Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #39

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I don't know if Chad was moving out or not, so who knows. But IF he was, it doesn't strike me as odd that Emma was moving in. It was the family home, even if for only 5 years. I live in my late father in law's house. It sat empty for 2 or 3 years (totally different situation obviously) until I informed my husband we should buy it, remodel, and move in. Jmo
Do you have bodies buried there? I had to ask.
IIRC, 2018 was the year Lori met Chad and learned she is a "translated being". Could this news have caused Lori to decide to test her newfound status by causing or ordering Joseph's death.
I believe she may have been involved but will never be prosecuted. But I believe we think Lori first met Chad in person in November 2018 and JR died in April 2018 so the timeline does not match.

I personally think they met earlier but did not become more than acquaintenances until sometime in the fall of 2018. MG claims to have introduced them in fall 2018 (I think this was in her interview.)
So I was just watching Melanie Gibbs interview with Nate again and something stood out to me. She said that Chad and Lori met at an event in St George Utah, where Chad was speaking and selling his books. Well isn’t St George Utah where Lori’s parents live and where the search warrant was served on their home? It just makes me wonder if her parents are part of 144,000 or if they at least believe Chad’s BS? Hmmmm? MOO
LOL somehow I can’t see Chad speaking in front of anyone.
BBM in quote
I just listened again and this isn’t what his attorney said. He didn’t say that he turned himself in at all. What he said is:
“When the police showed up at his house last night Mr. Daybell didn’t flee, Mr. Daybell didn’t abscond, Mr. Daybell didn’t run.”
“Mr. Daybell’s intention was to turn himself in through his counsel into the court if that was going to happen and to address these issues”
ETA it wasn’t going to happen because he was arrested while driving away from the scene

I think his attorney was hastily hired and was not completely aware of the facts and possibly the timing of the search the day before.

Fact: until remains were found, LE had no probable cause to arrest CD. He was free to leave his house. Once remains were found they only took him in for questioning. They still had no authority to arrest. During that period he was technically free to leave. It was only after they obtained an arrest warrant and actually arrested him that he no longer had the right to leave.

Fact: Chad has been in Rexburg for over 3 months and could have legally fled any time he wanted. He did not.

I think he is guilty and I think the bail is appropriate. But simply leaving your house during a search is not "fleeing" and is not evidence of being a flight risk. Of course the guy is a flight risk. He is potentially facing the death penalty. But none of his ACTIONS indicate that he is likely to flee. It is only the charges and potential penalties that make him a fight risk and I'm not sure that the constitutional prohibition of excessive bail has an exemption based on the severity of the charges. And if it does, he currently faces a maximum of 10 years. It certainly would not be constitutional to set his bail based on an assumption that he is guilty of a crime he has not even been charged with.
I bet CD takes a plea in order to avoid the death penalty. The death penalty might not sit well with all his nonsense about the afterlife, having experienced different lives, etc. Ending a life naturally might be compatible, but the death penalty? I don't think that would work so well. Plus, it just might not go along with his prepper mentality. It was not exactly the "end of days" apocalypse he had been depending on for rescue.
Maybe but I don’t see how the prosecution is going to prove who killed who and when. They just found the bodies because someone told someone. As tight as her nutty family is, they will still defend Lori. Sorry, I know that wasn’t the point if your post.
I believe she may have been involved but will never be prosecuted. But I believe we think Lori first met Chad in person in November 2018 and JR died in April 2018 so the timeline does not match.

I personally think they met earlier but did not become more than acquaintenances until sometime in the fall of 2018. MG claims to have introduced them in fall 2018 (I think this was in her interview.)

I suspect that Lori had contacted Chad via email or some other communication sometime after she began reading his novels. It's possible that she reached out to him and could have even met him prior to meeting him with Melanie. I think I read somewhere that she began reading his books around 2015. Not sure on this date and it could be wrong.
I'm sure that if LE has all of her electronic communications, they will know if this is possible. I think that the meeting in person was the match that lit the fire. At that time, they were each their own brand of crazy and encouraged one another down the wrong path.
I'm going through the MG 3 parter again and a few new things I noticed:

But the reason I was listening to this again was because I was certain LVD didn't have the Daybell kids over for cookies THE DAY OF the funeral, so I wanted to go back and be sure. It's near the end at about 7 minutes left.
"I know that they did meet Lori.... I know that she had them all over at her townhome for cookies after the funeral, when she came back to town."

I assumed she meant when Lori came back after the funeral in Utah.
The more true crime stories I read, the more I believe that criminals are dumb. We watch a lot of TV shows describing elaborately conceived murders and coverups, and yet in real life, most criminals are rather obvious and clumsy. Some smarter than others, some less clumsy than others, but generally not terribly clever. I think when you and I sit here, as we're doing, in our "armchairs", it's easy to think "oh wow, how stupid, i would never do that".... but imagine yourself in an altered state, where you're amped up on adrenaline and trying to figure out how you're going to get away with something, and the clock is ticking. You can conceal things in and around your home much easier than you can anywhere else, because there are no cell pings or cameras to track you to an unusual location (although neighbors security cameras are often the downfall in some of these cases).

So I guess what I'm saying is that they're not of above average intelligence, and other than in actual psychopaths, they have similar stress responses to the average person, and don't think particularly clearly when under the stress of concealing a crime.

Good points. But here's the thing. I lived in Arizona (like AC an LV) most of my life. There are abandoned mine shafts all over the place. Pretty much everyone knows in the back of their head that if you ever need to get rid of a body that's how you do it. Morbid, yes, but openly joked about.

I moved to Hawaii and it did not take me long to pick up on the same jokes. You dispose of bodies in lava tube skylights - where the tube collapsed to the surface. They are a little harder to find here than mineshafts but really not that hard.

Utah has slot canyons, at least down south. I'm sure there is something similar in Idaho, maybe it's teh acid pools. It makes no sense to me that CD buried the bodies on his own land. Obviously he did. But I just have to think that if Lori or Alex were involved they would have asked "Don't you have mineshafts around here?" That leads me to think CD did the dirty work on his own. I'm leaning to Lori doing the actual killing but I think she presented him with the bodies and he did the disposal. I actually don't think Alex was involved at all.

I suspect LE thinks this as well and that is why we see the charges we see. He is not facing a lot of prison time. They are probably hoping to turn him and implicate her in murder in exchange for serving the two 5 year terms in parallel.
Alright, let's discuss the forensic work done at the scene and, specifically, the images of what appear to be human remains. Out of respect for members and for convenience, I have uploaded images with annotations on our server. WARNING: don't click the link if you find the topic unsettling. The images are not terribly graphic, but I do know some people are particularly sensitive. Here's the link. PASSWORD IS: visual
Wow. Thank you for taking the time to lay this out for us. Your analysis is fascinating and valuable for all of us who care about this case and want to learn more about scene searches in general. I know there are other WSers not following this case (yet) that would appreciate it too. I’m very glad you are here!
IMO we're starting to veer off into gay stereotypes. Is this the direction we collectively want to go?

What are the stereotypes we are veering into? I definitely don't think we should be discussing gay, racial, or religious stereotypes or our personal opinions of homosexuality. But to the extent it is relevant to the case, I think Lori's relationship with AC might be highly relevant and if she strongly objected to homosexuality, understanding if AC was gay may help us understand her mindset.

On a slightly sadistic sidenote, if she is strongly homophobic, I like that she will spend the rest of her life in a women's prison.
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