Found Deceased IL - Benedetta 'Beth' Bentley, 41, Mount Vernon, 23 May 2010 #1

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If it was Beth that rented the car in her name with her CC there is NO way she would leave it with a friend to drive back.

Whatever happened, happened Sunday night. If I were LE I would be looking at J and R's activities late afternoon and Sunday evening.

Very perplexing case.

On the FB page, Mary posts that she believes Beth rented the car, not J. She seems pretty certain, but do not know how she knows this to be fact. Still a question mark for me
I understand the house to be in the Mt. Vernon "area", I don't know it to be in Mt. Vernon proper (as in, in town). J and the white car have not been placed in Centralia by anyone to my knowledge. There was a mention of a bus service that stops at the Amtrak at regular intervals, they were going to try and see if the bus has a camera and if it would have picked up anything at the Amtrak around the time J said she dropped Beth off (which seeems to differ by account at this time). I think it far fetched, but even if no camera, there could be no harm to ask the driver if he notice J in parking lot, or Beth waiting. Still strongly believe Beth was never there, though, and think we should look at other possibilities than the train now. Just need more info on that house....

BBM. I agree very good points.

I wonder too if the neighbors around the house they were remodeling have been interviewed. I'd like to know if it was only the three or more persons there.

Also there would likely be a record of a phone call to Amtrak wouldn't there? Unless Beth routinely used the Amtrak train, she wouldn't have the schedule memorized and someone would have had to call to get the info. Unless one of them had internet access on their phone and could have looked it up that way.
I really think Puf has something here....

There is just something about J that bothers me and I can't explain it...something creepy. I definitely do get the "single white female" vibe from the photo. I wonder if Beth ever mentioned feeling uncomfortable around her at all to her husband or any other friends? Something is very wrong here I'm afraid.

Blondie, I see you are feeling this, too. The feeling is so strong for me, it's almost nauseating, and I don't think it's 'cause I'm too close to it or on overload about all this. Her eyes say so much to me. The picture of her and Beth, Beth has those beautiful warm brown eyes, you can see the kindness in there. J's eyes are piercing and cold to me. Still trying to keep balanced about my feelings for J, I don't want to create something that's not there with her in reality.
Was there a reason stated she rented the car? If I remember all that I've been reading correctly, this wasn't the first time these two took a trip. Was this something Beth did often and only with this friend? If so, how often and did they always rent a car? Car rental with short trips brought drug trafficking to mind. The what if's of a drug deal gone bad and keep your mouth shut type thing could also be a scenario. Does the boyfriend have any previous drug charges? Good people do the wrong things sometimes and no one would be the wiser. Just a thought.

omg, you give me the chills, i hadn't thought of that. I don't know why they (supposedly Beth) rented the car. I think RR to have a misdemeanor drug charge...I should look at the page of his charges again and see if that's true. [yes, drug charges posted previously I see now, missed them the first time through]

They traveled together before, I don't know where exactly, I don't know if they rented a car to do this before. I just don't understand the need to rent the car. If Beth rented the car, why wouldn't Beth just take her own car down there?? Maybe her kids needed to borrow it or something? I'm just thinking as I type why that could be
I guess there is no way to find out if any search warrants were issued in this case, without a name or address of the house? I can't believe her family is going to let this go without a lot of noise about checking out the house, cat and people she spent the weekend with.

I meant car, not cat, although check him out too, if there is one...
Was there a reason stated she rented the car? If I remember all that I've been reading correctly, this wasn't the first time these two took a trip. Was this something Beth did often and only with this friend? If so, how often and did they always rent a car? Car rental with short trips brought drug trafficking to mind. The what if's of a drug deal gone bad and keep your mouth shut type thing could also be a scenario. Does the boyfriend have any previous drug charges? Good people do the wrong things sometimes and no one would be the wiser. Just a thought.
Interesting thought, and welcome to WS, Cblewife!

I just figured that living so close to the city, not needing a car and all the trouble, maybe she didn't have one. Probably need to add that to our list of questions that need answers. :D
Interesting thought, and welcome to WS, Cblewife!

I just figured that living so close to the city, not needing a car and all the trouble, maybe she didn't have one. Probably need to add that to our list of questions that need answers. :D

Beth is married to an attorney, so she would have a car. Usually people I know IRL rent cars for road trips because they don't want to put added miles on their cars, but that is only one possible reason for renting a car.

Also, was everything they needed already at the house? Why a small car when rehabbing a home? Wouldn't one need a larger vehicle to bring supplies?
BBM. I agree very good points.

