IDENTIFIED-Tawni Lee Mazzone

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What does IIUC mean?

Too bad she wasn't reported missing. Because I bet we would have found a match a lot sooner.
ahh hem, believe09 who at 9pm rec'd my email and a 'please help'....she has not stopped...worked tirelessly w/family, LE, ME.....thank you....for pulling together all the work put 24 hours YOU pulled it all together and guided family, (lol)....believe09...YOU ROCK! TY TY TY TY TY TY TY!

I second that! You all rock! Thanks to all of you! I hope that if anything ever happens to me or one of my loved ones, my story ends up here and is sleuthed by all of you wonderful and devoted people! God bless you all! :blowkiss:
What does IIUC mean?

Too bad she wasn't reported missing. Because I bet we would have found a match a lot sooner.

IIUC= If i understand correctly.

I cant begin to say how frustrated i am over them not taking a police report. She was missing no matter the circumstances, A report should have been made. This poor child had to go 9 years unidentified because of a lack in police department.
Maybe it's time our state politicians got the message that law enforcement must take missing persons reports in all cases where the subject is 18 or under. I believe Florida has legislation similar to this pending or enacted. A federal statute would be even better, in my humble opinion.

"Tawni's Law". I like that.

Spend all your time waiting for that second chance
For the break that will make it ok
There's always some reason to feel “not good enough”
And it's hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction, oh beautiful release
Memories seep from my veins
They may be empty and weightless, and maybe
I'll find some peace tonight

In the arms of the Angels, fly away from here
From this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of an Angel; may you find some comfort here....
(Sarah McLachlan, "Angel")
You know, I'm still in absolute AWE of the posters here.....last time I was on this thread you didn't have half of the information you do now. You guys are certainly amazing! This story of Tawni was one where everyone that read about her, wanted to help. You guys have truly made a difference and I only wish I had stayed around longer to watch this unfold with you! :) You guys ROCK!!

Another thing, Tawni's story makes me feel like I CAN make a difference! It makes me want to get more involved in helping find names for the unidentified! Thank you for making me feel like I personally can do something to help!!

WOW! I am really in the presence of greatness here at WS and feel so unworthy!! :)
Tawni is absolutely beautiful.

My sincere thanks to all WS members who followed this case for days on end, trying to find a name for this poor girl.

My sincere prayers to her family and loved ones. I am so grateful that they know where Tawni is now and what happened to her. But I know that this is a very hard time for them, and most likely not the outcome they had prayed for.

Perhaps, Tawni herself was leading some of those working this case. That's what I like to think, anyway. But by no means, should that downplay the hard work so many people took upon themselves.

I am in tears right now and I am just absolutely amazed at the selflessness that some people have, in a time when I feel like the world is falling apart. I can only hope that if myself, or a loved one was in a situation like Tawni's, that people like you would help me find my way home too.

While I don't believe I ever posted on this case. I have followed it for a couple years now. And I know that I am not only grateful this person now has a name, but I am also grateful for the extra faith this has given me in the work that people do here at websleuths. This is proof, it can be done, these people can get their names back, they can come home, their families can have closure.

Kudos to all of you wh have spent to many hours to give MJD a name.Like others have said I am honored to be a member of this great placed.
I spent the better part of last night researching this case. Until last night, I had no clue who Tawni was. I had the pleasure of hearing first hand from Christine in chat the great news that Tawni had an identity and she wasn't MJD any longer.

I was searching yahoo last night and came up with a website from WS that had all the pictures involved with this case. I had no idea what I would find once I clicked the link. I had already seen my uncle 4 yrs ago when he passed away suddenly while vacationing in San Francisco. He was walking and passed out on the sidewalk and the fall killed him. They sent the family morgue photo's and we had to identify him. But something about seeing this young girl, sent me into tears. I have a question if someone out there don't mind me asking. I saw the comparison photo's. Is the girl in the hospital the same girl as in the morgue? I was under the impression that Tawni's body was found already deceased. Did they find her alive, but she was in coma? Did she pass away in the hospital? Sorry for all the morbid questions, but after leaving chat, I went researching on this case, just so I could have more knowledge about Tawni. I think you all are terrific for giving up so much of yourselves throughout the years and for giving MJD back her name. You guys are simply an amazing bunch of people. God Bless you all!
Maybe it's time our state politicians got the message that law enforcement must take missing persons reports in all cases where the subject is 18 or under. I believe Florida has legislation similar to this pending or enacted. A federal statute would be even better, in my humble opinion.

