IL - Actor Jussie Smollett allegedly attacked in hate crime being black & gay Jan 2019 *ARRESTS*

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I think it's kind of terrible to doubt this straight off the bat. Whatever happened to believing victims until proved otherwise? Whatever happened to showing support and kindness and giving people the benefit of the doubt? Politics should be put aside. People shouldn't let it get in the way of being victim friendly. Sure, it might be a lie, but it also might be the truth, and people should support him until it's proven either way. This kind of immediate anti-victim skepticism is bad for society imo.

He went to the hospital and has now been discharged, and went to the police. It's very hard to beat yourself up, you know. It seems like the bleach aspect of the attack is unconfirmed - rather it was an 'unknown substance'. Can't have been acid or anything like that if he was already discharged. May have been alcohol or something.


As part of the LGBTQ+ community, we do face this kind of harassment and attacks. Especially a semi-public figure like Jussie. Too many people I know have been targeted. Friends have ended up black and blue after holding hands on the street. I like to think that I would be believed by the wider community if this happened to me, rather than dismissed so quickly. Luckily, the worst I've had is verbal threats and being spat at.

Until evidence to the contrary comes out, I'm going to believe him. Just like I would believe any victim until proven otherwise. Maybe this is too close to my heart because similar things have happened to my friends, especially POC. I will of course accept it if it isn't true.
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I think it's kind of terrible to doubt this straight off the bat. Whatever happened to believing victims until proved otherwise? Whatever happened to showing support and kindness and giving people the benefit of the doubt? Politics should be put aside. People shouldn't let it get in the way of being victim friendly. Sure, it might be a lie, but it also might be the truth, and people should support him until it's proven either way. This kind of immediate anti-victim skepticism is bad for society imo.

He went to the hospital and has now been discharged, and went to the police. It's very hard to beat yourself up, you know. It seems like the bleach aspect of the attack is unconfirmed - rather it was an 'unknown substance'. Can't have been acid or anything like that if he was already discharged. May have been alcohol or something.

People (not here, elsewhere) only seem to doubt this because of the politically charged chants the perpetrators were apparently saying. It's like people somehow can't think that the far right are capable of this sort of thing. According to one report, all 50 extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to far right extremism, mostly white supremacists. ( All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report )

As part of the LGBTQ+ community, we do face this kind of harassment and attacks. Especially a semi-public figure like Jussie. Too many people I know have been targeted. Friends have ended up black and blue after holding hands on the street. I like to think that I would be believed by the wider community if this happened to me, rather than dismissed so quickly. Luckily, the worst I've had is verbal threats and being spat at.

Until evidence to the contrary comes out, I'm going to believe him. Just like I would believe any victim until proven otherwise. Maybe this is too close to my heart because similar things have happened to my friends, especially POC. I will of course accept it if it isn't true.
Im glad you are having an open mind about the outcome and im sorry for anything affecting your or any community. However, as you know being on this site, we can only go off what was "reported thus far" And what was reported:

"Smollett took himself to Northwestern Hospital and "is in good condition,"

investigators canvassed the neighborhood where the reported attack occurred and have found no still images or video from security cameras of the incident.

The Streeterville neighborhood where the alleged attack occurred has a very high density of city and private surveillance cameras. As of 10 p.m. Tuesday, detectives canvassed and reviewed hundreds of hours of video and have now expanded.

Unfortunately, thus far we have not found any helpful information on a suspect or a suspect's vehicle to be able to share."

I too would except and champion against any crime and stand with you. Don't mistake my skepticism for tolerance of criminal activity, however I followed many of these cases, some touted, some not in the media and most are false claims that make it harder on true victims of crime. I believe in evidence before narrative and at this point you can point to the media as to why doubt outlandish claims without fact checking first. Not the other way around..

Also, this matter is being taken seriously by the authorities. I mean the FBI is involved??? Just because we are both looking for truth in the situation, blindly "believing" is not the rout I take when the facts stated don't add up. Much like child abductions that don't follow the logical path without evidence. Just know regardless, WE ALL are against crime of any sort and look to help others. That is why we signed up on here. Thank you for your point of view and sharing your experience. I look forward to seeing justice served in this situation, one way or another..
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To be clear, I believed it at first.....a black gay man was attacked on the streets of Chicago. I believe something happened, but all the details here do not add up to what is being reported. 2AM in -12 degrees and presumably bundled up for the weather? And he was recognized by two guys who happened to be carrying a noose and bleach? I believe he fabricated some details unless HE actually said none of that and it was a case of whisper-down-the-lane gone wild.....

