If GA hadn't.............

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I'm online with your thinking here. Another thing that has bothered me in this timeframe, when AH delivered CA to AL's apt (KC's hideout) why didn't CA ask AL and his roomate if they had seen Caylee rather than make a snide remark about what a money-hungry criminal KC was? What exactly was CA's priority in that apartment?

Think about it, it's nighttime, KC is lounging at her boyfriend's place - why wouldn't CA think Caylee may be somewhere in that apartment? How could she leave without searching the place for Caylee - or any of Caylee's things - knowing KC could be lying to her about where Caylee was? When CA told KC to leave, according to AL, CA told KC to get HER things. What about Caylee's things??

Something doesn't sit right about that.

well, for one, I would think that she knew that if Caylee were there, Caylee would come out at the sound of Grandma's voice, or she'd see toys or stuff of Caylee's around.

Also, saying "get your things" could very well mean "all of the things you brought here" (which would include any of Caylee's stuff. Didn't TL report that she asked KC where Caylee was?

It is confusing.
The first thing out of my mouth would have been "Have you seen my grandaughter?" At some level CA was still in protect mode...she never brought the subject up.
GA drove KC's stinking car all the way home from the impound place, knowing full well what he was smelling. . . . and then he followed CA's instructions to go to work? This doesn't sound like a strong, level-headed, family leader who could have changed the outcome of events, even if he had stayed home.
After rereading th 911 tapes I am questioning my reading comprehension. Did Cindy really say I'm not giving you 1 more day I've given you a month? Is this an indication that Casey and Cindy had open battle in the month prior (where both parties claimed Caylee was at the beach with ZG etc..) How often had they spoken in that month?
It appears Cindy's attempt at a boo game with Casey backfired. Once Cindy realized there was a real problem and she had snitched out her daughter the ranks closed. JMO
George is a man who has been mentally abused by his wife from day one. He does what Cindy says. Period.
His father is well in his 90's and taking into account that he most likely was raised within a family dynamic that the women takes care of the children and the home, the man earns a paycheck and takes care of the yard, cars etc it is normal for him to defer anything to do with raising and disciplining children to Cindy.
George had not been holding up his end in bringing home a paycheck and has messed up with finances and one can only imagine how Cindy does not let him forget that, nor does his own conscience. Double guilt.
It is obvious from the interviews that we have seen that George is aware that Casey is using the family, stealing, lying and conniving. It is also apparent that whenever he has raised his concerns about Casey to Cindy she tells him she will take care of it and George lets her, not only just because that is the way it is suppose to be but that is the way it has to be.

George is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. Cindy has made sure of that. He is the family whipping post. He has not been George for many, many years. He is Cindy's George. Can you imagine the anger he carries around? There have been reports of his temper and we saw some of his outburst with the media and the protesters. For someone to go off on a stranger like that says a lot. Usually people go off on their own family members because that is 'safe'. They will still love you; understand you even if they are mad at the moment. People hold their tongue with strangers and are polite even if they really want to holler and yell they don't.

George has no life except the life that Cindy tells him he can have.

The big question for me is what has George’s part been in what has happened with covering up for Casey. Has he taken his usual role in not directly doing anything and publicly says what Cindy tells him to and knows nothing as he keeps saying or has he possibly tampered with evidence either to comply with Cindy’s orders or even in an attempt to ‘do what he thinks’ Cindy would want him to do.
I have a hard time seeing George ever doing anything to harm Caylee on purpose. His love for her shows in every interview. Much more so than Cindy’s does although I do not think that Cindy would harm Caylee on purpose either. Cindy’s attitude toward Caylee is more Caylee is a possession, something that she can attribute to how much she has had to sacrifice, or spend, or take care of and on the same hand someone to brag about and extol wonderful family sentiment about.

In my opinion Cindy’s behavior is nothing short of someone who has borderline personality disorder and her behavior is the direct reason that Casey is the way she is. I found it interesting the FBI said there is a marked difference in the Casey before 20 and the Casey after 20. Do they know of something specific since they said something changed?

I just don’t know if things would have been different if George had been there when Casey was dragged home. Casey has been taught by Cindy not to respect her father and the only thing that George was good for was money, and that just barley. I don’t think she would have told him anything. George keep putting money in Caylee’s account and piggy bank even though he knew Casey was taking the money. Casey knew this and used George for whatever she could get from him. He was hoping that this would buy him Casey’s love and respect.. Sad. Money does not buy love or respect.
What I don't understand is how it benefitted Cindy to let Casey grow up like this. Cindy is no pushover, she's a steam roller. For her to let Casey's inexecuseable behavior go on and on, there had to be some sort of psychological benefit to her, Cindy. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm more interested in Cindy's psychological make-up than Casey's. Cindy's the architect of her family's current situation. IMHO

CA puts on a tough exterior....it is a show. She is most likely mush inside and a push-over when it comes to her children. She is a perfectionist. She wanted the outside to see perfect children, home and family. With Cindy, as long as the image is upheld, all is well. If the image is in danger, she goes into ultra-control mode and attacks whoever or whatever she believes is the cause.

