If you agree or disagree with the verdict, let us know why

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It is amazing to me how many talking head psycholgists/psychiatrists and laypeople have been able to diagnose Casey without ever examining her! :crazy:

Folks say this a lot, and it always brings me up short because we the public are not diagnosticians or psych professionals.

Thing is, it does not take a rocket scientists to read the criteria for sociopathy and then see the BLATANT similarities between the criteria and FCA's behavior.

Where laypeople get into "trouble" with diagnosing is that unless FCA had a pre-existing history of "conduct disorder" as a youngster, she'll never get a formal diagnosis of ASPD.

I suspect she DID have "conduct disorder" but Cindy covered for her. I'll bet my next paycheck she'd been stealing and raising hell for years. She had the fortune to have a particularly "gifted" mother, dogged as a pit bull in shielding and rescuing and kerflunkeling any attempt to hold FCA responsible.

So yes, WE CAN recognize and "assume" without being diagnosticians. We are smart enough to do that :)
FCA's psychopathy would not predispose her to think that far ahead. She's a creature of the moment. She is not capable of such cunning, which is why she was busted in her sociopathy at age 22 rather than having a longer career of it.

Thanks to her mother, she's been able to avoid consequences with VERY little effort up until that point. She's never had to try very hard IOW, so dumping her child at her convenience is consistent with all her previous behavior.

I respectfully disagree ... one has to be very cunning to construct the elaborate lies that FCA did ... she was busted because Caylee was missing.
Otherwise, the elaborate detailed lies would have continued.
I don't understand the point about Casey would not have sat in jail for three years if it had been an accident...

She had to stay in jail and keep her mouth shut, due to the way she had handled the possible accident and the method of disposal...as soon as she told the first lie to LE on July 15th, she had to stick with it. How could she tell LE is was an accident (if it was) at any point after she allegedly dumped Caylee in the woods? She was not going to take LE to Caylee and show them where she left her and how. So the staying in jail for three years is meaningless to me...it doesn't point to or away from murder, IMO.

No, kidnapping was her only option and as long as Caylee was not found she was going with that, and once Caylee was found, she no longer had a choice.

I agree. Additionally, if she going to maintain that George was involved and/or responsible for the disposal what reason is there to not having a sit down with LE and her attorney, admit the drowning and that George was involved and/or responsible for the coverup. It would have possibly shifted some of the focus off of her and lent some measure of credibility toward her story. I mean they were already going to throw GA under the bus. It is one reason that I don't believe George was involved.
I respectfully disagree ... one has to be very cunning to construct the elaborate lies that FCA did ... she was busted because Caylee was missing.
Otherwise, the elaborate detailed lies would have continued.
Agree with you.
I believe her lies will continue now that she's free. I don't think a compulsive liar can stop --or can they?
I mean her lying imo helped her get a not guilty verdict.
I respectfully disagree ... one has to be very cunning to construct the elaborate lies that FCA did ... she was busted because Caylee was missing.
Otherwise, the elaborate detailed lies would have continued.

Yes, that is how it appears.

These cunningly constructed lies, though, were fabricated in the moment, in a split second. They lack FORESIGHT beyond a certain point.

We've all read the stories of serial killers who so ingeniously hide their victim's bodies. Their effort and foresight are evident. I don't see that degree of foresight in FCA's machinations.

There are degrees of intelligence in the psychopaths we know about, and FCA does not strike me, in comparison, as all that intelligent, which is why she has been busted so early in her life, practically the moment she entered adulthood.

The fact is, she didn't hide Caylee's body worth a crap. Even worse, she didn't care if it was found NOT because she wanted it found but because she . . . doesn't give a crap. Her confidence in her ability to get the Universe to bend to her "will" was so high, and now that the jury acquitted her, she must really be feelin' that Universal approval :banghead:
She did not 'bring LE', they brought her. IIRC it was YM who said they had already determined she didn't work there, but took her there to force out the lie. They even had to let one of Universal security in on their plan so she could get into the office area, IIRC. She *thought* she was in control, thought LE was as stupid as other people in her life who had always fallen for her tricks and figured she could do like she always did - lie, trick and deceive.

