Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #42

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And, in C&L's case... visions became deadly... more than once. But, amazing to me that these deaths didn't raise more than an eyebrow, instead they seemed to further strengthen beliefs that C&L were special... and they, as believers were also special.

I don't agree that the deaths didn't raise eyebrows. It appears there was lots of rumours and gossip, we know that from IP. But no one had any evidence, it was just rumours and gossip.

Certainly, a man shooting his brother-in-law in 'self defense' would be a big deal in many parts of the world. Police where I live would arrest him, and file major charges since he had served time in jail for tasering his previous brother-in-law. But it is apparently not such a big deal in Arizona.
It establishes a timeline. Google maps says it is 1 hour 20 minutes from West Yellowstone to Rexburg and another 5 minutes to the park entrance. So if they had him leaving the park at 18:40 and arrriving home at 20:37 there would be about half an hour (117 - 80 =27 min) missing. Slow driving explains a few minutes but not half an hour. A 17 minute stop at Buckeroos leave 10 minutes unexplained which is much more reasonable for traffic lights or driving slow.

Getting through gates and parking lots, stopping to pee in is not necessarily tied to the length of the drive.
I don't agree that the deaths didn't raise eyebrows. It appears there was lots of rumours and gossip, we know that from IP. But no one had any evidence, it was just rumours and gossip.

Certainly, a man shooting his brother-in-law in 'self defense' would be a big deal in many parts of the world. Police where I live would arrest him, and file major charges since he had served time in jail for tasering his previous brother-in-law. But it is apparently not such a big deal in Arizona.

So due process of law and probable cause aren't a thing where you live? You can just lock people up for any old reason, even without evidence?

ETA: Sorry for the wind-up but it sounds like you're saying that as far as your country/locality is concerned, it's "guilty until proven innocent", and that's not how the justice system works here. As imperfect as it is, and was in this case, it's still better than any other I've heard of.
Call me blind and loyal, but I would have believed my best friend’s version of what happened. Would I have had the hindsight of 20/20 months down the road when other facts came out? Certainly. But not at the time. I would have believed and trusted my friend.

Best Friend's since they met sometime in 2018 - the last time she saw Lori was Sept 2019 , communication after that.. TD "died"and then, a call from LV telling her to lie and say that she has JJ.
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I have thought about the cell phone ping since the beginning of this case along with all the digital information the LE is sitting on. What happened to trigger the search on the property? The report of bonfires? Tammy's sister identified the area with a picture taken from a plane or a drone. They most likely had AC cell phone since a few days after he died and Tammy is exhumed. What other surveillance has been used over and around that property at the Daybell home? I can not wait to see the evidence. MOO

*Side note.. We travel into Mainland China a lot with my husbands work with large telecoms. We have been told we can be found within minutes just off our phones on or off with triangulation to towers.
Yeah, I'm with you on this. Chad had to have--at the bare minimum--had knowledge of what was going to go down, ahead of time. He either was calling the shots or was aware of the plan before each of the deaths. It's inconceivable that he'd have taken an early morning call from AC/LV and just said "Oh, wow, bummer. OK just come bury her at my house".

And even if that inconceivable "oh bummer, come on over" series of events happened the first time, what jury would believe that it happened a second time, two weeks later with him again having no knowledge and doing nothing about it? "<hands on hips> Dang it, Alex, I told you about bringing bodies over unannounced! We are really going to have to have a discussion about boundaries, dude! OK here, let me find the shovel... but you need to know I'm really disappointed in you!".

Well my hypothesis is that if there was a plan to kill both kids they would have done it at the same time. So I believe Tylee was killed because of something that happened on the Yellowstone trip or after they got home. I think it is entirely possible that Chad did not know about it until after the fact. Maybe Lori called Chad on the special phone and told him he needed to help clean up the mess. Why is that so implausible? I'm not trying to say Chad is innocent. A righteous guy would have said "Sure, c'mon over" then promptly called the police. I'm just saying I see no evidence of advance knowledge by Chad and the circumstances, the missteps in the burial for example, point me to a situation where they were making it up as they went along.

JJ's death OTOH I think was planned by the Terrible Trio (LV,CD, AC). But at that point AC ccould very well have been threatening CD that he had to cooperate.
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Well my hypothesis is that if there was a plan to kill both kids they would have done it at the same time. So I believe Tylee was killed because of something that happened on the Yellowstone trip or after they got home. I think it is entirely possible that Chad did not know about it until after the fact. Maybe Lori called Chad on the special phone and told him he needed to help clean up the mess. Why is that so implausible? I'm not trying to say Chad is innocent. A righteous guy would have said "Sure, c'mon over" then promptly called the police. I'm just saying I see no evidence of advance knowledge by Chad and the circumstances, the missteps in the burial for example, point me to a situation where they were making it up as they went along.

JJ's death OTOH I think was planned by the Terrible Trio (LV,CD, AC). But at that point AC ccould very well have been threatening CD that he had to cooperate.

You are VERY forgiving of Chad.

