Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, stepfather found* #11

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I don’t think anyone was fighting for custody of Tylee, who would that be? She’s 17, almost an adult. No one has heard from her for months, in the prime of her teen years where she should be out with friends, living her life.

Secondly, even if someone wanted custody of JJ before all this, that doesn’t mean they would get it. Go through the courts like normal people. It would take a lot to remove a child from the only parent he has left, they would need a good reason.

Lori’s behavior since also makes no sense if she wanted to keep custody of her son. She sure hasn’t made herself look like a responsible parent. She also hasn’t had custody of him for the last four months and is living it up in Hawaii with her new husband!

This custody theory has been pushed by Lori and Chad’s inner circle since the beginning, and no matter which way I try to see it, it just makes no sense. Lori sure isn’t caring for JJ now.
Have you not read that JJ has two living parents other than Lori. druggies criminals whatever they may be they are still two living parents that have an excellent chance in regaining custody of their kid. Follow along.
Thank you for looking those dates up. I am re-reading this and it is hitting me weird- I am quoting myself too.

I think it is weird that lori says that charles says "you're going down". To me that implies, criminal wrong doing almost. It doesn't seem appropriate to say that over a winner/loser of a divorce. It would be more normal to say--"you're not getting a penny", not "you're going down". And why was she concerned about Adam and Charles talking? What was at play here? Could there be something criminal, financial, or legal that CV was referring to?

So Lori's statement said this:

Lori questions why he was here, why he was in town, and then brought up that he's been talking to her other brother, who came into town at the same time. Lori advised she hasn't talked to her other brother Adam in a long time and her husband was texting him and she was questioning as to why they talk and if they talk. Lori said her husband has been saying all these texts like 'you're going down' and such and that he is blaming her for their marriage breaking up and other marriages around them, calling her a destroyer of families.

What or who could he (CV) be referring to? Maybe the affair? Was there a threat of divorce at all in Chad's marriage? Or was he referring to BB and MB? I thought that was a surprise to BB though. I would have to look back to see when MB or BB filed for divorce.

Murder July 11, 2019
MB & BB divorce filed July 8, 2019, final October 22, 2019
Melani's new husband divorced his first wife August 1, 2019
Detailed Case Timeline Part III (Update 4)

MISSING: Joshua Jaxon “JJ” Vallow & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan

POI’s: Lori Norene (Cox) Vallow & Chad Guy Daybell

3 Jan 2020 – Lori’s oldest son CR speaks out on Good Morning America saying he has “absolutely no idea” where his siblings are. He says he is in the dark like everyone else and just praying that they are safe somewhere. (GMA Video).

3 Jan 2020 – FBI and local LE search the Daybell’s home at 202 North 1900 East, Rexburg, ID. Fremont Co Sheriff Len Humphries says they have “sufficient probable cause to get a search warrant for the home. Officers are searching for forensic evidence such as blood or chemicals, which might shed some light on the Daybell case.” (East Idaho News).

3 Jan 2020 - Officers spend time in the Daybell home and search a shed on the property. At one point, they used metal detectors, probes and rakes to go over several portions of the yard. More than 43 items were collected from the home, including “computers, cell phones, journals, documents and medications," which have been sent to forensic experts for examination. (East Idaho News. Post Register).

3 Jan 2020 - FBI spokeswoman Sandra Yi Barker confirms that the FBI is assisting with the case. “We were contacted by Rexburg Police on Nov. 27,” Barker said. “I won’t get into details but we are offering investigative, forensic and technical assistance in Idaho and Utah. Today, members of our Evidence Response Team are in Rexburg assisting with evidence collection. Our victim specialist has also been made available to the families of Joshua Vallow and Tylee Ryan.”

3 Jan 2020 - LE concluded the search at the Daybell property. Detectives wrapped up at the home and finished serving the search warrant Fri evening. They released the home to Chad Daybell's adult children, who Sheriff Humphries said currently live in the house. The sheriff would not specify what was found in the search, but described it as “evidence” and “primarily about Tammy." “The evidence collected today will be sent off for examination by experts,” said Sheriff Len Humphries of Fremont County, Idaho, adding it could take months to process.
(KMVT News, Fox13 Salt Lake City).

3 Jan 2020 - Sheriff Len Humphries says they believe the death of Tammy is related to the missing children. "Those are the two pieces of this," he said. "And how they're related we're not quite sure, but we do believe they are related." He said Chad and Lori refuse to speak to law enforcement and have left the state. He said a lawyer reached out to them weeks ago, saying he was the point of contact for the couple. "We do think they've left Idaho," Sheriff Humphries said. "But that's about all." (Fox 13 Salt Lake City).

