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Pretty sure that it was bone chillin' cold. But, how could he have crawled through that tiny little window, while wearing a coat...when John, said himself, that when he crawled through it, after locking himself out of the house, he stripped down to his underwear, he didn't want to get caught on anything on the window sill.

Doesn't the standard IDI have the intruder(s) arriving in the afternoon? I'd guess they didn't crawl through a basement window during broad daylight, wouldn't you? They probably walked thru the front door.
Doesn't the standard IDI have the intruder(s) arriving in the afternoon? I'd guess they didn't crawl through a basement window during broad daylight, wouldn't you? They probably walked thru the front door.

The doors were locked...they had left for the party. John, himself...said that he believed that the intruder crawled through the basement window. So are you NOW questioning JOHN?? They left for the party in the evening...and around in these parts....I live two states up from starts to get dark around 4:00 pm, in the WINTER. But in the summer...we have had to wait until 10:00 pm, to watch the fireworks on the 4th of July, because that's when it gets dark. Depending on the gets darker earlier or later.
The doors were locked...they had left for the party. John, himself...said that he believed that the intruder crawled through the basement window. So are you NOW questioning JOHN?? They left for the party in the evening...and around in these parts....I live two states up from starts to get dark around 4:00 pm, in the WINTER. But in the summer...we have had to wait until 10:00 pm, to watch the fireworks on the 4th of July, because that's when it gets dark. Depending on the gets darker earlier or later.

That is accurate about 4 in the winter it is getting dark
That is accurate about 4 in the winter it is getting dark

Thank you CK...I was waiting for you to back me up on this. What was the exact time the Rams left for the party?...I am having a mental block.
Thank you CK...I was waiting for you to back me up on this. What was the exact time the Rams left for the party?...I am having a mental block.

Wasn't the dinner at 5:00?

From ACR-- Fleet White told police Ramseys arrived at 4:30pm for dinner (PMPT pg 33)
Wasn't the dinner at 5:00?

From ACR-- Fleet White told police Ramseys arrived at 4:30pm for dinner (PMPT pg 33)

From John's 1998 Interview...

12 LOU SMIT: Now, when you go up to the Whites,
13 what time do you think it was that you left your
14 house?
15 JOHN RAMSEY: Well, it seemed like it was
16 4:30, 5:00, somewhere in that range, as I recall.
17 It was an early dinner. The kids wanted to play
18 together.

And that proves that IT WAS starts getting dark in CO. and surrounding the winter ...around 4:00, and it gets dark pretty quick. SOOOO...if you read this that we have established that it WAS not you suggested, now what? If the "intruder" had of snuck in during the daylight hours...the Ramsey's would have been home....we have now established that it was dark or getting dark at the time that the Ramsey's left. Even if this "intruder" of yours, had of been waiting for them to STILL would have been too dark for him to have seen where he was going. The doors were locked, so that means that he would have gone through that tiny, basement window...carrying tape, rope and NOW a baseball bat...without a flashlight. The basement would have been pitch dark at that did he see?
I'm not saying this happened but what if the intruder entered the house before the Ramsey left and hid in the wine cellar. He/She could have entered the house when the kids were playing outside, or upstairs. I am just trying to throw out another explaination.

The more I read about this the only reason I see for the Ramseys to both lie about what happened is to protect their son Burke - otherwise I don't see any mother or father covering up for the other. They both had to protect Burke - make sure he wasn't taken away from them.
I'm not saying this happened but what if the intruder entered the house before the Ramsey left and hid in the wine cellar. He/She could have entered the house when the kids were playing outside, or upstairs. I am just trying to throw out another explaination.

The more I read about this the only reason I see for the Ramseys to both lie about what happened is to protect their son Burke - otherwise I don't see any mother or father covering up for the other. They both had to protect Burke - make sure he wasn't taken away from them.

Hi Wtsn5, welcome to WS!

As for entering the house while the R's were home... IMO, while that's possible, it's not very probable.

As for the second part of your post: I've thought that too, but I don't anymore. I don't think Burke did it.
Hi Wtsn5, welcome to WS!

As for entering the house while the R's were home... IMO, while that's possible, it's not very probable.

As for the second part of your post: I've thought that too, but I don't anymore. I don't think Burke did it.

Why don't you think Burke had anything to do with this?
But he supposedly came through that small basement window...and now you have him wearing a coat?? This just gets weirder and weirder!!! Why didn't he just wipe the bat off, just like he did the flashlight and the batteries?? He took everything else that had to do with the crime.....supposedly....why didn't he take the bat? BETTER YET....why didn't he take the Ramsey's flashlight, so that he could see to make his get away? I personally think the bat had nothing whatsoever to do with anything....I believe that it may have been stored in the basement at some time, probably recently, and Burke and his friends had been playing ball with it. I don't think there is anything sinister about that bat.

