ID ID - Lewiston Civic Theater Murders / 5 Related Cases

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I have a theory about what happened to Steve Pearsall. What we know is that he was definitely at the Civic Theater when he disappeared on Sept. 14, 1982.

And on September 21, 1989 the unidentified remains of a body were found at Normal Hill Cemetery in a shallow, unmarked grave. The remains were thought to have been buried for less than 10 years.

My theory is that the body IS Steve Pearsall. Normal Hill Cemetery is about six blocks from the theater.

Steve Pearsall

Unidentified Remains

Another fun fact is that another unidentified body was found in the river just 3 months before the theater murders, which is still an unsolved cold case. It is different. It was a male victim that was shot twice with a .38 but you never know, it could be related.
Was that cemetary body ever tested re DNA to see if it was DNA. I can't stop thinking about the dream that one of them mothers of the victims had-I wonder if the girls and STeven were killed as she dreamed they were.
Was that cemetary body ever tested re DNA to see if it was DNA. I can't stop thinking about the dream that one of them mothers of the victims had-I wonder if the girls and STeven were killed as she dreamed they were.
Yeah the DNA was tested and it wasnt Steven(when they found it Steven was one of the first they thought of.)
The funny thing is the Normal Hill cemetary IS very close to the Theater and they determined that the Body was buried right around the time of the Civic Theater Murders.
(whether Voss had anything to do with this is anybodys guess....I certainly wouldnt be surprised.)
I mean how much of this kind of Bizzaro stuff could be going on at the same time in an area about an eighth of a square mile and NOT be connected?
They still dont know who the skeleton belongs to.
I havent seen the TV program yet so I havent heard about this dream.
Do you think he dumped Steve in the river? Was any DNA taken off the two girls at all?
Its possible but in September the Clearwater and the Snake Rivers would be pretty low at least low enough where if he wasnt weighted the body would probably turn up in pretty short order.
Its my understanding that the rope and clothing found with the Girls in Kendrick that might yield DNA to today's technology had been 'misplaced'.
At least thats what I heard about four years ago.
(Yeah.I know.)
Hopefully that situation has been rectified but if it has I havent heard about it.
There is a Dark Minds episode about all this that should be watched. It is why I think Christina White might be the young woman that was found in Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California on June 6, 1979. I don't want to say the POI did this but he was in Cali early on so it's as possible as anything else is.
New blog post on the murders:

on MARCH 17, 2015 · 4 COMMENTS

by JJ Rogers

I was born in Clarkston, Washington and grew up across the Snake River in Lewiston, Idaho. The two cities are located in a deep valley at the confluence of the Clearwater and Snake Rivers. They are not large cities and they didn’t traditionally experience the horrors of serial killers that metropoleis are known for. That is, until the late 70’s and early 80’s when I was in my teens. That’s when everything changed. That’s when one man, filled with loathing and complete disregard for human life, selected a series of girls and young women as the objects of his dark desires.

Every spring the Valley filled with excitement in anticipation of the Asotin County Fair, which was held on the Snake River just north of both cities. Everyone who possibly could attended. It was April 28, 1979. I was there. So was Christina White, a 12-year-old child.

Christina White and older woman -- probably her motherAt some point during the day Christina felt ill from the early spring heat, and her mother suggested she get a damp towel to cool herself down. Christina went to her friend’s house, where she was apparently given a wet towel and also used the phone. She reportedly called her mother, but no one knows what was said. After that, Christina was never seen again. No one saw her leave the house at 503 2nd Avenue — she simply vanished. The home belonged to Patricia Brennan, Lance Voss’s girlfriend. Lance and Patricia were married 26 months later on July 24, 1981.

For the next two years the rumors concerning Christina White’s death swirled like eddies in the mighty Snake River. These rumors created fear in our closely connected region of small towns and cities. For the first time in our lives, our parents admonished us not to walk alone and began locking our doors, even in the daytime.

Kristin DavidThen it happened again. It was unthinkable but it happened. On June 26, 1981, 22-year-old Kristen David vanished while riding her bike between Moscow and Lewiston-Clarkston. About a week later, the dismembered body of the 22-year-old University of Idaho student was found in the Snake River. The rumors spread fast that her dismembered body parts were found in plastic bags floating down the river.