Nothing about him gives me any reason to cast him as an innocent victim of circumstances pulled into the nefarious world he was so very innocent in. He is just a man who hangs out with serial killers, and men who brag about their capacity for violence, desires a firey end to the world so he can rule over it,who cheats on his wife, watches her die painfully probably then tells people it is peaceful, sexually assaults his friends then threatens them about it,tells people he is an apostle, prophet and god. And lets his children live meters from the dismembered body of a child and the rotting body of another for cover, and is overjoyed by the violent death of his extramarital lover's husband.
edit to add: leeched off his wife for his entire life.

Nothing about this suggests to me a man who deserves the sort of gullible victim of circumstances your story develops.
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JJ saying "let's get the Hell out of here" is an example of rebelling against hyper religiousity. If he did yell that he loved Satan it might have been because Lori's Jesus was so very terrifying to him and yelling it at Lori was self defense. I wouldn't be surprised if Tylee was also not particularly religious due to Mom's idea of what "good" is.

But I agree, that I do not think they were drinking alcohol. Not enough time there. Just pointing out that we shouldn't assume the kids were loving Lori's Jesus and Lori's ideas of what is good. I wouldn't.

Respectfully, I think you're reading too much into this, at least as regards JJ. First, he didn't say "let's get the Hell out of here", he was yelling at another boy to "get the Hell out of here", and it says nothing about rebelling against hyper-religiosity. If it does, then there must have been a lot of kids in my community rebelling against hyper-religiosity when I was growing up! (hint: no, we/they were just using phrases our/their parents used). Even without autism, no kid that age is thinking on a high enough level to put such an abstract concept (rebelling against hyper-religiosity) into words.

He would not be glorifying Satan as a passive-aggressive statement of his analysis of the merits of Jesus based on his mother's belief system. I mean.... c'mon. If he even said those words about loving Satan, which I highly doubt, it would not have been a statement of his position on religion. JMOO
Respectfully, I think you're reading too much into this, at least as regards JJ. First, he didn't say "let's get the Hell out of here", he was yelling at another boy to "get the Hell out of here", and it says nothing about rebelling against hyper-religiosity. If it does, then there must have been a lot of kids in my community rebelling against hyper-religiosity when I was growing up! (hint: no, we/they were just using phrases our/their parents used). Even without autism, no kid that age is thinking on a high enough level to put such an abstract concept (rebelling against hyper-religiosity) into words.

He would not be glorifying Satan as a passive-aggressive statement of his analysis of the merits of Jesus based on his mother's belief system. I mean.... c'mon. If he even said those words about loving Satan, which I highly doubt, it would not have been a statement of his position on religion. JMOO

I can entirely see a kid doing this just to piss off Lori. Not because he understood, but because he just knew that Lori likes Jesus and Lori is horrible, so if she says he is Satan then he tells her he loves Satan to piss her off if he wanted to hit back at her.

He's quite old enough to put that together. I think she has been immensely covertly abusive, hot and cold, and any kid in that situation could put that together even someone operating at a 4 year old level (and I do not think he really was).

JJ's only god and satan was Lori.
I went out today to run a few errands and as I sat at a red light there was a bill board that said what my new signature line is, and it could not be more prophetic for this case.

If you are uncomfortable of the truth you need to re-evaluate yourself as to why you are comfortable with a lie.
Enough said.
Just think about how much info was revealed by the GPS of AC's phone....and imagine how much more there must be with phone calls and texts back and forth between AC, LV and CD. I cannot wait to hear about that!

Chad Guy's one "fun times" text to Tammy said a lot about him... I can't imagine what all of the other messages were like.
Curious at your idea. Why would he threaten Chad? For lack of payment?
If Alex killed the kids, which I think he did, Chad could turn him in and probably get minimal prison time while Alex would get life or death. That's plenty of reason to threaten Chad. I think the paintball incident may have been Alex sending Chad a message. I think it more likely that Chad killed Tammy. But I don't rule out Alex.

If Alex killed the kids, which I think he did, Chad could turn him in and probably get minimal prison time while Alex would get life or death. That's plenty of reason to threaten Chad. I think the paintball incident may have been Alex sending Chad a message. I think it more likely that Chad killed Tammy. But I don't rule out Alex.
If Chad were to tell that story about Alex, he would implicate himself and be in on the conspiracy. MOO. Idaho is crazy tough on conspiracy to murder.
I don't agree that the deaths didn't raise eyebrows. It appears there was lots of rumours and gossip, we know that from IP. But no one had any evidence, it was just rumours and gossip.

Certainly, a man shooting his brother-in-law in 'self defense' would be a big deal in many parts of the world. Police where I live would arrest him, and file major charges since he had served time in jail for tasering his previous brother-in-law. But it is apparently not such a big deal in Arizona.

I said it raised eyebrows but little else. Where there's smoke there's fire. And, there was a lot of smoke but not a bit of effort on those who saw it to raise questions. Everyone seemed have lost their logical minds.

Bad word comparison but it seems to fit.

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