Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #40

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Good point - I have never had a storage unit and that would have never crossed my mind.
Still with such personal items (ie: blankets with kids photos) and missing kids seems so risky. Why not burn it all in CD's big fire pit?

1. It could make it appear that Lori was saving these things and intended to come back for them for the supposedly living children.

2. She could always say that she thought Alex had packed these things up and moved them, and she never noticed they were missing and totally forgot about the storage unit.

3. Bicycles and such would not burn, but the blankets would have tied back directly to identifying Tylee and JJ, and maybe too risky to be caught trying to burn those items, since their whereabouts were unknown at the time.

4. The storage unit could have bought Lori 60-90 days before the unit was opened by the owner for unpaid rent. Some owners do not ever open them, so it is a treasure hunt for those who buy these sight unseen contents. They schedule one auction on all delinquent storage units, possibly buying her up to a year. Supposedly some have found valuable items from buying the unknown contents of storage units, like winning a lotto. JMO
I’ve been puzzled by whatever is on the orange thing on the blue tarp like everybody else. Dirt? Collapsed box? Body? Bones? But I just can’t believe that crime scene protocol in Idaho would allow human remains to be so casually set aside. That would be wrong in my opinion both ethically and forensically.
In all the photos I’ve seen nobody there seems the least bit interested in whatever’s on that orange thing. Is there a picture of the photographer taking a picture of it?
I think whatever’s on the orange thing is part of the evidence recovered there. I kinda don’t think it’s actual human remains.
And I might be totally wrong as this is just my thoughts.
Could changing his name via marriage in Las Vegas, abandoning his apartment in Idaho, and going to live with his new wife, without anyone knowing except, presumably LV, have been a strategy to hide from police investigating him for homicide? My question about that, however, is that he went back to live in the same town where he was being investigated for murder of CV.
Court docs, body camera detail aftermath of shooting that killed Charles Vallow | East Idaho News
I never thought about this before. Did he think the case had been closed? The LE there did think it was self defense at first. Then he got married suddenly (MO). Changed his last name, seem to go no contact with family. Then I dont know about the family contact. There were alot of phone calls, back and forth ,on the bill JC produced. I wonder if he was going to legally change his name, or just tell people he was Alex Pastenes? I could could go on, but I will end it here. JMO
Those toys and belongings were from Melani’s children, not from JJ. I have posted the relevant piece from the timeline.

Actually it's both. Melani left her kids stuff on the curb. And Lori left some of her and JJ's stuff on her porch after she fled the townhouse in Rexburg.

Missing Idaho children’s mom fled the night before FBI raided home, neighbor says

"Seth said Lori kept to herself. One day, a police officer showed up on Seth's doorstep, asking about Lori and her children. He said about a week later, two nights before Thanksgiving, he saw Lori and her brother packing up a truck. He figured they were going somewhere for the holiday.

"Next morning — Boom. They're gone," Seth said. That's when police and the FBI came crashing in.

Seth said Lori left behind her belongings, including JJ's toys, which now sit on the porch covered in snow."
Which is interesting because it appears that LVD used language to distance herself from her bond with her children. (ie: JJ turning into zombie) and it appears tried to make herself believe they deserved to die.
I wonder if CD felt that way with TD. I mean no disrespect but as quick as 'children can go from light to dark' - maybe CD rationalized this. Of course you have to kill zombies to let the soul and the body unite (honestly I don't want this old decrepit thing anymore if it were me), but what happens to good souls who die of natural causes? Do they take their good soul and body together to a holy place? Do they arrive intact? What about the mutilated zombie body does it arrive intact when it gets to heaven?
Maybe I am just putting too much of my own memories in this but I remember LDS girls I was close with growing up, not being able to get their ears pierced in the early 70's because it was a voluntary scarring of their perfect body that god gave them.
Is there a lot of evidence that both LV and CD genuinely believed the zombie stuff, holding an involved theory about zombies? That was from a third hand report filed by BB, based on what he alleged his ex-wife told him about what she'd allegedly heard, but how much of that can be taken as literal truth of the reality of other people's beliefs? Are there other sources - anything in CD's books, or a common trend to include zombies in Christian doomsday scenarios?

I think it more likely both LV and CD had a belief in CD's prophetic visions, and that was enough rationalization: it was their destiny to be united and unburdened with LV's dependent children, so that they could help lead the 144,000 in July. JMO

Another source of all these ideas, that hasn't been mentioned, is the internet. IMO it's likely the online forums, and ability of someone like LV to be temporarily influenced by ideas from different web sources, as well as, possibly, affecting all sorts of other people like BB, that fueled much of the craziness of this whole situation.
Good point in that remember what (one of the Melanie's) that she didn't remember what she learned from CD or if it was from podcasts, or from LDS as it all kind of ran together?
BBM. That was IP's attempt at damage control. After revealing a lot of details about the cult to the FBI, he confessed to his wife (Lori's niece) that he was wearing a wire and stopped cooperating with police. Then he claimed that she was just confused and was getting her info from sources other than Chad and Lori.
Makes the whole "I had the whole family over for cookies" after TD's funeral statement come into play. If true, (which I don't believe for a minute because they were too busy hiding their affair at the time) the family members of TD would be able to confirm there were no children there.
If I were one of CD's kids, I could maybe see going to someone's home for cookies after a funeral but not someone I had never met or hung out with - I would opt to go to a family member's home or close friend of TD's. Even if TD knew LVD from all the events - I have seen no mention of them hanging out like friends.
Just feels so very fishy -
I know it is an LVD lie - but her lies all catch up with her in the end. It may be the very first time in her life that she cannot squiggle out of this mess by creating another.
I also find the cookie thing nonsense. JMO I don't know how they do funerals in ID or Utah. Where I grew up the church or family friends have a lunch after the funeral or before. Depending on the scheduled time of the funeral. I don't see how this happened since LVD lived in ID and Tammy was burial was in Utah. It could have been a different day, but I can't see LVD wasting time on anything other than a beach planned wedding. JMO
Please can someone tell me the surname of the aunt , Anne who has her own blog and the details of the blog if it’s allowed. I know that I’ve seen reference to it previously but I can’t seem to find it.
Justin Lum
25 min