Then in September 1982 it happened a third time. Three people turned up missing who were last seen at, or near, the Lewiston Civic Theatre, where Kristen David, the dismembered biker, had once worked. These three victims were 21-year-old Kristina Nelson, her stepsister, 18-year-old Brandi Miller and Former Air Force Cpl. Steven Pearsall who was 35.

On her last evening on earth, Sept. 12, 1982, Kristina left a note in her apartment for her boyfriend indicating that she and Brandi were going downtown to do some grocery shopping at the Safeway store. A logical route downtown would have taken them by the Civic Theatre.

Steven PearsallSteven Pearsall, 35, worked as a janitor there — he and Lance Voss had recently helped build a pirate ship that rolled on a dolly complete with several ropes for actors playing pirates to slide down. Steven’s girlfriend dropped him off at the theater around midnight on Sept. 12th. Steven’s plan was to practice his music. He may have walked in while Kristina and Brandi were being attacked. Steven was never seen again, nor was he ever considered a suspect. He is presumed dead.

The bodies of stepsisters Kristina Nelson and Brandi Miller were found 18 months later in March of 1984 at the bottom of a steep embankment near the community of Kendrick, along with rope that is presumed to have been “borrowed” from the Civic Theater’s pirate ship that Steven and Lance had built together.

The authorities noted that three of the four female victims had similar names: Kristin, Christina and Kristina, and that all three were about the same height.

One person of interest was interrogated by the police, twice. That person of interest was Lance Jeffrey Voss, a big man standing 6’ 5” and weighing roughly 200 lbs. Voss was not only seen at the theater, but actually admitted to being there at the time of the murders, working on the pirate ship for the play with the missing Steven. Voss had also, of course, dated (and later married) Patricia Brennan, the owner the house on 2nd Avenue where the 12-year-old Asotin girl, Christina White, was last seen alive. In addition, Voss admitted that he often drove the same route taken by 22-year-old Kristen David when she met her grisly fate.

Lance is quoted as stating, “I was in the theater, but asleep; yes, I just saw Kristina.”

jeff2Lewiston authorities believe the same person killed Christina White, Kristin David, Kristina Nelson, Brandy Miller, and Steven Pearsall. One Lewiston Police Captain went as far as to say he’s “99 percent certain” who the killer is. But law enforcement doesn’t believe they can prove who the killer is in a court of law. Lance Jeffrey Voss moved back to the East Coast and no similar murders have occurred since he left town. It’s no secret that authorities want to bring formal charges against him, but to this day, they have taken no action.

jeffVoss is a self-proclaimed survivalist who enjoys listening to Rush Limbaugh. Here is a quote by Voss that I came across while I was researching the case. Hunting is of course very popular in our part of the world but Voss’s quote is certainly not something we would expect a hunter to say:

“By the way, don’t neglect edged tools/weapons in your survival kit. After you’ve shot your dinner rabbit, preparation is much easier if you don’t have to gut it with a rock. It can be done, but it’s not fun.”

This case is still open and surfaces from time to time in the Valley. Many of us grew up hearing, telling and re-telling this awful tale and much as we would like to, these are murders we cannot forget.
Voss is a psychopath. He's the last person to see Christina White & all 3 of the theater victims. Keep an eye open around his new home. Have heard about multiple girls going missing by his house and one of the witness sketches is a dead ringer for Voss the terrible. Haven't followed those cases to see if anybody was arrested or not, but wouldn't be surprised at all if one day he finally gets busted. I think Lewiston should file a murder charge on one of the victims and see if they can get a conviction. Their case isn't gonna get any better. With Pearsall still missing there could be reasonable doubt. But not in Christina Whites' case, I say go for it. There's nothing to lose & everything to gain. Also check out his creepy California arrest for B&E into a morgue where he had a big hunting knife and a camera with him. The only person in the morgue was a teenage girl who had taken a walk on the beach with an unidentified male & washed ashore soon after. Death was ruled a drowning but it could've been Voss holding her underwater. Why else would he break into the morgue? Necrophiliac?
If Voss is responsible for Kristin David's murder & dismemberment there's another case that should be looked at very closely. In 1984 a still unidentified dismembered female was found floating in the Spokane river just downstream from the TJ Meenach bridge. Sound familiar?? Maybe there was just too much heat in Lewiston for him to fulfill his sick fantasies & he had to travel to safer hunting grounds?
Not sure, but I still wish Idaho authorities had a way to charge his *advertiser censored* with those murders.
If Voss is responsible for Kristin David's murder & dismemberment there's another case that should be looked at very closely. In 1984 a still unidentified dismembered female was found floating in the Spokane river just downstream from the TJ Meenach bridge. Sound familiar?? Maybe there was just too much heat in Lewiston for him to fulfill his sick fantasies & he had to travel to safer hunting grounds?

