Found Deceased IL - Benedetta 'Beth' Bentley, 41, Mount Vernon, 23 May 2010 #4

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You may be correct. My friend told me she spoke to JW the day of the fundraiser, during the day, and JW said her and RR are fighting a lot. He says something to the effect that she's not the same person and is upset about Beth too much. Not sure how to take that. If they aren't involved in Beth's disappearance, I can see why JW would upset, Beth being her best friend and all, and RR being like "whatever" because I don't know if RR & Beth were close. But, if they were involved in her disappearance, that makes my hair stand on end that RR is just forgetting it all and moving on so easily. I did say in one of my earlier posts, IF they were directly related to Beth's disappearance, then this will either make JW & RR closer, or - it will tear them apart. Everybody handles guilt differently, and I think if they break up, it is more likely that someone will spill the beans, IF, they were in fact involved in her disappearance. This is all JMO.

I want to say that I did not hear the conversation with my own ears, so....we can't jump all over this because we didn't hear the tone of her voice or the exact words that were said. My friend is torn, and has been since day one, because she knows both Beth & JW and this is very hard for her, not knowing what the truth is.

And perhaps they were fighting a lot before BB disappeared. Which doesn't make my hair stand on end.

What if there are no beans to spill, ...then it will be unlikely that someone will spill them.

None of these reactions are indications of guilt. The are ambiguous indications, and not really that helpful.
There was talk of a search party (on FB), and then called off "for reasons that can't be discussed at this time"
If indeed BB is no longer alive, valuable forensic evidence will be forever destroyed, if it hasn't already.
IMO, BB would never have left willingly. She has kids, had a court date in June, and living the life she seemed to want, with a husband, it seems, was very tolerant of her weekend getaways and girls night out at the bars.
She was also very generous to JW, it makes no sense she would be selfish to this degree to her family and put them through the hell they must be going through.
Some have asked the reason for the rental car. It could be as simple as BB didn't want to rack up miles on her car, and for a little bit more $$ for insurance, you have no worries if it's damaged for whatever reason.
I don't pretend to know how to light a fire under LE and get them out there to search the area, but I will say this, if this were my family member, no one would stop me from searching those woods and the surrounding area.
The lack of information in this case, the silence of LE, and the lack of a sense of urgency to search is frustrating indeed.
I just drove to that area about 30 minutes ago. I just have a bad feeling anytime I'm near there! I do not know why. I didn't stop at the house tonight, just drove by it a couple of times. Maybe just because I know she was there and is missing from that area. I have always believed since first hearing this story that is where whatever happened, happened at . I have tried to look at other thoughts and facts and I am always pulled that direction for some reason. I can't explain. JMO

i'm wondering if it was the same area i'm thinking of and have driven by numerous times!?!?!?! i'm going in the daytime but i've had those feelings as well snow! i just hope someone can get something down here that was beth's so we can see if the psychic can pinpoint something --- anything! it's sure worth a shot!

i'm still concerned about SB not yelling at the top of his lungs to find her! as well as JW - and where are BB's parents? if it were my child i would be screaming!!!!!!!!!! JMO

snow - perhaps we can try to partner up! to find beth!
Grapes, you said The went up for sale quickly after she went missing

The house was water damaged, it was repaired, it went up for sale. I hope that explains why the timing of it going up for sale is not real valuable. It just turns out that JW and BB were there near the end of that process.

I believe that the homeowners have been down to MV since BB disappeared. I don't think that is particularly telling either, it had to be listed, and there were some inspections of the work that had to be done.
Originally Posted by AlwaysThinking
You may be correct. My friend told me she spoke to JW the day of the fundraiser, during the day, and JW said her and RR are fighting a lot. He says something to the effect that she's not the same person and is upset about Beth too much. Not sure how to take that. If they aren't involved in Beth's disappearance, I can see why JW would upset, Beth being her best friend and all, and RR being like "whatever" because I don't know if RR & Beth were close. But, if they were involved in her disappearance, that makes my hair stand on end that RR is just forgetting it all and moving on so easily. I did say in one of my earlier posts, IF they were directly related to Beth's disappearance, then this will either make JW & RR closer, or - it will tear them apart. Everybody handles guilt differently, and I think if they break up, it is more likely that someone will spill the beans, IF, they were in fact involved in her disappearance. This is all JMO.