I wonder too if the neighbors around the house they were remodeling have been interviewed. I'd like to know if it was only the three or more persons there.

Also there would likely be a record of a phone call to Amtrak wouldn't there? Unless Beth routinely used the Amtrak train, she wouldn't have the schedule memorized and someone would have had to call to get the info. Unless one of them had internet access on their phone and could have looked it up that way.

Good point about neighbors, I don't know how remote the house may or may not have been.

Also brought up on FB: is RR part of a crew rehabbing house, or is it a one-man job?

Beth had iPhone, but in that area don't know if web would work?? I say this because if Beth had web, she would probably have responded to my messages to her that weekend and she did not, so I assume no computer or web access because of that, could be wrong.
Was there a reason stated she rented the car? If I remember all that I've been reading correctly, this wasn't the first time these two took a trip. Was this something Beth did often and only with this friend? If so, how often and did they always rent a car? Car rental with short trips brought drug trafficking to mind. The what if's of a drug deal gone bad and keep your mouth shut type thing could also be a scenario. Does the boyfriend have any previous drug charges? Good people do the wrong things sometimes and no one would be the wiser. Just a thought.

I saw mention of a trip with the same friend on Beth's FB for back in April.
Was there a reason stated she rented the car? If I remember all that I've been reading correctly, this wasn't the first time these two took a trip. Was this something Beth did often and only with this friend? If so, how often and did they always rent a car? Car rental with short trips brought drug trafficking to mind. The what if's of a drug deal gone bad and keep your mouth shut type thing could also be a scenario. Does the boyfriend have any previous drug charges? Good people do the wrong things sometimes and no one would be the wiser. Just a thought.

Welcome Cblewife - thank you for saying it...

I've wondered THAT since I saw RR's drug charges.
If something happened, it likely happened in the car or the house. Especially if they were working all day. What did they do for food? Did they go out? Bring food? Order in? I don't know now many places deliver during the day. maybe one of them went and picked up lunch.

Also the rent a car, where both women listed as drivers on the contract or just Beth - if it is fact the car was rented in her name. When was the car returned? Has LE interviewed the employees at the rental agency? Have they examined the car?

Is it habit for Beth to not ride home with the person she left with? Has she ever gotten a way home with someeone she didn't leave with?

What about the childs graduation? Was there going to be a party for him right away or where they going to wait for the older brothers graduation and celebrate them together?

Do we have confirmation on what time Beth was supposedly dropped off at the train platform?

I don't know about the first questions you ask. Family and close friends went down this weekend and look for Beth/put up flyers, maybe I will learn more info in the next couple. Also have no info and many questions surrounding that rental car!

The Beth I know is intelligent and responsible, but if something weird happened where she felt threatened or something and she took off... ?? She is not irresponsible about her personal safety, like I can't really see her catching a ride with whomever or anything like that. Trusting, social and warm yes, but not reckless, if that makes sense?

Only the middle son was graduating - from high school. The older son is 21 and the little one 10. He had finished in January but was going to go through the commencement ceremony this past weekend and there was to be a big celebration for that occasion. Instead, he did not go to his graduation ceremony. It makes me so sad to know that he will always correlate this event with what should be such a joyous and monumental event in his life.
Interesting thought, and welcome to WS, Cblewife!

I just figured that living so close to the city, not needing a car and all the trouble, maybe she didn't have one. Probably need to add that to our list of questions that need answers. :D

Oh, she definitely has a car. Woodstock is not all that close to the city. We are still somewhat rural although considered a far NW 'burb now. Public transportation is not that good here. We have Metra rail a very limited bus service and a few indie taxis, that's it!
Yes, look carefully at J's eyes...they speak volumes IMO. Also, the first photo posted in here of J and RR from BEth's iPhone, a little blurry, before we could confirm is was J's bf. Look at them. The one with Beth, though...competition and jealousy comes out to me too. I feel like J loved Beth in a...not-so-healthy way, but I don't know J or the dynamics of J's relationship with Beth. Pure intuition from me, but Ruby you seem to feel it, too...

Yes, I definitely feel it.
Just reading that Tarabull, now who the heck are VA and AA?
Wow, Violet is very elderly, 83 years old.
Traffic accident?
Was there a reason stated she rented the car? If I remember all that I've been reading correctly, this wasn't the first time these two took a trip. Was this something Beth did often and only with this friend? If so, how often and did they always rent a car? Car rental with short trips brought drug trafficking to mind. The what if's of a drug deal gone bad and keep your mouth shut type thing could also be a scenario. Does the boyfriend have any previous drug charges? Good people do the wrong things sometimes and no one would be the wiser. Just a thought.

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