GUILTY ID - Robert Manwill, 8, Boise, 24 July 2009 - #5

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Could this have been revenge by DE because she hurt their son, Aiden? Had he done this to Robert before? Where is Robert's dog?

you know, i wondered about the dog too. i assume because Robert was not there on a regular basis, the dog's loyalty would have been to the dirtbags..because let me tell you, most pitbulls raised in a loving home who are totally sweet will fight to the death if someone is attacking their owners. if Robert would have been the one who raised him, i really think that the dog would have defended Robert. we have a pit mix and she is very protective, especially of my kids.
I was just watching the indictment of Melissa and noticing how she kept her left arm down across her waist and that in a lot of the press conferences, etc. she also had her arm across her stomach, which made me wonder... could she be pregnant again? A chilling thought, I know, but it did cross my mind.
I was just watching the indictment of Melissa and noticing how she kept her left arm down across her waist and that in a lot of the press conferences, etc. she also had her arm across her stomach, which made me wonder... could she be pregnant again? A chilling thought, I know, but it did cross my mind.

:eek: Oh God! Please no!!!
In light of how things have panned out, I went back to the Forensic Astrology Threads, and I have to hand it to the astrology team, they couldn't have been more accurate. By just looking at the birth charts of Robert, Melissa, and her boyfriend, plus the time of disappearance, this is what the charts were able to tell us (and keep in mind these were interpreted on July 30, before he was discovered in the canal). I'm going to post the key points. If you don't understand astrological terms (I only know a few things, this stuff is way over my level of knowledge), don't worry, I will try and just put the summation of what certain placements meant. This is incredible stuff:

Event Part of FATALITY 20 Aquarius is in the same degree as Ehrlick’s natal NODES. This suggests contact (NODES) in a matter involving fatality.

Event MIDHEAVEN 01 Scorpio is partile conjunct Ehrlick’s natal CERES (caretaking/nurturing) and opposite Robert’s natal VENUS 01 Taurus showing Ehrlick’s ‘caretaking’ of Robert was abysmal (opposition).

Event PLUTO is also tied in to this aspect pattern. At 01 Capricorn, Event Pluto squares Ehrlick’s natal PLUTO 03 Libra and is sextile Event MC conj. Ehrlick’s natal CERES opposite Robert's natal VENUS (opportunity for critical turn for the worse in the caretaking department…).

Ehrlick’s natal SUN 17 Scorpio is partile inconjunct Robert’s natal SUN 17 Gemini, suggesting an innate inability to support/understand/identify with each other. Behavioral adjustments must always be made with inconjuncts and based on what we know about Ehrlick, I highly doubt he made any effort.

Event MARS 09 Gemini is partile opposed Ehrlick’s natal MERCURY 09 Sagittarius, which itself opposes Robert's natal SATURN 06 Gemini. So we have Event MARS in conjunction orb to Robert's SATURN. MARS-SATURN is a cruelty/ brutality marker. The MARS/MERCURY opposition suggests an argument or disagreement may have occurred and/or 'someone' (likely Ehrlich) lost his temper abd reacted violently / overreacted, because Event MARS also opposes Robert's wide PLUTO-MARS conjunction and squares Event SATURN 18 Virgo. There is a lot of violence and anger in these testimonies. Did Robert innocuously or inadvertently manage to p*ss Daniel off and if so, was Daniel's reaction off the charts? Remember, Ehrlick's SATURN sits on Robert's SUN. Expressed negatively (which is the usual expression in missing child cases), this shows disapproval, criticism, harshness and rejection from Daniel to Robert.

Event Part of the Mother 25 Pisces partile squares Ehrlick’s natal (sunrise) MOON 25 Sagittarius. This MOON is conj. Robert’s natal MARS-CHIRON conjunction (24—26 Rx Sagittarius) and Robert’s secondary progressed CHIRON 25 Sagittarius opposite SP SUN 25 Gemini (shown in Tri-Wheel in my post # 30 above), tying Erhlick into the ‘erratic, completely unpredictable mother (Part of the Mother conjunct URANUS) impacting health and welfare (CHIRON) of her son (SUN).’

This child was born with SUN in a degree of homicide (17 Gem) close conj. HADES (19 Gem), partile conj. CUPIDO (17 Gem) (family), close conj. MEDUSA (15 Gem) (evil/murdering mother).

MOON (mother) is posited in cold uncaring Capricorn (no matter what time Robert was born), disposited by SATURN which is opp PLUTO. How appropriate for a child whose mother cracked his infant sibling's skull..........

Mother is a piece of work. Her natal MARS is conj. Robert's natal SUN, her MARS opp his PLUTO and possibly inconjunct his MOON, her SATURN square his SUN, SATURN and PLUTO; her URANUS inconj. his SUN, quindecile his VENUS; her PLUTO inconj. his VENUS and possibly square his MOON.

If she hasn't already abused him, she will --- assuming he is alive & found and returned to her 'care.'