3 Jan 2020 - FOX 10 Phoenix releases disturbing court paperwork from Feb 2019 when CV initially filed for divorce from Lori. Charles eventually dropped the divorce case in March 2019; In the divorce documents it says Lori claimed she was married to the Book of Mormon prophet Moroni and that she had lived multiple past lives on different planets. Lori also believes she was married to James the Just and was Mary French in the 1800’s, the grandmother of Joseph Smith, Jr. She also claims to be “a translated being” that cannot die and that she was sent to lead the 144,000 into the new millennium.

3 Jan 2020 – Fox 10 Phoenix interviews CV’s older son on the phone; he asks his name not to be published and says, "I'm terrified for JJ. I’m terrified for Tylee," "I’m terrified for everyone surrounding them and their safety. I’m terrified for my family’s safety."

4 Jan 2020 – A neighbor of Lori in Rexburg, SB, speaks to Fox13 Salt Lake City. "It's crazy. Just baffling," JJ, often played with SB’s kids. A couple weeks into the school year, he said he learned JJ was moving. "What we were told... he was going to move with his grandmother, go visit," Rexburg Police have since said that didn't happen (Fox13 Salt Lake City, Local News 8).

5 Jan 2020 – CV’s sister, KW & her husband LW flew from LA to ID to meet with Rexburg PD & FBI to discuss disappearance of JJ & Tylee. KW say she loved Lori “as a sister,” but later suspected Lori and Chad were having an affair based on emails exchanged between the two. After Lori met Chad, KW says she started noticing changes in Lori’s behavior. KW says the final in-person conversation she had with Lori was in 2018, in a car on the way to the airport.
KW believes Lori & Chad may have taken JJ and Tylee because they were witnesses to the shooting of CV.
“I don’t have any expectations. I’ve never done this before. I have no idea. I just feel like I need to be in Idaho,”
“I’d love (Chad and Lori) to be arrested. Have her in one room and Chad in the other? Absolutely.”
“Charles told me he had recordings of her. He said, ‘Nobody will believe me,’ and he recorded her one night,”
“Even though it’s deleted, nothing is ever deleted electronically or whatever. However that is … for her to say she’s a translated being and she is reincarnated? That is scary!” -KW (KSTU; East Idaho News)

5 Jan 2020 – Lori’s oldest son, CR, makes a youtube video speaking directly to Lori and asking her to “do the right thing”; "Mom, I want to talk to you like I'm sitting across the room from you," CR said, "You have the power to end this"; CR also asks Lori to let Tylee & JJ Facetime with him so he can see that they are ok. (Fox13 Salt lake City)

5 Jan 2020 –Lori’s former property manager, JP, writes a fb post saying he asked Lori to move out by Aug 31, 2019; JP was disturbed by details surrounding CV’s July 11, 2019 death at the Chandler, AZ rental house managed by JP. JP wrote that on the same day CV died Lori texted him, “we are ok, Ill explain later,” when he texted her wondering why police were at the house. JP also wrote that Lori threw a pool party later that afternoon:
“That day the neighbors reported a pool party at the house, the same day Charles was murdered, with loud music and lots of people swimming. Neighbors also reported Alex was staying at the house for several days following the shooting even though he lived in the same area. I spoke with Lori several times days following the shooting and she never sounded shocked, sad or heartbroken, as you would think a bride would be watching her husband die,” (Post Register).

6 Jan 2020 – Sheriff Len Humphries gives interviews about the case. He reveals Tammy may have been poisoned but says tests won't be completed for at least another two weeks. “We're looking for poison, but we are just having to wait for lab results,” Humphries said, “You could say we are in a sort of holding pattern right now.”
More quotes from Sheriff Humphries:
“From an investigation point of view this is a disaster,”
“There are multiple agencies involved — us, Rexburg police, the FBI, as well as police departments in Arizona.”
“There are people who have died strangely in several places, and two kids that we have absolutely no idea where they are.”
“Add to that, the mother is known to have told family members that her daughter died a year ago, which we know is not true.”
”And then she claimed that the 17-year-old had run off with the 7-year-old and didn't say anything to authorities.”
“What kind of parent doesn't help try to find their own kids when they are missing?”
Humphries also said he believes Chad and Lori have left Idaho but are still in the United States (East Idaho News, Daily Mail).

