Found Deceased IL - Benedetta 'Beth' Bentley, 41, Mount Vernon, 23 May 2010 #3

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IF (that is a big IF) BB was on the net now I think she would be checking her kids pages. If I was a mother hiding for what ever reason first thing I would do is check on my kids.
So she wouldn't even have to google her name to know what was happening.

Another thing I asked about, the last phone call BB made to SB, since BB was always telling him and the boys she loved them. IF BB was planning on taking off, she would have said, tell the boys I love them, when she told SB. BB didn't do this.
IF (that is a big IF) BB was on the net now I think she would be checking her kids pages. If I was a mother hiding for what ever reason first thing I would do is check on my kids.
So she wouldn't even have to google her name to know what was happening.

Another thing I asked about, the last phone call BB made to SB, since BB was always telling him and the boys she loved them. IF BB was planning on taking off, she would have said, tell the boys I love them, when she told SB. BB didn't do this.

Paschein....That is such a good point. She would be checking everyones FB pages and certainly her childrens. If she was by "choice" missing, her heart would break seeing them ask her to come home, we miss you and all the pleas that have been made. I do not think this was a choice she made. JMO
all i was told is that she ran off with a younger man - it could have been RR's younger brother or someone else - pure speculation on my part, but LE stated the younger man and a large sum of money

IMHO this makes no sense, Beth was a lady in her 40's, high maintenance, probably no more babies, what would the "attraction" be? If Beth liked to spend money, she would have had to stash a couple $million in that bag. NR has a website featuring several teen girlfriends of his, do a google search to see it.
I'm glad to see at least SOME honest information seems to be emerging. This gives us, at least, something to go on...

That said, AlwaysThinking, looking at it from JW's perspective...

IF her story is true, and she did drop BB off at the train station, and BB disappeared willingly, leaving JW hanging...

I can see where she'd be more than a bit angry with BB for putting her in that position, and lashing out. I mean, her life has been turned upside down, the entire world seems to be positive of her guilt, and she is under intense, ongoing, constant scrutiny from all BB's friends and probably LE.

I can see not being pleased with the person who put you in that position, especially if JW believes her to be alive. I can't imagine being too concerned with maintaining my friendship with said individual, should she ever come back.

I mean, if her story is at all true... how much consideration did BB pay her before thrusting her, unwillingly, into the public eye?

That said, if she is involved, or has been less than forthcoming with LE, then, of course, all of the scrutiny is warranted, and I don't feel bad for her...

but, if she is being honest, then I can see being quite angry with BB.

You bring up a lot of valid points, and I have thought about that too. It is a horrible position to be in and yes, JW could very well be telling the truth that Beth just asked to be dropped off and wouldn't say who she was meeting. I always try to look at things from both sides. To me it's sad, because there is a lot of "talk" but very few facts and I think that is why so much emotion comes into discussions about this. I think it's easy to become so frustrated just trying to figure it all out. I do not wish any harm to JW, and I would love to see Beth come back home on her own free will. I also wish that the LE would release some sort of update.
I wonder how the fundraiser is going right now? I hope they have a wonderful turnout. I know JW will be there. JW called my friend today and they spoke about. You have to give JW credit for going, that must have been a tough decision. I hope that SB and his kids feel good, seeing how many people are there to support them and help them.
Doesn't LE need some type of PROOF that she in fact did run off with a "younger man"? If she did have a lot of money on her that isn't proof of anything. Neither is taking JW's word for anything. IMO proof would have to be they either talked to her and she is missing by choice or they would have a trail to follow such as credit cards or cell phone usage or her social security number being used. From my understanding from other posts and FB page there has been no activity on her phone or credit card accounts. If they have this type of info why not state that to the public. It seems to me from what connerzgram said that they are just guessing that is what she did and "not taking it seriously"..which in my opinion is NOT justice to BB or her family! JMO!! Just wish there were more valid leads to go on.
I wonder how the fundraiser is going right now? I hope they have a wonderful turnout. I know JW will be there. JW called my friend today and they spoke about. You have to give JW credit for going, that must have been a tough decision. I hope that SB and his kids feel good, seeing how many people are there to support them and help them.