I want to say that I did not hear the conversation with my own ears, so....we can't jump all over this because we didn't hear the tone of her voice or the exact words that were said. My friend is torn, and has been since day one, because she knows both Beth & JW and this is very hard for her, not knowing what the truth is.

And perhaps they were fighting a lot before BB disappeared. Which doesn't make my hair stand on end.

What if there are no beans to spill, ...then it will be unlikely that someone will spill them.

None of these reactions are indications of guilt. The are ambiguous indications, and not really that helpful.

Hello Just a Lawyer
I agree, none of what I said are indications of guilt. Where did you get that?

You initially stated that you believed JW & RR were no longer together. I joined in to say I thought you were correct because JW told a friend of mine that her and RR were fighting a lot.

I said "But, IF they were involved in her disappearance, that makes my hair stand on end that RR is just forgetting it all and moving on so easily." If means if, I did not say he was guilty of anything.

I said "Everybody handles guilt differently, and I think if they break up, it is more likely that someone will spill the beans, IF, they were in fact involved in her disappearance. This is all JMO." Again, if means if. It is speculatation, an opinion.

If you read through any of my past posts, I mention several times that I wish no harm to JW, and I believe people are innocent until proven guilty. I also stated that nobody knows what happened. I am just on here discussing this case with others, and I'm sorry if I upset you, but I think if you reread what I wrote, you can see I was not in any way, saying they were guilty.

There are a lot of people on here talking about this case. There are going to be a lot of different views, therories and opinions. I don't understand why you felt the need to single me out and tell me I wasn't helpful. But it's all good.
There was talk of a search party (on FB), and then called off "for reasons that can't be discussed at this time"
If indeed BB is no longer alive, valuable forensic evidence will be forever destroyed, if it hasn't already.
IMO, BB would never have left willingly. She has kids, had a court date in June, and living the life she seemed to want, with a husband, it seems, was very tolerant of her weekend getaways and girls night out at the bars.
She was also very generous to JW, it makes no sense she would be selfish to this degree to her family and put them through the hell they must be going through.
Some have asked the reason for the rental car. It could be as simple as BB didn't want to rack up miles on her car, and for a little bit more $$ for insurance, you have no worries if it's damaged for whatever reason.
I don't pretend to know how to light a fire under LE and get them out there to search the area, but I will say this, if this were my family member, no one would stop me from searching those woods and the surrounding area.
The lack of information in this case, the silence of LE, and the lack of a sense of urgency to search is frustrating indeed.

and all talk of the search party has stopped - i know this area - i don't understand why pplz aren't here looking around!

as far as the rental car thing - i'm sorry but ppl who are renting cars from up north are running drugs down here -- it's a fact

i can't agree with u more about coming down here to search for her - i wonder where SB is as well as JV and her friends - i would never stop until i found her........JMO
from the psychic.....and all she saw was beth's pic

The first thing I felt was death. Then woods. I see fencing near a road with an opening where a gate had once been, and a pathway leading back to a narrow trail with woods on both sides. Off to the right of this path about 50 to 100 yards, which is downhill somewhat is where her body is. The killer is someone she knew. Her spirit is still around her body calling for help, as she is confused as why no one hears her cries.
There was talk of a search party (on FB), and then called off "for reasons that can't be discussed at this time"
If indeed BB is no longer alive, valuable forensic evidence will be forever destroyed, if it hasn't already.
IMO, BB would never have left willingly. She has kids, had a court date in June, and living the life she seemed to want, with a husband, it seems, was very tolerant of her weekend getaways and girls night out at the bars.
She was also very generous to JW, it makes no sense she would be selfish to this degree to her family and put them through the hell they must be going through.
Some have asked the reason for the rental car. It could be as simple as BB didn't want to rack up miles on her car, and for a little bit more $$ for insurance, you have no worries if it's damaged for whatever reason.
I don't pretend to know how to light a fire under LE and get them out there to search the area, but I will say this, if this were my family member, no one would stop me from searching those woods and the surrounding area.
The lack of information in this case, the silence of LE, and the lack of a sense of urgency to search is frustrating indeed.

-Although some forensic evidence would disappear, a lot of forensic evidence lasts for a good long time.

