If you agree or disagree with the verdict, let us know why

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We know she told a few people prior to all of this. She also stated in a letter to Robyn in jail she had gone to therapy at 18 for "stuff"-
GA or LA it happened it didn't... don't know, but if there are records that date back to the time she was PG it would be very damning! I have always felt JB had an ace up his sleeve and "someone" knew it!

*Does anyone know when the transcripts of the trial could be released?

I didn't know she told Robyn about counseling, first I've heard of it. Thanks for pointing that out!

I do believe she was abused, but like I said in that post, I'm taking that out of the equation at this point because I truly don't have anything besides observing her behavior to back that up.
my responses in red...

She appears to be giddy @ inappropriate times, like a child excited for Christmas morning.

shacking up with the boyfriend, hitting the town, living it up as if you have no care in the world immediately after your child has died is not the same as a giddy child at christmas imo - nor does it equate to "inappropriate" behavior. it's the reprehensible behavior of a complete and unequivocal sociopath.

I should have worded that better. What I meant is that she's giddy like a child at Christmas, except it's at inappropriate times.
That's making it sound like she stole only in response to Caylee's death. I could search for a link if I must, but it's my understanding that Casey had been stealing from her mother's bank account and even once from her grandfather's account, before anything happened to Caylee.

Now I realize that she hasn't been convicted for that stealing, only for the stealing that happened after Caylee died, but the stealing itself can be shown not to have been a grief response since there was pre-death stealing.

I'm just not sure why, when faced with Casey making up the nanny story, LE would be expected to ignore that, not follow up with her about her lies, and instead investigate others. Why would Casey's lies about the imagi-nanny make LE think that Casey and/or Caylee had been abused? I'm also not sure how investigating GA or LA would have brought anything to light. Even if one or the other of them did abuse Casey, the physical evidence of that must be long gone. The DT's OS is not evidence and has not been proven. Casey herself denied that there had been an accident - LE asked her, meaning they were willing to entertain the idea of an accident. Also, how would they investigate a possible accident? Caylee's body wasn't found until way too late to see if she drowned.

One thing I think for sure is that LE regardless should have investigated every car, every inch of inside that house, and every phone record and ping with ALL the Anthony's, not just Casey. They also should have 1) searched the closest wooded area to the Anthony home in JULY 2) investigated the FIRST 911 call from RK in AUGUST thoroughly to include a complete search at the reported remains site 3) investigated RK vehicle, home, and phone records/pings considering he found the remains even if just to rule him out. Now please don't take that to mean that I think RK had anything to do with Caylee. It's just that since these things, including not thoroughly investigating ALL the Anthony's, that these questions are still unanswered and leave reasonable doubt. Reasonable Doubt equals Not Guilty. All JMO
No I don't think they are the same. They are similar in that they are in the same class of mental illness IMO: psychopathy. There are degrees of psychopathy and Gacy and Bundy are more dangerous than Casey, evidenced by the fact their victims were people they didn't know and who were not related to their daily lives.


I agree with this. There are different types of personality disorders. Casey's is more narcissistic than antisocial. She gets angry when her needs aren't met, but she'd rather meet them through manipulation and deceipt than outright aggression. I agree she would not likely kill a stranger, or kill for the sake of killing, but I do think she would kill anyone close to her, or anyone who got in her way, without a care or a regret.

With limited resources, I have to wonder why they did so much investigating with Casey's friends, but didn't think to look at the other people who lived with Caylee on June 16th.
Because the other people who lived with Caylee are the people who frantically called 911 because they wanted help finding their granddaughter. By the morning of July 16th I'm sure LE had been told the story about locating FICA at TL's apartment through AH. I'm sure when being told the story LE asked family members about these friends and George and CA admitted they didn't know them. To me it would then be logical for LE to try to find out more about them, since it appeared they're the people FICA had been hanging with for the past several weeks. CA admitted in the 911 call she hadn't seen her daughter for weeks.
In your 20 years, do you experience more just evil people, or more people who have history related to their current issues? I'm just curious statistic-wise.

I'm not a mental health professional. I worked in the mental health system in an administrative capacity. I can't provide a stat for you.

However, I would say that there were several individuals who were "crazy like a fox" who, through good lawyering, managed to go through the mental health system rather than the judicial system for some very heinous crimes, i.e. not criminally responsible.

Oh and upon discharge -- no criminal record -- now isn't that a nice perk!!

Because the other people who lived with Caylee are the people who frantically called 911 because they wanted help finding their granddaughter. By the morning of July 16th I'm sure LE had been told the story about locating FICA at TL's apartment through AH. I'm sure when being told the story LE asked family members about these friends and George and CA admitted they didn't know them. To me it would then be logical for LE to try to find out more about them, since it appeared they're the people FICA had been hanging with for the past several weeks. CA admitted in the 911 call she hadn't seen her daughter for weeks.

