If you agree or disagree with the verdict, let us know why

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I think the phone records are significant only because the prosecution avoided using them...
Not necessarily. "Some psychopaths can even be very fond of animals (contrary to the common viewpoint), but still view them as objects in relation to themselves."

Regardless of what you think of Casey Anthony, the characteristics of psychopathy are far more insidious. I recommend you read the following:

http://www.cassiopaea.com/cassiopaea/psychopath_2.htm (I hope I'm allowed to post the link)

It is the first site that popped up when I typed: "Why psychopaths are dangerous". The site is called What is a Psychopath?

Many, many people are fooled by psychopaths -- including the most accomplished psychologists/psychiatrists. I certainly do not presume that I know all of the traits of a psychopath - my understanding is that they are chameleons. Anyway, read the article, I think you will find it interesting and informative.

this is NOT a credible scientific or professional source......it isn't remotely a reputable kind of article...read the "qualifiers" they put on there in describing themselves. It is always best to look for a source that comes from a scientific journal or a university program or someone willing to post the authors degrees and other scientific research or studies, etc.
right, i agree. the fact that he called casey on her cell really means nothing to me. but i could have sworn i saw a call from george to the house phone on the sixteen right before that call SOMEWHERE, i believe it was on acandyrose. maybe i was just extra tired that day or something. can anyone confirm or deny this with a link? i specifically remember this because i got in a fight with my friend about the relevence

The only thing I'm seeing on acandyrose is Casey's cell records.
I do think the cell phone pings would have helped the prosecution make the ultimate time-line connection to KC having possession of Caylee and the car.

Yes, of course, because of the speed and direction of the pings, and the location changes, it was easy to deduce CFCA was not walking.
this is NOT a credible scientific or professional source......it isn't remotely a reputable kind of article...read the "qualifiers" they put on there in describing themselves. It is always best to look for a source that comes from a scientific journal or a university program or someone willing to post the authors degrees and other scientific research or studies, etc.

In my previous post I quoted the small print on the bottom. I'm not sure who wrote this page, but I doubt it's any amount of peer reviewed material.
right, i agree. the fact that he called casey on her cell really means nothing to me. but i could have sworn i saw a call from george to the house phone on the sixteen right before that call SOMEWHERE, i believe it was on acandyrose. maybe i was just extra tired that day or something. can anyone confirm or deny this with a link? i specifically remember this because i got in a fight with my friend about the relevence
If it even happened, calling the house phone is another "no big deal" IF no one was home to answer the call ... I have accidentally called our house phone numerous times by accident trying to reach my wife's cell ...
At least she had legitimate qualifications unlike the grief counselor who thought Barnes and Noble was a peer review publication.

I have no comments at all about the grief counsellor besides amusement and the knowledge that if I express myself I will get a T/O. If the "plant lady" had some understanding of the trees in the area and how and when they lose their leaves, and had some experience with plants growth during and after a lengthy flooding and has some experience in animals rather than tortoises, I may have been impressed. But I was not - I found her extremely vague and argumentative to the point of erasing any value her testimony originally had.
In my previous post I quoted the small print on the bottom. I'm not sure who wrote this page, but I doubt it's any amount of peer reviewed material.

Yes.... saw that.....actually kind of a creepy thing to put on the end of an article.....
If it even happened, calling the house phone is another "no big deal" IF no one was home to answer the call ... I have accidentally called our house phone numerous times by accident trying to reach my wife's cell ...

right! i'm not arguing this point. i just want to know where i read it, or if my brain just decided to make it up. my friend argued to me that if he called the house phone, he knew casey was home and did not see her leave at 12:50 and my counterpoint was almost verbatim to what you just posted.
The thread asks if we agree with the verdict or not and why..not "prove your OPINION", its an opinion, does not need proof. Personally, I am not going to waste my time and energy arguing the details to make others see it my way..I simply answered the question in the thread.
I must say that I've found this thread to be the most interesting one on here. I've enjoyed following everyone really deliberate about the case. For me, it definitely shows that the jury should have never gone from a 6/6 vote on any of the charges had they really done their job properly.
I did start following this case from the beginning and I did immediately think FICA had caused her daughter's death. I stopped following it when too many things outside of the court became just too crazy. When I started watching the trial, I really tried to stick with the evidence that was presented. I thought the DT might be able to convince me that it was some type of an accident--I was leaning towards FICA trying to get to to sleep with something and an accidental OD. Didn't happen. What has really stuck with me since the DT's OS is why would someone stay in jail for 3 years and face the DP for an accidental drowning?????????? I can't get past that. No good lawyer would allow their client to do such a thing. You're talking about possible life or death. That removes the accidental drowning theory for me. That and the fact that it was her 3rd explanation for Caylee's death. Argue all you want about George not being a credible witness. To me, FICA was the least credible witness.
I also have to say, the thing that really took me to definitely thinking it was 1st degree murder and not any kind of accident was the talk about the dead pets. I guess I saw that differently than most people. My first reaction was--"Of course! That's how she got the idea to bag her. That's why the dogs hit in the backyard." I was also a little alarmed when Baez asked George about a dog name Misty and George said they didn't have a dog named Misty. If Baez got his info from FICA, what dog named Misty did she bury??????
Last thing I can't let go of is the pictures of the skull. I know we weren't allowed to see them, but from descriptions, I just can't imagine any good mother allowing her baby to rot like that unless she was trying to hide an unforgivable act. JMO Thanks for the interesting read! :)
this is NOT a credible scientific or professional source......it isn't remotely a reputable kind of article...read the "qualifiers" they put on there in describing themselves. It is always best to look for a source that comes from a scientific journal or a university program or someone willing to post the authors degrees and other scientific research or studies, etc.

