I will have to watch again.
I've just found the piece by Nate Eaton which shows off the quilts hung outside the unit - it wasn't Lori who displayed them like that.

This was the one where he visited the unit with Keith, and the blankets were in/on the boxes inside.

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