First Cindy called 911 not GA or LA. Even though I truly believe CA didn't know anything, but lot of people call 911 even though they themselves committed the crime.
No, because GA was the last to see them 2 together according to his statements. How simple would it have been to confirm it? At this point in the investigation, they were dealing with a missing child. Why not look into the family where Caylee lived?

Respectfully, they were investigating the statements of the mother of a missing child.

Zenaida, Casey's "job" she went to after she dropped Caylee off, the "out cry" witnesses, Zenaida's mothers addresses. Once these and more had been proven to be lies they contacted/investigated friends trying to verify Casey's stories. They did investigate GA, CA & LA (remember the wire TL wore?) They questioned JG, RG, etc, when CFCA & CA tried to throw them under the bus.

But most importantly, the dismissed the accident theory because the loving, young mother of this kidnapped child DISMISSED it!
Originally Posted by beccalecca1 FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=View Post"
No, because GA was the last to see them 2 together according to his statements

Sorry, I copied this from the above post because I don't know where the original post is.

In my opinion this case can't truthfully be looked at from statements the Anthony's have given. There are too many lies, discrepancies, and mix-ups used to confuse everyone. There may be truths mixed in somewhere, but we're too human to be able to decipher the story.

We have to look at the evidence: A baby stuffed in trash bags, hidden among other trash. We have to guess and figure whoever was responsible for that baby must have left that baby in the condition she was found (well, give or take a few months of decay).
It's all guesswork, the statements mean nothing (although I have found George to be the most credible, at least his addition is true (1+1=2, no matter how you spin it)).

The only thing that is not lying here is that evidence that a baby (in a trashbag, in a swamp) is dead, and somebody never wanted anyone to find out how or why. Somebody never wanted anyone to find out period.
Originally Posted by beccalecca1 FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=View Post"
No, because GA was the last to see them 2 together according to his statements

Sorry, I copied this from the above post because I don't know where the original post is.

In my opinion this case can't truthfully be looked at from statements the Anthony's have given. There are too many lies, discrepancies, and mix-ups used to confuse everyone. There may be truths mixed in somewhere, but we're too human to be able to decipher the story.

We have to look at the evidence: A baby stuffed in trash bags, hidden among other trash. We have to guess and figure whoever was responsible for that baby must have left that baby in the condition she was found (well, give or take a few months of decay).
It's all guesswork, the statements mean nothing (although I have found George to be the most credible, at least his addition is true (1+1=2, no matter how you spin it)).

The only thing that is not lying here is that evidence that a baby (in a trashbag, in a swamp) is dead, and somebody never wanted anyone to find out how or why. Somebody never wanted anyone to find out period.

which is exactly why she was acquitted. a conviction is not supposed to be "guesswork"
which is exactly why she was acquitted. a conviction is not supposed to be "guesswork"

That may be. It may also be that many murderers have been acquitted, or never went to trial due to lack of evidence, even when the answers were obvious. Without dna, all a person would have to do is never be seen, nor admit guilt. Everything else is guesswork, or in many cases - reasonably good sense.
It may also be that a person who uses good sense will never be accepted or tolerated in a town full of people who don't. Only my opinion.

Also, I may possibly be mistaken because I thought she was acquitted due to lack of evidence. In my opinion there was not a lack of evidence. Maybe in your opinion there was.
which is exactly why she was acquitted. a conviction is not supposed to be "guesswork"
Correct, it's not supposed to be "guesswork" ... it's supposed to be using one's common sense to make inferences or connect the dots where a case is solely made up of circumstantial evidence. Like the Scott Petersen jury did ...
Correct, it's not supposed to be "guesswork" ... it's supposed to be using one's common sense to make inferences or connect the dots where a case is solely made up of circumstantial evidence. Like the Scott Petersen jury did ...


That can NOT be said enough Xs..Both of the accused LIED their butts off re: the victim & the circumstances involved in their disappearance..The evidence also did require "connecting the dots" & using "common sense"..Something this jury completely FAILED to do..I could go on&on about WHY but what I really want to know is do these same ppl feel he got a RAW deal? I haven't read much of this thread to know.
The evidence was there......common sense by the jury was not. The mother was in care of Caylee and the baby turned up in a dump, dead.
But wahla if ther is a pool in the backyard and you show a picture of Caylee being helped into the pool and a picture of her with her hand on a sliding door ajar. That's all it took for the jury......accident, drowning. Not guilty

One of FCA's lies worked or was it compliments of Biaz?
We know she told a few people prior to all of this. She also stated in a letter to Robyn in jail she had gone to therapy at 18 for "stuff"-
GA or LA it happened it didn't... don't know, but if there are records that date back to the time she was PG it would be very damning! I have always felt JB had an ace up his sleeve and "someone" knew it!

