If TH hid Kyron or worse...what is the motive?

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Some potential motives. Jealousy of the attention Kyron got. Being upset at child support Kaine had to pay. Being upset with Kaine and wanting to hurt him.

They all sound pretty stupid, but it always is something really stupid.
She's upset that her older son left because he butted heads with Kaine. To what extent, I have no idea. So, because her son had to leave, and it's all Kaine's fault anyway (in her mind), then his son (Kyron) had to leave. After all, she was the one who has raised Kaine's child since very early childhood, so why can't he (Kaine) suck it up and deal with her son? Eye for an eye and all that....

That theory would work if she's a vengeful type...which I have no idea. :innocent:

This is ALL JMO, IMO, MOO, etc., etc.
I agree with the others who said she was angry about her older son being sent away and the alleged affair(s)/

*IF* Kyron is alive and TH knows where he is, I am sure she will not cooperate until a deal is worked out where she gets off easy when she gives up his whereabouts.
Something I can't stop analyzing about this case is the way Terri would look up at Kaine & Desiree at that 1st press...it was strange & almost as if she was getting a kick out of seeing their broken hearts.
Definately wouldn't be surprised if she is/was very envious of Desiree, perhaps she was obsessed with the body building because of certain insecurities for herself. just sayin ;)
Maybe she doesn't understand grief and was puzzled by it? Maybe she was attempting to see if her emotions were "appropriate" and corresponded to the true grieving parents?

Looking at Robert Pluthik’s model of the nature of emotions, you can visualize the concept of emotions. The most primitive emotions are in the center, but some are more “primitive"/necessary for survival than others. Sociopaths can only “feel” those very primitive emotions that are needed for survival (read natural selection and the “selfish gene theory”). They can “feel” rage, loathing, and terror, They can’t “feel” grief. They can only fake it.

IMO, TH may have Antisocial Personality Disorder. She made Ky "disappear" because she was experiencing rage, loathing, and perhaps the terror of losing her meal ticket.
I am still strongly leaning towards the idea that she meant to do something to KH and got Kyron by accident, possibly a poisoning error. That's the only theory that really ties up all the case details for me - if the story is true that she wanted KH dead, I don't know why she would switch to Kyron. If she didn't like Kyron, getting his dad out of the way would have simply sent Kyron back to DY, so there was no reason to kill him (except, of course, to keep KH's insurance money, as you all have said, which, of course, is a strong motive). I might be off the deep end, but I think Kyron might have gotten the wrong breakfast plate that morning. MOO.

This also explains the look on her face those first days - she was horrified by her error and how much trouble she had landed herself in, and in shock, IMO.

ERA: I know this sounds like utter fiction, but so does everything else in this case!
Thanks Kimster for starting this thread.:blowkiss:

Well at first I thought that she sent her son away and wanted to get rid of Kyron so she could have her perfect little house with her perfect little husband and THEIR daughter, but since the murder-for-hire plot has come out, I think she tried that couldn't get anyone to do it for her as she was scared to do it herself, thinking she couldnt get away with it by herself, so she figuured she would hurt him in the worse possable way which is Kyron.
I dont think this is finacially motivated, because if it was then she would have gone through with "offing" Kaine, if it was for insurance money. This was to hurt him. There are a million reasons for wanting to hurt someone, it could be he cheated, it could be that she felt she had to give up everything for him to raisie his kid, quit her job and so on. It could be a million things but I think the ultimate motive here is revenge, wanting to hurt him in the worse way. Since she couldn't physically hurt him she hurt him emotionally in the worse way.
Thanks Kimster for starting this
I dont think this is finacially motivated, because if it was then she would have gone through with "offing" Kaine, if it was for insurance money.

Maybe it occurred to her that getting rid of his heirs other than her and baby girl would accomplish that best?
We know there's reports of TH wanting to hire a hitman to kill KH...what if Kyron's disappearance had nothing to do with getting back at or even with or whatever with KH? What if the anger was directed at DY? Maybe Kyron liked his mom's house better, etc., and TH got tired of it? Maybe if TH & KH were in marital trouble, Kyron was going to go live with his mom for awhile and TH couldn't allow that to happen because it could cast her in a bad light?

I know I'm stretching here, but.....

As always, IMO JMO MOO
Maybe it occurred to her that getting rid of his heirs other than her and baby girl would accomplish that best?