6 Jan 2020 - Tylee’s AZ friend shares the last text she received from Tylee’s phone was on Oct. 25 at 11:14 AM. The friend isn’t sure if Tylee sent the text. The friend texted Tylee on Oct. 19 to say she missed her and had been thinking about her. 6 days later a reply text said, “hi. miss you guys too ...luv ya.” The friend says she didn’t think the text sounded like Tylee. “She spelled out her words for the most part,” “Plus, she would have texted more if I reached out.” “When she lived here, she responded immediately,” the friend said, “And when she moved, it slowly decreased in response time.”
The friend also shares: Tylee had originally planned to stay in AZ, but decided to go to ID for JJ’s sake. Tylee had her GED, so she did not go to HS in ID. Tylee had never mentioned her mother’s religious beliefs to her friend. Tylee said they were moving because Lori got a job in ID. “Apparently that was false,” the friend said. (Post Register).

6 Jan 2020 - Ellsworth Family Law releases statement saying Charles Vallow “expressed genuine fear for his life and under our advice obtained an Order of Protection against Lori Vallow” in early 2019 (Fox10 Phoenix; Justin Lum Fox 10 on Twitter ).

7 Jan 2020 – JJ’s grandparents, KW & LW, hold a press conference in Idaho. They are offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to the children’s whereabouts. They spent the weekend meeting with Rexburg PD & the FBI. JJ loves to swim and is hardly afraid of anything in life. Tylee is a typical teenage girl who graduated early from HS and has a close group of friends. KW & LW spoke with JJ several times a week and often those conversations were short, but it wasn’t unusual for JJ to call his grandparents back several times in the same day. Lori never prevented the Woodcocks from talking to or visiting with JJ. During their last 35 sec Facetime with JJ in Aug it appeared someone was monitoring what he said and he didn’t call back after that. They also noticed that JJ’s hair didn’t appear to be as groomed as it had been previously. Lori used to be a cosmetologist and took exceptional care of JJ’s hair. The picture of JJ on the missing poster shows his hair matted and not in it's usual style. KW & LW have launched a Find JJ and Tylee website asking for tips from the public.

Some Quotes from the Jan 7th Presser:
“These are beautiful young children. They’re two extremely intelligent young children and we want them back. We want them back in our family,” -LW

“If there is anything that Lori can come forth with and help us, please do it. She knows how much we love these kids, and we want only the best for them. That’s it. It’s that simple. Please give them back to us.” -LW

“All I want before I go is just to see those children, I just want to hear him beat on the drums, I want to hear him say, ‘Papa, let’s go ride’ or ‘Let’s go to Checkers and let’s go get a hamburger.’ I’m hoping beyond hope that that happens in the near future.” -LW

“Sometimes [JJ] may call and say, ‘Papa!’ and then, he’d just go away. ‘Gotta go, bye!’” -LW

“J.J. is my heart, I’m hoping this will allow one person to simply say ‘I saw (him). I know where he’s at,’ and give us that information, so that we can bring J.J. and Tylee back." -LW

“We want and believe that they are alive, and that’s the reason for the reward,""It’s the reason, we don’t say, the ‘d’ word. We’re not going to because we hope and pray these kids are alive." -LW

“If somebody two years ago would have said ‘This is what’s going to happen with Lori,’ I would have never believed it, Kay would have never believed it. If Kay and I would have had any thought in the future that we were going to be involved in an issue like this, we never would have let J.J. up for adoption. It never would have happened, and now this happened. Lori was a good mother when J.J. was young. You couldn’t ask for a better mother.” -LW

“Lori, you know how much we love J.J. You know my heart beats for him. Kay loves him. All our family loves JJ. Pick up the phone. Call me. Call Kay. If you don’t want to talk to authorities, talk to us." – LW

“If this reward can prompt that, then that’s what I want. They’re good kids. They don’t deserve this. And we as a family don’t deserve it.” -LW

“Please, just let us know where the kids are. It’s not difficult. It would end all of this.” -KW

“We don’t know why we weren’t allowed more access to him, but we reached out constantly in every way – email, voicemail, text, phone call, whatever – and never, ever got a response so that was very concerning to us,” -KW

“It sends chills up our spines,” "That’s just (what) brought it home for us. ‘Oh, my God, this is something really bad.'" -KW, when asked about Lori’s false claims that Tylee died in 2017.

