Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #39

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Anyone who can murder their own children IMO are very dangerous because they are void of any feelings/empathy and are capable of murdering anyone...I predict both Lori and Chad will be convicted of murder for the children and possibly even Charles and Tammy....I remember Nate mentioning in one of his reports that LE has a lot of evidence on “the cloud”..
The exact word was used by the prosecutor (without identifying which remains he was referring to). You can infer that from the criminal complaint at the link. Complaint.pdf

Language used:

on or between the 8th day of September, 2019, and the 9th day of June, 2020: willfully destroy, alter and/or conceal human remains

on or between the 22nd day of September, 2019, and the 9th day ofJune, 2020: wilifully conceal

ETA: Tylee was last seen on September 8. JJ attended school until 23rd.
Thank you so much! I did not see that - you are so right.
WARNING—- graphic image

I’ve got a side by side. I think the orange from the burial site is just way too big to be the gun bag. The scale looks to be almost 5-6’ long to me. A 5 gallon bucket is beside it for scale at crime scene.
View attachment 251203
So, how about this: the orange bag at the dig site also has a silver (or something) bottom. I'm thinking it's sitting on top of a silver space blanket (or some such). The orange bag has split on the bottom, and the contents are now on both the silver space blanket and wrapped by the bag.
This also means that the scale of the orange bag is likely is split open and misshapen, the underneath is a sheet of something else entirely. If this thought works, trying to use the bucket as a measuring tool to identify the bag as "too big to be the orange bag in AZ video" may be misleading.
However, the length of the black handle may also speak to the size of the bag; it doesn't seem to have fragmented like the rest of the bag.
Random thoughts....
I agree. I believe she would have told her son she had married him if it was a genuine relationship. He was living in Idaho from September to the end of November, barring a few trips to AZ on some very shady business. And who spends their honeymoon preparing earthquakes? I dread to imagine the spectacle.

Eaton: Did you guys have a joint wedding with Alex and Zulema, or was that separate?

Melani: Alex and Zulema had been dating for several months, and Alex was very ready to marry Zulema. She was waiting until she got an answer. She knew she was supposed to be with Alex but was going to wait until it felt like the right time.

Did she ever answer Nate's question? She went right into justifying the marriage.
Although there has been strong evidence shown here that the orange item removed is in the shape of the area they are photographing I cannot imagine a nylon bag being strong enough to hold a body. A sleeping bag, possibly? But a nylon bag would rip and tear from the weight. MOO the bag contains personal effects that would make identification of what they found in the soil (remains) easier. I have been wrong on this case before and honestly on one photo when I zoomed in it looked like a bag of bones, but I believe my mind was playing tricks on me.
Aha! Thank you guys! I wasn’t even paying attention and just assumed all the pages were the thread lol. I appreciate it!
Also... I may have just double quoted... we shall see if I am successful when I hit post. I just read the instructions in the welcome file haha.
@Michael0 Once you are in a thread that you want to follow, like the media thread for example, You can click on "Watch Thread" and then just go to your "watched threads' when you log in here and go right to it.
That has helped me a lot in finding threads I am following.
This is the first case I have followed on WS. I got interested mostly when it looked like Chad and Lori were in Hawaii where I live. Then it was the shear weirdness that got me hooked. Nothing about this case has ever made any sense to me and still doesn't. It's easy to brand people as "pure evil" but that does not actually explain why they did what they did to me.

I'm not LDS but I've lived in LDS communities most of my life and the idea that practicing Mormons (or even jack Mormons) could do the things these two were suspected of never made any sense to me. And yet now that we learned this week that the worst is true, I am deeply saddened. My opinion of LDS has not changed but I am definitely second guessing my assumptions about what people may or may not do based on their religious beliefs!

As I watched video of the vigil last night I started crying, which is rare for me. It was not because of the sadness of the deaths of two young innocents. It was because a community that they lived in for only a short time came out in such force to send their respects. It's clear to me that the people of Eastern Idaho are fantastic people. @SleuthD-o-doubleg you should be proud of your community!
Thank you for such a sincere compliment. Our community will forever be changed but I believe in a good way. We have come together in ways that have made us stronger as a community.
Alright, let's discuss the forensic work done at the scene and, specifically, the images of what appear to be human remains. Out of respect for members and for convenience, I have uploaded images with annotations on our server. WARNING: don't click the link if you find the topic unsettling. The images are not terribly graphic, but I do know some people are particularly sensitive. Here's the link. PASSWORD IS: visual
DBM: Unclear post.
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So, how about this: the orange bag at the dig site also has a silver (or something) bottom. I'm thinking it's sitting on top of a silver space blanket (or some such). The orange bag has split on the bottom, and the contents are now on both the silver space blanket and wrapped by the bag.
This also means that the scale of the orange bag is likely is split open and misshapen, the underneath is a sheet of something else entirely. If this thought works, trying to use the bucket as a measuring tool to identify the bag as "too big to be the orange bag in AZ video" may be misleading.
However, the length of the black handle may also speak to the size of the bag; it doesn't seem to have fragmented like the rest of the bag.
Random thoughts....

