IL - Actor Jussie Smollett allegedly attacked in hate crime being black & gay Jan 2019 #2*ARRESTS*

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I wonder how many "views" his music video has gotten since this fiasco was reported. I refuse to be one of them. After all that's what he's after. Everyone is just playing right into it. He's proving that bad behavior DOES pay.

As a result of what he did, his lifetime earnings will plummet to a fraction of what they would have otherwise been.

If he hoped to improve his visibility, and ultimately his career, he will achieve the exact opposite.

He will pay a staggering price.
Black History Month, sanctuary cities, immigration, OJ, etc are not relevant to the discussion of this particular case, imo. They give the impression of being preoccupied with race, nationality, etc. as a cause/contributor to this particular crime.

To my knowledge, there is no evidence or MSM source definitively linking such political/ideological “hot potatoes” to this case or the actual motive behind any alleged crime that occurred.

I believe that was the point @Reasonable & Just was making in their post. I welcome correction if I’m wrong.
Mr. Smollett made this about "race" from the very start.....Lots of MSM links to his spoken words.
Mr. Smollett made this about "race" from the very start.....Lots of MSM links to his spoken words.

Mr. Smollett made this entire situation all about race, politics, and victimhood.

I have always thought it would be interesting to write a book, and interview people who deliberately screwed up their lives by doing something stupid. Why they did it, and how they recovered and moved forward.

Mr. Smollett would be a definite chapter.
How do we know that when the FBI doesn't keep track of fake hate crimes? Since a "hate crime" is in essence a "thought crime", how do we know what's a hate crime and what isn't a hate crime? On top of it all, the term "hate crime" seems to imply that every other crime is a crime of love or indifference.

It's simply an easy term for crimes with very specific motives. The motive is determined to be only hate toward a specific protected class - race, age, sex, religion, etc. It does not imply anything about other crimes. They know when it's a hate crime when the perp makes certain statements during the crime or after. Like this one:
A journalist apparently spoke to the brothers over the phone this afternoon

"“When the letter didn’t get enough attention, he concocted the staged attack,” a source told CBS 2 Investigator Brad Edwards. Other sources corroborated that information."

"De Mar spoke on the phone exclusively with the Osundairo brothers Monday afternoon. In a joint statement, they said: “We are not racist. We are not homophobic and we are not anti-Trump. We were born and raised in Chicago and are American citizens.”"

Jussie Smollett Case: Clues Into Potential Motive Behind The Attack
More damning details, this from TMZ.

Jussie Smollett rehearsed the "attack" against him days before the incident and it was all staged for the camera, this according to what the 2 brothers told cops.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Abel and Ola Osundairo told cops they got in a car with Jussie and scouted a location, settling on the one right outside the actor's apartment. The brothers said Jussie chose the spot because he believed a camera would have captured the action.

Our sources say the brothers told police Jussie said he wanted to make it a "physical thing," but not to the point he'd be seriously injured.

I initially thought that he didn’t want the attack captured on camera. As it turns out, he apparently did, as other posters believed.


All of this makes me feel so very, very, very sad, and so angry too.

From the beginning I wanted so much to believe Jussie was telling the truth, and nothing,but the whole truth.

I'm not naive by any means, I knew things weren't adding up. The main thing that bothered me is his refusal to turnover his phone willingly.

I knew then, I had never heard of any victim who wasn't helpful in anyway they could be in order to bring the suspects to justice.

Yet, I wanted to believe he had a valid reason, even if I didnt understand the 'why.'

The main reason I wanted to believe he was being totally honest throughout is any claim of any kind of hate crimes can incite such dangerous emotions/situations that can lead to people being seriously hurt, and property being destroyed not even belonging to the targeted suspects.

Jussie had no way of knowing how others may react.

I wanted to believe no one would ever make such false hate claims willing, and purposefully, because it is such a horrendous crime, and affects us all emotionally, no matter who the victim are or the race of any hate crime.

Jussie knew his claim would get night, and day coverage by most MSM who always covers these kind of claims. He had to know before premediating his hoax it could further divide our country where innocent others may wind up being severely hurt.

It wouldnt be the first time racial claims were made, and before the evidence even became known to anyone, cities were on fire, and towns were under siege, with many police officers hurt.

All too late, once the actual facts finally became known, the facts told a far different story, yet millions of dollars had to be paid by the taxpayers in those cities to repair all of the massive destruction where a false narrative had started it all.