-You have listed the positives of why a person wouldn't have left, however many negatives have been mentioned (I am not going to re-list them here), which may suggest there were reasons to leave.

-Yes, the family is going though hell right now.

-The rental car has been explained earlier.

-Lastly, while a search of the property may seem like the next logical thing, there are several reasons that it is not ... I guess the first for me is that even if the "died at the rehab house" theory is correct, disposing of evidence on that property would be very unlikely give the rural setting of that area. And remember that is only if that theory is correct (I guess saying it in a different way, if that theory is correct half of the time, and the evidence is concealed at the same location half the time, the chances are one in four that that is the location of the evidence). And my guess is that the LE have assigned way less probablity for both of those factors, making the odds of that theory being right much less that one in four.
I know SB has traveled there. And I know people have traveled as far as Bull Head City, NV (to check out a house BB owns, and rents out there)
i'm wondering if it was the same area i'm thinking of and have driven by numerous times!?!?!?! i'm going in the daytime but i've had those feelings as well snow! i just hope someone can get something down here that was beth's so we can see if the psychic can pinpoint something --- anything! it's sure worth a shot!

i'm still concerned about SB not yelling at the top of his lungs to find her! as well as JW - and where are BB's parents? if it were my child i would be screaming!!!!!!!!!! JMO

snow - perhaps we can try to partner up! to find beth!

Connerzgram......Maybe we could hook up at some point. I live half way between Mt.V and Centralia.
As far as BB parents, I believe her mother is deceased and I don't know where her father is.
I so wish they had allowed a search, there were so many ready willing and able to help. They had horses, boats, four-wheelers, divers, search teams ready to go. Maybe this could have been solved long ago. all of this is JMO.

As far a psychics go, if I were to predict that person X was killed by someone they knew in situation Y, and will be found within a mile of one of the last places they were, I would be a psychic who would be right over 80% of the time. All true, not all that helpful.

If you know who I am, you know I am not upset, at all.

All I was saying is that associating those actions with guilt would be a stretch. For example, people say that SB is not "yelling" enough. If he were "yelling" too much, there are those who would say that he is yelling too much. I don't think these types of analysis help drive the solution to this case, and serve as a distraction. I think there might be a solution here ... but it is just out of reach, which is frustrating to me.

People who make pro and con arguments, test our theories and make us think. I think spending time about whether a person is acting one way or another, which is different than we would expect isn't going to lead to a solution, but rather to a discussion about how we feel about a person acting a certain way, or how one should act. Neither gets us closer to a solution.
Always, if I said you were unhelpful, then I apologize.

As I have said before I am not defending JW, RR, NR, SB, AGM or any person involved with this case, I am trying to figure it out. That said those and everyone involved in all most every way with this case are friends (which I disclosed in my first post, and do so again). Footnote: I don't know any of JW's family.
... Some have asked the reason for the rental car. It could be as simple as BB didn't want to rack up miles on her car, and for a little bit more $$ for insurance, you have no worries if it's damaged for whatever reason.

Another reason to rent a car is, if you get caught with enough drugs or paraphernalia in your car, the car is likely to be confiscated. Why risk your own car? Let Enterprise worry about it.
It was not a defense. The premise was RR acted strangely. The foundation was there was new tension between JW and RR. I was correcting the foundation, the tension predated the disappearance.

Now one could argue that the pre-existing tension may have caused an incident. That's fair, but I don't think that was the gist of the theory.
The car was rented to cover the story that JW and BB were going to Madison, WI to visit JW's sick mom or grandmom (when they were really going to MV). This was done to mislead SB, as to where the girls were going.
The car was rented to cover the story that JW and BB were going to Madison, WI to visit JW's sick mom or grandmom (when they were really going to MV). This was done to mislead SB, as to where the girls were going.

Since BB isn't here to tell her side of the story, you must be taking JW or RR version of the reason for the rental? IMO
What about ID??
If Beth was still alive and ran off you can not even get a hotel room much anymore without ID, is there any kind of database where LE would be notified of someone using her ID?

Not that I believe she ran off, just thinking out loud

I guess it depends which hotels you stay at.

I think, but don't know for sure, that BB is on the LE database so that if she is pulled over LE will be notified.
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