There was no way for her to not agree to go, but I imagine her mind was racing during that drive trying to figure out how to play them. Probably thought she could pull it off by ducking into an office herself, hoping they would not stick right by her side during the whole visit. When they stayed with her, she finally had to turn around in that hallway and admit it was a lie.

Just as it wasn't until they found Caylee's body, that she was forced to quit inventing conspiracies about who had Caylee and who was threatening her family. She watched her parents desperate attempts to find a live baby for months and months, knowing the whole time she was gone. CA was delusional...FCA is/was a lying sociopath.

YM or J Allen repeatedly asked her (I think it was YM), "Why are we here, why did you bring us here.." etc etc. in that interview. She directed them there to her "office" to get her cell phone. She carried out the lie until there was no turning back, instead of just coming clean at the gate.
What I am actually guilty of is sarcasm, and the need the try to lighten the mood when situations start getting a little too volatile :) and I am extremely dissapointed to find there seems to be evidence that the Easter Bunny is non existant. LOL

Hmmm.... :waitasec: Then maybe you should get yourself checked out..:floorlaugh:
Thanks, but I don't need any advice regarding what I should read. :floorlaugh:

I know the jurors didn't look at one piece of evidence nor did they read one document. They didn't look at the most obvious, the actual autopsy report or the the defendant's written statement. For someone who claims to have read the autopsy report and entertains the defense's BS, I guess you don't discount their ME who said someone came along, took her skull, reattached the mandible, then placed it back in the woods. Wow, and they even had the insight to match up the rare duct tape owned by the As. That body snatcher has some strange hobbies.

Every single juror that has spoken has proven what I thought all along. They are dumber than dirt and they're looking for a handout.

Since you like handing out advice I'll return the favor, reread my post. I didn't say ALL the jurors.


Well jon_burrows, :seeya:
For 10 days I've made some of those same comments. ;)(Made them about 10 times.........so do your finger stretches.) :D

Imoo, the jurors not examining trial documents or reviewing testimony is tragic. How can evidence and testimony NOT be examined during deliberation of a murdered child?

I totally agree with your comment--
"They didn't look at the most obvious, the actual autopsy report or the the defendant's written statement. "

Two of the most important items of the case ---ignored.

YM or J Allen repeatedly asked her (I think it was YM), "Why are we here, why did you bring us here.." etc etc. in that interview. She directed them there to her "office" to get her cell phone. She carried out the lie until there was no turning back, instead of just coming clean at the gate.
IIRC, FCA was taken to Universal Studios for (2) reasons; first, to verify her own employment as FCA could not provide Melich with a work phone #; and second, to verify employment of the co-workers mentioned by FCA including Jeffrey Hopkins and Juliette Lewis.
That's what I remember, too. I do have to say I was unimpressed with Baez making a big deal out of Dr. G not sawing the skull open, if only because once the mandible is detached, it is very easy to see into the skull cavity.

It is amazing to me how many talking head psycholgists/psychiatrists and laypeople have been able to diagnose Casey without ever examining her! :crazy:


Going through the list of 20 symptoms myself was extremely hard because I've only seen a small window into her life! No true professional in this field should (or probably would) make a decision on what she is like without having sessions with her, and that includes Dr. Drew (I'm beginning to lose respect for him, I think he's becoming another TH).
It is amazing to me how many talking head psycholgists/psychiatrists and laypeople have been able to diagnose Casey without ever examining her!

FCA was taped lying over and over and over and over and over and over again. Doesn't take a psychiatrist to know that.

Going through the list of 20 symptoms myself was extremely hard because I've only seen a small window into her life! No true professional in this field should (or probably would) make a decision on what she is like without having sessions with her, and that includes Dr. Drew (I'm beginning to lose respect for him, I think he's becoming another TH).