These two posts were done the day after they found his body.

The body was in a like state to one missing for that length of time and there are no other missing persons in the area.The size matches and the shirt is the right color. Robert had dark hair. The age of the child matches. In the Last Seen chart, Uranus rules the Ascendant and is found in a Water Sign, Pisces. (No other Water positions in the chart) Uranus is not in the House of death but is riding that axis from the First House. The death signatures I had found from that chart were ruler of intercepted H. 8 in H. 5 of the child, natural ruler of children Sun at 2° Leo inconjunct Pluto and Mercury ruler of the H. of death in the Sign of children, Leo again. Venus ruler of the intercepted death House is square Uranus, so Robert was killed elsewhere and taken to the canal. Death occurred in town.

Yes, it does look like an arrest of one who was a genuine enemy to Robert, coming soon. Mars in II forming a square with Saturn in just a few days and then hitting the Venus of Robert's Last Seen chart. That Venus happened to spell death, in this instance as it ruled the intercepted House 8, you may remember. Mercury ruled the cusp and Mercury was peregrine thus wandering aimlessly, floating down the canal post mortem

I read these on the day they were posted, and thought, naw, this is too horrible, I saw those people, they couldn't have been that awful. Guess their charts belied them.
a collective sigh; a collective sorrow

how sad for this child, this family and this society
I read those indictments and literally got ill. I have had to care at the funeral home for these precious forgotten children. I feel strongly about there being a God in Heaven and that he does take these children from the animals. But at times I wonder why they have to suffer for so long first? Many times it saves the other children in the family when one dies. But it doesn't make it right! The people being paid to protect these children need to get it right! And if they are not sure then don't place the child back in the home! I have cried lots of tears for our abused babies here. I always say a prayer and perform the sign of the cross on their little foreheards. I'm afraid if I don't no one will. But this indictment made me physically sick. I can't stop thinking about cabinets being removed from the house and what that means, I need to stop. What kind of monster can do this and what kind of monster egg carrier would allow it to happen repeatedly? My blood pressure is through the roof and I swear I could personally hurt these two and that is an emotion I don't generally have. I'll stop there before I get booted. I'm so sad, very very sad and outraged. The judge and the social workers who allowed them unsupervised care of children should pay a price...she is illiterate? Now she is claiming illiterate? So many people in the article in the Statesman spoke of things they witnessed.....Why are you telling the newspaper now? What happened to stepping up to the plate and protecting our babies? Dear Robert fly.....Little Angel.

Grandmaj, thank you for saying this. My feelings are very much the same as yours, so I keep coming back to your posting over and over again.

Funny how MJ claims to be illiterate but if you watch her at the arraignment she seems to be reading along as the judge reads the charges out loud with no problem, even turning the page. The defender at one point looked over at her page to find his place.
I cannot imagine the emotional torture, grief and guilt that Charles Manwill is going through right now. This man has lost 2 children to murder at the hands of their biological mothers.
Charles Manwill must now step up and take up the cause of changing the way child service agencies and the courts handle mentally ill or abusive parents and custody/visitation. The way that Polly Klaas's father or Adam Walsh's father have become national spokesmen for Missing and Abused Children. Charles Manwill must do this for Robert and his other son. The only good thing to come out of this is, Melissa and boyfriend have so enraged the community and the country, that people are wanting answers and accountability for officials that allowed this obvious oversight of allowing Robert alone with these murderers. And there are hundreds more like him in the same situation right now.

Youre right..But if Charles Manwill doesnt take his son Kenneth under his wing now, talk to his NEW wife about showing this young man love and compassion, they will be guilty of having another tragedy on their hands. That poor boy had no one to comfort him at his little brothers funeral. He was a man/child standing alone with no arms to enfold him. I wanted to reach out to him in all his pain!! On Kenneths MySpace today it says: ShadowStalker wishes that people would find better ways to break bad news to me..That is SO sad...It probably was the media..Not even a loved one..This boy needs LOVE!!
Youre right..But if Charles Manwill doesnt take his son Kenneth under his wing now, talk to his NEW wife about showing this young man love and compassion, they will be guilty of having another tragedy on their hands. That poor boy had no one to comfort him at his little brothers funeral. He was a man/child standing alone with no arms to enfold him. I wanted to reach out to him in all his pain!! On Kenneths MySpace today it says: ShadowStalker wishes that people would find better ways to break bad news to me..That is SO sad...It probably was the media..Not even a loved one..This boy needs LOVE!!

I agree with you. I get the feeling that these children are empty of love. Maybe it is the military background where showing emotion doesn't come easy. But I don't see how you can have children and not hug, tease, tussle hair, tell them they are loved and when they are hurting grab them up in your arms and try to ease their pain. I mean I do this every day with complete strangers.......It takes so little effort to hug someone and say kind comforting words! Arrrrrgggg The cycle needs to be broken!!!!!
I noticed that when Melissa walked into the courtroom that she was looking off to the side. And then I read I believe on the Statesman that her sister Trish was in the courtroom and that her only comment was that her sister is innocent until proven guilty.
Yep. She's PRESUMED innocent until a jury of her peers hears the evidence and convicts her child-abusing, pathologically lying, deadbeat-enabling self. I wish I could move to Boise and be part of a jury that could hear the evidence, including her attempts to defend herself.

