GUILTY ID - Robert Manwill, 8, Boise, 24 July 2009 - #5

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Being illiterate--if in fact she is illiterate by any definition at all-- will not mean that she is incompetent to participate in her defense. Hundreds of illiterate people have been tried, convicted and executed in the United States. Her defense lawyer may well throw the spaghetti at the wall, hoping something will stick, since I will bet my house, what's left of my retirement fund, both my cats and my right pinkie toe that the Boise PD have this case locked down. It was over when they found the body because they had been abusing Robert over time and the poor sweet boy will nail them from the grave.
Sorry, this is a little O/T and I bring it up only because of the question of Melissa's literacy..We have a member who's sister was murdered by an animal who conned her, married her, took out a $400,000 life ins policy on her and then killed her and left her dead in the desert. He was convicted and sentenced to death. 17 years later he decides he is mentally retarded and his attorney requested an appeal. WOULD YOU BELIEVE the judicial system really gave him a two-week hearing, with all the trimmings, to prove it. The taxpayers financed his talented lawyer, his expensive psychiatric experts, the judge who will give him every last benefit of the doubt, and, of course, the assistant attorney general charged with fighting them. This mans brother was an accomplice and he is also trying to prove he is mentally retarded...WTH?? Yeah, maybe just a dimwit that followed in his brothers stupid footsteps.
Once they get sentenced..Thats it...Life in prison, Throw away the key. Death Penalty, Pull the Plug..C'mon judges..Grow some ba**s!!!
Just checking in on our little guy. Yesterday when I checked I noticed he was way down on the thread list, so today I thought we had better move him up. What do you say, guys??
Both links work for me, teedie.

Interesting that Charles Manwill testified against Ehrlick. At least he knew before we did that things were in motion for Robert.
The PDF's loaded fine for me too.

On Ehrlick's list of witnesses, what does "recalled" mean? TIA. (It's noted after a couple of the names on the list, on the last page.)
I'm not 100% sure, but I think it means that they were called back after already being there. One of the names testified against MJ, and was probably "recalled" to testify against DE. The other name isn't on both lists, though, so I'm not usre.
Thanks Idaho, I didn't compare the names. :doh:

Praying for justice for Robert.
I wonder about Charles Manwill testimony. It seems if Robert was able to tell him anything about his treatment by phone , he would have gone after him. If he'd already told him about past treatment, it seems he wouldn't have allowed the visit.

So what could Charles have offered? Something he heard or saw after little Robert was missing?

I kept this exert from a newspaper our Angel who cares posted....I couldn't agree more. In my opinion, if the judge had done what she was being paid to do, the beast of a so called mom wouldn't ever have had access to any child...

....the child had swelling to the side of his head. The side of the head kind of felt mushy and swollen, and the child was in distress. The X-ray revealed the child had about a 3- to 4-centimeter horizontal fracture to the side of his head,

Alidjani went on to tell the judge that a doctor who examined the baby determined a great deal of force was needed to cause a fracture of that magnitude.

So what happens to a mother after fracturing her childs skull, then pawns it off as an accident while performing her motherly duties, even though physical evidence and testimony from a doctor dictates otherwise? Well, if you're in Judge Cathleen MacGregor Irby'a courtroom in Ada county, you get 2 years supervised probation. Yep, if you've got a calendar handy, you've probably already figured out that Melissa Jenkins was all of 4 months deep into her probation for fracturing her sons skull, and now her other son is missing, and a body has been found in a canal right up the road.

Failed at birth and no telling how many times there after, the biggest failure of Roberts life may actually be by those that were paid to protect him. Those like Judge Cathleen MacGregor Irby who when faced with determining the future of this boy and his siblings decided the future of their mother was more important and released her with 2 years probation. Wanna send her a letter? I did..

Judge Cathleen MacGregor Irby
Magistrate Judge
Ada County Courthouse
200 W. Front Street, Rm. 4148
Boise, ID 83702
Robert, Rest in Peace, little guy. Your death has opened many people's eyes to the flaws in our family courts and child welfare agencies. The fact that the two people (I cannot call them parents) were able to beat and abuse you, dump your little body in a canal, and then perpetrate a big scam to cover thier tracks has left many people angry and demanding answers to how this could have happened. There is an outpouring of love for you, but also outrage at the suffering you endured while there was supposed to be a system in place for ensuring your safety. I believe that many children's lives might be saved because of you and what you have exposed about a very inferior system for protecting little ones. Forgive us all, Robert.
The crushing difficulty of child abuse cases is that children love the parents who abuse them and live not only in physical danger but emotional danger as well. I think of poor Robert, fearful because his dog had gotten loose and he knew his mother would be angry. Every small, insignificant mistake a child makes or any annoying incident that the child can be blamed for can provide the occasion for the parent to berate and batter the child. And so the child walks on eggshells, trying to please the parent or stepparent, trying to be perfect, and of course failing because children are by definition going to learn by trial and error. A psychologist once told me that it is natural for children to love even abusive parents, that they hope the parent will change and often believe that things will improve if the child can just be perfect. And while they want the abuse to stop and the abuser to love them, the worst possible thing would be for someone to find out what was happening to them at home.

I think this case hits me so hard because I know so exactly from my own childhood the fear and loneliness and longing Robert must have felt, even though I never had to endure the extremes of physical abuse that he suffered. And he looks so much like a little boy of the same age who lived next door to use for a while in the hellish house created by battling divorced parents who cared far more about their own social lives than the lonely little boy who spent hours at our house. He moved, and I still think about him and miss him and wonder how he is. His name was Robert, too.

We can't wait for government agencies to protect these kids. We have to pay attention to the long sleeves and long pants they wear to cover their bruises. We have to understand that they may never tell the worst things, even if we earn their trust. We have to watch and listen and observe and have the courage to report suspected abuse and to find allies in the community who can help. One thing adults who have survived physical and emotional abuse or neglect can do is to tell children their own stories, not to try to pry confidences out of a child, but to build the idea in the child that their hell is not unique, they are not alone, and that someone who has experienced abuse will understand them and their situation if they find the courage to talk. As a teacher, I am always surprised that the abused and neglected kids find their way to my office; it's like I have a sign on my forehead. "Regular" kids have no idea.
Dear Little Robert!

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