And yet there are those who go out on a limb to try to make excuses for her behavior and all of her lies by saying she was just "grieving in a different fashion" and because of unfounded, unproven with zero evidence claims of sexual abuse. That is psychoanalyzing based on nothing but a pathological liars claims and a women who spoke in generalities, never having sessions with her.
It even got her acquitted.

I lose the challenge, I could not find one case or instance where a child drowned in a swimming pool and it was made to look like a kidnapping and a murder, and after a quick review of the evidence in the KC case, I still could not find one case or instance where a child drowned in a swimming pool and it was made to look like a kidnapping and a murder.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.

I'm confused. Are you saying that you don't think Caylee drowned? Or are you saying that you don't think KC told LE someone had kidnapped her?

I don't think Caylee drowned either, but IIRC you have stated that you believe she drowned while KC was either on the phone or on the computer … ? And she did try to pass Caylee's death off as a kidnapping. And please don't ask me for the link. If we can't all agree that KC claimed Caylee had been kidnapped then this thread is just hopeless.
Thanks Becca for the thorough response. I will make my responses in blue.

1. GLIB and SUPERFICIAL CHARM -- the tendency to be smooth, engaging, charming, slick, and verbally facile. Psychopathic charm is not in the least shy, self-conscious, or afraid to say anything. A psychopath never gets tongue-tied. They have freed themselves from the social conventions about taking turns in talking, for example.
Why wouldn't Casey testify if she had this personality trait?

Casey didn't testify as it could have only damaged her case,as the prosecution would have had a field day with all of her earlier lies. This was obviously a DT strategy that Casey agreed with. It is rare in a case of this nature, and so isn't really notable in comparison with this trait of a psychopath.
If you happened to read her correspondence in jail with "Cookie" however, that would point up the glibness and charm which this point describes. Also, Tracy McLaughlin, who watched casey after LP bailed her out, also commented on the glibness and talkativeness of FCA.

Letters at this link:


2. GRANDIOSE SELF-WORTH -- a grossly inflated view of one's abilities and self-worth, self-assured, opinionated, cocky, a braggart. Psychopaths are arrogant people who believe they are superior human beings.
Same as above, if she had a grandiose self-worth, not only would she have hopped up on the stand in a heart beat, she may have even gone to the extent of signing autographs for people.

FCA appeared to believe she was capable of performing an event planning job at Universal even though she did not have the education for that job. She frequently bragged that she had the title of event planner. She bragged on her Facebook profile that she was attending college, when this was not the case. Most people have babysitters for their children. unemployed Casey insisted she had a nanny. In the jailhouse letters, she calls herself a warrior and part of God's army. She also was writing her thoughts in preparation for a book to share her insights, including the truth about God.

3. NEED FOR STIMULATION or PRONENESS TO BOREDOM -- an excessive need for novel, thrilling, and exciting stimulation; taking chances and doing things that are risky. Psychopaths often have a low self-discipline in carrying tasks through to completion because they get bored easily. They fail to work at the same job for any length of time, for example, or to finish tasks that they consider dull or routine.
She has been in solitary confinement for 3 years and the CO state she's a model prisoner. I'm sure she hasn't had any amount of exciting stimulation, but yet she maintained her composure.

Looking for this trait under armed guards in a prison cell isn't the best place to look.
More notable would be the following:
Casey did not complete high school. She did not hold a job for a lengthy period of time. She engaged in risky activities such as surreptitious theft, promiscuous sexual activity and drug and alcohol abuse. Her father said, "My daughter has a tendency to live on the edge." Casey went out often during the week and lived it up with her nightlife as much as she could.

4. PATHOLOGICAL LYING -- can be moderate or high; in moderate form, they will be shrewd, crafty, cunning, sly, and clever; in extreme form, they will be deceptive, deceitful, underhanded, unscrupulous, manipulative, and dishonest.
I will not disagree with this one, everyone knows she's a liar.

We agree!

