GUILTY ID - Robert Manwill, 8, Boise, 24 July 2009 - #5

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I TOTALLY agree. Each time I saw her on TV she gave me the same impression, that she's a coldhearted *advertiser censored*. Afraid of DE??? Baloney! I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if she delivered the heaviest blows or instigated the beatings and drew sadistic pleasure from hearing his poor cries. All that I've seen and read have led me to this conclusion. I pray they both burn. :furious:

She looks as mean as a junkyard dog. When I saw her there with her equally mean-looking boyfriend, I just thought, "those people aren't even human".

~Jai Yen
I wasn't defending her at all or trying to make excuses for her, please don't think I was! I was just trying to figure out the point of that article, as I also have no sympathy for either one of them and cannot understand anyone who does.

It's not a matter of having sympathy. No one with more than three brain cells would have sympathy. Still, I can't help but wonder where her friends, family and neighbors were. No one knew this kind of stuff was going on? This isn't some one-shot deal. I'm sure there have been plenty of incidents in that house.

Was anyone paying attention?

Did anyone else read the sob story in the Statesman this morning, about how Melissa has been looking for the unconditional love she felt as a child? Makes me sick. Where was HER unconditional love for her children?

The news media always does something like that after an event like that, especially when a woman is charged.

As far as I'm concerned, git a rope!

I wasn't defending her at all or trying to make excuses for her, please don't think I was! I was just trying to figure out the point of that article, as I also have no sympathy for either one of them and cannot understand anyone who does.

I completely agree with you that she chose to be the horrible person she is there is NO excuse for what she has done. I also don't care to hear about her or her life, was just trying to understand that article. KWIM?

I should've been more clear in my post. I didn't think anyone was trying to defend her. i'm just tired of these 's using their childhood or lack thereof as an excuse for what they have become. Sorry if you thought I meant that.

I didn't mean to offend anybody either. I just get a little boiled over about these POSs and their excuses. There is no perfect childhood.
She was reading in the video I saw today, or pretending too. But if you watch the video, she fipped the pages before DE or the defense attorney did. But with at least a 7th grade education, MJ would have developed some knowledge of recognizing words. Some haven't I have come to learn, but she appeared to be reading, and along with the judge's words. Glad they read it out loud for them. Surely don't want to see any appeals about it.
I should've been more clear in my post. I didn't think anyone was trying to defend her. i'm just tired of these 's using their childhood or lack thereof as an excuse for what they have become. Sorry if you thought I meant that.

I didn't mean to offend anybody either. I just get a little boiled over about these POSs and their excuses. There is no perfect childhood.

I agree completely. You know as someone who has had to pull themselves up by the bootstraps you have a choice. You can wallow in self pity, not educate yourself, do drugs, get involved with crime and continue the cycle paying the dearest prices in the end, or you can say enough.......I want more and I am going to be more than what was handed to me! And you stop producing children you do not want and are not equipped to handle and pay for!

Sorry for the bad sentence structure I'm still over the wall in anger, hurt and disgust tonight....
Here are a couple of stories about parents killing their children. These are all within the last couple of months, I didn't have to search much, these stories are everywhere. I suggest you take the time to read these, but don't do it too close to mealtime. This is becoming an everyday occurrence. Each of these cases (and including Robert's) had the authorities or judicial system fooled enough to grant custody/visitation even when some question still remained. I am incensed that somehow the severity of the situation these children were in was not "picked up" by Child Welfare or that the pleas of people making complaints to system were ignored. How many more children have to die before we do something? One of these I posted a few pages back, but I'm putting it on again, in case you missed it.,0,5767373.story

These children didn't die from gunshot wounds either, not a fast death for any of them.
This is so ugly and disturbing, most people don't want to think it about for long, but this isn't happening in some far away nation that we have little control over, this is happening here, every day. Robert's suffering and death could be the catalyst for making it tougher for abusers to squeak by under the radar, take a couple of classes and get your child back after fracturing their skull, fool social workers and neighbors by being "overly nice and showing excess concern about the safety of children", it's an act to hide to avoid raising any suspicion. I say they put video monitors in homes after abuse suspected and reported, something to keep this from happening over and over. I just can't get the mental picture of that gross monster beating on that little boy every day and night. Robert had internal bleeding and swollen brain, he must have been in agony for days or weeks and yet had no one to help him, his mother sure wasn't going to. If he talked to his father, I'm sure he was watched over so he wouldn't say anything incriminating. We need to feel his pain and become outraged at the slack laws and funding for protecting OUR children.
That first picture reminds me of the wrath of God for the murder of these little children.