Interesting find. This happened 3 years after Kristen David but the circumstances (dismembered body dumped from a different bridge) are similar.

The Kristen David case was always the outliner of the Civic Theater cases. She had worked there at one time and probably knew Voss but there were no other ties. That murder may have been unrelated.

A witness saw a man "helping" a woman with a bicycle on the highway the day Kristen vanished. He apparently had a brown van. I can find no description of the guy but, if it was Voss you would expect the witness to notice that he was real big. I would also expect Law Enforcement to know whether or not Voss owned or had access to a brown van. Since no mention was made of either of these, it seems that the guy wasn't Voss. Of course, the guy and the bicyclist may have had nothing to do with the case but no one came forward in the day after the sighting was reported.
I tend to think of the Brown van as a red herring. Pretty sure I read the witness came up with that description under hypnosis and I just can't take that as fact. I could be wrong but imagine all the false leads followed and time wasted through the years if it is just a red herring. Given by a well meaning citizen no doubt, who was trying too hard to "help"
I've been watching this & other message boards for 5 or 6 years without ever posting a thing. Just listening & learning the case details. What's funny is I feel like I actually know some of you guys: Crescent Crow, Kline, Justice Seeker especially. I was keeping an eye on the Topix Civic Theater thread when "curious" was posting his pro-Voss propaganda & "Steve Pearsall did it" theories. I couldn't believe that guy, what a joker he is:) The Lewiston DA needs to grow a pair & convene a grand jury. It's better to go down fighting than never try. Voss' superiority complex might be his worst enemy once he's on the stand. I'm sure a skillful District Attorney could make him lose his cool & show his temper. Remember he thinks he's smarter than everyone else...& jurors really don't like that. Anyways just thought I'd say hello to all of you regular posters on this case.
I still can't imagine how LV has never been charged in any of these cases. Even just one conviction would be good enough for me. I've asked about these things before but it's been a while. How extensively (if at all) has GPR been used in the area to search for sub surface abnormalities and anomalies? Also, has there ever been any modern forensic work done on the case? Has the rope that bound together K&B ever been thoroughly tested for micro fibers, dna etc? Has there ever been any work done with satellite imagery to look for a buried body potentially? At least in the CW case, it doesn't seem like LV would have had very long to dispose of the body or evidence of the crime. I certainly wouldn't think looking at some of these issues through a modern lens would be worth while.
I don't know. I don't think anyone does. We need that other body to show up. I cannot imagine where LV could have hidden it or Christina's White body either.
If you have ever been to the region you would understand why the bodies haven't turned up. Most of the land is undeveloped rangeland with lots of public land with plenty of dirt roads that get very little use. In addition, many roads follow the edge of deep ravines where a body might roll a great distance and no one would likely go to where the bodies ended up. The two girls were from the road onto a fairly steep slope with no real effort to conceal them. It really matter if they were found. Steve Pearsall, on the other hand, did matter. As long as his body doesn't turn up, the "Pearsall did it" defense would stymy any prosecution effort.
I have spent a considerable amount of time in the area, both as a child and as an adult. I guess without understanding the scope of the search efforts and if they searched by grid etc. I can't be confident of their thoroughness.

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