I agree with you - although I don't think it is a split in the orange blanket but maybe a split between items within the blanket and we are seeing the silver side of the blanket exposed. The other thing is the edge of the blanket on the right side is flipped so you can tell one side is orange and the other silver/white.
Something within this orange blanket holds the "egregious" charge (IMO).

Just another observation (although not in your pic) - how big was that firepit when LEO arrived with the search warrant? That appeared to be enormous to me from aerial footage. Why on earth would anyone want a huge pit if you were just sitting around and roasting marshmallows? (Maybe I am way off but it seemed weird).
About Chad lying about supernatural stuff to get his way...I don’t remember the exact details, but he lied about a dead relative of Tammy’s, I think her mom or grandma, appearing to him. I think he lied and said the apparition was upset about her playing a video game, and used the made up apparition to get her to play less.

So if I’m right about that, he would lie about supernatural encounters to get his way in extremely minor conflicts of his own making. He also lied in the “non-fiction” books to make money. I’m also pretty sure he knew that JR and perhaps other authors he published lied to make money.

So he appears to be a consistent, long term liar. To achieve very small, unimportant things like the video game conflict, and to make money dishonestly when he was very capable of making money honestly.

If all of that’s right, it’s no surprise he lied to Lori about the light and dark levels and the zombie stuff. It seems like he just conjured up these lies to give false religious approval for the nasty things Lori thought anyway.

But the shallowness and superficiality of these lies indicate to me that he was probably extremely surprised when murder came into the picture. This guy was a petty liar and a crook for some time, but I don’t think he had any inkling of what Lori and Alex were capable of.

This makes me think he will be quite likely to inform on Lori to get a better deal/plea. He knows that all of the religious stuff was BS, he knows that he’s a weird liar and not a god, so when the reality sinks in, the self preservation will too.

I also bet that he had the least to do with the actual killings and likely the burials. If true, this is another incentive to get a better deal.
It was Chad who suggested to Lori that both her husband and her two children were zombies and therefore had to go.
How could CD diagnose the children as light/dark if he never met them? Or does he access his Light/Dark Superpower "behind/behind the veil" or while in his portal?

How dare he do that to children. The fact he would tells me that he was pure evil before the murders.

MB bought into that too. Did Chad make a hit list for her too? Seems she was intent on doing the same things her aunt did. Get rid of people standing in the way of your new life. And profiting off of it as well. Good thing Brandon and his PI put a stop to it.

LV is diabolical., but I don't think she would have killed anyone if it weren't for Chad and his revelations.
Thank you, that answered my question. Sounds then, like it can be a learned pattern. Hmmmmmm MOO
The quote indicates the opposite: it would NOT be a learned pattern. AFAIK BPD often shows up in adolescence or early adulthood, exactly on point for the "change of personality" attributed to LV. IME BPD-ers can work hard to manage their condition, but they can't get rid of it.
The bigger problem is that none of the family appreciates the fact that they could be dysfunctional. And need help. And those that married into the family, soon realized there were unresolved issues. And divorced. Or died trying to leave. When you look around at people, this mess can open your eyes to toxic relationships at home, school, work, or any other place where you have established ties. Church or volunteer groups, as well.
I bet mental health or rather, lack of good mental health, is the catalyst of so many problems today. This case could help foster improvement in mental health care, if someone would help push it long. Nutrition and exercise are critical. We all know that. Apparently, mental health is the third component for a fulfilling life.
Idaho may be very progressive in its handling of crime by adopting a no insanity defense in their criminal code. It will keep predators like LVD and CD from walking the streets again. And give others thinking of heinous crime, concern that they cannot fall back on insanity as a defense.
I commend them as they pursue justice for these children.

I would think that many other states may be looking at the insane plea because of this case.
So, how about this: the orange bag at the dig site also has a silver (or something) bottom. I'm thinking it's sitting on top of a silver space blanket (or some such). The orange bag has split on the bottom, and the contents are now on both the silver space blanket and wrapped by the bag.
This also means that the scale of the orange bag is likely is split open and misshapen, the underneath is a sheet of something else entirely. If this thought works, trying to use the bucket as a measuring tool to identify the bag as "too big to be the orange bag in AZ video" may be misleading.
However, the length of the black handle may also speak to the size of the bag; it doesn't seem to have fragmented like the rest of the bag.
Random thoughts....

All we can really do is estimate the size of the orange object "as is". Jmo
You can sleuth all you want about Lori going back as far as you want. There is a lot to be found but most of it points to a fairly normal LDS upbringing. She attended seminary in high school, was a cheerleader and her parents graciously hosted the local hangout for her group of friends. She rarely dated IIRC but got married first shortly after she graduated to a guy one year ahead of her.

There is some information ou there about her parents that is easy to find. It suggests a lack of respect for authority but nothing like condoning murder.
I wouldn't go as far as to call it a normal LDS family, I've seen photos that show they were wearing clothes that Mormon people wouldn't, as well as some beliefs and law problems they were having that would be very unusual for a typical Mormon family. Yes, Lori went to seminary, but lots of kids do, even ones whose families aren't living a typical LDS lifestyle. MOO
But that is done with dental records. I don't think LE would ask a relative to look at a skull of their dead loved one so they could assist in identifying remains.
But the sign-off by relatives may have been pro forma. They may have been shown the evidence and simply had to acknowledge the scientific interpretation.
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