If he didn't fabricate/embellish the story, someone did.....and why? I think we all know, and the initials are M.A.G.A.

JMO, IMO......
So many things don't add up in this story. I can believe that someone would get beat up at that location at that time of night, sure. But to be clear, that part of Chicago is not MAGA country. MAGA supporters do not watch Empire, would not know who he was as an actor. Even if they did, they wouldn't recognize him layered up for the cold. It's doubtful they'd be able to peg anyone under those conditions as gay. No video of the perps? They had rope and bleach at the ready? Something is not right here.
I believe the attack happened, just not sure it was how the media is twisting it. I’ve seen several versions so far. I’m not convinced it’s being reported the way Jussie actually stated it happened.
Let’s see what comes straight from LE or Jussie.
I think it's a publicity stunt. There were cameras everywhere, yet nobody was seen anywhere attacking him or being around him. He also ended up only with a small scratch after being beaten and having a noose put around his neck. Just my opinion.
Im glad you are having an open mind about the outcome and im sorry for anything affecting your or any community. However, as you know being on this site, we can only go off what was "reported thus far" And what was reported:

"Smollett took himself to Northwestern Hospital and "is in good condition,"

investigators canvassed the neighborhood where the reported attack occurred and have found no still images or video from security cameras of the incident.

The Streeterville neighborhood where the alleged attack occurred has a very high density of city and private surveillance cameras. As of 10 p.m. Tuesday, detectives canvassed and reviewed hundreds of hours of video and have now expanded.

truncated for brevity .

Could not have said this better-
To not get this situation too twisted and to avoided the majority of us coming to the same conclusion. If this was a white celebrity who had anti BLM rhetoric on his twitter feed and this was reversed, with the evidence stated, we would feel the same way. It is about the evidence, not the individual per say. It does play a role, it cant be discounted.. However, I feel this conversation will dip into the emotional relm as oppose to a factual one. Already as the the story grows, people and investigators that question it, or aren't being "true allies" ie Kevin Hart are being attacked which I feel is the byproduct that was intended. So I quietly refrain from further commenting and hope that this actor and the city of Chicago heals as he is not the only victim of crime in that city. MarziPanda, I have empathy towards your beliefs and as a black male / Native American male I do see injustices.. but I look at injustice as a whole and try to call a spade a spade and willing to call for justice for who ever is responsible for this incident. Ether the perpetrators, said victim, or the fall out if this is an embellished story..
I actually know nothing about this actor, never even heard of him. Wandering around the internet wonderland I am becoming more and more suspicious. Maybe something did happen , maybe it didn’t happen at all. IF something happened I am doubting even more that it was what is being portrayed .
I don't watch the show, so I wouldn't know who he is from there, but he has guest-hosted on Live with Kelly and Ryan a few times, so I knew who he was from there. He's definitely not a widely recognized actor enough that two randos on the street would recognize him bundled up in sub-zero temperatures at 2AM......
Anyone else not buying this? Two masked men, walking around with a noose, bleach, and knowledge of who Jussie even is, at 2AM.....who also happen to be MAGA supporters and Empire watchers??

And no video evidence yet?

Watching this one, and wondering if our mainstream media will discuss the truth once it comes out or let it fade away, letting the public believe that this actually happened.

"Empire" actor Jussie Smollett attacked in possible hate crime - CNN

'Empire' Star Jussie Smollett Tells Cops His Attackers Touted MAGA
Phew......I thought I was the only one not buying it. It sounds ....well.....a little too much.
40 minutes after the attack he still had rope around his neck?
‘Empire’ star victim of alleged racist, homophobic attack in Streeterville

Smollett initially was “reluctant” to call police because of the attention he would generate as a public figure, Guglielmi said. But his manager eventually called at 2:42 a.m., about 40 minutes after the attack.

When officers showed up at the apartment, the rope was still around Smollett’s neck, said Guglielmi, who described the rope as a “thin, light rope.” Guglielmi said the rope didn’t necessarily resemble a noose.
‘Empire’ star victim of alleged racist, homophobic attack in Streeterville

"Smollett went for a late-night meal sometime after midnight at a Subway restaurant at 511 N. McClurg Court, police said. "

"Smollett initially was “reluctant” to call police because of the attention he would generate as a public figure, Guglielmi said. But his manager eventually called at 2:42 a.m., about 40 minutes after the attack."

