If Shannan Gilbert was Drugged, this would be the perfect choice

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I think SG was drugged & had help with CPH & possibly GC, simplified now....still keeping the same 3 MAIN players in question

Let me be even more specific; This particular discussion topic is about the actual type of drug that could have been used (If in fact she was even drugged at all).

I find your post confusing because it has nothing to do with this topic.

Here is the link to where you should be making these types of posts;

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=134806"]Rumor Mill[/ame]
Hi, The Canning son made the comment they {he and his mother} thought she was on drugs. Clarifying that as I don't have the link right here, on drugs or acting weird - something similar.

Of course they thought she was on drugs. It was around 5am and they had never seen her before and she was running around screaming and looked crazy.
No doubt she looked crazy and on drugs....what els would you think if you lived in a neighborhood where drugs and fighting were uncommon? Or if you have never been around people who are on drugs what els would you think?
I know that if someone was chasing me and I was running for my life. I sure would look crazy screaming and making a ruckus until someone noticed me.
Guess my point is I don't take to heart what someone says they thought because like they said they "thought" and in the end turned out she was actually very scared for her life.
Of course they thought she was on drugs. It was around 5am and they had never seen her before and she was running around screaming and looked crazy.
No doubt she looked crazy and on drugs....what els would you think if you lived in a neighborhood where drugs and fighting were uncommon? Or if you have never been around people who are on drugs what els would you think?
I know that if someone was chasing me and I was running for my life. I sure would look crazy screaming and making a ruckus until someone noticed me.
Guess my point is I don't take to heart what someone says they thought because like they said they "thought" and in the end turned out she was actually very scared for her life.

I read your above post and came away believing you must be Sherlock Holmes. How else could you come to your conclusions if you weren't a super detective. Common sense? What is that?

Maybe SG dialed 911 by mistake when she really wanted to call a small child and read them a bed time story?

thanks for using common sense because you make a lot of sense.
Of course they thought she was on drugs. It was around 5am and they had never seen her before and she was running around screaming and looked crazy.
No doubt she looked crazy and on drugs....what els would you think if you lived in a neighborhood where drugs and fighting were uncommon? Or if you have never been around people who are on drugs what els would you think?
I know that if someone was chasing me and I was running for my life. I sure would look crazy screaming and making a ruckus until someone noticed me.
Guess my point is I don't take to heart what someone says they thought because like they said they "thought" and in the end turned out she was actually very scared for her life.

Just for the heck of it, there are no reports from any residents including the two who called 911 that SG was running and screaming. That image was foisted upon us by the media.
Just for the heck of it, there are no reports from any residents including the two who called 911 that SG was running and screaming. That image was foisted upon us by the media.

GC said she was banging on his door screaming,help me,help me. Im sure BB report is simular in nature.
I read your above post and came away believing you must be Sherlock Holmes. How else could you come to your conclusions if you weren't a super detective. Common sense? What is that?

Maybe SG dialed 911 by mistake when she really wanted to call a small child and read them a bed time story?

thanks for using common sense because you make a lot of sense.

Not sure maybe you were the child she was trying to call to read a bedtime story to? We are all here to try and find out what happen to SG childish and arrogant remarks only side track the truth.
If MP and JB both said she was acting irrational. Have heard more times then not on the 911 call she was historical. GC said she was scared and saying help me. Then darted off and hide, then ran. I think it is safe to say that in the few moments it took to get to BB house that her fear didn't just go away and she was just calmly walking and talking to BB with slurred speech.
If this is a quite neighborhood and these people are not use to seeing things like this then seems to me they would go right to thinking she was on drugs. Not a senor detective but I do know enough that people make assumptions very easily. And that it would be very easy to assume she was on drugs. And she very well could of been. But the fear was real.
That was the ole salty dog's way of giving you a complement.

Hawk is a retired hard nosed NYC detective. He appreciates common sense. And he has been here reading this thread with a lot of different theories about Shannan's death which include everything but. (I admit, some of those theories were mine.) You obviously have common sense. Common Sense = Hawk's friend. You're in.
Hi, The Canning son made the comment they {he and his mother} thought she was on drugs. Clarifying that as I don't have the link right here, on drugs or acting weird - something similar.

how come no one has asked what that kid was doing up(or where he was coming from) at 5am?--allegedly walking the dog with mommy? really?!?--are we really to believe that a kid woke up at 5am to walk the dog with his mother????
One of our members made a trip down Anchor Way and reported that there is no sand around their house.
That was the ole salty dog's way of giving you a complement.