Weren't these pictures taken at the canal where Robert was found on August 3rd? I think the news story said they were taken the night of the 3rd or 4th.
The 1st picture, to me, looks like hands and forearms turned upward, with the lightning underneath them.
The 9th picture is the same picture with a wider view. Above the upturned forearms, higher up in the clouds, it almost looks like the outline of part of a face, (chin and mouth).

It gave me chills when I saw them after they found Robert.
Sorrow, Anger, Wrath from Heaven at the canal.

Glen Hush took the 1st 9 pictures.
More on the Robert Manwill case: What is the official cause of death? Will Ada County prosecutors seek the death penalty for either Ehrlick or Jenkins?
Published: 08/19/09
What is the official cause of death for Robert Manwill?
A grand jury indictment indicates the boy suffered internal bleeding in the abdomen and head and swelling of the brain from that trauma, which led to his death.

The indictment also says there is evidence Robert Manwill was beaten by his mother&#8217;s boyfriend, Daniel E. Ehrlick, with &#8220;escalating violence&#8221; over a period of time between June and July 24, 2009, before those injuries killed the boy.

Did Robert Manwill die on July 24, when he was reported missing, and was he dead before he was placed in the New York Canal?
Sonnenberg said the July 24 time frame fits the evidence but would not give a specific date of death.

Will Ada County prosecutors seek the death penalty for either Ehrlick or Jenkins?
Ada County Prosecutor Greg Bower said Wednesday his staff has 60 days to make that decision - much of which will depend on what kind of mitigating evidence defense attorneys provide to prosecutors as they swap discovery on the case.

Indictments of Melissa Jenkins and Daniel Ehrlick Jr. fill searchers with disappointment
One couple says they still stand with Melissa Jenkins, but others say they're sick or angry following the charges.
Published: 08/20/09
Nikki and Steve Adams, who planned nightly vigils while the 8-year-old was missing, say they are still behind Robert's mother, Melissa Jenkins, 100 percent.

"We're there to support Melissa, and we're also going to support the family," Nikki Adams said. "We're going to let the justice system take its course. They'll have the facts and prove the proof."

Carol Peterson lives down the street from the complex where Jenkins lives. She attended the nightly vigils.

"We're all really sick," Peterson said. "I'm a mother, a grandmother and a great-grandmother. Your child is the one you need to protect. And I think that Melissa, she should have at least sent that child back to Charles (Manwill, his father). The first time (Daniel Ehrlick Jr.) laid a hand on that child she should have sent him back."

John Oliva, a Mountain Home teacher formerly of Ontario, drove to Boise to help with the search for Robert.

"I was glad that there was some conclusion, (but) highly, highly disappointed. It's so unfortunate that something like this could happen.

Sarah Ledford, a mom and Realtor from Caldwell, joined all three July 31 searches to help find Robert because, "we needed to find the kid so justice can be done."

"I'm furious," she said Wednesday.

New Plymouth Mayor Joe Cook brought a group of residents down from Robert's hometown on July 31 to search, and he spoke at the boy's funeral.

"How did this boy end up back in that environment? I can't in my wildest dream think of what a little kid could do to push you to that extreme, unless you're evil. To me, I can't fathom it. This whole thing is beyond sad. ... As a parent, it just drives you crazy."

VIDEO: Carol Peterson shares her thoughts on the Manwill case


Did anyone see this article???
Another mother may be responsible for her little boy missing in Boise!

Boy abducted from Boise apartment; mom may be involved
Published: 08/20/09
Seven-year-old Luca Principali of Boise was abducted by a bearded man in colorful clothing Wednesday night, in what police say may be a parental abduction.

Boise police launched a massive search, issued an Amber Alert and are asking for the public to help find the boy.

