IL - 4 in custody after man tortured on Facebook Live, Chicago, Jan 2017 *GRAPHIC*

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I hope the four of them are just stunned at what lies ahead for them..

Then I think there had to be drugs here.

Let me follow this

you got a person tied up in your living room

your neighbor comes to your door

you then go downstairs a kick in a neighbors door

so exactly how did you idiots not think was going to be knocking on your door (you had not let him go

GOt to be drugs, how can that loop of thinking (cops cops cops) not cross one of four minds

Maybe jail was three meals and a cot?

Was the victim the only one who slept in the van - if not that is one guys needing a place to sleep (or jail)

dont know how the girls were paying their rent have not heard anything about a job have ?

Maybe 3 meals and a cot is what they were going for broadcasting it live maybe the way normal people would think about (flat out moronic ) maybe we need to dflip this

maybe they wanted to get charged and locked up - in a crazy way if we flip around this way it kinda could work in terms of trying to understand what was going on these guys brains?
I think they had to increase the charges and throw the book at them because of the public backlash. If not for that, tis would have been handled in the usual Chicago lenient way. JMO

oh i agree. they heard it from the citizens all right. thats why they added the hate crime to the list. there is no way in heck would i ever step foot in chicago with the way it is now. mayor should hang his head in shame and resign
interpret my comment as it applies to this case, it was not intended as a blanket statement to apply to any and all cases and crimes. i should have been more clear.

re: the underwater thing, its horrible, but i dont think any reasonable person that watched the video would think they were trying to kill him

re: the amount of time he was held, he was away from home for days, he was not held against his will for the entire time, it seems as if it was just a brief time (which matters very little in the whole scheme of things and i only mentioned it in regard to the idea that they starved him for days in relation to the discussion of attempted murder).
Those demons stated in that video that they were going to "put him out of his misery", but did not want to do it during the live stream. It was stated several times.Did you see and hear the entire replay of the 27:39 minute live-stream video? Please watch and listen to the clip I cut.
Also in that clip, you hear the victim being hit and he is vocalizing pain. You hear the words "I lost everything I got you think it would hurt me to kill you (the n-word)". Then you see the victim being lifted by fabric around his neck. Many things point to the intent to kill, they were just going to do it at the right opportunity. Thank God for the neighbor that called Law Enforcement. They deserve a reward.

So with you, if he drowned would they then charge them with murder- I think that is what the word attempted in front of the word murder means!

Like exactly what behavior is needed for it to become attempted murder? Would he need to have been hurt more , then it is AM? Cutting beating and drowning are not providing activities - what is the distinction they are making.

I think we all can conclude that the internet brings copycats. If for no other reason - It just seems as a society the message that should be sent out is we will charge you with attempted murder for anyone who decides to do a sequel.

Sadly there are others that are gonna find this appealing scary as heck but just the truth.

I hate to see what I would be feeling if I watched longer than like 90 seconds. And I am not going to . There is such cruelty to it .
Dear CARIIS, I truly understand why you did not watch the entire video. I did and it hurt my heart, but I just had to do it. The victim lives a little over 20 minutes from me. The torture and terror he went through and the fact that death was in fact stated to him several times in that video (not to mention how many times off video) is horrifying. He was tortured and terrorized soon after he was picked up and brought to the apartment. Again I will say, thank God for the neighbor that contacted Law Enforcement . He escaped because of it and arrests were made. My opinion is that it was only a matter of opportunity before the victim would have been dealt the hand of death by demons. I was stunned to hear on the news when this first made our local news that it was an act of "stupidity". Really, how on earth could it have been said that it was an act of stupidity.... it was a cold calculated intended act to murder that was intervened. (Thank God and the neighbor)
I took some off just for space ........

he victim would have been dealt the hand of death by demons. I was stunned to hear on the news when this first made our local news that it was an act of "stupidity". Really, how on earth could it have been said that it was an act of stupidity.... it was a cold calculated intended act to murder that was intervened. (Thank God and the neighbor)

Oh brother

I did not know that threatened to kill him over and over. Makes it even more confusing no attempted murder ? There is no reason , after he was going through for him not to believe they were gonna kill him, so for hours this poor kid thought he was gonna die. More I learn the worse it gets. Bu when I heard that lawyer say decades, maybe they know the best way to get a bunch of real time.

I honestly do not care about the actual charges, I just want more than 6 years, which is what my understanding was . 25 years sounds good. One of them has a very sick infant-(one of the girls) I hope there is a relative that can provide good care

oh i agree. they heard it from the citizens all right. thats why they added the hate crime to the list. there is no way in heck would i ever step foot in chicago with the way it is now. mayor should hang his head in shame and resign

It is the only city I know of that puts out every Monday how many people were killed over each weekend .

It was a beautiful wonderful city. Obviouly police can not handle it. I think all it would take is a couple of months of I dont know undercover army people or something !! New York got cleaned upI hope none of them can bail out
threatening to kill someone is not attempted murder.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I cannot bring myself to watch the video. Just reading about it makes me so very, very sad. Thank you God for the neighbor who called 911, and thank you God that this poor guy had the presence of mind to take the opportunity to escape. I am just overwhelmed with the unbelievable cruelty he was subjected to. Cruel cruel cruel cruel. And I'm still stunned that LE tried at first to pass this off as basically kids being kids. And Don Lemmon.....i won't even get started on his views.
The Go Fund Me Campaign for the Victim is Now Over $36k, with over 1350 people contributing.

