IL - 4 in custody after man tortured on Facebook Live, Chicago, Jan 2017 *GRAPHIC*

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I can't watch the video. A lot of the girl's facebook posts have been set to public, and therefore her page is blowing up with lots of hate and nasty messages. I can't believe what they've done. It's sickening.
My heart breaks for the victim and his family. He must have been so terrified! What has happened to people? Is there no kindness...........not a shred of decency left? They did this why? Just for fun? And it was not done by one person, but a group? My heart hurts. Lord help us all.
My heart breaks for the victim and his family. He must have been so terrified! What has happened to people? Is there no kindness...........not a shred of decency left? They did this why? Just for fun? And it was not done by one person, but a group? My heart hurts. Lord help us all.

I feel the same way! And I am so bothered by what people are writing on her page. I know she's in the wrong, but the hate being left on her page by so many people makes them look no better than her, and her group. I just wish everyone would just come together and treat each other with love, respect, and humanity.
Perhaps because this poor young man is white. We've been told so many times that people of colour cannot be racist that we don't know how to safely approach a racist hate crime when whites are the targets. This needs to be strongly addressed, I'm waiting for someone of influence to have the courage to call this what it is. There cannot be two sets of rules if we are all in fact equal.
Another thing that saddens me greatly is when cases like this comes along it gets very little posting traffic.:( To date there have been 241 views of this thread and only 17 replies.

I don't understand why that is either. Surely everyone is upset about what happened to this young man through no fault of his own and wants justice for him. He needs loving support just like other victims get on this site.
Chicago Superintendent Eddie Johnson called #BLMKidnapping a prank, just kids being kids....
5:35 PM - 4 Jan 2017
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He said the incident didn't appear to be politically motivated.

" I think part of it is just stupidity." Johnson said. People ranting about something they think might make a headline. At this point we don't have anything to point [toward a hate crime] but we'll keep investigating and let the facts guide us on how this concludes."

" If you looked at the video, it was just stupidity."

I KNEW they were not going to prosecute this as a hate crime. I bet they don't even get much jail time-if any.

Well mate yes I did just watch the video. Yes, I agree it is stupidity, the whole bloody thing is beyond stupid and so is your interpretation of it. If you can't see the stupidity included heinous, sick, despicable CRIMES you need to quit your job!!

I'm seething and I despair :banghead:
Brittany Herring: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

An 18-year-old girl who posted a Facebook Live video showing a man with special needs being tied up, tortured and beaten in a Chicago home is in police custody with three friends, authorities say.

Brittany Herring streamed the video live on Facebook on Tuesday while she and three men taunted and attacked the victim, a resident of a Chicago suburb, police said.

Along with Herring, who also goes by the name Brittany Covington, two unidentified males and a female are in custody. They are all 18.

(there is a 'crying' mugshot doing the rounds on SM, according to this article it is NOT her)
Well mate yes I did just watch the video. Yes, I agree it is stupidity, the whole bloody thing is beyond stupid and so is your interpretation of it. If you can't see the stupidity included heinous, sick, despicable CRIMES you need to quit your job!!

I'm seething and I despair :banghead:

I hear ya. :mad:

He tries to say these are just kid being 'stupid.' I hardly think the term 'stupid' covers it. I'd go more with evil, vile, cruel, violent, racist, bullies. Their stupidity is the least of my concerns.
Don Lemon--showed us he was off his rocker on NYE and still is

This was not evil--just bad home training

Perhaps because this poor young man is white. We've been told so many times that people of colour cannot be racist that we don't know how to safely approach a racist hate crime when whites are the targets. This needs to be strongly addressed, I'm waiting for someone of influence to have the courage to call this what it is. There cannot be two sets of rules if we are all in fact equal.

What I am hoping happens is the law abiding citizens in Chicago rises up and fully supports this tortured young man and demands all of these criminals be charged with a hate crime. I still feel they should also be charged with kidnapping and if there is a law on the books concerning torture they should add that charge as well. He was bound and gagged for no telling how long.

Another thing that breaks my heart is they specifically targeted him pretending they were his friends to lure him there when they all knew what they planned to do to him once they got him inside of the apartment. At least one of them knew he had mentally disabilities and they took advantage of someone so vulnerable who they knew couldn't fight back.