I hope it is a great turn out too..SB and those boys need all the support they can get! Hopefully something good will come from this! They need answers!
IMHO this makes no sense, Beth was a lady in her 40's, high maintenance, probably no more babies, what would the "attraction" be? If Beth liked to spend money, she would have had to stash a couple $million in that bag. NR has a website featuring several teen girlfriends of his, do a google search to see it.

Yes and NR is also not missing so BB didn't run off with him


I still have deep concerns with NR and how everyone seems to avoid talking about him though.
I wonder how the fundraiser is going right now? I hope they have a wonderful turnout. I know JW will be there. JW called my friend today and they spoke about. You have to give JW credit for going, that must have been a tough decision. I hope that SB and his kids feel good, seeing how many people are there to support them and help them.

AlwaysThinking.......You said JW would be at the fundraiser tonight. That would be very hard for her since so many are really down on her at this time. Those people that are not very friendly with her will also be there correct? That could be interesting. Does she still work where she did? If so then she has been in contact at least some with certain ones. It does have to be an uncomfortable feeling though knowing how most of them feel about her. Maybe tonight could be the night if there is more for her to tell? Pressure? Breaking point? And then maybe there is nothing else to tell.
Yes and NR is also not missing so BB didn't run off with him


I still have deep concerns with NR and how everyone seems to avoid talking about him though.

Their names are hardly mentioned at all. Sometimes RR but not NR. Are they both still in the Wooodstock area, if you know?
IMO if she were pregnant there would be a much easier solution than disappearing for 8 weeks leaving everything behind.

This hasn't been mentioned for a while and not in such plain, straight-forward terms. What if she is pregnant? Wouldn't that be a reason to run? Early on there was speculation that she was looking "heavy" in some of the party pictures.

What if that "much easier solution" wasn't available? What would preclude that choice?

The next questions about running are where and for how long?

When do you "know"? If she had the money to be gone for 8-9 months after "knowing", where would she go? Look there.
How carefully have the computers used by Beth and JW in SB's office been checked? Any clues there? Was there any use after Thursday afternoon, before JW returned to work? When did she return to work?

What's the proof that the Sunday 4:15PM call really was from Mt. Vernon?

Was the call to or from that phone? How long was the call?

How many miles were on the rental car when it was turned in? And when was it turned in?
Motive? What if the game was over? What if Beth got tired of being the ATM?

Moves? Go to Beth's personal FB page and go 'way back to March 17, 2010, 10:25AM, where there is a series of messages between Beth and JW that might shed some light.

Come on down to Mt. Vernon and let's go exploring.

IMHO perhaps she was getting more and more outragious, like some do when they are having mental breakdowns, or she just didnt care what anybody thought of her anymore.
It seems to me from what connerzgram said that they are just guessing that is what she did and "not taking it seriously"..which in my opinion is NOT justice to BB or her family! JMO!! Just wish there were more valid leads to go on.

You make a valid point Grapes21, honestly I worry with so much time passing evidence could be lost by the time BB is found.

BB has been missing for what 53 days now, that means since she has been missing roughly 106,000 other people have also been reported missing too. I have only heard of a handful personally, and I think 3 amber alert in that time. That is very sad :(
Answers to FAQs: Source:
  • Beth disappeared Sunday, May 23rd from either Mt. Vernon or Centralia. It has not been determined exactly where.
  • Beth’s friend supposedly dropped her off “by the train” in Centralia, IL.
  • Amtrak cannot confirm that Beth ever boarded the train, either through a ticket purchase or video surveillance, or from interviews of the conductor and passengers on the train.
  • Beth went from Woodstock, IL to Mt. Vernon, IL with a friend to visit the friend’s boyfriend who was said to be rehabbing a house in Mt. Vernon.
  • Beth’s iPhone and credit cards are being monitored by the police.
  • Beth’s iPhone cannot be located, triangulated, or pinged.
  • Media from St. Louis, MO to Chicago, IL have been contacted, and most major outlets have run a story. For all links to stories please look at the Facebook discussion page.
  • More answers to FAQs on the Facebook page. Information pertaining to family members is not posted here.
  • There is a $5,000 reward for anyone who provides information that leads to locating Beth.
  • A fundraiser is planned for Friday, July 16 at 7 PM at Gus’s Roadhouse, 680 S Eastwood Dr., Woodstock, IL.
Hopefully the above will answer some questions.
BBM. Is it possible LE attempted to ping the phone and were unsuccesful?

