ID - Robert Manwill, 8, Boise, 24 July 2009 - #4

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Ok I just watched the family press video and that momma is guilty as H - E - Double hockey sticks. IMO
Here's hoping an arrest is made soon. Sweet lil Robert. He's playing with other angels like Christopher Barrios. Another child taken too soon.
Just want to remind everyone that Idaho does not offer insanity pleas. The most he could do is prolong a trial, but he cant get out of it. The most that will happen is everything will sit until a judge decides he is fit to stand trial. There have been very recent cases with people who have a lot more serious mental issues then this guy and even those didn't get an insanity.

Many insanity pleas have been entered in Ohio, not that they have been upheld in court but the courts do allow the plea. Here is an article on an insanity plea just last month.
that's just really weird how MJ grabs her sister at the end - it looks like she said something to her - very very odd indeed.

and the BF does look nervous - he seems fidgety and like he's not really paying attention to what is being said.

Yeah almost like he's afraid she's going to say something...or break. Like he's trying to keep her quiet don't blow it....we're okay...keep it together...
You can tell she's about ready to lose it. Especially when she sucks her lips into her mouth and holds her lips in with her teeth to keep her mouth shut.
Definately looks like he's nervous...about her ...
her body movements and emotions. I just can picture him telling her to shut up and stand still, almost pleading...he looks like he just wants to get out of there and doesn't want any trouble. If they can just make it through this announcement without her attracting attention.

Sickening to think a woman would let a man like that control her right down to her kid being murdered. Why isn't someone in jail yet? I can't stand it.

Roberts website ...the boy was a am I. Very social and happy most of the time. They said he had a temper too, I totally understand this. But why they said that, is kind of weird.

I just don't see this adorable 8yr old boy losing his temper like that of the boyfriend. Incomparable. Robert obviously loved life and his family. His father must be heartbroken.

The aunt is great. Thank God they have her to speak for the family. I wouldn't have been able to do it. I'm way to emotional. Some commercials even make me cry. I can't begin to express my sorrow for those that truely loved Robert. The aunt was very poised and gracious.

Did anyone else notice how nobody seemed to really even care the mother was there? She also looks like she's trying to hide behind the to Roberts dad. It's almost like the family made her go. I don't think she even wanted to be there, she knows everyones watching her ...and so does that boyfriend.

My heart goes out to the family of this tragedy. I can't imagine having lost 2 children to the hands of my spouse/mate. Horrible. I hope his new wife is different.

AT least Robert won't have to live with all the anxiety that must come from being in his mothers b/f and his mothers presence anymore. Of being emotionally starving for love from his mother. They can't hurt him anymore.

I'm sure this was brutal, I hope he didnt suffer long. Justice will be served. I wish they would get someone in custody. Before they disappear if they haven't already.
this is for Ohio, Robert is in Idaho :blowkiss:

Does not hold in Idaho. Won't work. So don't worry about it. They will nail that monster to the cross if he did it. Make an example out of him. This has gotten so much media attention and help from the community that if they didnt ..there would be such outrage from the public...No...this one will get what they deserve...and the Groenes are still fresh in everyones minds too. At least in mine. Another case that broke my heart.
Many insanity pleas have been entered in Ohio, not that they have been upheld in court but the courts do allow the plea. Here is an article on an insanity plea just last month.

But this isnt Ohio. We are in Idaho

If you google abolish insanity or insanity idaho you will get several links to places that discuss this.

Here is something I pulled from one site
By 1986, three states had abolished the use of the insanity defense altogether. These states, Montana, Idaho, and Utah, continue to admit evidence of mental disorder for the restricted purpose of disproving mens rea, or, in other words, proving that a defendant did not possess the special knowledge or intent required for conviction under the charged offense. The American Medical Association supports the abolition of the insanity defense.

