If you agree or disagree with the verdict, let us know why

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Aired out samples of a cleaned car and one search for chloroform in March is not enough to kill someone and prove murder. Not when a tried and true FBI guy is saying the levels were normal in a trunk consistent with cleaning products. There was not 31 days of partying shown, just one night, and thats not strong enough to use as motive.
decomp smell: FIRST reported by CA on 911 tape then by GA to LE and LA to LE.~ check

Child not reported missing for 31 days. ~check

Birth person dating a man who doesn't want/like children ~check

Birth person searches for neck breaking and chloroform. ~check

Birth person walks LE through a fake job scenario meant to throw off cops.~ check

Invisa nani to go with invis job. ~check

Precious innocent toddler found dead, duct tape from home found around toddlers head.~check

Precious toddler found dead stuffed in trash bags taken FROM THE HOME. ~check

Precious toddler found dead with blankie FROM HER BED INTHE HOME ~check

Precious toddler found in/with clothes hamper liner FROM THE HOME~check

Precious toddler found buried BEHIND THE HOME ~check

The jurors IGNORED EVIDENCE and allowed a psychopathic murderer to go free.

Hope they never sleep a night without thinking about what they did and didn't do as jurors.
Hope they see little Caylee's face everynight before they go to sleep.
I disagree. Whatever became of the witness tampering investigation? I am hoping that it is very active and productive. JMO.
There wasn't any evidence linking her to doing that though. So, that would be why they couldn't convict on the child abuse charges.

really? The blanket, the bags, the duct tape, the hamper from the home DO LINK fca to a dead child.
With all due respect, if you can't even truly answer one of the questions, I would have to think it's a not guilty verdict by law. I understand that they don't have to have all the questions answered for them, but if you can't answer a single one of them... what are you suppose to do?

No one can answer ANY of these questions because the ONE person who CAN refused to testify and hasn't told anything but lies lies lies. Everyone lies, everyone dies. Period. One person was present at the killing and hasn't done anything except lie and throw everyone on a goose chase.
I think the hours before someone is dead is pretty much the key to figuring the truth out. She was up all night on the phone. She had to get ready for work and wait for George to leave, so she could go back home, then there is an hour of inactivity, which was RARE for her, then calls to the parents and then gone. So logic said something happened to Caylee during the hour of inactivity and when she tried to get help and couldn't she just handled it badly. But what I think does not matter. Something happened to her that day and the State could have proven George was elsewhere, but they didn't and I find that shoddy.


:banghead::banghead: SHE DIDNT HAVE A JOB....she didnt go to work.
Thedevilsadvocate.... you don't need to know all that stuff you are asking. It would be nice to know that but you don't need to know that. There are many cases adjucated guilty and there isn't even a body.

Casey left her home with a live child as she did every day during the week. This was common knowledge as testified to by CA and GA. She pretended to have a job and leave at a certain hour every day to the pretend Nanny and pretend job. She left that day with the child and by evening there was no child ever seen again.

There was Casey, but no child. Casey lied to police about everything. The child was found dead months later in trash bags. Right there it points to murder. No one throws a child away like garbage in a swamp when there was an accident and never tells a soul and THEN behaves the way she did for weeks and to this day. You take that, with all the evidence found at the scene from her home, and you watch the jail house videos and you can see right there that GA knew nothing about what happened to Caylee and you then use your common sense. Not to mention duct tape hanging from the child's jaw. Thats more than enough to convict as far as I am concerned. Its a travesty these jurors came up with what they did.
Is it really that important "what happened to Caylee"?? She is dead. It wasn't suicide. There is NO proof whatsoever that it was accident. Who saw her last? Who had a decomposing body in the trunk of their car? Who lied, mislead, etc. in order to avoid detection? Who carried on as if they were happy that their OWN DAUGHTER was gone?

This is really quite obvious - all it requires is a medium level knowledge of connect the dots.