"For the first 2-3 hours officers didn't really know what they had," Hightower said. "Officers are very, very concerned for (Luca's) welfare and safety."

Boise police have asked for assistance from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

An Amber alert was not issued for Manwill's disappearance, Hightower said, because there was no known abduction.

Luca Principali


I wonder if the B------S ruptured Robert's spleen.

1 good blow, that's all it takes, then death.
Ligature (sp?) marks on his ankles and rocks in his pockets.

I am going to be sick...
Manwill's accused killers in court
Posted: Aug 19, 2009 09:54 PM EDT
Melissa Jenkins and Daniel Ehrlick entered the courtroom with little emotion on their faces, and that's how they remained through most of the arraignment, as they answered general questions concerning things like the spelling of their names.

And that's likely how the arraignment would have ended, had it not been for an unusual announcement from Jenkins' attorney.

"Judge," asked her attorney, "Miss Jenkins is illiterate, so we would ask for a formal reading."

Often, lawyers will forgo a public reading of their client's indictment, but since Melissa Jenkins is unable to read, it became necessary to go word for word through the indictment, which spells out just how eight-year-old Robert Manwill died.

The details are sure to come out during the trial, if there is one, since there's no word yet as to how the two will plead, nor do we know just yet whether or not prosecutors will seek the death penalty.

"Under the law we have 60 days to make a determination on whether or not we intend to sign a notice of intent to seek the death penalty," said Greg Bower, Ada County Prosecting Attorney.

On top of first degree murder, Daniel Ehrlick is also charged with failing to report a death, which has a penalty of up to 10 years in prison.

Melissa Jenkins is also charged as an accessory to the same crime, that penalty is up to five years in prison.

Court documents show boyfriend of mother tortured Robert Manwill to death
Story Published: Aug 19, 2009 at 11:20 PM MDT
Story Updated: Aug 19, 2009 at 11:22 PM MDT
Melissa Jenkins and her live-in boyfriend Daniel Ehrlick Jr. both face charges that carry the death penalty.

When Judge Deborah Bail asked 30-year old Melissa Jenkins if she understood the indictment in front of her, she was told Jenkins is illiterate, so the judge read the document out loud.

Robert was reported missing July 24, his body found in a canal ten days later.

When asked at what time did Mr. Ehrlick and Melissa Jenkins become suspects in the eyes of the law, prosecuting attorney, Greg Bower said, "that would be commenting on the evidence and I am loathe to do that."

The first degree murder charges carry the death penalty. Prosecutors have sixty days to decide if they'll seek it.

"Obviously the determination on whether to seek the death penalty is a decision we'll make as soon as possible," adds Bower.

Right now, it's unclear if they'll be tried together.

VIDEO: Court documents show boyfriend of mother tortured Robert Manwill to death


Could this have been revenge by DE because she hurt their son, Aiden? Had he done this to Robert before? Where is Robert's dog?
Going to sleep now. I have to get up at 7 for work.

Going to think about Robert and cry myself to sleep...

Oh my Dear Father in Heaven, rocks in his pockets...
Snipped from above post #492 by our Angel Who Cares....

Court documents show boyfriend of mother tortured Robert Manwill to death
Story Published: Aug 19, 2009 at 11:20 PM MDT
Story Updated: Aug 19, 2009 at 11:22 PM MDT
Melissa Jenkins and her live-in boyfriend Daniel Ehrlick Jr. both face charges that carry the death penalty.

When Judge Deborah Bail asked 30-year old Melissa Jenkins if she understood the indictment in front of her, she was told Jenkins is illiterate, so the judge read the document out loud.

I wonder if the defense will be an 'incompetent to stand trial' defense? Idaho does NOT have the insanity defense. If she can't help in her own defense, doesn't know the role of the judge or understand the charges against her - she will be sent to a forensic mental health facility where they will restore competency...hopefully!

That really makes me question how the judge let her plea down the felony (from cracking her babies head) down to a misdemeanor...when her reply was "when I burped the baby" didn't the judge know she had deficient intelligence???? Hope nobody votes that judge back onto the is with her this tragedy could have been prevented!!!! :furious:
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