What do we know about the reasons why a phone could not be pinged assuming LE has attempted to ping the phone? Would that be battery removed or submerged in water? Anyone know?

Answers to FAQs: Source:
  • Beth disappeared Sunday, May 23rd from either Mt. Vernon or Centralia. It has not been determined exactly where.
  • Beth’s friend supposedly dropped her off “by the train” in Centralia, IL.
  • Amtrak cannot confirm that Beth ever boarded the train, either through a ticket purchase or video surveillance, or from interviews of the conductor and passengers on the train.
  • Beth went from Woodstock, IL to Mt. Vernon, IL with a friend to visit the friend’s boyfriend who was said to be rehabbing a house in Mt. Vernon.
  • Beth’s iPhone and credit cards are being monitored by the police.
  • Beth’s iPhone cannot be located, triangulated, or pinged.
  • Media from St. Louis, MO to Chicago, IL have been contacted, and most major outlets have run a story. For all links to stories please look at the Facebook discussion page.
  • More answers to FAQs on the Facebook page. Information pertaining to family members is not posted here.
  • There is a $5,000 reward for anyone who provides information that leads to locating Beth.
  • A fundraiser is planned for Friday, July 16 at 7 PM at Gus’s Roadhouse, 680 S Eastwood Dr., Woodstock, IL.
Hopefully the above will answer some questions.
BBM. Is it possible LE attempted to ping the phone and were unsuccesful?

What do we know about the reasons why a phone could not be pinged assuming LE has attempted to ping the phone? Would that be battery removed or submerged in water? Anyone know?


That is a good question. What do we know about the phone and why it couldn't be pinged. As far as I know, nothing. There is a post on FB by AGM briefly stating that no information could be retrieved from Beth's phone, but I don't recall an explanation. I always thought that would be one of the first things LE would check, phone records through the service provider. Is it possible that the service provider would not give it, or maybe the family &/or LE just don't want to provide info, if any was obtained. I really don't know.
Battery removed, submerged in water, and crushing / destroy it in some manner is my understanding of ways that would prevent it from being pinged.
I just want to say wow, some heavy theories, some good ones......I wish she would home, now
Beth’s iPhone cannot be located, triangulated, or pinged

This is why she can't be located by her cell phone, my understanding is if you remove the battery, if it was distroyed, in water..etc they can not ping it and locate her.
After the fact was told had the family gotten another phone and transfer Beth's number to this phone within 3 day, any text message information could have been saved. After 3 days all that is lost in space.

Just answering all these questions in one post..

Call was place by BB to SB, LE verified the 4:15 call was made from Mt Vernon

I am not sure JW was at the office that first week after BB was missing, she works part time, but has been out a lot with her daughter too

Beth is not pregnant

The rental car, LE will not release any information, but they DID check the rental car

Sadly the LE will not go public with hardly any information, and any information given on the FB page by AGM comes straight from LE and released with their permission

JW is supposed to be at the fundraiser tonight, I hope for the families sake, specially since the boys will be there it is a peaceful evening.

Now to me the million dollar question is will RR be there??
AlwaysThinking.......You said JW would be at the fundraiser tonight. That would be very hard for her since so many are really down on her at this time. Those people that are not very friendly with her will also be there correct? That could be interesting. Does she still work where she did? If so then she has been in contact at least some with certain ones. It does have to be an uncomfortable feeling though knowing how most of them feel about her. Maybe tonight could be the night if there is more for her to tell? Pressure? Breaking point? And then maybe there is nothing else to tell.

Hi snowzbunny

Yes, JW was at the fundraiser this evening with her young daughter. The core "group" of Beth's girlfriends were there as well and all was fine. I am sure JW was uncomfortable, but at the end of the day, if she is innocent of any wrong doing, she had just as much right as anybody else, to be there. Yes, JW is still working for SB's law firm. I was not there, but I did speak to my friend who was there and I asked specifically if JW was still working there.

I wonder what type of conversations were going on between different people who perhaps met for the first time tonight? Actually, all I really want is for the LE to announce something, anything. Do they have a lead? Have they found anything out since this began 8 weeks ago? Just something, the silence is deafening.
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