The standard of proof is "beyond a reasonable doubt" - not beyond all doubt, and not beyond any imaginary scenario that one can conjure up.
I was thinking about this
I totally disagree with the jury's verdict, I think it was ridiculous actually not to convict her on any of hte counts
but I think what makes it even worse is the lack of deliberation
Let me explain why,
Trying to give them the benefit of the doubt
anyone looking at this case, would say she looks guilty, but I understand that you have to make sure, but you also have to make sure to acquit
so wouldn;t you think when they sat down to deliberate they would say to themselves, she appears guilty but we don't feel the SA proved their case. But to be sure lets go everything.
For example if they bought the tall tales of the defense, don't you think its their duty to examine everything and make sure that the defenses theories even made sense
For example, if they viewed the videotape meetings, maybe they would have realized why is George telling/pleading with Casey to talk to the FBI, if she didn't want to talk to the local police, how does that help him with the cover up, does that jive with the defense is saying, no.
And why would one of the things he said to Casey is I want to go swimming in the pool with Caylee again, if thats how she died why in the world would he say that, exactly he wouldn't
Maybe if they took the time to actually review the evidence I could give them credit even if they still came to the wrong verdict , but they didn't even do that
Caylee deserved better, in life and in death
This is purely speculation on my part, and isn't meant to be a statement of "proof" or "evidence" or anything I can provide a link to.....

BUT.. could it be possible that she was behaving like a guilty person, the person who her mother kept accusing her of being... a bad mother. Therefore, she didn't want her mother to be right so she tried to cover it up and make it look like a kidnapping, when it really was just an accident that happened while she was suppose to be a responsible parent and watching her child? :waitasec:

When accidents happen, people CALL 911.
I totally disagree with the verdict. I could have voted 1st degree in an instant. The excuses the jury used to vote NG were totally bogus and against the rules. I think its a crying shame that a jury is allowed to deliberate and come to a conclusion built on faulty reasoning. There should be a rule that the judge talks to the jury before they come to a conclusion to find out what they have to say and send them back to deliberate if they are doing it wrong. This jury did not go over any evidence at all. They decided erroneously that Baez's opening statement was evidence and went with it all the way to the end without giving a thought to the evidence. They discounted all of it looking for some smoking gun that doesn't exist. No one explained anything to them apparently or they were too dumb to understand how to deliberate and use their common sense.

You are making HUGE assumptions about this jury based on a few short interviews with three ( maybe 4) of the 17 jurors. What faulty logic are speaking of? What rules did they break? Did any of the jurors say they gave weight to the OS? I saw the interviews as well and I did not make those interpretation AT ALL.
The answer to queston number 1 was given by the defense team in "their" opening statement when they placed their client at the crime scene. The problem was they could "never" prove George was there too. It doesn't matter because she acted alone.

1. Do you believe FCA was with Caylee at the time of her death? I don't know.

2. And if so, do you believe she was alone or with someone else? I don't know.

And therein lies the problem.
really? The blanket, the bags, the duct tape, the hamper from the home DO LINK fca to a dead child.

The blanket= In the Anthony home meaning any of the Anthony's had access to it.

The hamper= In the Anthony home meaning any of the Anthony's had access to it, and stored in a specific spot in the Anthony garage (sounds more like a Cindy/George thing to me).

The bags= In the Anthony home meaning any of the Anthony's had access to it.

The duct tape= In the Anthony home/George's locked shed (don't know if it has been pointed out where exactly it was kept) meaning any of the Anthony's had access to it, or just specifically George. It should be noted that after Caylee's death, George has been the only one seen using the tape (I guess he just got lucky and happened to find this tape after Casey used it? Why wouldn't Casey just take the tape with her and dump it with the body?)
What do you mean you don't know??? She went off with her child around 1pm like she did every other day of the week. Their daily habits were testified to by CA and GA and were testified to of that day also. CA went to work in the morning around 8 and GA went around 2. KC left around 1 every day to take her child to the fake nanny and go to her fake job. KC left that day as testified to by GA like she did every other day of the week with Caylee but Caylee was never seen again. All you need to do is use your common sense that she was with Casey as she was every day of the week unless you want to believe the fake Nanny story as KC tried to use at first. If there was no nanny she was with KC. KC had control of her kid.

