Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #38

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That has been on my mind for days so I committed to my own curiosities and spent a few hours on it this morning.

I was able to draw some conclusions. Please note, I am not a professional on this website, I just pay one at home.

I was able to came up with a pretty comprehensive, well-researched with professional sources, post on this topic earlier today. I have no idea how to find my own previous post o_O or I would refer you directly to it. My apologies, I'm still learning my way around here as I have long been a follower before a participant on this site.

This particular thread has taught me a lot about just blindly

Hey there! Re: finding your posts. I figured out if you click on your user name, (for me it’s at the very top of my screen but I’m on a cell), then go to your profile you can hit “postings” to see all of the posts you’ve made. Hope this helps! :)
Just saw this -- Please forgive if it's a repeat:

'My Little Man': J.J. Vallow's Grandfather Becomes Emotional on Visit to Site Where Remains Found

Family members say the bodies of Joshua “J.J.” Vallow and Tylee Ryan were found on Wednesday at a property belonging to their stepfather, Chad Daybell

By Steve Helling......June 12, 2020 11:35 AM
On Thursday, the grandparents of J.J. Vallow visited the site where, according to them and other family members, the remains of the boy and his older sister were found the day before.

Authorities say they've found the remains of two children on a property belonging to doomsday writer Chad Daybell — and family members say those children were Joshua “J.J.” Vallow, 7, and Tylee Ryan, 17.
Larry and Kay Woodcock, the grandparents of J.J., arrived at the scene on Thursday afternoon. Standing on the road near the property, Larry Woodcock grew visibly emotional as he spoke to reporters. "That's the scene where J.J. was," he said, according to Fox 13 News. He turned and looked at the empty field before saying, "My little man."
Authorities have not commented whether the charges will be upgraded against Vallow or Daybell after the discovery of the children's remains.

More here:
'My Little Man': J.J. Vallow's Grandfather Becomes Emotional on Visit to Site Where Remains Found
hey thanks! I keep hearing about Visine as a/the poison to be considered...but have not heard any discussions... thanks for reference to the podcast...
Visine poisoning would create major bowel issues. I know Alex had feces but did Tammy

Eta I just looked up visine poisoning and found it to be not necessarily true about causing definite diarhea.
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In the email Lori sent LIFE Academy on Sept 5, 2019 to inform them she was removing JJ and they were moving out of state, she ends her second paragraph as follows: "I really appreciate all you have done for JJ. I will continue to recommend life [LIFE Academy] to all of our friends like I did with [redacted]."

So, I have always wondered if she was periodically accessing the school's app to keep track of a student whose parents enrolled him or her there based upon Lori' recommendation of the school, or whether she was hoping to see any communications that parent may have posted there.

BBM - added to spell out full name of school.

Link to Fox 10 Phoenix, Justin Lum's Facebook post relating to this email:
Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix
Along those lines I’ve suspected she was using the app to secretly communicate with someone. Receiving messages via code on a main forum or exchanging private messages within the app (similar to what we can do here on WS)
That has been on my mind for days so I committed to my own curiosities and spent a few hours on it this morning.

I was able to draw some conclusions. Please note, I am not a professional on this website, I just pay one at home.

I was able to came up with a pretty comprehensive, well-researched with professional sources, post on this topic earlier today. I have no idea how to find my own previous post o_O or I would refer you directly to it. My apologies, I'm still learning my way around here as I have long been a follower before a participant on this site.

This particular thread has taught me a lot about just blindly

I think I found the post you were talking about. Its Post #401 and I am including it below. Thanks for investing real $$$ and your time into helping with this case.

Post 401

@TexieLouWho21 I just researched the same. Two hours and one purchase of an article from a professional journal led me to this:

Poisons and drugs can cause pulmonary embolism—specifically ethylene glycol and propylene glycol toxicity—according to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

I’m also attaching a file that states drugs that can cause pulmonary disorders for review.

Edited to add: Information on propylene glycol
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For those who wonder what made LVD or CD think they could get away with it: I think they were thinking along the same lines as Patrick Frazee: no bodies, no witnesses*, no videos, no crime.

* I don't believe AC's conveniently timed death was any more 'natural' than Tylee's and JJ's.
Visine poisoning would create major bowel issues. I know Alex had feces but did Tammy

I kind of like the Visine theory too from last night's discussion during Tricia's broadcast.

