Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #37

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There’s so much being bandied about. I can appreciate those who pop in from time to time but almost all the questions can be answer by reading. It’s making it difficult to ascertain relevant new information.

I don’t want to look at anymore photos of the scene. I saw the gruesome silhouette being photographed and that was enough. If remains were left in the open or not, does it really matter in the big scheme of things?

Something developed recently be it a witness or surveillance that prompted this precise search. I do not believe LE had information but waited until June to excavate. If it’s a witness they have direct knowledge. One of the best questions now is figuring out who that is, if it is a who and not surveillance.

I’m also not willing to give Chads family a pass, yet. Some may very well be victims but the comments by Chads son-in-law to Nate during his live aerial feed was disturbing. Calling Nates reporting “crap” tells you where his mind is(was). I hope he’s had his own personal revelation. It’s hard to imagine his family living across the street and maybe in the exact house when two bodies were burned and or buried and them not know it.

Blaming satan for deceiving Chad is repugnant. I believe people can sort right from wrong unless they have severe mental disability and there has been no indication Chad was in that state. I don’t think anyone should accept this notion as a reason for Chads behavior. Let’s recognize him for what he is, an immoral evil person. I know it might be hard for those that know him but that’s what he is.
The thing is that you have to ask yourself whether it would be treated as you see in the photos and videos if it was significant evidence. It is lying on the edge of a blue tarp partially in contact with the ground. If this orange fabric had enclosed or been in contact with the human remains it would be a very significant piece of evidence and would not be lying unattended like this so long after discovery. It would have been documented, marked as an exhibit, photographed and carefully preserved and most likely taken to the forensic lab for examination. Even more so if the material on the orange fabric truly is the body of a child. It just doesn't make sense for it to be not only haphazardly placed but also virtually completely ignored by the crowd of forensic and law enforcement individuals present. The great lawyer Louis Nizer often spoke of "the rule of appropriateness." He advised looking at how people behave and act to determine whether their actions match the facts in question. I can see nothing that suggests the orange fabric or debris on top of it represents a major discovery or important piece of evidence.

That's what I was thinking. The orange sheet is on the edge of the blue tarp with nobody around it. I imagine that perhaps it was something buried in the yard unrelated to the investigation. Chad seems to have a fascination with grave digging. Maybe it was a pet. It's odd that the shape is similar to the hole they're all gathered around and photographing, but it's not an exact match, and maybe it just appears to be the same shape from our perspective.
Couldn't the blue tarp have been positioned right next to the finding. They could have gingerly lifted the orange fabric onto the blue tarp (and the layer of dirt you see next to it) and moved the blue tarp over to the edge. I still think they are all looking at something "in" the hole they are photographing.
Agree. I think I the orange tarp held dirt to be sifted. The blue tent was put next to where they all were gazing. A no fly order was implemented and free from aerial photography they then carefully photographed and removed the body straight to a coroners vehicle and away.
LV must have just hated her. Dancing on a Hawaiian beach while her daughter buried in Idaho like farm trash.
Dr. G's show ended back in 2012. Autopsy itself doesn't take weeks, but toxicology tests can take a long time, especially if looking for unusual poisons.
Thanks! I’m curious about the toxicology. JMO
Agree. I think I the orange tarp held dirt to be sifted. The blue rent was put next to where they all were gazing. A no fly order was implemented and free from aerial photography they then carefully photographed and removed the body straight to a coroners vehicle and away.
LV must have just hated her. Dancing on a Hawaiian beach while her daughter buried in Idaho like farm trash.

It's sad to think that Tylee was a spunky teen who spoke her mind and took leadership, and now she's gone, along with the brother she loved and protected. I think L and C were both threatened by her intelligence and grit. Ugh. So devastating.
My guess that Chad didn't actually want to be a step daddy to an autistic child (who was a handful by all accounts) and a teenage girl who didn't seem to be too attached to her previous step father or even her own father (I am of the opinion that a lot of that was Lori's doing). With money, he and Lori could be free as birds to frolic on beaches and enjoy life without two children in tow.
It's sad to think that Tylee was a spunky teen who spoke her mind and took leadership, and now she's gone, along with the brother she loved and protected. I think L and C were both threatened by her intelligence and grit. Ugh. So devastating.
Agree. The spite of TR's murder has to have real hatred in it. Maybe she called Chad a fraud and had second thoughts about how Charles was killed. Maybe LV just hated fat so much she killed her own daughter for it.
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Speaking of the storage unit.... why in heavens name were those certain personal items retained.. I can not come up with any reason at all...
It allows the storage company to arrange disposal. IMO.

