GUILTY ID - Robert Manwill, 8, Boise, 24 July 2009 - #5

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I'm thinkin seriously 'bout going and punching DE in the nose!!! And yeah, then I'm gonna run like h3ll.

Hold on Robert, here we go punkin.....BUMP!!!
You won't have to run Shutter, I'll be right beside you.
I'm thinkin seriously 'bout going and punching DE in the nose!!! And yeah, then I'm gonna run like h3ll.

Hold on Robert, here we go punkin.....BUMP!!!

No, officer, I didn't see anything. :innocent:
You know it bothers me that no one heard anything. DE isn't in this alone IMO, he wouldn't have even had a car right? Or did he have a car? Anyway I'm thinking that an indictment is going to come down for more than one person. We haven't heard another word from the guy who said his truck went missing, or E's brother. I just wish there were some reporters like Kathy Belich down there digging!

Patience....I know..... Just keep hugging away Robert

It just may be a good thing, this time, that we do not have a Kathy Belich type digging in. Hang in there and read again what Charles had to say. I do not think that "no one" has heard anything.

IRT the Anthony Circus, Ms. Belich has her place there for sure. I wish she would get involved in the Duckett case, 3 years without a trace this August 27th.

See you soon Robert. Can't wait to get that hug!
Like I said on another thread...please let today be the day that one missing/abused/murdered/neglected child has some justice today. Go LE your jobs and bring this SOB(s) to justice.
IRT the Anthony Circus, Ms. Belich has her place there for sure. I wish she would get involved in the Duckett case, 3 years without a trace this August 27th.

(Post respectfully snipped)

Unfortunately, unlike the Anthony case, the likely perp in Trenton's disappearance is already dead. :furious:
Bumping for Robert!
Hang in there I have faith we will have answers soon...:)
aaahhh, i wish they would at least do a presser or something! let us know how the investigation is going....(not their job to satify me, i know!)
aaahhh, i wish they would at least do a presser or something! let us know how the investigation is going....(not their job to satify me, i know!)

my thoughts exactly.
bumping for Robert.
Prayers for arrest.
Justice For Robert
As I sit here every day reading through these posts, with everyone anxiously awaiting what we all know is the obvious, I get this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach about this little boy, who never had a chance. And the signs were everywhere that something was not right with his mother's situation. How do we as a nation rank among civilized, industrial nations with child abuse and death? And have statistics increased lately? If it has (as I fear) why, because of drugs? breakdown of the family? not using birth control and procreating when you do not have the "tools" to parent properly? What happened to Robert will not be the last time, sadly, that we hear about something like this.
We as a society are failing to protect some of our children, and that is a sad commentary about us. This must stop.

I was thinking about a solution. Child abuse must be treated separately as the most deplorable of crimes. If you ever are accused and found guilty of child abuse, you must be registered like a sex offender. You must have cameras installed in your home, so you can be monitored. When you are on camera, you are less likely to commit some atrocity. I know it's an invasion of privacy, but while you are responsible for your children, they are not owned, they have the right to be protected. I know that sounds like "Big Brother", but in the case of children, we must be willing to go to drastic lengths so that no other child is beaten, and tossed in a canal like yesterday's garbage by some sick parent or parental substitute. Then I think of barbaric places like Saudi've heard the stories about how they don't have a lot of crime, because the penalties are so severe, for instance the punishment for stealing is having your hands chopped off. Severe, yes, but that's why there isn't a lot of theft there. The Japanese used to have low crime rates, because they didn't want to impose shame on their families. We have been so understanding and tolerant, and in some cases, like ones involving inanimate objects and are non violent crimes, maybe more rehabilitation is possible. But with children, there can be not only "0" tolerance, but the consequences must be so horrible, that no one would want to face. We cannot continue to have these crimes happen, and then have to wait around until the perp feels better so we can arrest him.

I just read about a crime on Websleuths about a father who slit his 3 year old and 5 year old's throats because he was jealous that his ex-wife had someone over to spend the night. He killed his ex-mother-in-law also. This just happened in Canton Ohio, at the beginning of June of this year. The mother of the children did everything right, had restraining orders, the father only had supervised visitation, but somehow finagled it to get unsupervised visitation. She pleaded for help, and she was ignored. He confessed immediately (the children's bodies were still in their car seats in the back of his car). And when he was being arraigned, the judge asked him if he was being treated okay by the jailers. (I'm quite sure this was a sarcastic question), and he replied, "adequate, but I'm a strict vegetarian, and they are not giving me things I can eat". Words cannot describe..........

Let's start a movement to treat crimes against children with a harshness and severity, that might be a major deterrent to would be offenders. I think the public cannot stand to hear about these crimes, so they don't want to address them. It's too horrible and we just want to turn our heads because the sadness is overwhelming. But we must face facts and take action to stop this from happening over and over.
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