"Tawni's Law". I like that.

Spend all your time waiting for that second chance
For the break that will make it ok
There's always some reason to feel “not good enough”
And it's hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction, oh beautiful release
Memories seep from my veins
They may be empty and weightless, and maybe
I'll find some peace tonight

In the arms of the Angels, fly away from here
From this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of an Angel; may you find some comfort here....
(Sarah McLachlan, "Angel")


I encourage everyone to look into this.
membership and a screen name (sn). :blowkiss:

thanks again FMW63 for all of your help. If it weren't for your persistance with the photo's, reports, questions from other members and your contact with LE who knows where we might be today. You were as much a part of this as Christine and believe.

:blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
I'm so glad this dear girl will finally make it home. I wish it could've been a better homecoming, but at least the family can now have piece of mind.

WS sleuth's are great!
You guys are wonderful.. :blowkiss:
I was a conduit only-there are too many to name that contributed but I would like to mention some of the white hats that stepped up-
Suzi Dodt, Maricopa County ME. With the thousands of poor souls she has touched in her lifetime, she never let this one go cold.

Det. Lankaster- he snatched the cold case from the files of a neighboring county and continues to pursue justice in this complicated, heartbreaking case.

Michael- Tawni's brother who set in motion these events as they have unfolded in the last 24 hours by googling and finding a lovely UID who clearly needed her name back.

Tammi- the aunt who took a leap of faith first emailing and then calling strangers to find information regarding her long lost niece.

Deborah- who had the strength to call a complete stranger and share a private moment of grief and pain when her heart told her head that her daughter was before her on the internet as a deceased child.

Vashley88- whose compostites of the UID created with such sensitivity from her morgue photos generated the recognition that ID'd Tawni.

Phenol- whose posting on City Data led the family to WS and the positive ID.

FMW- The contribution of the police report, the ME report and finally the pictures energized this case and caused Tawni to be found.

Fairy, Cubby, SS, Teresa, Reb (who started this whole thing, lol) Dee, absinthe, Marstan (both former members) and all who searched, guided, dissected, ranted, laughed and cried with us!

And of course, Christine2448 who kept us on task and facilitated, guided and freaked out with me the last 24 hours....

Thank you Tricia for giving us the bandwith to work together for this kind of an outcome.


Oh my heart truly goes out to these people. My prayers soooo much to Tawni's family, what a beautiful young girl she was. My heart is just breaking for those who have come to the realization that their loved one has passed on. What a painful time this has to be and I just ask God to be with Deborah, Tammi, Michael and family as they pull together and finally give Tawni a proper resting place.

Believe, Christine, Phenol and everyone else, you guys are just AMAZING, simply amazing. May God bless you each and every day. Thank you so much for helping give this beautiful young angel her name back. :blowkiss:


I encourage everyone to look into this.

Christine I just read whre you reported here that Tawnee was never reported missing, on any missing national sites, etc... due to the lack of participation and assistance from LE. Something must be done about this. Never in another day, should this ever happen again. Totally un-acceptable. Running away, habit, occassional, or never having done so, is no excuse to not look into someone's disappearance given we have injured, dead bodies being found when we can't even identify them?
I'm not gonna get outraged, yet! For now is a time of healing and celebration for this family and child.

But when we get over this Glory for this child, we need to move in a direction to never ever not yell from the roof tops that it is LE job to get involved when contacted. Their authority to make such judgement calls needs to be stripped. And given to a panel of each community a group of local citizens to read and go over the immediate pressing details concerning missing persons of their community, and let them decide. For we know any citizen would place themselves in the seat of that Family and want some assistance.
LE should have authority in most areas, but making the calls on when to investigate a missing person or not, I think our country needs to move to investigate immediately each and every report or inquiry concerning someone that can't be found no matter what their habits are or how long their gone.

I am so shocked to learn a report or investigation was not done on behalf of her local LE at the request of her caring Family. I'm through venting.
I spent the better part of last night researching this case. Until last night, I had no clue who Tawni was. I had the pleasure of hearing first hand from Christine in chat the great news that Tawni had an identity and she wasn't MJD any longer.

