ID ID - Lewiston Civic Theater Murders / 5 Related Cases

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I've seen some work was attempted by remote viewers in the case. I'm rather skeptical of psychic's etc. myself but have any ever worked on the case? I suppose anything is worth a shot right?
Does anybody know for sure what LV's activities looked like the 12-24 hours after CW was reported missing? Did he make anywhere during that time? I know he attempted to insert himself into the search efforts in some way. I'd be very curious to know if anybody had any info about what he was up to for that 12-24 hour period immediately after her disappearance?
Also, at the time of CW's disappearance LV was working at the Civic Theatre and also worked at a record store? Or was he a route driver at the time of CW's disappearance as well?
I've read somewhere that LV may have lived in Wallowa County Oregon (Northeast corner of the state) for a short period after leaving California but before moving to the LCV. Can anyone confirm this?
What did PB (LV's girlfriend eventual wife) do for work during the period that CW went missing? Was she home that day? Does anybody know what her schedule was by chance? I'm trying to determine what kind of window of opportunity LV would have had to reasonably dispose of CW and her bicycle after her disappearance?
I'm also willing to travel to the area and do some searching for Steven Pearsall in the region around Kendrick. If somebody could give me a decent idea of what areas were likely searched already that'd be appreciated. I believe that if Pearsall wasn't dumped in the river, that he was likely dumped somewhere along that same route as K&B were found on in 1984. I think searching that stretch of Highway is the best chance we have of finding Pearsall's remains.
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I'm also willing to travel to the area and do some searching for Steven Pearsall in the region around Kendrick. If somebody could give me a decent idea of what areas were likely searched already that'd be appreciated. I believe that if Pearsall wasn't dumped in the river, that he was likely dumped somewhere along that same route as K&B were found on in 1984. I think searching that stretch of Highway is the best chance we have of finding Pearsall's remains.

That's my gut feeling as well, I hope you are able to go look!
Has the Civic ever allowed cadaver dogs, or imaging in the cellar/crawlspace? I was born and raised in Lewiston, and was living there at the time of all these murders. I've always thought that Steven is either buried at the Civic, or is down an embankment like the girls, near Kendrick. I have no idea where CW might be...
Cadaver dogs were used in the Civic Theatre and evidently revealed nothing. Luminol was also used but was rendered inconclusive due to lead based paint used throughout the building. I've never heard conclusively if GPR was used in the basement on the floor. I would be surprised if it wasn't. I say 50/50 that Pearsall met the river or ended up dumped in a separate location in the woods in a nearly similar area to that of K&B.
LV would have almost certainly have disposed of the bodies within the first 2-3 hours after the murders, possibly even sooner imo. Remember that this wasn't a secured crime scene where LV could live out his fantasy as he would have undoubtedly liked to with the two young women, then spend unlimited time in body disposal. There were too many variables potentially at work that could have gotten LV busted red handed with corpses. He would have been in a pretty big hurry to get rid of the bodies and be back at the Theatre to tighten his only plausible alibi (slept all night, saw no one, knows nothing). This is what has leant me to believe that he used the river for disposing of Pearsall or possibly even dumped Pearsall separately but out in the same general area as K&B. Everytime I think about how this would have unfolded I just can't get past the rising fear/paranoia and stress that LV would have felt continuing to cruise around with 3 corpses in his vehicle. He wouldn't have felt comfortable enough imo to spend a significant amount of time planning body disposal. Pearsall was over six feet tall and weighed between 150-160 pounds. LV wouldn't have taken him up hill from the highway and risk being seen by a passing motorist. He would have taken the path of least resistance down the hill from the highway. It's entirely possible that he would have placed the body in a place that wasn't in plain sight but I don't believe he would have buried him. I think Pearsall's remains rest within roughly 100 yards or less from the highway on the down sloping side of the road. Likely at the bottom of a ravine or pretty good slope (to ease the dragging 150-160 pounds of dead weight) and possibly somewhere obscure, like under old growth bushes etc. I strongly believe that if Pearsall didn't end up in the river that he is with-in a15-20 mile stretch of the highway in that same Highway 3 region that the female victims were found in.
LV would have almost certainly have disposed of the bodies within the first 2-3 hours after the murders, possibly even sooner imo. Remember that this wasn't a secured crime scene where LV could live out his fantasy as he would have undoubtedly liked to with the two young women, then spend unlimited time in body disposal. There were too many variables potentially at work that could have gotten LV busted red handed with corpses. He would have been in a pretty big hurry to get rid of the bodies and be back at the Theatre to tighten his only plausible alibi (slept all night, saw no one, knows nothing). This is what has leant me to believe that he used the river for disposing of Pearsall or possibly even dumped Pearsall separately but out in the same general area as K&B. Everytime I think about how this would have unfolded I just can't get past the rising fear/paranoia and stress that LV would have felt continuing to cruise around with 3 corpses in his vehicle. He wouldn't have felt comfortable enough imo to spend a significant amount of time planning body disposal. Pearsall was over six feet tall and weighed between 150-160 pounds. LV wouldn't have taken him up hill from the highway and risk being seen by a passing motorist. He would have taken the path of least resistance down the hill from the highway. It's entirely possible that he would have placed the body in a place that wasn't in plain sight but I don't believe he would have buried him. I think Pearsall's remains rest within roughly 100 yards or less from the highway on the down sloping side of the road. Likely at the bottom of a ravine or pretty good slope (to ease the dragging 150-160 pounds of dead weight) and possibly somewhere obscure, like under old growth bushes etc. I strongly believe that if Pearsall didn't end up in the river that he is with-in a15-20 mile stretch of the highway in that same Highway 3 region that the female victims were found in.