I agree it is always best to look for information that comes from credible scientific journals:

This article is a compilation of written research and professional opinion and it clearly references a large number of published material written by experts in the field - eg: Cleckley, Black, Stout, Koenigsmann, Jayne, Lykken, Gordon Banks, among others. I think we can all agree these are credible researchers.

One credible scientific journal cited is the "Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease" which is a well-established peer reviewed study of clinical neurology, another is the study "The Psychopath: An Essay on the Criminal Mind" published by Princeton University.

This article presents analysis gained from the work of pre-eminent and recognized experts in the field.

But hey - if you value the opinion of the "magical thinking" lady and her Chicken Soup articles over these well regarded experts, that is your prerogative.
I must say that I've found this thread to be the most interesting one on here. I've enjoyed following everyone really deliberate about the case. For me, it definitely shows that the jury should have never gone from a 6/6 vote on any of the charges had they really done their job properly.
I did start following this case from the beginning and I did immediately think FICA had caused her daughter's death. I stopped following it when too many things outside of the court became just too crazy. When I started watching the trial, I really tried to stick with the evidence that was presented. I thought the DT might be able to convince me that it was some type of an accident--I was leaning towards FICA trying to get to to sleep with something and an accidental OD. Didn't happen. What has really stuck with me since the DT's OS is why would someone stay in jail for 3 years and face the DP for an accidental drowning?????????? I can't get past that. No good lawyer would allow their client to do such a thing. You're talking about possible life or death. That removes the accidental drowning theory for me. That and the fact that it was her 3rd explanation for Caylee's death. Argue all you want about George not being a credible witness. To me, FICA was the least credible witness.
I also have to say, the thing that really took me to definitely thinking it was 1st degree murder and not any kind of accident was the talk about the dead pets. I guess I saw that differently than most people. My first reaction was--"Of course! That's how she got the idea to bag her. That's why the dogs hit in the backyard." I was also a little alarmed when Baez asked George about a dog name Misty and George said they didn't have a dog named Misty. If Baez got his info from FICA, what dog named Misty did she bury??????
Last thing I can't let go of is the pictures of the skull. I know we weren't allowed to see them, but from descriptions, I just can't imagine any good mother allowing her baby to rot like that unless she was trying to hide an unforgivable act. JMO Thanks for the interesting read! :)

Thanks for your comments. Another thing I find compelling is that after the chaplain had informed Casey that the remains found were indeed Caylee's, she told her friend (in jail) that they had found Caylee wrapped in a baby blanket and plastic bags. However, the chaplain had not known nor told Casey that.
I don't understand the point about Casey would not have sat in jail for three years if it had been an accident...

She had to stay in jail and keep her mouth shut, due to the way she had handled the possible accident and the method of disposal...as soon as she told the first lie to LE on July 15th, she had to stick with it. How could she tell LE is was an accident (if it was) at any point after she allegedly dumped Caylee in the woods? She was not going to take LE to Caylee and show them where she left her and how. So the staying in jail for three years is meaningless to me...it doesn't point to or away from murder, IMO.

No, kidnapping was her only option and as long as Caylee was not found she was going with that, and once Caylee was found, she no longer had a choice.
I don't understand the point about Casey would not have sat in jail for three years if it had been an accident...

She had to stay in jail and keep her mouth shut, due to the way she had handled the possible accident and the method of disposal...as soon as she told the first lie to LE on July 15th, she had to stick with it. How could she tell LE is was an accident (if it was) at any point after she allegedly dumped Caylee in the woods? She was not going to take LE to Caylee and show them where she left her and how. So the staying in jail for three years is meaningless to me...it doesn't point to or away from murder, IMO.

No, kidnapping was her only option and as long as Caylee was not found she was going with that, and once Caylee was found, she no longer had a choice.

So, potentially getting the needle is better than serving time for lying to investigators and improper disposal of a corpse ?
No, I don't think she really thought she worked at Universal Studios.

I still hold the same post, why would she bring LE to Universal to pull the charade of her working there, she was in control of that situation. She clearly wasn't "grounded" at that point.