I dont know legal garble at all, but its my take this just means maybe if proven insane then it might disqualify you from premeditation. Or it guarantees you that death penalty is taken off the table.
Another thing I noticed (Im pretty sure it was this video being discussed) is that the boyfriend had on sunglasses. I know that often times people do keep on sunglasses if they have been crying, but I found it odd that he was the only one who had sunglasses on INSIDE a building. The eyes tell a lot about if a person is hiding something or not. I would imagine his eyes were screaming guilt and he knew that. I suspect the FBI or some other highly trained experts are going over these clips studying all the body language.

The video where MJ grabs her sister was from a presser that was done outside. Still, I noticed the sunglasses too and that he was the only one wearing them. I agree about him wanting to hide his eyes, probably for a whole host of reasons.
Roberts website ...the boy was a am I. Very social and happy most of the time. They said he had a temper too, I totally understand this. But why they said that, is kind of weird.

I also thought it was strange to put that in there about him having a temper. What child doesn't have a temper, or what person for that matter? They can't possibly be throwing that our there as a way to explain why someone he knew (an adult, by the way) might have come down on him so hard that they KILLED him, can they???
Thanks for pointing me to the right state. I think I need a lot more coffee today.
I also thought it was strange to put that in there about him having a temper. What child doesn't have a temper, or what person for that matter? They can't possibly be throwing that our there as a way to explain why someone he knew (an adult, by the way) might have come down on him so hard that they KILLED him, can they???

I don't think it was intended as an explanation for someone killing him. There is NO EXCUSE for that. He was 8 years old.

I think they were just giving everyone the full picture of Robert, warts and all, if you'll excuse the phrase.

Personally it endeared him to me even more. "Temper" in other peoples kids is cute. Not so much in my own, but I love the spunk when I see it.
I am sorry you were offended. Please note that I did place a warning on the link to the photos.

Since we have a member who advised us that an anchor was tied to the little body, it is pertinent if there is further indication of this.

We all deal with these horrific tragedies in our own way. No matter how personally abhorrent I find these endless murders, I still want the facts known and the guilty found and punished.

you are right and i apologize, it was just a gut reaction to the thought of me placing myself in the parents shoes. of course, i guess who's looking at what is not on their list of concerns right now.

just for me personally, i have conflicting feelings about these types of things. like you, i want the facts and i want justice, but i sometimes think to myself ok, at what point do i become voyeuristic and disrespectful to the victim. my personal feelings only, i should have not jumped at the pictures. :blowkiss: to all here and to sweet Robert.
The video where MJ grabs her sister was from a presser that was done outside. Still, I noticed the sunglasses too and that he was the only one wearing them. I agree about him wanting to hide his eyes, probably for a whole host of reasons.
Thank you for correcting that. I have looked at and read so many things recently that everything is starting to run together
Fundraising Efforts for the Family of Robert Manwill
Posted: Aug 7, 2009 01:35 PM EDT
Efforts to raise money for the Manwill family has become the new focus for neighbors and community volunteers.

The ongoing vigil outside the home of Robert's mother is now covered due to rain and wind, but people here remain steadfast.

According to Gina Guzzetta Dalrymple, the concern has changed to helping Robert's family financially, "because the family can't really afford to pay for the funeral services and it's a very high cost for everybody."

Dalrymple says she's hoping this effort will take some of the stress off the family, "I'm glad there's at least part of a closure -- that we know where his body is, and that justice will take it's course on whoever did this to him."

The money being raised will go toward funeral expenses and any remaining funds will go to the Ronald McDonald foundation in the name of Robert Manwill.

VIDEO: Raising Money For Roberts Family 1:13 Money For Roberts Family&flvUri=

Body Confirmed as Missing 8 Year Old Boy; Homicide Determined
Updated: Aug 5, 2009 08:06 PM EDT
The Ada County Coroner officially confirmed Wednesday afternoon that the body found in a Kuna canal Monday is that of Robert Manwill and that his death was not an accident. Police are now calling this a homicide and a full investigation will take place.

That will likely change in the wake of Wednesday's news of a positive confirmation.

VIDEO: Body Confirmed as Missing 8 Year Old Boy; Homicide Determined 1:15

New photos show Robert's life


Robert Manwill's Family News Conference
Posted: Aug 7, 2009 12:39 PM EDT
It's now become a murder investigation for the police department.