To Tylee and JJ,

It’s been six months since I learned about you two. Siblings not linked by blood but connected by pure unconditional love. It was December 21st, 2019 when I really looked at your missing poster. I had no idea what would transpire after that.

The connections, the twists and suspicious circumstances surrounding your family. We needed to note everything we knew on a white board that night to make sense of it all. At the time, we didn’t even have all the dates 100% accurate. But we knew something was wrong.

I remember messaging Kay and Brandon late in the night. They really brought this whole case to light. The next day December 22nd, the rest is history. The bond I now share with those two is something I will always cherish. The tenacity and strength they have shown throughout this search has inspired me and reminded me that I do have a purpose. Journalism matters but more importantly being a good human matters more.

That board morphed into a wall of who’s who and documents we just kept compiling. Each moment we uncovered new information, we just became hungry for more. Finding the truth became addictive. I’m so appreciative of the people we met along the way who contributed to peeling the layers back. This experience is something I will never forget and I am grateful for my team’s support as I could not do half my job without them.

Tylee and JJ, I obviously never met you two. But the dozens of pictures and videos of you are engrained in my memory. The way you brought so many together to find you. What we now know, is hard to process still. Something we can admit we all feared after so many months but never wanted to accept. You didn’t deserve to have your lives cut so short. Tylee, you should be with your best friends, driving your Jeep in the Arizona summer - excited about what your future holds as you turn 18 in the fall. JJ, you should have already been showered with gifts on your 8th birthday last month, spoiled by your grandparents and extended family. Your story has changed my life, period.

I am truly sorry you both were failed so miserably. But you are loved deeply and justice will be served. Rest In Peace.

(Photos at link)
Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix
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Is there a lot of evidence that both LV and CD genuinely believed the zombie stuff, holding an involved theory about zombies? That was from a third hand report filed by BB, based on what he alleged his ex-wife told him about what she'd allegedly heard, but how much of that can be taken as literal truth of the reality of other people's beliefs? Are there other sources - anything in CD's books, or a common trend to include zombies in Christian doomsday scenarios?

I think it more likely both LV and CD had a belief in CD's prophetic visions, and that was enough rationalization: it was their destiny to be united and unburdened with LV's dependent children, so that they could help lead the 144,000 in July. JMO

Another source of all these ideas, that hasn't been mentioned, is the internet. IMO it's likely the online forums, and ability of someone like LV to be temporarily influenced by ideas from different web sources, as well as, possibly, affecting all sorts of other people like BB, that fueled much of the craziness of this whole situation.
BBM. Zombies and other peculiarities of their belief system were explained by BB's ex wife (a cult member) and possibly by Lori and Chad to her new husband IP. He took the information to the FBI and later put it into a document for his attorneys. That document was leaked in February. The cult doctrine is neatly itemized and explained. The information was later corroborated by Lori's friend MG, another cult member. As we know, MG also went to the FBI in early December at approximately the same time as IP.
You may want to view the timeline at the beginning of each thread, and note when the storage unit was rented, and the dates that the containers and the children's bicycles and photos and blankies and toys were moved into such.

And then tie that into she was childless per neighbors etc at that time of her funeral.
No, not all toys were moved into the storage unit. Some were left behind on the front porch even after November 26. It was probably to create an illusion for the neighbors that JJ would return from his visit with grandma.
To add to the zombie question, MG said that Chad had Lori believing that Charles was a zombie as well. JJ later became a zombie. MG also said something about how Chad and his group of morons had a task to get rid of the zombies somehow.

As to the question of who believed the zombie stuff, it looks like only Alex and Lori did. Chad couldn’t have because he crafted the lies.
The way Tylee's friend, Alexcia talks about Lori, it makes one wonder if Lori really did believe the world was going to end.

"Alexcia said she was stunned when she heard about Tylee and JJ's deaths, and that their mother was jailed for charges including child abandonment and desertion.

However, she was less surprised by the allegations that Lori was a member of a Doomsday cult led by her husband Chad.

'Lori would talk about the end of the world and the second coming all the time,' Alexcia said.

'She would joke about it. She'd be like: "Let's go off a cliff. The world is going to end, let's just die all together." And talk about running all of us off of a cliff together.' "
Best friend of Lori Vallow's daughter Tylee Ryan tells how 'cult' mom was like mother to her | Daily Mail Online
Good point in that remember what (one of the Melanie's) that she didn't remember what she learned from CD or if it was from podcasts, or from LDS as it all kind of ran together?
(South) Eastern Idaho has a very high population of LDS folks, and as some have suggested - maybe a high population of LDS prepper people. Finding a jury of peers in this area may be a difficult task with jury selection. Some very carefully worded questions would have to be crafted I would imagine.
Although the area is predominantly known as an LDS area with BYUI being right here, there’s plenty of people who are not of this faith that I believe would be fit for a jury granted they can answer the other questions asked of them. Jmo
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