This sounds like something straight out of a Ray Donovan episode.

What time did you go to Subway, Jussie? And where were you between that time and the 2AM "attack?" Is that rope being looked at as possibly coming from inside his apartment?

I'm starting to feel Jussie did something he needed to invent a story to cover up and his fixer, uh manager, helped him come up with this story!
The options:
1) Jussie was attacked by racist homophobes
2 ) He was attacked, but added untrue details
3) he was attacked, but never stated those details.
4) he was never attacked by 2 random men.
5) He attacked someone and had to come up with an excuse for the marks on his face/create an alibi/explain the bleach on his clothes???

Anyone have any other options to add?
Now matter which of the above is true there is too much hate! So very sad.
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I'm far from being a Trump supporter and find those red hats incredibly passive aggressive. But.. this story has never felt right to me. It's just too stereotyped. I have no doubt that it could happen; I just find too many holes in it.

I'm with you. I'm the first to assume that racist attacks alleged are true. Because it happens routinely in our nation and has since colonial times. It continues to happen - whether verbal or physical - against people of color. I also firmly believe some racists have been empowered in the last couple years to believe these attacks are justified.

And the LGBTQ community is a frequent target of super vicious attacks and have been forever.

But this story is simply off.

Threatening letters were sent to his work. Then he was miraculously found by the author of the threats, while he wandered the street at 2:00 am?

His injuries are minor. He was "found" with a noose still around his neck sometime later after the attack and took himself to the hospital?

And no footage of anyone who could be responsible.

It seems quite off. let me get this timeline right....

@ January 21, 2019:
  • NBC in Chicago receives a threat letter addressed to television "star"/victim, which has "MAGA" written on the top left of the envelope.
@ January 22, 2019:
  • Fox Studios and NBC beef up security, and offer special additional security to "star".
"Star" declines additional security offer due to him believing it may be intrusive to his private life.

@ January 28, 2019:
  • "Star" makes a couple of Instagram updates to explain his delay in getting into Chicago.

Prior to 2:00 am:
  • "Star" gets hungry and decides to leave residence of friend at/near the North Water Apartments to walk 2 city blocks in 10 below zero fahrenheit weather for a Subway sandwich.
*Frostbite to exposed skin in these conditions will take 10 minutes.

@ 2:00am:
  • Initial reports state "star"/victim was beaten severely by two white men on the 300 block of Lower E. North Water Street, which is basically the underground level delivery and garage entrance/exit of the North Water Apartments.
*Reports now say he was near/or leaving the Subway at the 500 block of McClurg Ct.

  • Attackers are reported to be 2 white males wearing ski masks, and carrying a bottle of bleach and a noose.
*Though not reported, attackers are also likely to be wearing appropriate below zero clothing. Along with the ski masks, gloves, heavy boots, long pants, and possibly hoods to avoid frostbite.

  • Initial reports state "attackers" reported to have said, "Are you the n.... fa... from Empire?"
*No further additional information that the attackers had recognized the "star" bundled up against the cold on a dark street in the middle of the night.

  • Initial reports state attackers yelled out "This is MAGA country."
*Information about "MAGA country" not in original interview/report.
During second police interview with "star"/victim he then expressed that this is what the attackers yelled.

  • The "star" then had a chemical substance poured on him, and a noose put around his neck. Initial reports claimed it was a bleach or bleach like substance.
*No further information regarding "chemical substance" or description of noose.

@2:42 am:
  • Friend of the "star"/victim calls Chicago PD to report attack, states that the person attacked is "famous"and or "important".
  • "Star" is wearing noose around his neck when Chicago PD arrives, at least 42 minutes after the attack.

  • "Star"/victim requests LE to turn off body cams upon entering the friends apartment to interview him.
*"Star"/victim unwilling to have police film him during the initial interview.

  • Police offer to call an ambulance and take "star"/victim to the hospital.
*Star/victim declines medical treatment.

  • "Star"/victim eventually arrives at Northwestern Memorial hospital, a half mile away from friends apartment as an emergency room walk up.
*Initial reports stated injuries included a broken arm. The exact nature of his injuries have yet to be fully disclosed.

At present, security cameras have captured the "star"/victim on video. He appears to be alone in all cameras.

Is this about right?


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