5. CONNING AND MANIPULATIVENESS- the use of deceit and deception to cheat, con, or defraud others for personal gain; distinguished from Item #4 in the degree to which exploitation and callous ruthlessness is present, as reflected in a lack of concern for the feelings and suffering of one's victims.
This one is a hard one because I do believe she was careless of AH and her grandfather, but throughout her whole life those are the only 2 I know of with gross disregard. (I know you could argue her parents, but they were enablers with her behavior so it's hard to say she had gross disregard for them, or if they were enabling her to behave that way towards them.)
How about the detectives trying to find Caylee? Or telling Jessie he was the father of Caylee and that the baby was born prematurely? Or never paying LA for the car he sold to her? Or the fictitious emails she created that were supposedly from where she was employed? Or the fake myspace accounts? There are plenty of examples.

6. LACK OF REMORSE OR GUILT -- a lack of feelings or concern for the losses, pain, and suffering of victims; a tendency to be unconcerned, dispassionate, coldhearted, and unempathic. This item is usually demonstrated by a disdain for one's victims.
I have to argue that she is not unempathic, she took care of her "shot girls", she watched over them, etc. She had empathy for them and made sure they weren't being harmed by the drunk men around there. She also cooked, cleaned, etc TL's place once living there. She wasn't dispassionate. I also don't believe she was dispassionate with Caylee, she had 100's of pictures of her, and her alone. She showed concern for Caylee at TL's apartment pool, worried about her getting too close to it.

How about Casey's response to the death of her child? Or the lack of empathy shown for all the people searching for a dead Caylee? How about the pain she put her parents through - any sign she felt bad about that in those recorded conversations? Or was she more concerned with her own needs, such as talking to TL? Did she show any empathy when pointing the finger at Jessie or Zenaida who she knew were not involved? Again, lots of examples.

7. SHALLOW AFFECT -- emotional poverty or a limited range or depth of feelings; interpersonal coldness in spite of signs of open gregariousness.
TL showed her affection, she returned affection. Caylee showed her affection and she returned affection. Her friends showed her care/concern/laughter, and she shared that with them (minus her theft from AH, but she had many more friends then the one). The list could go on.

Why was TL kept in the dark about the disappearance of Caylee? When you are close with someone, this would have been a place for her to be consoled. Or did she not need consoling? The superficial laughter and partying with friends is an easy accomplishment. When Amy exposed herself to crime, Casey took advantage. Casey did this also to her grandparents, parents, and brother.

8. CALLOUSNESS and LACK OF EMPATHY -- a lack of feelings toward people in general; cold, contemptuous, inconsiderate, and tactless.
I stated she wasn't cold in general towards people. A lot of people liked her and enjoyed her company. The CO's even testifying to her being a pleasant person to communicate with the little they did.
The jailhouse videos and conversations are the best demonstration of this. She was dismissive of the emotional pain of others, turning the attention from their suffering back to herself. A view of the videotapes demonstrates starkly her dismissive manner regarding her mother’s grief and stress.

9. PARASITIC LIFESTYLE -- an intentional, manipulative, selfish, and exploitative financial dependence on others as reflected in a lack of motivation, low self-discipline, and inability to begin or complete responsibilities.
Again, this one is a hard one to argue. She was a little parasitic after she had Caylee. Before Caylee she was working. So it's hard to say that she is a true parasite since life changes could have caused the parasitic behavior in that time frame.

Looks like this point we agree on, but I would add it was more than a little parasitic. Casey never left her family home to live independently. For more than two years, Casey lied about employment getting her money through thievery rather than work itself. She also was parasitic on her brother by getting him to sell the car to her, but not paying him for it as agreed upon.

10. POOR BEHAVIORAL CONTROLS -- expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper; acting hastily.
There are only 2 times I've seen Casey not being able to control her behavior, the one jailhouse video and the one day in court. Now, if out of 3 years of watching someone's life, you can only come up with 2... that's pretty good control over yourself.
We also know of the arguments with her mother and father through eyewitnesses such as LA or Tracy McLaughlin. We have a limited look into her past, but from what we do know she has exhibited poor behavior control.