Knowing now that it was all a choreographed script all along , sickens me to know he could dare do such a vicious, heartless, and very selfish self centered act.

This was never about a hate crime. This was all about JUSSIE, and being in the limelight, so he could stir the pot. It was about him being an attention seeker, who had no intentions of ever telling the truth.

Every time a false claim is made by ANYONE, it hurts all of those who are true victims of a hate crime, no matter who they are or the color of their skin.

Now I feel nothing put pure disgust, and such disdain for this selfish individual who has lied to everyone from the very beginning.

I hope he is arrested, and receives a harsh punishment to send a strong message the hate crime hoax he did, will not be tolerated...never.

It's simply an easy term for crimes with very specific motives. The motive is determined to be only hate toward a specific protected class - race, age, sex, religion, etc. It does not imply anything about other crimes. They know when it's a hate crime when the perp makes certain statements during the crime or after. Like this one: Man arrested for punching, pouring coffee on Sikh 7-Eleven clerk — because he thought the man was Muslim
Helloooooo Gitana, Is Mr. Smollett possibly legally guilty of a "hate crime" in this situation ?...Take care...cody22
It’s not their job to investigate it, that falls to the FBI.

Once there is clarity here, the network will take action against anyone that was involved.

They can’t fire people without cause, and legally they are compelled to wait for hard evidence.

There’s no rush.

Illinois is an at-will employment state:
Is Illinois an At-Will Employment State?
However, what I was going at was their response where Empire has been rather muted after being subjected to terrorism. It's perfectly legal for them for them to put out a press release threatening to terminate JS if he doesn't cooperate with CPD/FBI and also saying they'll terminate anyone found to have been caught up in that workplace terrorism. Employees don't have to cooperate with LE over a workplace crime, but non-cooperation over the investigation of a workplace crime is definitely grounds for termination.
Illinois is an at-will employment state:
Is Illinois an At-Will Employment State?
However, what I was going at was their response where Empire has been rather muted after being subjected to terrorism. It's perfectly legal for them for them to put out a press release threatening to terminate JS if he doesn't cooperate with CPD/FBI and also saying they'll terminate anyone found to have been caught up in that workplace terrorism. Employees don't have to cooperate with LE over a workplace crime, but non-cooperation over the investigation of a workplace crime is definitely grounds for termination.
Actors are unionized, and 20th Century Fox is headquartered in California.

It is in their best interests to support him, until there is more evidence to justify his termination.

I think they’ll see where this investigation goes, and ultimately fire him.

No matter what happens, I don’t see him ever appearing in another episode of that show.
All of this makes me feel so very, very, very sad, and so angry too.

From the beginning I wanted so much to believe Jussie was telling the truth, and nothing,but the whole truth.

I'm not naive by any means, I knew things weren't adding up. The main thing that bothered me is his refusal to turnover his phone willingly.

I knew then, I had never heard of any victim who wasn't helpful in anyway they could be in order to bring the suspects to justice.

Yet, I wanted to believe he had a valid reason, even if I didnt understand the 'why.'

The main reason I wanted to believe he was being totally honest throughout is any claim of any kind of hate crimes can incite such dangerous emotions/situations that can lead to people being seriously hurt, and property being destroyed not even belonging to the targeted suspects.

Jussie had no way of knowing how others may react.

I wanted to believe no one would ever make such false hate claims willing, and purposefully, because it is such a horrendous crime, and affects us all emotionally, no matter who the victim are or the race of any hate crime.

Jussie knew his claim would get night, and day coverage by most MSM who always covers these kind of claims. He had to know before premediating his hoax it could further divide our country where innocent others may wind up being severely hurt.

It wouldnt be the first time racial claims were made, and before the evidence even became known to anyone, cities were on fire, and towns were under siege, with many police officers hurt.

All too late, once the actual facts finally became known, the facts told a far different story, yet millions of dollars had to be paid by the taxpayers in those cities to repair all of the massive destruction where a false narrative had started it all.

Knowing now that it was all a choreographed script all along , sickens me to know he could dare do such a vicious, heartless, and very selfish self centered act.

This was never about a hate crime. This was all about JUSSIE, and being in the limelight, so he could stir the pot. It was about him being an attention seeker, who had no intentions of ever telling the truth.

Every time a false claim is made by ANYONE, it hurts all of those who are true victims of a hate crime, no matter who they are or the color of their skin.

Now I feel nothing put pure disgust, and such disdain for this selfish individual who has lied to everyone from the very beginning.

