ID ID - Lewiston Civic Theater Murders / 5 Related Cases

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I know that "Confluence the Movie" can be purchased online at: They did a great job of pulling much of the information from all (3) cases together. I learned so much information that I didn't know about all of the cases and I also felt that there was more information that our family knows, that is not public information, that is probably key to someday finding the killer. I was only about 6 or 7 and still remember their dissappearance like it was yesterday. I only pray that these cases will be solved and a killer is brought to justice.
Ive always felt someone with the Right piece of info or the right memory could be the key.
And your right I feel 'Confluence' did a great service in presenting the crimes clearly in a concise manner minus any of the misinformation that has grown over the years.
That is also what bothers me about L.E. and the Media being complicit in keeping V' name under wraps for so long upon fear of Lawsuit.
The one person who had that info may have been able to put the right pieces together long ago if they had known the name of the infamous 'Primary Suspect'.
Ill tell you one thing if I ever get into trouble,I want his Lawyer!
Thanks for compiling that!
Quite a list for such a sparsely populated area.
I wonder how this area of the country would look on a bar graph of unexplained missing and cold case murders stacked up against other simularly populated areas for the same time period?
Ill bet we would stick out like a sore thumb.
You ought to check out the map of cold case homicides for the Spokane area that you can find on the Spokesman Review site...Good Lord...Spokane has always been my candidate for sister city to 'Derry Maine'.(that will make sense to the Stephen King fans out there)

There are others in different areas of the state as well, another group of women in Canyon, Gem, Ada County. A lot of the missing people tend to come from either the panhandle or southern part of the state...the areas where the interstate or highway goes right through...



Something I have found interesting is on the Idaho State Police Site, is this:

There is a juvenile category (mainly considered runaways) and it appears most of the cases "age out". There are few that I have seen that make their way from that listing to the other listings. Their are a few that maybe have been found, but, I wonder if some have slipped through the cracks?



Something I have found interesting is on the Idaho State Police Site, is this:

There is a juvenile category (mainly considered runaways) and it appears most of the cases "age out". There are few that I have seen that make their way from that listing to the other listings. Their are a few that maybe have been found, but, I wonder if some have slipped through the cracks?
There is a thread here dealing with those southern murders I beleive.
I need to catch up on it ,it has its own bizzare twists and turns and is just as intriguing,ive just had my hands full with this one and the Lonnie Jones Cold case.
Good for them! They need to get the word about these cases.
Hey also posted pictures of the suspect from the mid eighties time period. He looks just like the suspect in the Williamgton murders.
Hey Kline, I just came across this thread on ws! I am with you in the fact that, it's astonishing that these cases (and really the "killing years" as some locals have dubbed it in general) have not garnered more attention than it has on a national scale. I myself lived in Lewiston as a young child. We moved to lewiston in the early 80's and lived there thru the mid 80's when I was a young child. My father worked for A.I.A at the time (if you are or were local, I'm sure you are familiar with the insurance company.) So I had heard about the cases and vaguely remember hearing about searches etc. one of our favorite places to recreate at that time was Chief Timothy State park, which I didn't find out until I was much older was where much of Kristen David's dismembered corpse was found. We still do frequent the lcv occasionally, as we now live in western montana and much of my family is now in Oregon. Too make a long story short (too late) I would absolutely love to get in contact with you or others to talk about the cases. I guess if nothing else, I'm more than happy to bump this thread. It's a very Intriguing case to say the least, it just doesn't sit right to me and I know I'm not alone, that we've never seen an arrest in this case. Defies logic and tests restraint really. I have lots of questions and would really just love to know more about the case in general. Ill gladly chat by email or text messaging or even voice calling (I know crazy people still do that) about these cases. I want the guts of the case Kline, I want everything that's known! I want to know about gpr that may have been done, how extensive that may have been, how extensive were the searches for Pearson? When did they begin? What kind of areas were checked? How often at all is the snake or clear water dredged? Is there a "typical pattern" of dredging? Do they only do certain areas? Do they have a dump site for the dredge, or is there any sort of "typical location" that the dredged material would have been dumped? How good was the satellite imagery in the early 80's? I know it may not quite be google earth, but the surrounding areas of the lcv are essentially scrubrush/ fairly dry arid landscape. I would love to know if there was ever any comparative scrutiny between satellite imagery of the area pre murders and post? Was the dirt floor in the basement of the theatre ever dug up as was requested by family members? Do you know if either of the girls had ANY sort of relationship with V previous to their murders? I mean were they acquainted in any way shape or form? Would they have easily or readily entered (having been lured) the theatre with this cunning monster? Or was it more likely that they were abducted, from the alley way or short cut to or from the store? What were the girls height weight approx at the time? I find it very telling that the girls and Pearson were not disposed of in the same location. Lends a lot to the fact that they were his "trophies" and Pearson was very very likely killed to tie up loose ends. He likely met the river with weights tied to his feet, (loosely speculating of course) Pearson was much larger than the girls were I am fairly certain and was likely a "nuisance kill" to V rather than an intended target. We know that Pearson was dropped off at the theatre around midnight, do we have any idea when the girls would have walked by the theatre on their way to Safeway? I know Safeway didnt stay open beyond 10-11pm at the time, so this makes it even more likely a theory, if not full presumption, that Pearson likely walked into the building and confronted an in-the-act-of-assaulting or murdering V, who was then himself rendered a victim. It goes well beyond reason that LE didn't have (doesnt still have) at least some kind of forensic evidence or forensic crime scene at the theatre. Surely the case wasn't that bungled was it? My apologies for the length and complexity of my post. At least, perhaps it gives you an idea of my intrigue in the case! Any info would be appreciated, I obviously have more questions and would love to dive into the case with people. May justice prevail and God grant peace and closure to the victims, loved ones and those in the community affected by the case.
My appologies for my post saying Pearson, instead of Pearsall. I posted it from my smart phone and it was auto correcting to Pearson for some reason and I cant edit my post, so again my apologies.
Hey Kline, I just came across this thread on ws! I am with you in the fact that, it's astonishing that these cases (and really the "killing years" as some locals have dubbed it in general) have not garnered more attention than it has on a national scale. I myself lived in Lewiston as a young child. We moved to lewiston in the early 80's and lived there thru the mid 80's when I was a young child. My father worked for A.I.A at the time (if you are or were local, I'm sure you are familiar with the insurance company.) So I had heard about the cases and vaguely remember hearing about searches etc. one of our favorite places to recreate at that time was Chief Timothy State park, which I didn't find out until I was much older was where much of Kristen David's dismembered corpse was found. We still do frequent the lcv occasionally, as we now live in western montana and much of my family is now in Oregon. Too make a long story short (too late) I would absolutely love to get in contact with you or others to talk about the cases. I guess if nothing else, I'm more than happy to bump this thread. It's a very Intriguing case to say the least, it just doesn't sit right to me and I know I'm not alone, that we've never seen an arrest in this case. Defies logic and tests restraint really. I have lots of questions and would really just love to know more about the case in general. Ill gladly chat by email or text messaging or even voice calling (I know crazy people still do that) about these cases. I want the guts of the case Kline, I want everything that's known! I want to know about gpr that may have been done, how extensive that may have been, how extensive were the searches for Pearson? When did they begin? What kind of areas were checked? How often at all is the snake or clear water dredged? Is there a "typical pattern" of dredging? Do they only do certain areas? Do they have a dump site for the dredge, or is there any sort of "typical location" that the dredged material would have been dumped? How good was the satellite imagery in the early 80's? I know it may not quite be google earth, but the surrounding areas of the lcv are essentially scrubrush/ fairly dry arid landscape. I would love to know if there was ever any comparative scrutiny between satellite imagery of the area pre murders and post? Was the dirt floor in the basement of the theatre ever dug up as was requested by family members? Do you know if either of the girls had ANY sort of relationship with V previous to their murders? I mean were they acquainted in any way shape or form? Would they have easily or readily entered (having been lured) the theatre with this cunning monster? Or was it more likely that they were abducted, from the alley way or short cut to or from the store? What were the girls height weight approx at the time? I find it very telling that the girls and Pearson were not disposed of in the same location. Lends a lot to the fact that they were his "trophies" and Pearson was very very likely killed to tie up loose ends. He likely met the river with weights tied to his feet, (loosely speculating of course) Pearson was much larger than the girls were I am fairly certain and was likely a "nuisance kill" to V rather than an intended target. We know that Pearson was dropped off at the theatre around midnight, do we have any idea when the girls would have walked by the theatre on their way to Safeway? I know Safeway didnt stay open beyond 10-11pm at the time, so this makes it even more likely a theory, if not full presumption, that Pearson likely walked into the building and confronted an in-the-act-of-assaulting or murdering V, who was then himself rendered a victim. It goes well beyond reason that LE didn't have (doesnt still have) at least some kind of forensic evidence or forensic crime scene at the theatre. Surely the case wasn't that bungled was it? My apologies for the length and complexity of my post. At least, perhaps it gives you an idea of my intrigue in the case! Any info would be appreciated, I obviously have more questions and would love to dive into the case with people. May justice prevail and God grant peace and closure to the victims, loved ones and those in the community affected by the case.
Hi Mopheus!
If you go to the Lewiston Idaho Topix page and hit the thread 'North Idaho Authorites Not Ready to Give up On Cold Case' you will find a link to a Facebook page on the murders set up by Christinas Cousin who has been ceaseless in her pursuit of her Cousin's killer.
I participated in a search a few years ago with her and others of the canyon in Kendrick where Christiana and her stepsisters remains were discovered in 1984.
The general consensus and I agree is that Pearsol walked into the Theater at the wrong time.
I also agree with your 'trophies' theory.
The Rivers around here arent dredged at all to my knowledge.
If you can obtain a copy of the documentary 'Confluence' about the crime it will answer many of your questions and give you a close up look at the topography of this area.
I doubt there was any satelite imagery of this area done in the 80's unless it was NASA or something.
Where in western Montana do you live? I used to live in Thompson Falls.
If you have anymore questions Ill try to answer them if I can.
There is a lot of information out there (try for a good overview.

Apparently the "prime suspects"'s step son has talked to the police and has told them what he knows but it isn't all that much.

Apparently, as a teenager, the "prime suspect" broke into a mortuatry to "gain access" to a recently deceased young girl (he had nothing to do with her death)

He continued to live in the Lewiston area for years. He was "publicly identified" as the Prime Suspect and took some sort of legal action against the Police over this. He always denied any involvement and complained about "harassment".

He now lives in another state. I recall reading where some "online sleauther" had gone over unsolved murdered or missing women in the area and couldn't find anything that "fit the pattern".

From what I have read, Idaho LE will "re-evaluate" their decision not to file charges against the "Prime Suspect" if the remains of Steven Pearsall are ever found.

I looked up V on a people search site and it said he lived in Saratoga,california. There's a young girl that went missing from San Jose on 4/27/74.Saratoga fairly close to San Jose.
I realize this thread hasn't been posted to in awhile, but I just read through and I'm fascinated. And really, IMO the Lewiston guy is an absolute dead ringer for the sketch in the Willmington, NC murders. I'm guessing this guy has many many more under his belt.

A lot of great work and dedication in this thread-I hope this gets nailed soon, although it is clearly far too late for so many victims.

I'm going to go read the Pocatello thread.

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