Smit's version says he might have hit JB over the head w the I think that just proves he was grasping at straws..the FL was found on the counter..wiped down...even so...why on earth would an intruder strike her on the head with it,then walk back up to the first floor and leave it there? but oh yes,then Smit goes on to say he left by the basement window ! why not just leave thru a door??? I mean really,I think the man was just hired to try to make the IDI theory fit,and even he couldn't do it.
I'm not saying this happened but what if the intruder entered the house before the Ramsey left and hid in the wine cellar. He/She could have entered the house when the kids were playing outside, or upstairs. I am just trying to throw out another explaination.

The more I read about this the only reason I see for the Ramseys to both lie about what happened is to protect their son Burke - otherwise I don't see any mother or father covering up for the other. They both had to protect Burke - make sure he wasn't taken away from them.

Even if the kids were playing outside, the parents were at home! And if it was a stranger intruder, how would they know who else was inside as well? It was Christmas Day. The house could be filled with company.
Not to mention the confusing layout of the home, the unconventional placement of the light switches, etc. No intruder would risk it.
Now, neighbor Joe Barnhill claimed to see JR's older son JAR walking into the house that day, a claim denied by the Rs.
IF that is true and he WAS there...he'd be a prime suspect as far as I am concerned, and the only way I could consider BR involved is if he was with his older half-brother at the time she was killed. Which also explaines the resistance the DA's office gave to prosecuting this crime. Although DA Hunter never wanted to take ANY case to trial, there seems to be such a wall of silence around the failure to bring charges in this case, that although I am not a BDI, this option cannot be ruled out.
So why would an Intruder who's smart enough to wear gloves leave a three-page ransom note, which is a very incriminating piece of evidence? Why would an Intruder remove gloves and risk leaving DNA on rope used in ligature strangulation?

yea,really.remember that 'palm print' which JR said belonged to the killer,only it turned out to be his older daughter's? even bf that,I always thought,now why on earth would an intruder wear gloves,yet be sooo careless as to leave his palm print on the door??? it just didn't make any sense.JR knew full well that wasn't from any intruder.
Even if the kids were playing outside, the parents were at home! And if it was a stranger intruder, how would they know who else was inside as well? It was Christmas Day. The house could be filled with company.
Not to mention the confusing layout of the home, the unconventional placement of the light switches, etc. No intruder would risk it.
Now, neighbor Joe Barnhill claimed to see JR's older son JAR walking into the house that day, a claim denied by the Rs.
IF that is true and he WAS there...he'd be a prime suspect as far as I am concerned, and the only way I could consider BR involved is if he was with his older half-brother at the time she was killed. Which also explaines the resistance the DA's office gave to prosecuting this crime. Although DA Hunter never wanted to take ANY case to trial, there seems to be such a wall of silence around the failure to bring charges in this case, that although I am not a BDI, this option cannot be ruled out.

I don't rule out the R's trying to say BR had something to do with it,even if he didn't.why not,they threw everyone else under the bus,why not their own son.
Smit's version says he might have hit JB over the head w the I think that just proves he was grasping at straws..the FL was found on the counter..wiped down...even so...why on earth would an intruder strike her on the head with it,then walk back up to the first floor and leave it there? but oh yes,then Smit goes on to say he left by the basement window ! why not just leave thru a door??? I mean really,I think the man was just hired to try to make the IDI theory fit,and even he couldn't do it.

That is just so he supposedly left through the basement window, for which he came...and he was carrying a roll of duct tape, cord...AND a baseball bat....and he leaped up onto that suitcase...while holding all of these things...(guess he didn't need but one hand to lift himself up)....and hoisted himself up and through the window..and dropped the bat outside on the ground. That is a load of bull....I have said it before, and I will say it again....
#1....How did he see? At this time, the basement would have been so dark that he wouldn't have been able to see his hand in front of him, but yet, he wiped down the flashlight...and batteries, and places it on the counter...(how thoughtful)....and manages to make it back down to the basement, in the dark, and go through that obstacle course that they had down there...and crawled out the window. And #2...why didn't he take the flashlight with him?? Why wipe it down including the batteries, and leave it behind, when taking it with him, and using it to see with, would have been SO MUCH easier.
In speaking about that basement window...I remember reading quite a while ago an interview with the Rs FIRST Boulder housekeeper- a woman who worked for the Rs before Linda Hoffman-Pugh (and who is also named Linda, I think). She was questioned by the police as well. When she was show photos of the basement window with the suitcase under it she was CERTAIN that it was a different window that was there when she worked there. The window she remembers was an awning-type window, a type which appears in other photos of the R home, and which is too small and opens in a way which would not allow someone to go through it. Does anyone else remember reading this?
I am not making fun of your theory....but excuse me while I laugh..........................................................................okay, I am done. So, an intruder wearing gloves, pulls the bowl out of the cupboard, digs up a spoon...and then somehow manages to find a can of pineapple, and a can opener so that he can open the can of pineapple, and then pours the pineapple in the bowl and then offers it to JB before he molests and kills her. Here is MY questions....WHY would he do that? And why would he take the TIME to do that? Absolutely ridiculous....IMO No offense though...;)

but don't forget...she was stun-gunned first ! ever tried to eat pineapple while you're unconcious from being stun-gunned?? I imagine it would be pretty hard.

stun guns don't knock you out anyway,nonetheless,I don't think JB would have had an appetite after that.

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