“Charles suspected they were having an affair. He told me about it. He told me what he had that made him think that. He was spot on. There were just some things that we discussed, and he showed me (the evidence).” – KW, when asked about Lori and Chad’s relationship.

8 Jan 2020 - The former attorneys of the late Charles Vallow say that CV filed an order of protection against Lori in Feb 2019 and told his attorneys, “Steve, I want to make sure that everyone knows that if something happens to me, Lori & Alex did it.” The lawyers say they could not find Lori in Feb 2019 to serve her with the order of protection papers and they even tried looking for her in Idaho (Fox 10 Phoenix).

8 Jan 2020 – A hotel employee says that she expected CV and JJ to return to the hotel for breakfast on July 11 but instead police came to the hotel and informed her CV was dead (Fox 10 Phoenix).

9 Jan 2020 – JJ’s grandparents KW & LW record a segment with Dr OZ Show (Fox 10 Phoenix).

9, 10, & 11 Jan 2020 – Josh Wilson, Principal of Kennedy Elementary in Rexburg, gives statements to the media: “We truly hope for the safety of everybody involved and hope for a positive outcome”. JW says that Lori unenrolled JJ on Sept 24 & told administrators she planned to homeschool; JW says there was no previous activity that would indicate a need for concern from the school; They have not received a request to send JJ’s records to another school but if Lori is homeschooling, she would not need to notify them; The records would remain with Kennedy Elementary (Fox 13 Phoenix, East Idaho News).

10 Jan 2020 – Chad’s bother, Matt, releases a statement pleading for Chad to come forward and cooperate with the investigation. Matt also says he has not been close to Chad since childhood, does not know any more info than the media and asks for privacy for himself, his wife and children (East Idaho News).

10 Jan 2020 – A former neighbor of Alex in San Tan Valley, AZ says that about a year ago he saw Lori and AC arguing loudly in the street (Daily Mail).

11 Jan 2020 – Fox10 Phoenix publishes affidavit of warrant for AC’s 2007 arrest in Austin, Texas. The docs describe how AC tased Tylee’s dad JR twice & “made a threat to kill him” after JR had a custody visit with Tylee. AC plead guilty to aggravated assault in the second degree and served 90 days in jail.

11 Jan 2020 - KD, a former producer for a radio show Alex was featured on, shares video of AC doing Looney Tunes impressions from 2016 and says, "In all impressions, he was a good looking funny guy and like I said, charming" (Fox 10 Phoenix).

12 Jan 2020 - The A&E network series “Live P.D.” features JJ’s grandparents KW & LW asking for help finding the missing children.

13 Jan 2020 – The police report, 911 call and body camera footage from the July 11, 2019 shooting death of Charles Vallow is released by Fox10 Phoenix.

14 Jan 2020 – The Dr OZ show airs an interview with JJ’s Grandmother KW about the missing children (Fox10 Phoenix).

15 Jan 2020 - Fox10 Phoenix obtains and publishes copies of Gilbert PD reports from Jan 31, 2019. The reports detail a complaint Lori made against CV for taking her purse out of her car at JJ’s school. Also detailed are efforts by CV to get Lori picked up for an involuntarily 72 hour hold with psych evaluation. Lori does not file any charges against CV and police allow her to go to the psych eval on her own, rather than being transported. The report says police followed up and found that Lori voluntarily checked in to Community Bridges and was discharged a few hours later.

15 Jan 2020 – Fox10 Phoenix obtains and releases body cam video from July 11, 2019 of Lori and Tylee’s interview with a LEO outside the home where CV was shot to death. Lori says CV lives in Houston and that she moved into the house about 3 weeks before CV’s death.

22 July 2020 – Lori told CV that she believes July 2020 is the date of the second coming of Christ; In Jan 2019 Lori allegedly threatened to murder CV if he stood in the way of her preparing for this date. “I think it’s July 22, 2020?,” KW said. “I don’t know what’s going to happen July 23, you know. Charles told me. He had recordings of her. He said nobody will believe me, and he recorded her one night.” (Fox10 Phoenix, Divorce records, Click2Houston).

Note: If a specific source is not noted in brackets above, then there are likely multiple news sources reporting the same info. Source Links are located in the Media thread: ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *MEDIA MAPS TIMELINE* NO DISCUSSION
Man - every time we get a new thread, there’s a whole lot of scroll swiping to get past this incredibly detailed timeline.
there wasn’t an active custody battle though, it only became one after the kids were missing for 4 months and Lori ignored a court order.
There wasn't a custody battle when LE made that statement. It was just filed. I am glad too. As it is obvious Lori is not taking care of her own kids. What a great mom...not. Someone sane and responsible needs to raise them. If they are alive that is.
If you read Lori's statement released today she mentions that Charles was saying she would only have supervised visits so custody was being mentioned back then. So although not formal it was clearly being proposed. I haven't read all of the statement yet.
Lori's statement clears things up somewhat.
Lori's statement seems consistent and believable. That doesn't mean I think it is true but rather that it is either true or they had a well-planned story.