I'm so glad that good people in the world are contributing. This poor boy already disabled will need lots of therapy and most likely will suffer PTSD. The money I'm sure will help pay for the cost of treatment. God Speed to the Victim for a speedy recovery!
threatening to kill someone is not attempted murder.

Threatening shows intent - and they were attempting, IMHO, to kill him. He was gagged and tied up for days, beaten, tortured, and escaped despite their efforts.

I'm good with attempted murder.
:mad: I saw a was set up to "free Brittany...." :mad: ---
OH good! in this video a expert says they might be talking decades in the pen. As a lawyer, of course, he used the word if convicted but I think its reasonable to remove the word if yeh!

It has been very uncomfortable the last 24 hours just the way stuff has come out and thinking they may only get 6 years time - very rarely do I come to the conclusion that it is "comforting" to know a long sentence is coming - in this case, it was "comforting"................ and the lawyer was old and looked wise and all that stuff!!

I put up a link yesterday showing by Illinois law each could receive 30 years just for the aggravated kidnapping charge alone plus aggravating factors can be shown by the Prosecutor and they can receive and an additional sentence up to 15- 25 years making the total sentence for that one charge alone if convicted 55 years. Aggravated kidnapping is much more serious than a simple kidnapping charge according to Illinois law. They all have multiple other serious charges so they very well could be put away for life. In this case the DA will have so many aggravating factors to work with which will support the harshest sentence allowed, imo. They will also use the fact that this was a hate crime when asking the Judge to impose the harshest sentence allowable if convicted. So they all are looking at a very long prison sentence if convicted.

Imo they will all serve many decades in prison and I doubt they will ever show any remorse for what they did to the young man so its very likely even if they go before the parole board years from now they will never be granted release.

After reading the article stating this all started after they arrived at the women's apartment I am more convinced than ever the women were the masterminds behind these heinous acts. They were the ones who tied the young man up. Often times in cases where females are involved they will be the masterminds and then they get the male/s to do the 'dirty work' for them while they watch for their own sickening twisted pleasure.
Threatening shows intent - and they were attempting, IMHO, to kill him. He was gagged and tied up for days, beaten, tortured, and escaped despite their efforts.

I'm good with attempted murder.

Will their cases be presented to a GJ? If so, after the evidence is presented, and they see/hear what was said and done to this young man they have a right to ask for additional charges if they believe the evidence supports it.
Threatening shows intent - and they were attempting, IMHO, to kill him. He was gagged and tied up for days, beaten, tortured, and escaped despite their efforts.

I'm good with attempted murder.

no reasonable prosecutor would watch that video and see attempted murder, thats why this one didnt. he charged on every conceivable crime that he could, he wasnt shying away from anything.

overcharging is a very real problem and can undermine entire cases.

and again - it wasnt days, it was hours, still terrible, still a serious crime for which they are facing many years in prison
the man's parents dropped him off w one of the suspects to spend NYE w him :*( that breaks my heart.

When I heard that on the news yesterday, the first thing I thought was, I hope he hadn't been mistreated by him/them in the past and was unable to report it.
this whole thing is so horrible and ugly, it sickens me.
a person who could do this-is not a person. No punishment is harsh enough.
The Chicago Sun-Times reported Tanishia Covington is the only one of the four with an adult criminal record. She was convicted of shoplifting in 2015. Charges of assault and battery filed in 2009, 2012 and 2014 were later dismissed. Shoplifting charges were filed against Brittany Covington in October but were dismissed.

Police were summoned by a downstairs neighbor complaining about the noise. Police said two of the suspects, upset officers were called, barged into the neighbor’s apartment and committed burglary as the victim escaped.
This will be a big part of the problem, 3 of the 4 just turned 18, God only knows what they have done as juveniles that won't be allowed to be told.
I'm also not buying that they are just the victims of their environment. I know people who were raised (or not raised) in the worst conditions and abuse you can imagine, but somehow rose above it and went on to beautiful lives. Life if what you make it, and it does require some effort on everyones part. I know in the fantasy world, no white person has it rough, is abused, poor, mistreated,etc, but out here in the real world, it happens to everyone.
There is such a thing a personal choice, given to us by God, and though some may have it harder, there is no scenario that this was a good decision to make.
Now they will have to pay, and I will not have any sympathy for any of the 4.

I saw on the news last night, that on the girls facebook, in response to the video, one of her friends wrote: You 4 are going to jail and after that, Hell.
I couldn't agree more.
Good grief, what is our world coming to?! Four sociopaths working together... I am speechless and hope the young man gets the help he deserves and needs. Please don't let him back into that school system! And keep those budding sociopaths locked away from every vulnerable population of every species.
I can't even imagine the terror that young man felt and the hopelessness. OMG!
As a resident in Illinois, I hate the laws here. Too lenient, need harsher laws and DP back.
This whole crime makes me sick to my stomach to even know the little I know about it. I feel so bad for the victim and pray he gets the best counseling he can to try and overcome the effects from this. I bet he will no longer trust anyone but his family.

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