*Does anyone know when the transcripts of the trial could be released?

Unfortunately, the "therapist" could not be found. No professional stepped forward and said this woman was in therapy with me. The professional would not, could not testify to what they worked on, but in a murder case of a small child, I believe if there was a professional out there, that person would have raised their hand. More bunk from CFCA - IMO.
The evidence was there......common sense by the jury was not. The mother was in care of Caylee and the baby turned up in a dump, dead.
But wahla if ther is a pool in the backyard and you show a picture of Caylee being helped into the pool and a picture of her with her hand on a sliding door ajar. That's all it took for the jury......accident, drowning. Not guilty

One of FCA's lies worked or was it compliments of Biaz?

It is interesting to note that a mother who is a child's sole guardian is always responsible for the care of a child. Even if someone else is minding the child, it is the mother's responsibility to ensure that minder will keep the child safe and unharmed. The ultimate responsibility always lies with the mother.

The jury's statement about not knowing who Caylee's caregiver was just .....well, silly and uneducated....IMO.
That may be. It may also be that many murderers have been acquitted, or never went to trial due to lack of evidence, even when the answers were obvious. Without dna, all a person would have to do is never be seen, nor admit guilt. Everything else is guesswork, or in many cases - reasonably good sense.
It may also be that a person who uses good sense will never be accepted or tolerated in a town full of people who don't. Only my opinion.

Also, I may possibly be mistaken because I thought she was acquitted due to lack of evidence. In my opinion there was not a lack of evidence. Maybe in your opinion there was.

Speaking of DNA and solved murders - now isn't it a good thing that Jeff Ashton was the first lawyer to get DNA evidence past a Frye hearing and be accepted as evidence into court?

Too bad the jury didn't have the same confidence in his ability to have Dr. Vass and his "sniffer machine" accepted as evidence also. I have no doubt in five years it will be a normal and everyday occurrence to be used as evidence in a court of law. Just one more thing the jurors will be able to say "Oopsie" about - IMO of course.
It is interesting to note that a mother who is a child's sole guardian is always responsible for the care of a child. Even if someone else is minding the child, it is the mother's responsibility to ensure that minder will keep the child safe and unharmed. The ultimate responsibility always lies with the mother.

The jury's statement about not knowing who Caylee's caregiver was just .....well, silly and uneducated....IMO.


In the general jury instructions a "caregiver" is explained in most, if not all, of the charges..It pretty much explains it how you did above..But that wasn't good enough (for their case) so the DT wanted & was granted a choice be put in as special instructions re: "caregiver" at the time of Caylee's death.

1..She WAS the "caregiver" when Caylee died.
2..She was NOT the "caregiver" when Caylee died.

I think the jury focused way too much on this Q & had already bought into what many believe to be the FABRICATED "drowning" scenario that also threw GA in as the one responsible..That was bad enough but not a shred of PROOF was ever given during the trial! Not about this supposed "drowning" or GA!="just silly and uneducated"..Also imho!
I'm not a mental health professional. I worked in the mental health system in an administrative capacity. I can't provide a stat for you.

However, I would say that there were several individuals who were "crazy like a fox" who, through good lawyering, managed to go through the mental health system rather than the judicial system for some very heinous crimes, i.e. not criminally responsible.

Oh and upon discharge -- no criminal record -- now isn't that a nice perk!!


The only thing I can say to that....

A professional wouldn't release someone who's a danger to themselves or others. I wish I could comment more, but I get the idea I see mental health a lot differently.
Respectfully, they were investigating the statements of the mother of a missing child.

Zenaida, Casey's "job" she went to after she dropped Caylee off, the "out cry" witnesses, Zenaida's mothers addresses. Once these and more had been proven to be lies they contacted/investigated friends trying to verify Casey's stories. They did investigate GA, CA & LA (remember the wire TL wore?) They questioned JG, RG, etc, when CFCA & CA tried to throw them under the bus.

But most importantly, the dismissed the accident theory because the loving, young mother of this kidnapped child DISMISSED it!

I would buy that if they didn't pull cell records on all of her friends (wasn't here like 7 or 8 people mentioned in court?). Now, Casey didn't tell them to investigate those people, but they did so anyways. While they were pulling those records, couldn't they just pull GA's real quick? And to be fair pull CA's also.
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