Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #38

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As far as I can tell, Chad's children had no idea that Lori even had kids. I don't think every adult in the house would have been arrested, and nothing to suggest CD took any responsibility for anything. Forensic ID of bodies is always done. It has nothing to do with this particular case.

I agree wholeheartedly. Who knows, I may be proven wrong but I just cannot put together any scenario where CD has in anyway willingly contributed to information that lead to the discovery of the children and him being thrown in jail. Jmo
IMO There's a poison out there. Just need to find it. Besides the "pink foam" are there any other similarities? Am I missing anything? If anyone can think of similar symptoms, I will gladly look them up. Until then I will keep digging.

Ive also been trying to think of any possible poisons or drugs that could have been used on TD or Alex that would cause what we have learned about how they died.

If they were given something that they did not know about then the one other clue that may help is it would have to be something that would either hit them very fast or make them fall asleep because otherwise they would have realized they were getting gravely ill and call 911 for an ambulance.

So unless someone was restraining them till they died then I think whatever substance was used had to be something that would hit them very fast or make them fall asleep.
This is spot on and it is scary that these evil people live amongst pure children such as Tylee and JJ. Parents are in a powerful position as their children depend on them to protect them from the evils of the world. In the eyes of a child or teenager for that matter, I cannot imagine the pure terror to learn your own parents/step-parents want to take your life from this planet.:( God Bless these sweet children and may God be holding them close in His arms.

Thank you as this is my post about the 4000.00 smacks, not to mention other aid for JJ.
Honestly, I don't think anyone "cracked" and spilled the beans. Why would they do that now? Why not when they were being questioned? I truly believe that a month ago the neighbor called LEO about the bonfires. LEO obtained aerial footage and compared/contrasted before & after pics (google maps for example or maybe even their own phots from early on). Got a search warrant (as they have been waiting for snow/covid)based upon changes in soil to bring in cadaver dogs and ground penetrating radar. Why would CD tell anyone the exact place he buried these children? Who would want to hear that from him? Everyone was dug so deep in "the children are fine because he is a nice guy so there neener neener" that he could not save face with anyone doing that after lying and betraying them to begin with.
LEO went straight to 2 spots on this property and laid out 2 blue tarps. They then proceeded to rake the whole area where I assume CD wanted to put the motor/mobilehome. We saw that live from copter footage.
We have the technology to do this, it is 2020 and cases can be solved through scientific forensic methods and not just gossip through the ward or community.

I love this post. It seems to me like the closest to a rational explanation for the search, discovery, and arrest as one can get. Jmo
I am suggesting funerary substances that might be hidden upon autopsy. Like formalin.

Ive also been trying to think of any possible poisons or drugs that could have been used on TD or Alex that would cause what we have learned about how they died.

If they were given something that they did not know about then the one other clue that may help is it would have to be something that would either hit them very fast or make them fall asleep because otherwise they would have realized they were getting gravely ill and call 911 for an ambulance.

So unless someone was restraining them till they died then I think whatever substance was used had to be something that would hit them very fast or make them fall asleep.
Ive also been trying to think of any possible poisons or drugs that could have been used on TD or Alex that would cause what we have learned about how they died.

If they were given something that they did not know about then the one other clue that may help is it would have to be something that would either hit them very fast or make them fall asleep because otherwise they would have realized they were getting gravely ill and call 911 for an ambulance.

So unless someone was restraining them till they died then I think whatever substance was used had to be something that would hit them very fast or make them fall asleep.

But the actual foaming has been described as a result of the cardiac arrest... so, for now, the actual foaming doesn't seem to be defining thing. As mentioned, one person indicated the foam is often the result of the cardiac arrest after an overdose... already ruled out for Alex, so not sure what it will give us--especially since Tammy's autopsy was so long after embalming...
@yawningreyhound regarding your comment, "i'm reading the timelines AGAIN and still can't come to terms with a GUESS at a motive.

While this case is very complicated, the motives appear to be quite simple.

IMO, they were motivated by the seven deadly sins--which are also known to some as capital vices.

Here is my list with a simple explanation or example of how I came to this conclusion:

LUST - between CD and LV

GLUTTONY - The Hawaiian beach wedding--particularly the amount of photos for a two person wedding, come to mind.

GREED - The insurance policies and reported social security payments LV received after children were missing.

SLOTH - Religious and legal indifference to duties and obligations to God and the crimes committed, total indifference to the laws by which we are governed

WRATH - LV's actions toward and statements (via text) to the Woodcock's

I completely agree. Lust being the MAIN goal. They wanted to have amazing sex.
ENVY - LV and CD resentfully coveted the people in the other's lives

PRIDE - Both LV and CD displayed perversions of the faculties that make humans more like God and both put their own desires, urges and wants before the welfare of many other people.


I completely agree. LUST is the main driver here.
*If* Chad was in some way the informant (and I'm not really sure I think that's the most logical answer, but still) … then I think the only way the wording of that warrant makes sense is if he was also just throwing Lori under the bus 100% … because yes, in that case I could see how he'd be potentially subjecting himself to the wrath of a variety of others, and how perhaps he might also be to some degree in need of protection, at least for a while …
I highly recommend everyone listen to Trisha's Websleuths podcast last night. I forgot the guest's name but a topic was brought up I have been wondering about for a very long time. I know there is at least 1 case (probably lots more) where someone poisoned someone (I think many people) with Visine. The Dr. on Trisha's show discussed it at length with her and the audience. Very likely that the symptoms would look similar IMO
I'd not necessarily believe at face value the whole JR thing & CR. Look at Annies Cushing information posted about it and it looks really inconsistent regarding statements. Now I am not saying CR is lieing nor defending JR if he did indeed do something. I'm just saying there seems to be more to this or nothing we can say about is fact.