1. Do you believe FCA was with Caylee at the time of her death? I don't know.

2. And if so, do you believe she was alone or with someone else? I don't know.

And therein lies the problem.
For me, it's really quite simple:

- KC was the last person seen with Caylee. (This is why the DT went after GA, because he was the last to see them together. It's one of the few smart things JB did and, silly me, I really thought at least one person on the jury would see through it.)
- KC was Caylee's custodial parent.
- Caylee was not old enough to be let out of a caretaker's sight. (ie., she could not have been abducted walking to school since she was not old enough for school much less walking there on her own).
- KC never reported Caylee missing.
- KC lied to her family and LE and led them, and the rest of the nation, on a wild goose chase indicating she wanted Caylee's body to remain concealed and the COD to remain a mystery.
- COD was not natural. People keep harping on not knowing the COD, but we do know one thing about COD: Caylee did not die of natural causes. A not quite 3-year old can't commit suicide so that leaves either homicide, child abuse, or parental neglect. It's got to be one of those three.

After Caylee's remains were found and it was confirmed that she was dead, IMO those six points are all the evidence needed. The decomp, the duct tape, the tattoo, the web search are all just additional facts showing culpability.

I agree with the commenter who said that the problem with the SA's case was too much evidence. And it was often very technical. IMO, JB's tactic was to distract and confuse which he did nonstop. I really didn't believe it would work but JB got lucky and landed a jury that would buy his sideshow.
What do you mean you don't know??? She went off with her child around 1pm like she did every other day of the week. Their daily habits were testified to by CA and GA and were testified to of that day also. CA went to work in the morning around 8 and GA went around 2. KC left around 1 every day to take her child to the fake nanny and go to her fake job. KC left that day as testified to by GA like she did every other day of the week with Caylee but Caylee was never seen again. All you need to do is use your common sense that she was with Casey as she was every day of the week unless you want to believe the fake Nanny story as KC tried to use at first. If there was no nanny she was with KC. KC had control of her kid.

You mean her parents that have lied out of both sides of their mouths thru the whole process? So how do we know the timeline was truthful....the lies is what got her off.
No one can answer ANY of these questions because the ONE person who CAN refused to testify and hasn't told anything but lies lies lies. Everyone lies, everyone dies. Period. One person was present at the killing and hasn't done anything except lie and throw everyone on a goose chase.

actually 2 people could but one is dead
The blanket= In the Anthony home meaning any of the Anthony's had access to it.

The hamper= In the Anthony home meaning any of the Anthony's had access to it, and stored in a specific spot in the Anthony garage (sounds more like a Cindy/George thing to me).

The bags= In the Anthony home meaning any of the Anthony's had access to it.

The duct tape= In the Anthony home/George's locked shed (don't know if it has been pointed out where exactly it was kept) meaning any of the Anthony's had access to it, or just specifically George. It should be noted that after Caylee's death, George has been the only one seen using the tape (I guess he just got lucky and happened to find this tape after Casey used it? Why wouldn't Casey just take the tape with her and dump it with the body?)

The items with the MURDERED child were found in her home. Her grandparents home. The grandparents who loved her, adored her. It is weak and ridiculous to even suggest the grandparents harmed Caylee.

Casey's mother used killing her child to get back at Cindy and to free herself for her bf.
FCA, a child killer, walked out of jail free.
The jurors were wrong.
No actually the Jury got her off. Had they done their homework she'd be still sitting in jail right now like she should be. Unfortunately it is what it is.

You mean her parents that have lied out of both sides of their mouths thru the whole process? So how do we know the timeline was truthful....the lies is what got her off.
decomp smell: FIRST reported by CA on 911 tape then by GA to LE and LA to LE.~ check

Child not reported missing for 31 days. ~check

Birth person dating a man who doesn't want/like children ~check

Birth person searches for neck breaking and chloroform. ~check

Birth person walks LE through a fake job scenario meant to throw off cops.~ check

Invisa nani to go with invis job. ~check

Precious innocent toddler found dead, duct tape from home found around toddlers head.~check

Precious toddler found dead stuffed in trash bags taken FROM THE HOME. ~check

Precious toddler found dead with blankie FROM HER BED INTHE HOME ~check

Precious toddler found in/with clothes hamper liner FROM THE HOME~check

Precious toddler found buried BEHIND THE HOME ~check

The jurors IGNORED EVIDENCE and allowed a psychopathic murderer to go free.

Hope they never sleep a night without thinking about what they did and didn't do as jurors.
Hope they see little Caylee's face everynight before they go to sleep.

The jury was rationally invested in Caylee, not emotional invested in her.

The State did not prove murder, thats really a fact now. jmo
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