IL - Actor Jussie Smollett allegedly attacked in hate crime Jan 2019 #3 *SMOLLETT ARRESTED*

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I believe Jussie wanted the best of both Worlds. Not that his actual salary from the show Empire was the point of the problem. It is/was that his contractual limits on his performing outside of the show. Just like the show at the Troubador in LA. He had trouble selling that famous 400 seat venue. He REALLY wanted to influence his demands for Concerts (not using Empire tunes) and any other endorsements that the other "stars" were able to do to increase their Wealth. The Billboard article that I linked earlier goes into more detail, but goes into the big picture of his situation.

Agreed. I think he is having a whole lot of Colin Kaepernick envy.
I've heard of the show Empire but never watched it. I've never heard of JS before. I too have links to the Chicago area, born and raised in the south suburbs, worked all over Chicago for many, many years.

I took heat for being one of the first on the thread for not believing his story and got caught up in some very heated debates. I took the bait on some post that I felt accused me of being racist and homophobic (I'm gay by the way). I also agree with and replied to certain post that were not deemed victim friendly resulting in being banned for a few days. It's hard to play dumb and to play into his victim hood when your instincts tell you otherwise!
You mean you weren’t thinking “If I get pulled over by the po po, I can roll on my bro to get out of a ticket!” or “My hubsy wubsy doesn’t appreciate me; perhaps I can assault myself and beat myself up!”

I know you’re being funny, but sadly it forces me to consider that, taken all together, JS appears to be an individual possessed of rather low character...
I've been extremely busy with work and have done my best to keep up with the conversation here so excuse me if I missed if anyone already talked about it but did I hear CDP Superintendent during the presser say that the brothers punched him but other wounds were self inflicted?

I just skimmed through the threads on this case. I knew little about the story until the past few days when it has been covered by local (Detroit) media. I recall hearing about the alleged attack when it first happened but was unfamiliar with the actor or the show and didn't pay much attention to the story. Kind of hard to escape coverage now.

I'm curious about those who have followed the case from the beginning: Are you a fan of Empire and/or JS, or are you interested in the evolving criminal case?

Never heard of the show or the actor until the night the attack was announced.

I was not on WS at the start of the case, but I was following on Twitter the night the story first broke. I was skeptical from the start (after an initial "Oh no!" belief).

The first clue to me was it was TOO much - reminded me right away of Tawana Brawley, for those old enough to remember that case. It was just TOO much and gave a weird feeling - a gut reaction that something wasn't ringing true. As I looked at each detail, none of them rang true.

But I also was skeptical of the Kardashian theft in Paris a few years ago and that ended up being true, so I was telling myself to just watch JS's case unfold rather than instantly reacting.

As I watched twitter explode that night, here and there was a voice of disbelief in the feed. And the disbelief, from my observations, was not for "obvious reasons" as someone on this thread suggested, but because JS story didn't make sense. (Clarification: When I say disbelief was "here and there" on Twitter that night, that is after discounting the troll-like political zealot-type reactions, which I scroll past.)

I was very curious how the case would unfold, so I followed not as a fan and not to scoff at anyone, but as a curious bystander....with WS-training. I joined this thread just recently.

I am not convinced that the root of this is really about his salary. I believe his deeper motivation was 'attention/sympathy/victimhood.' I believe he craved the public attention and adoration he would receive, as a martyr to the cause. JMO
I completely agree. If his plan had gone off without a hitch, he might have received a bigger salary and more of a role in the show, his concerts might have sold more tickets for higher prices but I think he wanted to push “America is a racist, homophobic” society for political purposes. Even in his interview with GMA he said he’s hard on “45” with that smile on his face. I think he was indicating that conservatives beat him up in retaliation. IMHO. YMMV
The location of the incident is what caused my curiosity about the case. I lived and worked less than a mile away from the scene and am familiar with that area.
Just followed it like I do when researching MP's and UID's, where I generally hang out.

The whole thing just seemed fishier and fisher. 2 AM for a Subway in arctic weather after having just got back from a long flight while your driver sits in your warm apartment as you get food for him and it only gets worse from there.
I had never heard of this show, or actor. I grew up in Chicago and anyone with sense knows that no one is hanging outside at 2am in below zero weather in Chicago.

That was the first indication that something was wrong with this allegation. The second indication was the lack of serious injuries. A hate crime, is "hate". They don't stop at a few punches. Especially homophobic people. There were several other disconnects, racists don't watch black tv shows, so, how would they have known Smollett was on the show, "Empire"? In addition, Smollett kept the rope on his neck for 45 minutes? And drove himself to the hospital ER for injuries that seemed negligible to me. That was attention seeking behavior.

The coincidence of this being a week previous to his giving a concert, he made this a "defiance" issue.

And statistically, you are more likely to be mugged in Chicago, not really an area of serious hate crime, statistically speaking. If Smollett had said he was mugged by a white guy, who called him a racial slur, that would have been more believable. He over played his hand.

I have never seen Smollett act, but he is not a very good liar.
Feds Dispute Police Superintendent's Claim Jussie Smollett Sent Letter

Federal law enforcement sources tell us they're still investigating the letter and have drawn no conclusions. Both federal and state law enforcement sources say the operating theory was that the 2 brothers -- Abel and Ola Osundairo -- may have mailed the letter because, when cops raided their apartment and seized magazines, there were pages missing.
Feds Dispute Police Superintendent's Claim Jussie Smollett Sent Letter

Federal law enforcement sources tell us they're still investigating the letter and have drawn no conclusions. Both federal and state law enforcement sources say the operating theory was that the 2 brothers -- Abel and Ola Osundairo -- may have mailed the letter because, when cops raided their apartment and seized magazines, there were pages missing.
That is interesting because CPD said JS mailed the letter (I believe that is what they said) yet the brothers were aware of the letter because they are the ones who told CPD that the reason JS played out the attack was because JS was mad that the letter didn't get more attention. There is also the evidence taken from the brothers home. So it could be and probably is that the brothers did it on behalf of JS or JS along with the brothers sent the letter.
I am pretty sure that the O Bros were the ones that actually created and sent the letter. But they were directed to do so by JS, in my opinion. But unfortunately, it will be a 'he said vs they said' situation. So I don't think JS will get charged with the letter.
Federal law enforcement sources tell us they're still investigating the letter and have drawn no conclusions. Both federal and state law enforcement sources say the operating theory was that the 2 brothers -- Abel and Ola Osundairo -- may have mailed the letter because, when cops raided their apartment and seized magazines, there were pages missing.

Very interesting! The proffer that the ASA presented yesterday at the bond hearing said the text asking for help from the brothers was sent on the 25th which was several days after the letter was mailed and received. I assumed from the text that this was their first involvement in the scheme but maybe they were involved in the letter too
Very interesting! The proffer that the ASA presented yesterday at the bond hearing said the text asking for help from the brothers was sent on the 25th which was several days after the letter was mailed and received. I assumed from the text that this was their first involvement in the scheme but maybe they were involved in the letter too
I keep seeing the word "proffer" on the thread. What does it mean?
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