In her mind, her children must be close to perfect and there is always an outside source that is interfering with this image which irritates her and she must do something about that. She strikes out.

She doesn't have insight into this problem, despite being educated. Her control issues and narcissism will prevent her from getting help. They only time this type gets professional help is when it is mandated or they think that someone else has a problem and they will go there to find a way to control that situation (but it is not them). Many may find this difficult to believe but she is a co-dependent.

She believes they all will love her for what she does for them....i.e., doing laundry for adult children, giving them money (so they can have fun or pay bills, doesn't matter...it helps them) not charging rent to adult children, feeding them, paying medical bills... All done in the name of "I am helping". Now this has progressed to stealing money from friends and family. Cindy is still covering because she doesn't want her children (or herself) to feel discomfort or pain. She wants them to need her and to know she will ALWAYS take care of them. :crazy:

Her payoff, which alludes her, is being adored/loved by her children for being able to handle all their problems and make their life comfortable and easy. She, then "feels" she is a good mother and wife. In this family situation, there should be a lot less "feeling", which causes emotional outbursts and turmoil...and a lot more "thinking" which may have brought peace to the house. :rolleyes:
I think no matter how it went down it doesn't really sound like CA ever treated GA like a husband. She always seem to tell GA to go away and she would handle it whatever the situation. Unfortunately, CA has found herself in a big pile of you know what and she can't tell GA to go away and do something. I am really interested to see KC's mental report to see if she is a sociopath. If she is it wouldn't have made much difference how they raised KC or who it was that handled the situation that nite. I think until KC hits the wall and realizes that she is going to jail she isn't going to tell anyone what happened.

Casey has been compared to Scott P. on many levels. And we know he still to this day hasn't come clean and told what really happened to Laci/Connor, even when he was facing the death penalty.

Withholding the information about what happened to Caylee is the ONLY power Casey has anymore, and I don't see her ever giving it up.
No. I agree with you Janis. I don't ever think she'll give it up. Her parents can go on and on and do whatever they need to do for years or lifetimes on end...But yah know..."it is what it is"!
My question has been...if KC had this "script" to follow, why did she allow CA to call 911? One would think she would have stopped her before then and explained it to her? I so confused as to why KC would not have made something up to prevent her CA from calling? You would think she would have known she would be caught with no Caylee.
She was such a compulsive liar yet she could not come up with anything to stop her CA from calling nor did she try to run away once CA called. I don't get this.

She couldn't run away, there was no battery in her car and Lee was there.
Casey has been compared to Scott P. on many levels. And we know he still to this day hasn't come clean and told what really happened to Laci/Connor, even when he was facing the death penalty.

Withholding the information about what happened to Caylee is the ONLY power Casey has anymore, and I don't see her ever giving it up.

And have you noticed how similar Jackie Peterson and Cindy are? Their behaviors are almost identical.
Would've, should've, could've gets us no where. Didn't happen. BUT... let me add my two cents: I think if the 911 call would have been made from the tow yard, things would be different. Why did they not call from the tow yard? At that point in time, both KC and Caylee were missing. As a parent, I would have been freaking out to come upon my daughter's car, smell decomp and NOT know where either of them were.

I believe CA & GA knew KC was capable of such horrid behavior and they could not call 911 before they had scoped out what was going on. They immediately reverted to "damage control."

Again, just my opinion,


Salem, I totally agree with your assessment!! All of it, 100%. I would bold to highlight what I agree with, but the whole post would be bolded. Right on the money!!
I think no matter how it went down it doesn't really sound like CA ever treated GA like a husband. She always seem to tell GA to go away and she would handle it whatever the situation. Unfortunately, CA has found herself in a big pile of you know what and she can't tell GA to go away and do something. I am really interested to see KC's mental report to see if she is a sociopath. If she is it wouldn't have made much difference how they raised KC or who it was that handled the situation that nite. I think until KC hits the wall and realizes that she is going to jail she isn't going to tell anyone what happened.

I don't think Casey will ever tell anyone what happened. I think she deliberately planned to kill Casey and would never want anyone (especially her parents) to know.

If KC has an antisocial personality NO amount of therapy would have fixed her.

Cindy may not be sympathetic but she did not kill anyone. Any and all adults are responsible for their own actions no matter how they were brought up.

This is how this family has operated for quite some time, even before Caylee went missing. It is all about denial, avoidance, and taking the easy way out.
Like FBI guy said, if you are trying to apply your way of thinking to this, it is not looking at it objectively.

1. Casey's pregnancy. She WAS showing, apparently for a while. When 'confronted', she claimed bloating and female problems, also virginity. G&C didn't pursue it until extended family made them out to be fools.