I agree completely, Morphebius! We need a search party for that area, if Steven could be found, LV could be prosecuted.
Unfortunately, in CW'S case I believe LV had more time to plan out body/bike evidence disposal. He received very little if any initial scrutiny in her case. From everything I've researched, LV received less attention then even some members of her family received in terms of suspicion. So in her case, I'd say the Clearwater or Snake would be a good bet. Finding things at the bottom of those rivers isn't an easy task. Not to mention the bodies can end up anywhere. Depending how much "heat" LV was feeling at the time, I think would better help determine her ultimate end location. The only reason I really lean more towards the river in her case is the fact that where the murder was likely committed is very close in proximity to the river. So shear convenience leads me to think river. Probably weighted her down after securing the body and hit the bottom of the river with both her and her bike.
I kind of thought the same thing. I wonder if he was stopped on the shoulder of the highway dumping a body and was interrupted by another car coming in the distance. He would've had to drive off before dumping all three in the same spot. I've heard people that think he hid Pearsall in a different, harder to discover spot so he could always blame Steve if the girls bodies were found. I just don't think he had time to plan it out- he would've known he was screwed if he didn't ditch those bodies asap & try to find an alibi for himself. I believe Steve showing up and discovering what he had done to the girls really caught him off guard. I can't see any other motive to kill Steve. He could've dumped Pearsall first or the two girls first, either way I definitely think it's worth continuing the search. Finding Steve would finally put the last nail in LV's coffin.
I kind of thought the same thing. I wonder if he was stopped on the shoulder of the highway dumping a body and was interrupted by another car coming in the distance. He would've had to drive off before dumping all three in the same spot. I've heard people that think he hid Pearsall in a different, harder to discover spot so he could always blame Steve if the girls bodies were found. I just don't think he had time to plan it out- he would've known he was screwed if he didn't ditch those bodies asap & try to find an alibi for himself. I believe Steve showing up and discovering what he had done to the girls really caught him off guard. I can't see any other motive to kill Steve. He could've dumped Pearsall first or the two girls first, either way I definitely think it's worth continuing the search. Finding Steve would finally put the last nail in LV's coffin.

I couldn't agree more, I don't think he buried Pearsall either. As I sort of explained, with the time various factors that were in-play in terms of time constraints, rising paranoia, need to quickly get rid of these bodies. I think he dumped then drug him to a slightly more obscure location. Not one that was easily accessible or as near to the road. I understand that the road was widened in that area years later but I don't believe that he would have dumped Pearsall that near to the road (if he would have I think he would have been found sooner). I believe that Pearsall is roughly 50-150 yards off of Highway 3 on the downhill side of the road in a 15-20 mile stretch. I wish like heck that I had a decent idea of what area was searched and how thoroughly? If Pearsall didn't hit the river he is likely out there in that area.
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Hey Kline,

If you ever get back on here, feel free to contact me. I'd love to chat about the case sometime! Actually anybody who is local and knows the area (I know it pretty well) or if you actually knew LV personally, I'd love to communicate with you about it. Thanks!
I just saw on the news that the Lewiston Civic Theater has been condemned for fears it will soon collapse due to major structural damage. Maybe now that they either have to do major remodeling or a complete teardown it will open up access for a real search of the entire floor with modern ground penetrating radar. They can't use the excuse that they don't want any searches because it might cause damage to the historic building. The building sounds like it couldn't be more damaged
Anything new at all?? This thread has slowed to a crawl. I was hoping LE would grow a pair and convene a grand jury on one of these cases. If they lose they can try another 3 times. I think the Christina White case would be the best first try. There's no body, but there's also no Steve Pearsall. Who Voss' defense would say killed the two girls at the theater and fled that night. We all see the truth and I imagine a jury would see it too. And you can bet there's even more damning evidence that we've never heard about that LE has kept secret for decades. I'd drive all the way from Spokane to watch that trial. Keep your fingers crossed he doesn't die before he can be brought to justice. As much as I hate the thought, maybe he would give up the locations of Christina's and Steve's bodies for a plea agreement. I'd hate to see a shortened sentence for this serial killer but the families deserve to have their loved ones back. And time is really starting to run short.
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I want to know Voss's whole criminal trajectory. He had to have been stuff in his teens. The one case I doubt they can pin on him is that of Kristin David, which is a pity. If they do find Pearson's body, is that an automatic conviction for Voss?
I want to know Voss's whole criminal trajectory. He had to have been stuff in his teens. The one case I doubt they can pin on him is that of Kristin David, which is a pity. If they do find Pearson's body, is that an automatic conviction for Voss?

If Pearsall's body were found today it would all but lock the door & throw away the key on Voss. LV admitted to police he was in the theater "all night long". So three people just happen to vanish on the only night LV never came home according to his then fiance/now wife? A police officer witnessed Pearsall going into the theater late that night, the girls had to walk past the theater to get to the store. There were four people in/around the theater that night, 3 were murdered- this just leaves are prime suspect who claims to have "slept" through all of it. His only defense is to point the finger and say "Steve Pearsall did it, that's why he fled town." As soon as Pearsall is found LV is gonna have a very bad day... I feel for the Pearsall family. Not only was Steve Pearsall murdered and his body never recovered, he is basically the alibi of a serial killer. LV knows he's guilty. We know he's guilty. The cops know he's guilty- and he's never spent a night in jail. What a travesty

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