Hawk is a retired hard nosed NYC detective. He appreciates common sense. And he has been here reading this thread with a lot of different theories about Shannan's death which include everything but. (I admit, some of those theories were mine.) You obviously have common sense. Common Sense = Hawk's friend. You're in.

Oh woops...I am very sorry then. Sometimes it is hard to get a persons humor or something threw writing cause you can't hear the tone in the voice.

duur foot in mouth. my bad.
how come no one has asked what that kid was doing up(or where he was coming from) at 5am?--allegedly walking the dog with mommy? really?!?--are we really to believe that a kid woke up at 5am to walk the dog with his mother????

I was wondering the same thing. How old is this kid? Has he the slightest clue on what drugs really do to a person? Ever been around anyone on drugs? It is so easy to hear in school that drugs are bad and bad things happen but until you see people on drugs first hand it would be hard to tell the different between an overly scared girl who is in pure panic and someone on drugs up to no good.
Guess my whole point is being based off of my life experiences. Witch I will be the first to admit is probably not the best way to go about things. Facts are better by far.
But here is my point. Is lets say we are in a not so nice neighborhood and SG was running door to door looking for help. My bet is she would have gotten help because people who are around the drugs, rape, hookers, murder all that would known something was not right and it was well beyond her being on drugs.
Not sure maybe you were the child she was trying to call to read a bedtime story to? We are all here to try and find out what happen to SG childish and arrogant remarks only side track the truth.
If MP and JB both said she was acting irrational. Have heard more times then not on the 911 call she was historical. GC said she was scared and saying help me. Then darted off and hide, then ran. I think it is safe to say that in the few moments it took to get to BB house that her fear didn't just go away and she was just calmly walking and talking to BB with slurred speech.
If this is a quite neighborhood and these people are not use to seeing things like this then seems to me they would go right to thinking she was on drugs. Not a senor detective but I do know enough that people make assumptions very easily. And that it would be very easy to assume she was on drugs. And she very well could of been. But the fear was real.

I WAS TRYING TO COMPLIMENT YOU, NOT TO POKE FUN AT YOU !!! I am sorry if you read it wrong because what I was trying to say is you got it JUST RIGHT.
somebody is banging on your door at 5AM I think we can assume it is not a Jehovah Witness. Apology accepted, V. The only arrogance here comes from those that try to make you believe SG was merely out for an early morning stroll and then playing hide and seek hiding under a boat. I was a NYC detective for 29 years and I could have come to that same conclusion if I was only a DET for 29 seconds.
I WAS TRYING TO COMPLIMENT YOU, NOT TO POKE FUN AT YOU !!! I am sorry if you read it wrong because what I was trying to say is you got it JUST RIGHT.

I'm a little slow sometimes!!! lol I felt stupid after not getting it and once it was pointed out I totally got it...it was just me trying to read to quick and misunderstanding. But hey thanks for accepting my apology. :)
somebody is banging on your door at 5AM I think we can assume it is not a Jehovah Witness. Apology accepted, V. The only arrogance here comes from those that try to make you believe SG was merely out for an early morning stroll and then playing hide and seek hiding under a boat. I was a NYC detective for 29 years and I could have come to that same conclusion if I was only a DET for 29 seconds.

Jehovah Witness? lol that's funny.
how come no one has asked what that kid was doing up(or where he was coming from) at 5am?--allegedly walking the dog with mommy? really?!?--are we really to believe that a kid woke up at 5am to walk the dog with his mother????

Good point! I couldn't get my son's to get up and walk the dog at that hour of the morning even if I paid them...let alone walk with me and the dog!

They'd complain, if I was coming...why don't I just walk the dog and let them go back to sleep!f

Unless this is a Beaver Cleaver sort of family!

Gosh Beaver, why wouldn't you want to get up that early and walk the dog with mom?

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