11. PROMISCUOUS SEXUAL BEHAVIOR -- a variety of brief, superficial relations, numerous affairs, and an indiscriminate selection of sexual partners; the maintenance of several relationships at the same time; a history of attempts to sexually coerce others into sexual activity or taking great pride at discussing sexual exploits or conquests.
This could be linked to many other things also, so I'm not going to disagree she behaves this way, but this doesn't mean she's psychopathic.

Of course it doesn't mean she's psychopathic (what a crazy world this would be if it did.) But it is a characteristic of one without question and she does have it. Not knowing (or telling) who the real father is of her baby is another big sign of this, as well as her overlapping relationships.

12. EARLY BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS -- a variety of behaviors prior to age 13, including lying, theft, cheating, vandalism, bullying, sexual activity, fire-setting, glue-sniffing, alcohol use, and running away from home.
We have never heard of her being a troubled child, which is my main reason for saying she isn't psychopathic or sociopathic.

LA in his taped interview with Jessie in the car spoke about Casey's lying troubles starting up in middle school. He said it seemed like she would lie just to lie. We don't have enough information on her childhood though, I agree to some extent.

13. LACK OF REALISTIC, LONG-TERM GOALS -- an inability or persistent failure to develop and execute long-term plans and goals; a nomadic existence, aimless, lacking direction in life.
It's hard to say if this is something she has developed. She's in her 20's (early 20's at that) and this is the point in life that most people are discovering who they are. That is a normal course in development.

I agree this trait is not uncommon in the younger generation, but as it pertains to this checklist, FCA has this trait. Casey couldn't even manage to stick it out long enough to graduate from high school. She expressed an interest in photography and her father tried to help her get into school to study, she dropped that ball without looking back. She hadn't worked for years and led an empty life filled with parties and sex without an apparent thought for tomorrow. In the jailhouse letters, she expressed goals of getting an RV, travelling the country and getting pregnant together at the same time with her cellmate, not very realistic.

14. IMPULSIVITY -- the occurrence of behaviors that are unpremeditated and lack reflection or planning; inability to resist temptation, frustrations, and urges; a lack of deliberation without considering the consequences; foolhardy, rash, unpredictable, erratic, and reckless.
I do agree she lacks impulse control. That also could be related to many other things.

We agree she lacks impulse control. :great:

15. IRRESPONSIBILITY -- repeated failure to fulfill or honor obligations and commitments; such as not paying bills, defaulting on loans, performing sloppy work, being absent or late to work, failing to honor contractual agreements.
I agree with this one also, but could be related to other things.
We agree she is irresponsible. :great:

16. FAILURE TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR OWN ACTIONS -- a failure to accept responsibility for one's actions reflected in low conscientiousness, an absence of dutifulness, antagonistic manipulation, denial of responsibility, and an effort to manipulate others through this denial.
I don't see her exhibit antagonistic manipulation or denial of responsibility (in totality).the other symptoms I could agree with if I saw a bigger window into her life.

Casey always painted herself as the victim in her correspondence, I don't recall her ever accepting responsibility. She showed no sense of duty in helping the detectives, she was antagonistically manipulative in the jailhouse conversations with her parents, she denied any knowledge of Caylee's death, and sought to manipulate others through this denial into thinking she had been the victim of a kidnapping. There are other examples, such as Amy's money disappearing and Casey saying she must have been sleepwalking. A proper burial for Caylee is also failing to accept the duty in that situation. Instead she was thrown in the swamp to rot. The evidence of her reaction a body being found there points to her knowing that was Caylee, as well as knowing the blanket was there, and being in a garbage bag. (The Chaplain had not told her that.)

17. MANY SHORT-TERM MARITAL RELATIONSHIPS -- a lack of commitment to a long-term relationship reflected in inconsistent, undependable, and unreliable commitments in life, including marital.
I don't know how long she was engaged to JG, or how long their total relationship was, but we're talking about an early 20 something female, this is normal to not know what you want in life yet. At least in this day in age it is. So, I have to say this isn't a trait she exhibits because we don't know what her future holds.

