Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #43

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Ummm ok. I was not asking you to break patient doctor confidentiality. I have depression myself and have family members who suffer from mental illness.

In my opinion our society should have MORE discussions about metal illness. Keeping everything hush hush about mental illness only perpetuates the attached stigmas.

It's not confidential, hush-hush or related to stigma -- she's a friend and I just wouldn't ask a friend who is a working professional to donate her time to discuss a potential complication of a psychiatric drug.
'I was wrong.' Lori Vallow Daybell's sister releases message following deaths of JJ and Tylee | East Idaho News
‘I was wrong.’ Lori Vallow Daybell’s sister releases message following deaths of JJ and Tylee

Nate Eaton,


thanks for posting this.....I still want to say.....but? Something is off here
Burials he was involved in for females over 14, more so if he knew them or if they had ever crossed him or been uncooperative with him. Particularly if he thought they were attractive and certainly anyone who looks like someone who rejected him. People who look like or are related to any woman or girl he was involved with should go to the top of the list. Next list should be any women who were involved the men around him. Third list should go to any woman who died unexpectedly and who were not autopsied and where he may have intervened on a buddies behalf.

I don't think this was his first rodeo in depraved behaviour with a corpse or burial.

I'd be interested in a better description or pictures of JJ's burial, to see the difference in how he treated JJ to Tylee. To rule in or out children under a certain age being a likely target of this aberrant behaviour, or males.

He hates females - of that I am certain.

I tried finding a good listing of who was buried during his stint at Spanish Forks to pick out ones that might be the most likely targets of aberrant behavior but it is one of those cemeteries with really annoying database exposed to the public that is not that useful. Going to try again to see if I can get a good list of people between 2009 and 2013, and see if I can find people who fit.

He hates females - of that I am certain.

I have felt this from the get go. When you please women so easily, yet emotionally mentally abuse your family, Tammy especially, an abusive person grows evil. I lived with this type in my own father, and still burn with the evil he created.

I, too have wondered about his grave digging past, but felt it would just be too hard and time consuming to find anything.

I, partially, wanted to find out, because so far--I still don't see how Alex or Chad would have been capable of dismembering. Unless, they knew it was much much easier after burned.
Monday 6/22/2020 sitting in jail waiting more charges fo be filed..


Court Record
ID: Fremont County Courthouse
Case NumberCR22200755
Case StatusOpen


Court Record
ID: Madison County Courthouse
Case NumberCR33200302
Case StatusOpen

I'm lost or maybe I'm just not seeing it -- is there new information in there?
She is thanking the Woodcocks for the welfare check which is quite the opposite of blaming them for starting drama and threatening Lori.

Yeah she was painting KW as the wicked-witch in her last interview.
KW was the reason Lori was afraid ,so secretive...was protecting Ma and Summer from harm.
She never mentions Lori or Alex , her murdering siblings, in this rambling. Only the public’s mob mentality. Btw, narcissist always blame shift with lots of word salad(so you may forget what you actually accused them of) IOW “sorry, not sorry”...maybe that public mob should be “sorry”.

I’m not buyin it.
I’ve seen a few mentions about how she treated her kids: one from this poster to our thread way back on December 22. I’ll just copy her post since I can’t quote it. All bolding by me.

anamanuneeWell-Known Member
I've known this family for 10 years because my daughter was one of Tylee's best friends through elementary & middle school but they haven't kept in touch in a year or so (I am still friends with some of the the family on social media & I can provide further proof to the mods if needed). I stumbled on an article about this tonight & I'm in shock.

Tylee's father fought for custody for YEARS. Weeks after he was granted custody, Charles & Lori up & moved to Hawaii to "start a juice bar" & took Tylee with them. It was a very shady & spur of the moment departure.

Tylee was only suppose to be visiting her mom in town during her court allotted time. Her father tried to get in touch with Lori to arrange a pickup time but by then they had already left for Hawaii. They packed & moved in less than 5 days.