I dont have a Youtube account to be able to post there but I often listen in during her broadcasts. She does a wonderful job. And the live chat sessions are a hoot. :)

Link included to WS Youtube below. Most every night at 10 EST pm usually. She will usually post reminders too for us when special broadcasts are upcoming.
The replays are there too.

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They didn't go to Disney. Chad and his kids vacationed in California over the Thanksgiving weekend and they went to Knott's Berry Farm (an amusement park). Lori may have been there with them, although we are waiting on confirmation she was actually there. She told MG she was going to CA with Chad and his kids but, strangely, she wasn't in the vacation photos we've seen. If she was there and avoided being photographed on purpose, it makes me think they were intentionally trying to keep Lori and Chad's marriage a secret from the outside world. It's the same as Chad not acknowledging to police that he was married to Lori when police came to do a welfare check on JJ. Chad acted like he barely knew Lori and tried to drive away. Now that we know the kids were buried in Chad's backyard it makes total sense why they tried to keep their relationship hidden from police. I really wonder when Chad's kids Chad first met Lori. I think the statement about them having cookies with her after Tammy's funeral and being all accepting of Lori as their dad's new woman was likely a fabrication from Lori to MG and an attempt to make the situation seem benign.

I agree with you totally regarding the cookies after the memorial service... Lori was certainly trying to influence Melanie saying "they were married before", "Tammy would be happy beyond the veil", "She met with Kay to drop off JJ". I know that Melanie hints at truth, but geeez, between the two of them who knows the truth.
These meeting with family so soon after life changing events (Lori in CA after Tammy's death), and Melani (Ian's kids loved her right after Natalie and Ian divorced).

These are crazy people.

But you bring up that interesting situation where Chad was spooked after the welfare check. WHY do you thing that he was hiding their relationship at that point? This one has been a mystery for me. Was it just that this was the first acknowledgment that these kids were missing? But still there just seems to have been more.
But you bring up that interesting situation where Chad was spooked after the welfare check. WHY do you thing that he was hiding their relationship at that point? This one has been a mystery for me. Was it just that this was the first acknowledgment that these kids were missing? But still there just seems to have been more.
Well knowing what we know now, if they had checked his land they would have found their bodies, so I think that's as good a reason as any to pretend he didn't know her?
Just wanted to suggest to new people like me that I’ve been going through the timelines on the first page of each thread and the amount of information here is incredible!
I’m finding it helpful to follow along with what others who have been exploring this case here longer are discussing and to learn more than I ever could imagine about the ins and outs of the case, the history of all the people involved, and the investigations. I really can’t think of any other place to get all of this info, it’s awesome! It does take a notebook and a pencil as suggested to me early on lol!

ETA: so much info that really digs deep and far back. Things like this:
2007 – CV’s 2nd ex-wife begins to have concerns about Lori’s mental health. “She just seemed off. There were a lot of strange goings-on at their home to the point that a judge ordered cameras to be put in their home to protect the children,” Cheryl says (East Idaho News).
Just a ton of information leading up to this terrible end result. I know I sound like an advertisement lol! But I’m excited to be digging into all of this information.
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I find it hard to believe that they hadn't looked at aerial imagery from last year and on or even with a drone well before someone would even have to report it. Seems like a very inexpensive and easy research method.

Absolutely. Last night I was able to view a live feed from law enforcement monitoring a scene in Oregon using a new DJI First Responder drone system. It has infra-red, thermal sensors and an ultra-high resolution camera that zooms up to 180x optical and 500X digital zoom. It was flying at 400 feet and we could easily read the subject's t-shirt slogan. Given that LE does not require a warrant to fly a drone it is likely the property was combed with optical and thermal sensors long before they came physically onto the property.
TD's sudden death of a healthy adult sound similar to AC's death.

The deaths of TD and AC are suspicious. IMO the Deaths really need to be investigated for strange odd poisons. An independent lB but one that deals with rare poisons. That’s the key rare. And do nor let the families cremate any remains now.
All missing persons cases are mysteries, but this one was unique. It was a mystery inside a mystery. There was the mystery not just of the children's whereabouts but also of their mother's silence.

If Lori had ever spoken up, that second mystery would have disappeared, and the case would have turned into a much more ordinary single-mystery missing person's case. To be clear, I am not assuming Lori would have told the truth. But even a lie would have dissolved the mystery of her silence.

For example, if she had said "My kids were eaten by a bear in Yellowstone," few of us would have believed her. But the case would have immediately transformed itself from the double enigma that engrossed so many us for months to a sordid but, sadly, not unfamiliar case of a parent who tires of their children, disposes of them in some way, and lies to cover up their crime. Again, we would still have had the mystery of what exactly had happened to the kids and where their bodies were, but we would no longer have the mystery of a mother's silence.