Its one of the reasons no other media outlets have talked about it since. Because it is errrr difficult when everyone seems to be lieing / inconsistent.

LVD broke alot of court orders regarding TR and JR. And never had JR prosecuted. So he is technically presumed innocent.

It was only when this all hit the news CR found out JR was not his actual father but was adopted by him.

LVD is untrustworthy and a manipulator. How can you not tell your son that it wasnt his father who possibly did those things. What cruel person is she? Unless it suited her?

We cannot say that CR wasn't manipulated into believing something that didn't happen. Nor can we say it didn't happen. It all allegations and denials and suspect statements.

The whole situation just muddied the water. I feel for CR alot in this. He's been manipulated the most and isolated from his family.

Now a good question is why did LVD get to adopt JJV when she had broken multiple court orders regarding JR which where on going at the time?

I think Joe Ryan got a bum rap. I just feel like men just give in to her so much in the beginning...Annie Cushing's interview said as much. Joe had never been married, and here is this lovely etc. I just think she drove him crazy, and as usual, emasculated him and turned so many against him.
But is the highlighted statement above correct. Not sure how I missed this. Did Colby indicate exactly how he did find out???
Ive also been trying to think of any possible poisons or drugs that could have been used on TD or Alex that would cause what we have learned about how they died.

If they were given something that they did not know about then the one other clue that may help is it would have to be something that would either hit them very fast or make them fall asleep because otherwise they would have realized they were getting gravely ill and call 911 for an ambulance.

So unless someone was restraining them till they died then I think whatever substance was used had to be something that would hit them very fast or make them fall asleep.
Yes. I agree. Plus something hard to trace. Metabolizes quickly. IMO
How many are dead? I have lost count. What about the others who were shot at? They act like this is normal...

Lori is a true black widow... I think she would continue killing and finding new victims if she could have gotten away with it.

Chad Daybell and his kids would most likely be next...after a ( probably very short) waiting period..knowing Lori.

oh and all the while she can command respect as god like authority and queen of the little cult.

there is a really amazing book by Jerry Bledsoe called Bitter Blood and another called Death Sentence : The True Story of Velma Barfield

These are a couple of the finest True Crime books I have ever read. If you want to get into female serial me , these are excellent case studies.

Oh yes, I expect to hear all about how Lori turned Chad into a killer. mOO
Well, then, who did tip off the police, to look in that specific spot? We only know of Lori or Chad who would have specifically been privy to that information.
As others have said, there might have been a tip from friend/family of CD, who doesn't want to be identified, about a place where soil was disturbed or sod was laid, last fall.

Also, police did search the home before, and potentially did some cursory ground penetrating radar at the time: Police conclude search at Daybell home | East Idaho News

However it was winter, and I suppose the ground would have been frozen. Still they may have picked up some data. Or, the reports about the bonfire led them to search close the the bonfire. Or, they have been carefully going over aerial photos of the property, and deducing what location would be likeliest for burying remains. I don't think CD would have chosen a random spot, but an area where he was least likely to be seen or the ground noticed.
I highly recommend everyone listen to Trisha's Websleuths podcast last night. I forgot the guest's name but a topic was brought up I have been wondering about for a very long time. I know there is at least 1 case (probably lots more) where someone poisoned someone (I think many people) with Visine. The Dr. on Trisha's show discussed it at length with her and the audience. Very likely that the symptoms would look similar IMO
Oh. I would love to watch that. How do I find it? Thank you!
I highly recommend everyone listen to Trisha's Websleuths podcast last night. I forgot the guest's name but a topic was brought up I have been wondering about for a very long time. I know there is at least 1 case (probably lots more) where someone poisoned someone (I think many people) with Visine. The Dr. on Trisha's show discussed it at length with her and the audience. Very likely that the symptoms would look similar IMO

Hey thanks! I keep hearing about this visine as a poison but have never heard any discussion about it...
But the actual foaming has been described as a result of the cardiac arrest... so, for now, the actual foaming doesn't seem to be defining thing. As mentioned, one person indicated the foam is often the result of the cardiac arrest after an overdose... already ruled out for Alex, so not sure what it will give us--especially since Tammy's autopsy was so long after embalming...

Depending on the amount of foam or froth, and how pronounced the color was I think would help us.

I luckily have never witnessed someone dying but I have seen enough movies of people dying of a heart attack and maybe a little drooling and such would be expected. But if the foam and froth was a large amount and if it had a distinct color then I think it could help lean towards some sort of injested substance.

Its hard without knowing the exact details of what the scene looked like upon arrival.
As others have said, there might have been a tip from an insider who doesn't want to be identified, about a place where soil was disturbed or sod was laid, last fall.

Also, police did search the home before, and potentially did some cursory ground penetrating radar at the time: Police conclude search at Daybell home | East Idaho News

However it was winter, and I suppose the ground would have been frozen. Still they may have picked up some data. Or, the reports about the bonfire led them to search close the the bonfire. Or, they have been carefully going over aerial photos of the property, and deducing what location would be likeliest for burying remains. I don't think CD would have chosen a random spot, but an area where he was least likely to be seen or the ground noticed.

I know I saw aerial shots (think they were drone shots over the property that day) that showed newer greener grass growing around the area... really stood out. It was on a FB site however.... has anyone seen it in MSM? It really is revealing.
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