I was searching yahoo last night and came up with a website from WS that had all the pictures involved with this case. I had no idea what I would find once I clicked the link. I had already seen my uncle 4 yrs ago when he passed away suddenly while vacationing in San Francisco. He was walking and passed out on the sidewalk and the fall killed him. They sent the family morgue photo's and we had to identify him. But something about seeing this young girl, sent me into tears. I have a question if someone out there don't mind me asking. I saw the comparison photo's. Is the girl in the hospital the same girl as in the morgue? I was under the impression that Tawni's body was found already deceased. Did they find her alive, but she was in coma? Did she pass away in the hospital? Sorry for all the morbid questions, but after leaving chat, I went researching on this case, just so I could have more knowledge about Tawni. I think you all are terrific for giving up so much of yourselves throughout the years and for giving MJD back her name. You guys are simply an amazing bunch of people. God Bless you all!

Hello NTD. Tawni was alive and flown by helicopter to the hospital. She passed away the next day, having never regained consciousness.
Oh my heart truly goes out to these people. My prayers soooo much to Tawni's family, what a beautiful young girl she was. My heart is just breaking for those who have come to the realization that their loved one has passed on. What a painful time this has to be and I just ask God to be with Deborah, Tammi, Michael and family as they pull together and finally give Tawni a proper resting place.

Believe, Christine, Phenol and everyone else, you guys are just AMAZING, simply amazing. May God bless you each and every day. Thank you so much for helping give this beautiful young angel her name back. :blowkiss:

Thank you so much Cat...

Im really interested in learning more about TAWNI, did she like sports ? Music? Hobbies????

I was reminded of my "highway test" when my dad was driving 75 mph and I opended the door to see if she could have opended it without to much wind resistance. This was done before we knew she exited the window. ANd I can tell you that pavement was going by so fast it was scary. Since then I have been going along in the passenger seat with the window down at 75 mph and I KNOW that Tawni would NOT have jumped unless she had immeadiate fear for her life.

I think she felt she was serious danger for her life and felt she HAD to jump to try and save her life. Because it is very scary seeing that road moving by like that.
I just want to say what a wonderful group of people you Websleuthers are who worked so tirelessly to bring identity to this beautiful young soul. You deserve all the kudos you are receiving.

Bless you all and prayers go to Tawani's family as well.

This is truly an incredible Websleuth' story.



PS.......and once again without Tricia's forum, NONE of this would be possible. Tricia, you're the best! fran
Thank you so much Cat...

Im really interested in learning more about TAWNI, did she like sports ? Music? Hobbies????

I was reminded of my "highway test" when my dad was driving 75 mph and I opended the door to see if she could have opended it without to much wind resistance. This was done before we knew she exited the window. ANd I can tell you that pavement was going by so fast it was scary. Since then I have been going along in the passenger seat with the window down at 75 mph and I KNOW that Tawni would NOT have jumped unless she had immeadiate fear for her life.

I think she felt she was serious danger for her life and felt she HAD to jump to try and save her life. Because it is very scary seeing that road moving by like that.

Hi Phenol! :blowkiss:

In chat last night, Tawni's stepsister was chatting with us. She said Tawni liked R&B and some classic rock but mostly liked "slow jams" like from Boys II Men. She said she liked NKOTB (New Kids on the Block) and we laughed about it because she mentioned something about how Tawni would kill her for saying that. She also said Tawni was a firecracker and did things her own way, a very spirited girl, very beautiful, a "knockout" she said. She mentioned that Tawni liked to write and did so as an outlet. I think she also mentioned that Tawni never really had a steady boyfriend and liked the "bad boys" and that she knew for a fact that Tawni really wanted to be a mom someday.

As far as your highway test goes, I ride a motorcycle (and ride on the back with my husband too) and I know exacty what it feels like to be going 75 MPH on a highway with the road passing under your feet. I couldn't see ANYONE jumping out of a car for any reason other than to try and save her life. The idea of hitting the pavement at 75 MPH, even with full protective gear and a helmet on doesn't sound like fun, let alone to do it jumping out of a car with nothing on but a spaghetti strap tank and a skirt... AF and LDJ definitely have some ESSPLAININ' to do!
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