There are a couple of things that interest me though. First, all of the redactions except one are names of minors, which makes sense. The exception is a fairly long redaction near the end. I'm curious what that might be about. Clearly it is a detail they do not want out. But there are plenty of other details included so I really wonder about that one.
So Lori's statement said this:

Lori questions why he was here, why he was in town, and then brought up that he's been talking to her other brother, who came into town at the same time. Lori advised she hasn't talked to her other brother Adam in a long time and her husband was texting him and she was questioning as to why they talk and if they talk. Lori said her husband has been saying all these texts like 'you're going down' and such and that he is blaming her for their marriage breaking up and other marriages around them, calling her a destroyer of families.

What or who could he (CV) be referring to? Maybe the affair? Was there a threat of divorce at all in Chad's marriage? Or was he referring to BB and MB? I thought that was a surprise to BB though. I would have to look back to see when MB or BB filed for divorce.

What a tangled web! Do we know if they have Charles' phone? This case is really going to be cracked by the details. MOO.
Have you not read that JJ has two living parents other than Lori. druggies criminals whatever they may be they are still two living parents that have an excellent chance in regaining custody of their kid. Follow along.
They wouldn’t have been able to gain custody as they were addicts/ex addicts and he had been legally adopted. His grandparents wouldn’t have stood a chance either unless LV was convicted of something or had disappeared to Hawaii for all these months. If she cared so much about him she would have had him with her. I was in hospital for 5 days, seriously ill and within two my son was in full meltdown. Nobody could calm him until he saw me. How is that child coping? MOO
Thank you for looking those dates up. I am re-reading this and it is hitting me weird- I am quoting myself too.

I think it is weird that lori says that charles says "you're going down". To me that implies, criminal wrong doing almost. It doesn't seem appropriate to say that over a winner/loser of a divorce. It would be more normal to say--"you're not getting a penny", not "you're going down". And why was she concerned about Adam and Charles talking? What was at play here? Could there be something criminal, financial, or legal that CV was referring to?

I believe misappropriating funds of a business account is a crime.
Have you not read that JJ has two living parents other than Lori. druggies criminals whatever they may be they are still two living parents that have an excellent chance in regaining custody of their kid. Follow along.

JJ was adopted. Lori and Charles are his parents. Charles is dead, Lori is his ONLY remaining parent. His bio parents have no legal claim to JJ. And they certainly don’t have an “excellent” chance of taking custody given their history.

Again, Lori has not had custody of JJ for the last four months by her own choice. She’s living it up in Hawaii with her new husband instead.
They wouldn’t have been able to gain custody as they were addicts/ex addicts and he had been legally adopted. His grandparents wouldn’t have stood a chance either unless LV was convicted of something or had disappeared to Hawaii for all these months. If she cared so much about him she would have had him with her. I was in hospital for 5 days, seriously ill and within two my son was in full meltdown. Nobody could calm him until he saw me. How is that child coping? MOO
I don't think we're arguing the point if she is a loving and caring mother I think it's obvious that she is not. But I think there is monetary gain in keeping the kid. The custody battle is over financial gain I think there's something missing or a law we haven't explored in which it's beneficial for the kid not to be present in order to maintain custody and financial benefits.IMO
I’m still
Some additional thoughts on the potential affair-- we don't know if they attempted to hide it from Alex/Melani/Any other family members of Lori's that were living in Idaho. We have been assuming that Alex was always covering for Lori and Melani was loyal to Lori, following her into the "cult", but what I have yet to figure out is if those other people believed Lori and Chad to be sincere on their religious beliefs (hence the quick marriages?) or if they were all in on things and knew about the affair from the start/knew this was not a genuine religious thing going on. I tend to think Lori and Chad were fooling their "followers" with the religious stuff. If that's the case then they either had some wacky religious excuse to justify the affair OR they hid the affair and told their followers the quick marriage after Tammy's death was for some religious reason (a vision or visit from a dead relative?) and that they should do likewise and get married quickly. I can't even begin to guess at what those folks have been told or what they really believe. MOO.
I’m still waiting on VI status. I mentioned in my first post that it set off all kinds of red flags when Chad told me, at Tammy’s gravesite, that his house was “too large for two bachelors”, and that he was going to have one of his married children move in to help occupy the house. Of course, this was before he ran off and married Lori. IMO he could have easily said that Tammy somehow blessed this new union from beyond the grave. If Lori didn’t have all of the baggage of missing children, former husbands assaults and deaths, etc., he would have probably been able to move on with just a bunch of raised eyebrows from those who knew him.
JJ was adopted. Lori and Charles are his parents. Charles is dead, Lori is his ONLY remaining parent. His bio parents have no legal claim to JJ. And they certainly don’t have an “excellent” chance of taking custody given their history.