He was treated so inhumanely that I get sick when I even think about it. Making him drink from their toilet. Gah! Making him walk around on all fours like he was a dog. LE said he was so traumatized it took them awhile before he was even able to tell them what all had happened to him.:( His parents had to be worried sick about him. This may traumatize this young man so badly that he will never get over what they put him through. He had to believe they were going to kill him.

If this had happened to a young black disabled young man by a group of white t**** there would already be uprisings in the streets and Chicago would be in riot mode. If it had been reversed and the victim was black and the perps were all white then it still would be a hate crime. This was ALL about twisted hate just because of the victim's race and that is why he was targeted.

It sickens me the police superintendent is being dismissive of what happened to this young man and why. This is NOT about 'kids will be kids' and these aren't kids. Does anyone personally know one 18 year old who has done something like this? I sure as hell don't. All four are adults and one also stole a car and that is probably not the only crimes they have done before the car theft and torture/assault of this young man.

If all four aren't charged with hate crimes it will certainly show the blatant double standards we face in this country but it happened in a city where they will probably only get a slap on the wrists and like Katydid said they will probably get very little time. That is so wrong on so many levels. It sends a message that one race has less worth than another race.

If that does happen I don't know how the law abiding citizens in Chicago can stomach that or live with the disparity and unequal justice just because the victim was white and his attackers were black.

So many things need to change for the better in our country.
Don Lemon--showed us he was off his rocker on NYE and still is

This was not evil--just bad home training


He is one of the main reasons I haven't watched CNN since the Ferguson riots. "Lemon Drop" is a very odd individual who has a propensity to make a thousand excuses when there simply are no acceptable excuses. None.
He is one of the main reasons I haven't watched CNN since the Ferguson riots. "Lemon Drop" is a very odd individual who has a propensity to make a thousand excuses when there simply are no acceptable excuses. None.

cnn/msnbc are the least trusted and the least watched. jmo
Well mate yes I did just watch the video. Yes, I agree it is stupidity, the whole bloody thing is beyond stupid and so is your interpretation of it. If you can't see the stupidity included heinous, sick, despicable CRIMES you need to quit your job!!

I'm seething and I despair :banghead:

Since when is stupidity a defense or an excuse for horrific crimes?

What I see is a group of four young adults who premeditated and planned to lure a defenseless vulnerable young man they knew had disabilities in order to kidnap, terrorize, torture, and assault him. I see four criminals who committed kidnapping, torture, hate crimes, and assault just because they knew they could and wanted to.

I hope the police superintendent's phone is ringing constantly and I hope his email addy is on overloaid with citizens demanding equal justice for this young white man. The citizens also need to do the same to the Mayor of Chicago.

Is he going to have a PC today if you know?
cnn/msnbc are the least trusted and the least watched. jmo

True and thankfully they have finally been exposed. They are so bad many times they have become the NEWS STORY themselves rather than being a news site that just reports the news.
Charged with a hate crime -FOXNews

Race and disability
Hate Crime, Kidnapping Charges Filed After Teen's 'Sickening' Facebook Live Attack via @nbcchicago


Jordan Hill, 18, of Carpentersville, Tesfaye Cooper, 18, of Chicago, Brittany Covington, 18, of Chicago, and Tanishia Covington, 24, of Chicago, were each charged with aggravated kidnapping, hate crime, aggravated unlawful restraint and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. Hill, Coop and Brittany Covington also face charges of residential burglary. Hill was also charged with robbery.
If his being handicapped, held against his will, beaten, tortured, racial taunts, political taunts, is not enough to get this charged as a hate crime, then it is up to US to make it be charged as a hate crime!
Can you imagine if this had be white on black crime? or anyone on gay crime?
Remember the stripper who cried rape by the lacrosse team? No video, had a record, other stripper not backing up her story?
Those kids lives were ruined.
This is a Video!!!!!
If this is not properly charged, we have to make a difference. It should not matter who is the victim and who is the guilty party, it matters what happened.
For Gods sake, I couldn't even watch it.
I pray for God to step in.
Sure looks like a hate crime to me. All 4 are 18. There will be a lot of attempts at mitigating, but nothing mitigates this cruelty. It is the same sort of gleeful cruelty that is practiced on the "other" all over this world. UGH. JMO

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