My guess is that they both will plead guilty. If not, we can look forward to the trial that will expose exactly what these two psychopaths did to Robert. Either way, her despicable sister will have to live with HER child-abuser enabling self for the rest of HER miserable life. Because while the two who have been indicted are presumed innocent by the Constitution, that same document gives me the freedom of speech to say: Of course they did it. Who but these two would have beaten this child over a prolonged period of time, to the point where his brain and body would utterly fail?
Funny how MJ claims to be illiterate but if you watch her at the arraignment she seems to be reading along as the judge reads the charges out loud with no problem, even turning the page. The defender at one point looked over at her page to find his place.

Hard to imagine that someone who drives is illiterate
Hard to imagine someone who calls bingo numbers is illiterate
Hard to imagine someone who has a stay-at-home dad so she can work is illiterate.

And yet, I bet, a motion for an incompetency to stand trial is coming soon. mho
Hard to imagine that someone who drives is illiterate
Hard to imagine someone who calls bingo numbers is illiterate
Hard to imagine someone who has a stay-at-home dad so she can work is illiterate.

And yet, I bet, a motion for an incompetency to stand trial is coming soon. mho

I bet the plan was put into effect when Trish and her Mother were not letting her speak. Not in front of the Media, or the friends and family that were looking for little Robert. They knew what they were doing. They were getting this all ready. They probably even told her to put that incompetent face on (kinda like a DUH what did I do face). Well, I sure hope they get all the people who really knew her to speak at the competency hearing to tell what they really knew about Melissa. Sounds like the neighbors talked to her alot. If I remember right Melissa had a hissy fit about someone not putting a seat belt on a child. Doesnt sound incompetent to me.
I was just watching the indictment of Melissa and noticing how she kept her left arm down across her waist and that in a lot of the press conferences, etc. she also had her arm across her stomach, which made me wonder... could she be pregnant again? A chilling thought, I know, but it did cross my mind.

I don't know if she's pregnant again, oh please I hope not, but was her movement during the indictment due to cuffs? I thought that handcuffs were restricting her.

Sorry, I've watched too many Casey A court videos, maybe to have noticed...
Hard to imagine that someone who drives is illiterate
Hard to imagine someone who calls bingo numbers is illiterate
Hard to imagine someone who has a stay-at-home dad so she can work is illiterate.

And yet, I bet, a motion for an incompetency to stand trial is coming soon. mho

It depends on what is meant by "illiterate." Many people can decode individual words or short sentences, read road signs and advertising signs, and function on jobs that don't require reading skills beyond the fifth or sixth grade. Many people who are minimally literate have highly developed coping skills and the people around them can't tell that they are functionally illiterate. A close friend of my father's has worked all his life to support his family (he's over 70) and he can't read.
My layman term for illiterate is: some people memorize the sight of words I think pbg.
It depends on what is meant by "illiterate." Many people can decode individual words or short sentences, read road signs and advertising signs, and function on jobs that don't require reading skills beyond the fifth or sixth grade. Many people who are minimally literate have highly developed coping skills and the people around them can't tell that they are functionally illiterate. A close friend of my father's has worked all his life to support his family (he's over 70) and he can't read.

I'm sorry pittsburghgirl - I wasn't very clear. When I say that I see a motion that the defendant is 'incompetent to stand trial' on the horizon, I mean it from the definition of the courts. A couple factors would be: defendant is unable to contribute to her defense; defendant can't comprehend the charges against her; and defendant does not know the role of the judge ( a couple examples).

Because her defense attorney requested the judge 'read out loud' her charges and said she was illiterate, I feel he was setting up for a future incompetency motion. If that should happen, the court will send her to a forensic mental health facility to be restored to competency (as defined by the courts). This is just my take on why he had her charges read - probably will never happen. sorry for the confusion and now you may be even more confused. end of topic.....:) mho
Yep. She's PRESUMED innocent until a jury of her peers hears the evidence and convicts her child-abusing, pathologically lying, deadbeat-enabling self. I wish I could move to Boise and be part of a jury that could hear the evidence, including her attempts to defend herself.

My guess is that they both will plead guilty. If not, we can look forward to the trial that will expose exactly what these two psychopaths did to Robert. Either way, her despicable sister will have to live with HER child-abuser enabling self for the rest of HER miserable life. Because while the two who have been indicted are presumed innocent by the Constitution, that same document gives me the freedom of speech to say: Of course they did it. Who but these two would have beaten this child over a prolonged period of time, to the point where his brain and body would utterly fail?

:clap::clap:very well said:clap::clap:
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