She did not 'bring LE', they brought her. IIRC it was YM who said they had already determined she didn't work there, but took her there to force out the lie. They even had to let one of Universal security in on their plan so she could get into the office area, IIRC. She *thought* she was in control, thought LE was as stupid as other people in her life who had always fallen for her tricks and figured she could do like she always did - lie, trick and deceive.

There was no way for her to not agree to go, but I imagine her mind was racing during that drive trying to figure out how to play them. Probably thought she could pull it off by ducking into an office herself, hoping they would not stick right by her side during the whole visit. When they stayed with her, she finally had to turn around in that hallway and admit it was a lie.

Just as it wasn't until they found Caylee's body, that she was forced to quit inventing conspiracies about who had Caylee and who was threatening her family. She watched her parents desperate attempts to find a live baby for months and months, knowing the whole time she was gone. CA was delusional...FCA is/was a lying sociopath.
JB was nitpicking at trivial things to make it seem GA was lying on purpose. As I said before, I challenge anyone to go back 2 years and remember everything that was happening in a very traumatic setting. I bet 99% of you can't and if you could remember some detail, it might not be consistent to what actually happened 2 years ago. If GA would have said I had black underwear on during his depo and at trial he changed his answer to red, does that make him a liar ? Or someone who thinks he remembers, but really doesn't.

ITA. My issue with GA's memory is that he seems to be remember exact details of Casey's actions. He only has a problem remembering his own actions.

Over 31 days from the last time GA say Caylee, he was able to remember the exact clothing she was wearing. More importantly, he remembered the exact time he said goodbye to her. He did not say around 1 pm. He said the exact time. I believe he said 12:51. GA could not remember the exact time he left for work. He gave a 15 minute window then stated somewhere around then because he had to be at work by 3 pm.

IMO, not remembering the exact time he left for work is normal. When you do the same thing over and over, the details are not stored in your memory. Unless there is something out of the ordinary to imprint that in your memory, it it too general to remember.

IMO, that is my problem with GA remembering the exact time and clothing with Caylee. GA saying goodbye to Caylee, should have been no different than GA going to work. There should have been nothing to imprint the time and clothes in his memory if it was an ordinary, regular day. Yet he was insistent that he remembered the "exact" details.

Same thing with Cindy. All those phone calls. All those detailed lies. Yet Cindy remembered which detailed lies occurred during which phone call. Not once did Cindy state that she did not remember which date which story was told. She remembered everything.

IMO, the ONLY way they could remember the details is if they knew they would need to recall the details at a later date. So either they took notes or their exact memories are a figment of their imaginations.
I honestly doubt you were able to answer yes to 16 of them... unless you really are full of yourself and just love to torture people/animals.. haha!

Psychopaths are a breed of a different kind. They are the creepy people that a lot of people stay clear of.

What I am actually guilty of is sarcasm, and the need the try to lighten the mood when situations start getting a little too volatile :) and I am extremely dissapointed to find there seems to be evidence that the Easter Bunny is non existant. LOL
So, potentially getting the needle is better than serving time for lying to investigators and improper disposal of a corpse ?

I think she was counting on Caylee not being found at all...and once she was, and Casey was charged with capital murder, I am pretty sure her lawyers weren't letting her say anything and also, LE was not about to listen to any accident scenario at that point.
ITA. My issue with GA's memory is that he seems to be remember exact details of Casey's actions. He only has a problem remembering his own actions.

Over 31 days from the last time GA say Caylee, he was able to remember the exact clothing she was wearing. More importantly, he remembered the exact time he said goodbye to her. He did not say around 1 pm. He said the exact time. I believe he said 12:51. GA could not remember the exact time he left for work. He gave a 15 minute window then stated somewhere around then because he had to be at work by 3 pm.

IMO, not remembering the exact time he left for work is normal. When you do the same thing over and over, the details are not stored in your memory. Unless there is something out of the ordinary to imprint that in your memory, it it too general to remember.

IMO, that is my problem with GA remembering the exact time and clothing with Caylee. GA saying goodbye to Caylee, should have been no different than GA going to work. There should have been nothing to imprint the time and clothes in his memory if it was an ordinary, regular day. Yet he was insistent that he remembered the "exact" details.

Same thing with Cindy. All those phone calls. All those detailed lies. Yet Cindy remembered which detailed lies occurred during which phone call. Not once did Cindy state that she did not remember which date which story was told. She remembered everything.

IMO, the ONLY way they could remember the details is if they knew they would need to recall the details at a later date. So either they took notes or their exact memories are a figment of their imaginations.

On 6/16/08, GA tied the departure of FCA and Caylee to a food TV show he watched at 1 PM. Also, if someone (LE) asks you the same question a hundred times or so, the answer probably becomes ingrained in your memory.

And if you fully read his deposition from August 2009, he does not remember the exact details of all of FCA's actions and does remember some of the details of his own. To make a blanket statement like that is not looking at the true picture.
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