Though I think getting rid of Kyron and then Kaine, so she can have the insurance money, makes a lot of sense, I am still baffled at why she would kill them separately when it would be relatively easy to kill a father and son in one "accident." Having them both die at once would leave her as soul beneficiary and cause a lot less suspicion, IMO. Except a few very unlucky families, lightening doesn't often strike twice, KWIM?
Thanks Kimster for starting this thread.:blowkiss:

Well at first I thought that she sent her son away and wanted to get rid of Kyron so she could have her perfect little house with her perfect little husband and THEIR daughter, but since the murder-for-hire plot has come out, I think she tried that couldn't get anyone to do it for her as she was scared to do it herself, thinking she couldnt get away with it by herself, so she figuured she would hurt him in the worse possable way which is Kyron.
I dont think this is finacially motivated, because if it was then she would have gone through with "offing" Kaine, if it was for insurance money. This was to hurt him. There are a million reasons for wanting to hurt someone, it could be he cheated, it could be that she felt she had to give up everything for him to raisie his kid, quit her job and so on. It could be a million things but I think the ultimate motive here is revenge, wanting to hurt him in the worse way. Since she couldn't physically hurt him she hurt him emotionally in the worse way.

I think you could be right about the wanting to hurt him. But we also don't know if Terri still planned on getting rid of Kaine permanently. Just because she didn't get the first guy to kill him doesn't mean she wasn't "shopping" around. It happens often in these crazy cases.
Though I think getting rid of Kyron and then Kaine, so she can have the insurance money, makes a lot of sense, I am still baffled at why she would kill them separately when it would be relatively easy to kill a father and son in one "accident." Having them both die at once would leave her as soul beneficiary and cause a lot less suspicion, IMO. Except a few very unlucky families, lightening doesn't often strike twice, KWIM?

Unless she wanted to make sure Kaine was painfully hurt emotionally before she had him killed.
Unless she wanted to make sure Kaine was painfully hurt emotionally before she had him killed.

I'm not sure I buy this being both financially AND emotionally motivated. It could be, though - not everyone is as adverse to mixing money and moods as I am.
O/T Alisa has been found, alive!!
Though I think getting rid of Kyron and then Kaine, so she can have the insurance money, makes a lot of sense, I am still baffled at why she would kill them separately when it would be relatively easy to kill a father and son in one "accident." Having them both die at once would leave her as soul beneficiary and cause a lot less suspicion, IMO. Except a few very unlucky families, lightening doesn't often strike twice, KWIM?

Exactly and if you think about it if she planned to kill Kaine, and she planned this disappearance and she had enough foresight not to be caught as of yet, then she is smart enough and not crazy enough to plan something so obvious as to have both killed. It would be WAY to obvious.

Terri is playing dumb and she is acting mental, but IF she is responsible, she is not insane or stupid... The reason I say that, is IF she planned this murder-for-hire, Kaine didn't know about it and she managed to keep this landscaper quiet for months. In Kyron's disappearance she planned it down to the T. She even had it covered IF anyone noticed him missing, (remember the Dr. Appointment) It was ALL planned, so she isnt stupid, therefore I dont think she is stupid enough to have both killed.
Exactly and if you think about it if she planned to kill Kaine, and she planned this disappearance and she had enough foresight not to be caught as of yet, then she is smart enough and not crazy enough to plan something so obvious as to have both killed. It would be WAY to obvious.

Terri is playing dumb and she is acting mental, but IF she is responsible, she is not insane or stupid... The reason I say that, is IF she planned this murder-for-hire, Kaine didn't know about it and she managed to keep this landscaper quiet for months. In Kyron's disappearance she planned it down to the T. She even had it covered IF anyone noticed him missing, (remember the Dr. Appointment) It was ALL planned, so she isnt stupid, therefore I dont think she is stupid enough to have both killed.

Something bugs me, though - if you are the caretaker of a child, there are a lot of ways to kill a child that draws a lot less attention than a fake abduction. Summer is just around the corner, and with it comes accident season in full force. Why not just make it a quick accident - a lot less press, and likely no secrets dug up.

My secondary explanation is that there was no motive aside from a brief, yet deadly, moment of rage and then a panicked response.
Also, if financially motivated - she still had baby K, so I am sure not 100% of KH's estate would do to Kyron and DY. Perhaps she didn't want to see one red cent go to DY, though...

They say if you want to catch a criminal you have to think like one, but I have to admit sometimes that isn't easy to do.
Well, I see y'all covered the bases in record time. Nice work!

One possible motive you left out might be this:

She needed to clean house to make room for her next husband.

(They're not really family to here - they're all just props in the movie she directs.)
I'm not sure I buy this being both financially AND emotionally motivated. It could be, though - not everyone is as adverse to mixing money and moods as I am.

I like this throwing ideas around.

Perhaps the $$$$ was icing on the cake. She clearly wanted Kaine dead. Maybe she wanted to kill two birds with one stone. Maybe she wanted to make sure Kaine suffered before he died. But also wanted to make sure Desiree didn't get a penny from Kaine's estate? Just thinking out loud.

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