2. Casey's stealing:
So much to mention here, the credit cards, parent's bank accounts, Caylee's bank account, Caylee's piggy bank, etc., the bottom line is they took NO action to stop her, he!!, George just keeps putting money in Caylee's account and piggy bank even though he knows Casey is stealing it. Casey makes a fake deposit, gets caught, gives some bs story about being robbed at gunpoint, George starts to question, Cindy says she'll take care of it, and ol Georgie boy says okie dokie. They also continue to give her money when she asks for it. She steals the gas from them time after time, they just keep filling the gas cans.

3. Casey's fake job. Though there is plenty of evidence over the last few years Casey has no gainful employment, like lack of funds, no fixed hours, no hooking up at work, etc., they choose to play along.

Now all of you out there, if you had a daughter behaving this way, would this be your reactions? My child would get to steal off my credit card one time, period. My child would pay back all charges made without my permission within a certain amount of time, period. My child would be dressed down, explained to this is unacceptable behavior, and if my child did this again, I would press charges and be visiting my child in jail, period. I know, cause I lived this, and this is what happened, except my child learned after time one, and didn't end up going to jail. I follow through on the consequences I lay down to my children, and it is unpleasant, and downright ugly at times, there were times I cried at night because I felt like my kids hated me for disciplining them, but it still had to be done.
George going off to work after finding that car with a decomp smell he recognized was so he wouldn't have to deal with it. He has programmed his brain to believe as long as he ignores the problem, there is no problem. From everything I have seen about this family's dynamics, this is simple par for course. I don't think it would have made any difference if he had skipped work, Cindy would have told him she would take care of it, and he would have just sat around on the fringes, just like he always does.
If you are going to have children, IMO, you need to step up and take the responsibility of being a parent, and it is not always sunshine and roses.

Bravo Lanie, bravo!

That's exactly how I discipline my children too. It doesn't make you the most popular person sometimes, but it for sure makes for responsible well balanced adults our children will one day become.
It's pathetic that I actually do think he went to work. Amazing as it sounds. He's a very weak man and did what he was told.

I think GA had just started that new job and Cindy told him to go to work and she would handle it. That is when he called Lee and told him to check on his mother. I don't know why he would have left, except this was a new job and Cindy seems to tell everyone what to do and when to do it. He is used to obeying her commands. At least that is what I remember of the statements.:waitasec::waitasec: I could be wrong.
CA puts on a tough exterior....it is a show. She is most likely mush inside and a push-over when it comes to her children. She is a perfectionist. She wanted the outside to see perfect children, home and family. With Cindy, as long as the image is upheld, all is well. If the image is in danger, she goes into ultra-control mode and attacks whoever or whatever she believes is the cause.

In her mind, her children must be close to perfect and there is always an outside source that is interfering with this image which irritates her and she must do something about that. She strikes out.

She doesn't have insight into this problem, despite being educated. Her control issues and narcissism will prevent her from getting help. They only time this type gets professional help is when it is mandated or they think that someone else has a problem and they will go there to find a way to control that situation (but it is not them). Many may find this difficult to believe but she is a co-dependent.

She believes they all will love her for what she does for them....i.e., doing laundry for adult children, giving them money (so they can have fun or pay bills, doesn't matter...it helps them) not charging rent to adult children, feeding them, paying medical bills... All done in the name of "I am helping". Now this has progressed to stealing money from friends and family. Cindy is still covering because she doesn't want her child to feel discomfort or pain. She wants them to need her and to know she will ALWAYS take care of them. :crazy:

Her payoff, which alludes her, is being adored/loved by her children for being able to handle all their problems and make their life comfortable and easy. She, then "feels" she is a good mother and wife. In this family situation, there should be a lot less "feeling" and a lot more "thinking". :rolleyes:

Thank you as that pinpoints a lot of stuff I have seen in my own family and have thought the same. I am not very good at expressing my feelings about this case, but really have learned a lot that I see everyday. Very good post.

Oh no, now to deal with a close family not even close to this case. Geez...

My one wish is that Caylee is found. I wish her mother would tell where she is first. I wish that GA, CA, & LA, GP's, family accept this outcome as well as everyone else who have tried to help find Caylee. I won't call her the girl etc...but she is one special girl named Caylee Marie Anthony. Please, someone speak up one day!

It's amazing what blinders can do to your life.
And have you noticed how similar Jackie Peterson and Cindy are? Their behaviors are almost identical.

Yes, many have observed this. When you have severe personality disorders, you will often witness same behavior.

Jackie was also a person who needed to "help" and take care of people. You will also notice that this personality had on to very co-dependent spouses.....someone they can control.
I think she might have known sub-consciously that something was seriously wrong.... remember so far we have not heard ANY evidence that Casey was violent.

This must have been a MAJOR SHOCK to her parents.

Despite the way the car smelled, I think THEN the Anthony's were in denial.

Extreme behaviors had become normal long before June 15. When living with someone with "problems", I think this happens.

It sounds like it was also common procedure for Cindy to intervene between George and Casey. Maybe Casey made George so mad he felt safer letting Cindy be the one to confront her.

I think they interacted on the day July 15 the way they always did from habit and because it felt safe.


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