Maybe those were the last few items she kept around the house to give the appearance the children were coming back, until she moved out and then didn't want the landlord to notify police she abandoned those very personal items.
I am still stuck on the motorhome thing. IIRC the permits were requested in March. Just before shutdowns for Covid, not sure if that played a role in delaying things but maybe CD was thinking he could put a motor home up on the property for one of his kids and cover the burial site. Inspectors go out with an undercover FBI agent for permits. Sunken terrain, odor of decomp, etc that could have tipped them off. Aerial photography also supports their suspicions - warrant requested to bring in ground penetrating radar & cadaver dogs to look for remains (as they had always planned).

This whole motorhome idea appears to have come up after LVD was arrested & returned from Hawaii. Because from what I can figure, CD & LVD planned to not return to Idaho and live in Paradise sans children & responsibilities forever and the afterlife. Strange to want to have the motor home because he didn't appear to want to move LV into that home initially - couldn't because they were still hiding the fact they got married. When the kids realized for whatever reason, that there would not be 2 residences (ie: home & motorhome) they planned to move out by mid june?
speculations . . .
The thing about Yellowstone is......
Yes, it's vast and there are many remote areas. But there are also millions of tourists. EVERYWHERE. It's also a land of a billion photos. Last time I was there (late October), bus loads of Chinese tourists were pulling up as if from nowhere, geysers and mud pools all around. They'd all clamber out, stand at the foot of the bus steps and snap photos with long lenses. They didn't even step more than a few feet from the bus! Not even onto the boardwalk or to peer over the rail. I was quite shocked: evidently the prize was a "been there, done that" photo and not the experience. At any rate, yep, billions of photos out there via long lenses.
If you're having to remove a body, you'd certainly be in a place where someone could see you. You'd be parked at a busy pullover. And we might be talking about as much as 140 lbs of dead weight body. Otherwise, you'd have to dismember the body in order to lift.... I'm creeping myself out.
Backcountry assault and burial? No way CD and LV are heading into the woods with grizzlies and wolves: they're totally NOT the type! Doubt they'd even set foot on a woodland trail. Their thing is evidently lalalala on a Hawaii beach in the sunset holding hands...
I could totally see them buying and taking a silver and orange space blanket to Yellowstone just in case, though...
BTW, I've never seen a grizzly or a wolf at Yellowstone, but I'm quite convinced the mere thought would deter LV and CD.

I had a big long reply but decided to condense it to this.

A friend of my brother's got raped in Yellowstone a few years back. Sunny July afternoon in the parking lot at Old Faithful with 20,000 people watching the geyser erupt. She worked at the snack bar and had just taken a cigarette break when somebody grabbed her and dragged her over behind an RV, and even though she screamed and fought, nobody heard her because they were all paying attention to the geyser.

Crowds don't guarantee safety.

Also, I've seen many wolves and grizzlies in the park. Mostly during the off season though, and up in the Lamar Valley.
The thing is that you have to ask yourself whether it would be treated as you see in the photos and videos if it was significant evidence. It is lying on the edge of a blue tarp partially in contact with the ground. If this orange fabric had enclosed or been in contact with the human remains it would be a very significant piece of evidence and would not be lying unattended like this so long after discovery. It would have been documented, marked as an exhibit, photographed and carefully preserved and most likely taken to the forensic lab for examination. Even more so if the material on the orange fabric truly is the body of a child. It just doesn't make sense for it to be not only haphazardly placed but also virtually completely ignored by the crowd of forensic and law enforcement individuals present. The great lawyer Louis Nizer often spoke of "the rule of appropriateness." He advised looking at how people behave and act to determine whether their actions match the facts in question. I can see nothing that suggests the orange fabric or debris on top of it represents a major discovery or important piece of evidence.

I'll throw in my two cents. It looks like an old plastic tarp used for irrigation dams when flood irrigating. They are orange. There is a pile of them in my backyard. In one of the aerial photos you can see a stream of water running down the side of the field next to the tree and dry pond. It looks like pasture. I think there's a good possibility that it was dug up but not with the body and that LE quickly realized what it was. An old irrigation dam tarp. MOO.
How much time do you think Lori will do? I think she probably gave the green light for Chad to kill them and helped plan it. Closest case I can think of is Jennifer Valiante who helped plan the murder of her boyfriends parents. Valiante got 8 years, I imagine Lori will also have some sort of charge for "Murder involving a victim under the age of 12 by a person in a position of trust" maybe 10-20 years? Less if she is able to supply evidence for Tammy Daybell death?
About 10 pages behind... not sure if this has been discussed.

I am just wondering if anyone might be collecting that $20K reward.

I had idly wondered if Lori might have spilled the beans on their location in a sick and twisted attempt to collect the reward monies (remember, Kay had also offered Lori Charles' $1,000,000 life insurance payout if she only returned JJ to them) in order to post bail and get out of jail. I doubt that's what happened (and she wouldn't get the reward anyhow), but at this point in the case something like that from Lori wouldn't surprise me. IMO.
If they didn't want the kids, I'm sure other family members would have happily given them a loving home.
To murder the 2 children and bury them in the backyard is truly evil, hopefully those 2 bastards get what they deserve.
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