I agree with you such behavior is not uncommon, but the point remains that this trait is present and is part of the checklist. Casey bounced from relationship to relationship.

18. JUVENILE DELINQUENCY -- behavior problems between the ages of 13-18; mostly behaviors that are crimes or clearly involve aspects of antagonism, exploitation, aggression, manipulation, or a callous, ruthless tough-mindedness.
Again, she wasn't a criminal in any sense before this case.

Casey Anthony did not have a juvenile record, but in regards to no criminal history before this case she had been convicted of felonies involving check fraud. Despite the lack of a juvenile record, her manipulation of others was clearly evident as was her habit of lying about everything and nothing at all. That said, I won't count this as her having the trait.

19. REVOCATION OF CONDITION RELEASE -- a revocation of probation or other conditional release due to technical violations, such as carelessness, low deliberation, or failing to appear.
This never occurred. When she was on house arrest she went back when it was time to go back. She's made all of her court appearances, etc. She didn't attempt to flee the area, so I have to disagree with this.

Agree that there is no evidence of this.

20. CRIMINAL VERSATILITY -- a diversity of types of criminal offenses, regardless if the person has been arrested or convicted for them; taking great pride at getting away with crimes.
Her criminal history is revolved around one instance, so I have to disagree that she has a diversity of criminal offenses.

Her criminal history also revolves around check fraud.
Responses in red above.

Out of the 20 behaviors psychopaths exhibit, IMO Casey exhibited 4 of these personality traits. And, the 4 she definitely exhibited could be related to other issues.

ETA: I never said I had "extensive" knowledge in mental health. I stated that I knew a lot about different disorders (I've had mental health classes repeatedly in nursing school, mental health experiences in life/work, and was going to continue my education to get a degree in psychology). I do not claim to be an expert though, no where near that.

I count 17 of 20 traits present. Taking it a step further, scoring each point on a scale of 0-2, that would give her a total score between 32 and 38. A diagnosis of psychopathy is met when the subject scores 30 points or more.

It has been my theory from the moment I heard the verdict read that the jury did not consider or did not understand that Casey Anthony was a sociopath/psychopath, so I appreciate this dialog with you to better understand how this concept of Casey has been formed by those who think the verdict was correct.


Russ Huekler - alternate juror:

"It wasn't that we believed Casey was innocent," he said. "But we knew it wasn't enough to think she was probably guilty based on her lies. To follow what the law required, we needed to be definite."


I'm with ya. I also recall him saying in one early interview that even though he was an alternate (and thus had not participated in deliberations), that he felt that he 'could speak for the group'. Really? How so? If there had been no discussion of the case prior to deliberations (....."Good morning, members of the jury. Did you heed all of my previous admonitions?", as Judge Perry asked OVER AND OVER EVERY SINGLE DAY), then what made him feel that he could 'speak for the group'. HOW could he possibly know how any of the others felt?

Just sayin'. :rolleyes:
This article was written today. I'm not sure when the interview was done, but I'm sure it wasn't that long ago. Is it possible since the verdict Huekler has been in contact with the other juror members? Absolutely. He did not state in the article that he knew how the deliberations went. What he states is in present tense.

See my post above.
I'm with ya. I also recall him saying in one early interview that even though he was an alternate (and thus had not participated in deliberations), that he felt that he 'could speak for the group'. Really? How so? If there had been no discussion of the case prior to deliberations (....."Good morning, members of the jury. Did you heed all of my previous admonitions?", as Judge Perry asked OVER AND OVER EVERY SINGLE DAY), then what made him feel that he could 'speak for the group'. HOW could he possibly know how any of the others felt?

Just sayin'. :rolleyes:

i don't think this necessarily proves anything. weren't he and the other alternates still sequestered during deliberations? maybe he is talking about what he and the other alternates talked about or thought. his use of we does not necessarily refer to all of the other jurors. that is also a logical possibility. imo

quoting my post from earlier in this thread
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