I hope he is arrested, and receives a harsh punishment to send a strong message the hate crime hoax he did, will not be tolerated...never.


Been waiting and looking for your post Oceanblueeyes, as usual Thanks for a great post.
I have a question, if anyone knows. How integral is his character to the overall cast of Empire? It is very storied as to the lengths actors will go for screen time and "script grabs" for shows and therefor money and fame.


I watched season 1 and 2 before I got bored and he would of been considered the 3rd lead character I would of said then.

He had a bigger role than his other 2 brothers in the show. But that may of changed a lot since I watched it as when this story broke I saw there was reports he had been killed off even though the producers have denied that.
I watched season 1 and 2 before I got bored and he would of been considered the 3rd lead character I would of said then.

He had a bigger role than his other 2 brothers in the show. But that may of changed a lot since I watched it as when this story broke I saw there was reports he had been killed off even though the producers have denied that.

There’s his defense. The pressures of being written off the show caused him to....blah, blah, blah. MOO
There’s his defense. The pressures of being written off the show caused him to....blah, blah, blah. MOO

That’s a defense that he could use in regards to public perception, but it isn’t a legal defense.

He knew what he was doing, and he knew what he was doing was wrong.

Legally, that’s what matters.

I think that if he ever owns up to this, he will say that he was trying to draw attention to hate crimes in America.

I hope to God that no one finds that remotely acceptable, nor plausible.
I have a question, if anyone knows. How integral is his character to the overall cast of Empire? It is very storied as to the lengths actors will go for screen time and "script grabs" for shows and therefor money and fame.


Just read up on it, hiphop father owns entertainment company, 3 sons. Father has diagnosis 3 years to live. Which son will take over, they all have issues in fathers eyes.?

Never watched the show or heard of JS before this.
So true! And going out for Subway?! Seriously? Okay, an Italian Beef, yes, Red Hot with Chili, yes, Gyro, definitely. Subway? WTH? No way. I would stay home and eat Ramen. Or Grub Hub.

That lame story is what nailed him.

But he actually DID go to Subway lol. I think what made this suspect from the start was that two white racists in the middle of the night recognized him! Enough to call him "Empire."

But he actually DID go to Subway lol. I think what made this suspect from the start was that two white racists in the middle of the night recognized him! Enough to call him "Empire."


LOL Really? Seriously? I could almost see Jonesin' for some Taco Bell in the middle of the night. But Subway? There is nobody home on those subs. You can read newspapers or magazines through the meat on those sammies! That's why the diet was so good. This one is goin' into the books. Stalked and attacked for your Subway Sammie.

I have a question, if anyone knows. How integral is his character to the overall cast of Empire? It is very storied as to the lengths actors will go for screen time and "script grabs" for shows and therefor money and fame.

I thought I read he was coming out with an album soon? I can’t find where I saw that though.
I guess he wanted to test just how ridiculous a story he could come up with and still be believed. Two white guys roaming Chicago in subzero temps at some unholy hour, happen to notice JS as that guy on some TV show that less than 2% of the population watches. These mythical white guys are so unbelievable that they think Chicago is "MAGA country" and are dumb enough to be walking around with a rope to lynch a black man... on the streets of Chicago!! It gets better. JS is also so amazingly macho that he punches one of the guys back and they run away. All the while protecting his sandwich from getting smooshed.

And people believed it.
But he actually DID go to Subway lol. I think what made this suspect from the start was that two white racists in the middle of the night recognized him! Enough to call him "Empire."


And, to add on to the non-believable part of the tale of recognizing him, is that I am certain he had to have been wearing some type of hat, scarf, covering his face IN THE POLAR VORTEX WIND AND TEMP.

I shovelled snow that day, it was colder as the saying goes, colder than a witches tit. And it was only -7f where I live. My whole body was bundled up from head to toe, several layers of clothing. I even put on my biggest ugliest glasses to keep my eyes and eyelids from being exposed. You could not tell if I was a male, female, or martian. The weatherman was saying NOT to even talk outside for fear of harming mouth mucosa.

So, for ANYONE to recognise Mr. Smollet the street, And! WAITING to shout the maga bs is just too much for me to comprehend.

I guess because I remember the vortex days last month, the coldest I have ever experienced, the bs story about walkin around the Windy City and being lassoed and spritzed with the famous Son of Flubber formula of non-freezing bleach really got under my skin, lol. Pissed me off when I saw his story.

Sorry for the run on sentences...


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