Lori has always had Tylee brainwashed so there was little her father could do to bring her home since Tylee refused to leave. Lori basically gave him an ultimatum- let Tylee stay in Hawaii & visit him twice a year, or she would tell the police that he sexually abused Tylee. (Kind of "funny" that she never mentioned this alleged abuse in the years they fought for custody but only brought out the threat as a last hail Mary).

Tylee's father immediately contacted his lawyer about the threats & they went to the police where he volunteered to undergo days of interrogation, lie detector test, psych evaluations, you name it & he passed everything with flying colors.

At this point, another parent of one of Tylee's friends contacted the police to let them know that Tylee was telling her daughter on the phone about how the whole thing was concocted to ensure that Tylee got to stay in Hawaii.

Two weeks after that, I contacted the police myself because I heard the same "confession" from Tylee when she called my own daughter. My daughter knew what was going on so she put the phone on speaker when Tylee called & I was able to record the conversation. I turned this recording over to the police.

Tylee's motivation for wanting to stay in Hawaii was because Lori allowed her to be homeschooled & sleep all day. For a young teenager with an awkward personality & low self esteem, this was exactly what she wanted. (Tylee verified this on the recording that I have.) She also wanted to stay in Hawaii because nobody with a single brain cell would pick the hell of Arizona over the heaven of Hawaii.

Lori's motivation was to avoid having to pay the child support to Tylee's father that was awarded when he was given custody. (Tylee also verified this on the recording.) In reality, Lori never had many maternal feelings toward Tylee because Lori was a typical Mormon mom who cared more about appearances than she did her own children. Tylee has always struggled with her weight & Lori never missed an opportunity shame her for it. Lori's fat shaming Tylee started in middle school & I witnessed it myself many times when Tylee was at our home & put her mom on speaker phone so we could hear how verbally abusive she was acting. These same feelings carried over to JJ since he had a lot of behavioral & mental challenges so he didn't fit up to the Mormon perfection.

Before the molestation threats started, Tylee's father generously paid for my daughter's plane ticket to go visit Tylee in Hawaii over Spring Break. I have a few stories to share about this visit but I want to double check with my daughter for some missing details before I post about it.

I have so much more to say about this but I'm going to need to sleep on it because I can't think clearly right now. I apologize for how poorly written my post is but I'll try to form a more coherent one tomorrow after I get a chance to read through this thread. Let me know if you have any specific questions.

If they are alive then I 100% believe that Tylee's maternal grandparents know where she & JJ are right now. They are financially well off & would lay down their lives to protect Lori since she does no wrong in their eyes. Needless to say, Lori's narcissism was inherited from them.

I also think there is little chance that they returned to Hawaii since they had gotten involved in some shady business practices there & fled the state in the same haste in which they left Arizona. While things were shady there, I don't believe his business partners have anything to do with this disappearance in case anyone was wondering. The problems were mostly due to Charles being a greedy dick & wouldn't be worth anyone harming the children over it.

Last edited: Dec 22, 2019

we also have Cheryl Wheeler’s words-
A year after Charles and Lori got married, Cheryl became concerned about Lori’s mental state.

“She just seemed off. There were a lot of strange goings-on at their home to the point that a judge ordered cameras to be put in their home to protect the children,” Cheryl recalls.
Charles Vallow's ex-wife had concerns about Lori Daybell over 10 years ago and thinks his shooting death was '100% planned' | East Idaho News

And we have how Lori treated Charles Vallows young sons. Though not her own kids, I’d say indicative of her empathy.
It was July 2019 and Cheryl was in her Austin, Texas, home when her 24-year-old son, whose father is Charles, walked into the room.

“He had just literally received a text from Lori (Charles’ wife) saying his dad was dead,” Cheryl tells “We were shocked. He tried calling her back, he tried texting, but she would not answer.”

'Cult' mom Lori Vallow waited 32 hours to tell her husband's sons that he was dead over TEXT | Daily Mail Online

'Cult' mom Lori Vallow waited 32 hours to tell her estranged husband's sons that their father had died and then refused to tell them how it happened - despite having been there when her brother killed him.