And for the family, it's a time to mourn, and to thank friends and neighbors for their support during a very difficult time.

For Robert Manwill's family, this was a solemn occasion -- a chance to express their gratitude not just to the police, and FBI, but to the entire Boise community.

Burrill says the family will also be there Friday night, to join in a much larger vigil to honor Robert, "thank you, again from the family of Robert Manwill."

Over the coming days there will be a number of events with a focus on remembering Robert Manwill.

A candlelight vigil Friday night at 8:00 p.m., near Shoshone and Cherry Street in Boise.
A moment of silence and prayer will be observed at the Meridian Speedway on Saturday, where drivers will be racing in Robert's name.
Also a website has been setup for people who want to learn more about eight-year-old Manwill.
Robert's funeral will take place at the Cloverdale Funeral Home on Sunday, August 9th, at 2:00 p.m.

Robert Manwill

VIDEO REPORT: Robert Manwill's Family Speaks Manwill's Family Speaks&flvUri=

AT 8pm: Robert Manwill vigil - LIVE ON KTVB.COM

I'm hoping a funeral home will step up and provide most of it or what they can for free. I know times are tough and I like how the donation is being handled. Pay for a funeral then the rest goes to the Ronald McDonald house. Not for anyones boat or jewelry.

Waiting for news on an arrest(s).....(((thumping fingers as I wait)))
The photo above, AngelWC, just makes me so sad... what a cute little guy, w green hands, just trying to make it thru his little boy's life... geeez, I'm a mess now all over again.

Sending up love :heart: and hugs :hug: to Robert :blowkiss:

Look at his eyes in pic #53 I want to see grief..But I see emptiness..almost drugged out..

He's probably wishing he had his sunglasses on then, too. I see them sitting behind his neck.

He looks really really tired... like someone who hasn't been getting much sleep. I haven't seen much emotion from him at all - he seems rather vacant and disinterested, like he wishes he was somewhere else.

I still find it so odd that the mother has not spoken ONE word to the public - it is really weird how she shows up to the conferences and then just stands there. I understand maybe not wanting to speak in front of people, but she could prepare a written statement and have someone else read it. I just don't get it. Maybe someone has advised her not to talk - but imo, it makes her appear guilty and detached and almost ungrateful or something. I cannot comprehend what the mother of a missing child must be going through, but it just seems very very strange to me. MOO.
He's probably wishing he had his sunglasses on then, too. I see them sitting behind his neck.

He looks really really tired... like someone who hasn't been getting much sleep. I haven't seen much emotion from him at all - he seems rather vacant and disinterested, like he wishes he was somewhere else.

I still find it so odd that the mother has not spoken ONE word to the public - it is really weird how she shows up to the conferences and then just stands there. I understand maybe not wanting to speak in front of people, but she could prepare a written statement and have someone else read it. I just don't get it. Maybe someone has advised her not to talk - but imo, it makes her appear guilty and detached and almost ungrateful or something. I cannot comprehend what the mother of a missing child must be going through, but it just seems very very strange to me. MOO.

I understand that people handle grief in different ways, there is no "guide-book" for how to handle situations such as these. However, MJ not thanking anyone, in any way for the amazing heartfelt effort put forth to locate Robert?

I've lost a child, not to a criminal act, but to terminal illness, and even though it was a terminal illness, it was "sudden" (God's timeline and our's were off by several years, it seems) I remember and always will feel, the pain, and the numbing grief, however, I also remember, even during those minutes and hours soon after, having the strength to thank all Mikey's caregivers and found myself many times with my arms around his many doctors and nurses, comforting *them, thanking *them, for the extra joyous years, hours, minutes and seconds I *was able to spend with my resident angel because of their expertise. And I continue to this day, nearly 10 years later, thanking them when I see them....I cannot imagine not!

Yes, MJ and I lost children under different circumstances, and yes, we are 2 totally different people, however.....not one thank you? IMO, her lack of public communication actually speaks volumes. If she was not actually involved in this senseless act - she had to have been involved in the cover-up. Just my opinion, of course...
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