Now that Tylee's and JJ's bodies have been identified, part of that mystery is cleared up. But not all of it. While we can reasonably presume that Lori didn't tell anyone what happened to the kids because what happened to the kids was illegal and would have landed her in jail, we are now left with a slightly different mystery: why and how she thought she would get away with her crime. As one mystery has receded, another has come into view.

But perhaps we have the tools we need to unravel this new mystery. If you watch Melanie Gibb's long interview, Nate Eaton asks her for her thoughts on why Chad would be willing to risk creating such a bad impression by marrying Lori just days after Tammy's sudden death. Melanie's answer is interesting. She says that Chad believed we were approaching the end of times and, therefore, that earthquakes and many other forms of massive disruption would so capture the world's attention that Chad's and Lori's little lives would go unnoticed.

One of the most infuriating things about this case was the sense that the key players kept acting like they could get away with everything. Chad and Lori both appeared to believe that they could simply not account for two missing children in any way. There were times, I think, when many of us wanted to jump inside our TV screens, shake them, and scream "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!"

Well, we may now have an answer. Chad and Lori said nothing because they were waiting for the apocalypse. They continued to think they could get away with not providing a convincing cover story for the disappearance of two children because they believed the end of the world would make their (and all) domestic dramas irrelevant.

One of the questions I have had about Chad from day one is whether or not he was a true believer. When I read his blog posts and comments he's made in interviews, I always get the impression that he is a master manipulator. He uses language in a way that simultaneously advances self-serving narratives and denies that he's doing anything other than describing the world as he sees it. He has, as I've written before, a "tell." While conveying the most fantastical things, he invariably professes bewilderment at other things that really aren't all that improbable.

So while Chad's writing would suggest he's the most cynical of manipulators, we now have some evidence that he believed his own lies. We have somehow reached a point where sincere belief in earthquakes, zombies, and a summer apocalypse is the most plausible answer to the question of why Chad believed he could get away with a series of brazen crimes that included burying his former adulterous lover's dead children in his own back yard.

What a case . . .

Slightly tongue in cheek, but if someone believed the apocalypse was going to happen in July, and it would be preceded by plagues and economic collapse, the last few months might be seen as confirmation that everything was proceeding as per schedule.
In regards to the search warrant. Chad is so full of himself I can see him pulling an OJ-if-I-did-it.

To friend: if I did it, I'd bury them out back. No one would look there. *laugh*

MG interview shakes the tree of friend.

I don't really know, though. Jmo
Absolutely. Last night I was able to view a live feed from law enforcement monitoring a scene in Oregon using a new DJI First Responder drone system. It has infra-red, thermal sensors and an ultra-high resolution camera that zooms up to 180x optical and 500X digital zoom. It was flying at 400 feet and we could easily read the subject's t-shirt slogan. Given that LE does not require a warrant to fly a drone it is likely the property was combed with optical and thermal sensors long before they came physically onto the property.

Agreed. You've got thousands of home sleuthers dissecting aerial images from all times here and on other sites. I find it hard to believe the FBI wouldn't think of that.

You mind linking that site you are using or pm me? Thanks!
Yes I am. And I was trying very hard to delete my post and my computer froze. I had to reboot.

Everyone please forgive me. I am so sorry. Think I will go back to just reading here and not commenting. Would love to blame my old age but maybe its more than that. :(
Don’t quit posting. Accuracy’s important but I daresay anyone who’s been active on WS for a while has made at least one “So sorry! I was mistaken/ confused” post at some point. I know I have. More than once.

If everyone who made an error stopped posting this wouldn’t be a forum, it would be a blog written by the few perfect WSers. They do exist (one reputedly w/helper elves in the basement to whom they feed pie).
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Yes, I think that is exactly what the Sheriff is saying as well in the article in response to rumors that the family refused an autopsy. It’s up to The coroner, not the family. So it was the coroner who decided not to perform an autopsy, rather than the family refusing one.

I would like to see an investigation into the coroner and CD. Did they know each other from church or work? What was their, if any, relationship. JMO.

When my friends husband died in Kansas, a healthy man, the coroner was required by law to do an autopsy To make sure it was not suicide or homicide. Idaho should have a law as such too. Anyone dying young for no apparent reason is suspicious. Now not having an autopsy is suspicious to me. Moo
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