Thank you for reposting this info from insider @anamanunee, I had not read this before. This removes any remaining doubt for me.

180 on the Woodcocks for sure now.

I am also grateful to the Woodcocks for ordering the wellness check.

I'll not comment further, but here are the other family members that have spoken out....

‘My cousins are beautiful souls.’ Melani Pawlowski releases message expressing love for JJ and Tylee

‘My heart is so broken.’ Melanie Gibb writes letter warning others of Daybells’ deceptions

Colby Ryan issues heartfelt message to his ‘beautiful, amazing, sweet angel’ siblings

Tammy Daybell’s family issues statement

Chad Daybell’s parents, family issue statement for ‘all who are suffering and grieving’

Cox family, Melani Pawlowski issue statement about JJ and Tylee

JJ and Tylee’s families, Chad Daybell’s brother issue statements

ETA: Is this photo at a gun range?


i'm undecided............ but I must admit, my first feelings were finding her in genuine pain. we will see.
Mom can go off into the sunset, however.
And Melani, time to speak.

I was a bit surprised, expected more of a MBP type writing. I wonder if all the crazy genes had been passed out in the older siblings and none were left for poor Summy???!

I understand how she can't call her brother and sister out just yet, but it does sound like she has genuine pain and was shocked at the turn of events.
Yeah she was painting KW as the wicked-witch in her last interview.
KW was the reason Lori was afraid ,so secretive...was protecting Ma and Summer from harm.
She never mentions Lori or Alex , her murdering siblings, in this rambling. Only the public’s mob mentality. Btw, narcissist always blame shift with lots of shifting word-salad(so you may forget what you actually accused them of) IOW “sorry, not sorry”...maybe that public mob should be “sorry”.

I’m not buyin it.

I understand why a mother and a sister would hold the opinions they held. But someone should have advised them that using network TV to blame Kay was a terrible idea. The only thing that would have made any sense for them to do publicly would be to use that platform to plead with Lori to tell someone where the children were.

I also understand that she's lost a niece and nephew in a horrible grisly, way -- and her sister and brother were involved. That has to be hard, and it had to be hard to say anything public about that.
Is it too much to ask that her aunt would love Tylee enough to correctly spell her name?

I just wonder if they were close at all. Her letter sounds eerily similar to MPs statement. She is having to “process” the news.

How about just admitting your sister is a murderer? Would that be so hard?

how about saying you hurt for Charles and Tammy too and their families?
This family. Ugh.
Yeah she was painting KW as the wicked-witch in her last interview.
KW was the reason Lori was afraid ,so secretive...was protecting Ma and Summer from harm.
She never mentions Lori or Alex , her murdering siblings, in this rambling. Only the public’s mob mentality. Btw, narcissist always blame shift with lots of word salad(so you may forget what you actually accused them of) IOW “sorry, not sorry”...maybe that public mob should be “sorry”.

I’m not buyin it.

I hope she has personally apologized to KW.

I haven't seen anything about her treating the kids badly. I have read comments that Annie made about tension between Lori and Tylee (not unusual with a teen) and about Lori's state of mind. We can all infer all sorts of things (and routinely do!) but I have yet to hear/see any specific examples of mistreating the kids prior to murdering them.

The two custody cases of Joe Ryan, and Charles Vallow say enough to me.........but then, I have always thought she was a "bad seed".
A high quality photo of Tylee Ryan & JJ Vallow w/ Alex Cox at Yellowstone on 9/8/19. released by FBI. The last day Tylee was seen alive. The remains of the siblings found on the property of Chad Daybell. He & the kids’ mother Lori Vallow are both in jail.
WHY is LE coming out with a different photo for us. Are there more? Why now? What does LE want us to see. The photo is just not that different...except to analysts to hypothesize.

I know they are adamant about this being the last sighting....but what else, are they trying to show us.
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