Again, Lori has not had custody of JJ for the last four months by her own choice. She’s living it up in Hawaii with her new husband instead.
Lori took custody away from Joe Ryan when it came to Tyler. I think Lori knows her way around custody battles. As you see with the new custody threat that the grandparents have issued I think Lori is well aware of a custody move that is currently heading her direction. She is strategically playing the system in her favor. Again as I said before might not be for loving and caring reasons I believe more it to be for financial gain.
I don't think we're arguing the point if she is a loving and caring mother I think it's obvious that she is not. But I think there is monetary gain in keeping the kid. The custody battle is over financial gain I think there's something missing or a law we haven't explored in which it's beneficial for the kid not to be present in order to maintain custody and financial benefits.IMO
What’s beneficial about having the police and fbi chasing you? Her name will forever be tarnished now as this has hit worldwide. I’d even doubt that insurance companies will hand over death benefits as there’s enough suspicion to withhold payment, at least until the investigation is closed. I don’t see what she’s got to gain. Can you think of anything? MOO
JJ was adopted. Lori and Charles are his parents. Charles is dead, Lori is his ONLY remaining parent. His bio parents have no legal claim to JJ. And they certainly don’t have an “excellent” chance of taking custody given their history.

Again, Lori has not had custody of JJ for the last four months by her own choice. She’s living it up in Hawaii with her new husband instead.
Lori took custody away from Joe Ryan when it came to Tyler. I think Lori knows her way around custody battles. As you see with the new custody threat that the grandparents have issued I think Lori is well aware of a custody move that is currently heading her direction. She is strategically playing the system in her favor. Again as I said before might not be for loving and caring reasons I believe more it to be for financial gain.
What’s beneficial about having the police and fbi chasing you? Her name will forever be tarnished now as this has hit worldwide. I’d even doubt that insurance companies will hand over death benefits as there’s enough suspicion to withhold payment, at least until the investigation is closed. I don’t see what she’s got to gain. Can you think of anything? MOO
we just saw she is in Hawaii living in a multi-million dollar complex with a baggie full of money I doubt the insurance companies or SSI are withholding anything
Lori took custody away from Joe Ryan when it came to Tyler. I think Lori knows her way around custody battles. As you see with the new custody threat that the grandparents have issued I think Lori is well aware of a custody move that is currently heading her direction. She is strategically playing the system in her favor. Again as I said before might not be for loving and caring reasons I believe more it to be for financial gain.

It still doesn’t make sense because she DOESN’T have custody of JJ and hasn’t for the last four months, and the whole world knows it, including the powers that be. So she’ll no longer be entitled to any of JJ’s funds whether that be insurance or social security.

I really don’t think being the subject of a nationwide FBI manhunt is helping her situation at all. It just doesn’t make sense and I simply don’t believe it. I think this “custody battle” story is what they’ve told their inner circle, and I think it’s a lie.
Lori took custody away from Joe Ryan when it came to Tyler. I think Lori knows her way around custody battles. As you see with the new custody threat that the grandparents have issued I think Lori is well aware of a custody move that is currently heading her direction. She is strategically playing the system in her favor. Again as I said before might not be for loving and caring reasons I believe more it to be for financial gain.

we just saw she is in Hawaii living in a multi-million dollar complex with a baggie full of money I doubt the insurance companies or SSI are withholding anything
Did you see the baggy of cash she had, that’s not enough to keep her in the lifestyle she’s becomes accustomed to. Even if she’s got a couple of suitcases of cash stashed away, you’d need millions to stay hidden for the rest of your life. If you want to run from the fbi then you’d need serious millions as everything costs more to stay hidden, change identities etc. She’s leading a champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget. It’s all going to run out soon. MOO
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