Found Deceased IL - Benedetta 'Beth' Bentley, 41, Mount Vernon, 23 May 2010 #4

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I don't see why you would think that any of the 4 factors you listed would cause a person to consider abandoning their entire life?? People go through much worse than that and don't just walk away from everything they love. JMO

I agree, but I have experience with people hanging themselves because someone "didn't want" them, too. The mind is a funny thing, and what doesn't seem valuable and meaningful to one, might mean the world to another.
I don't know if I believe the Podges Pizza report. Seems awfully odd this info would come out two months into the case when joining the FB group is not as difficult as registering at WS. Why is this just being posted now? The person who posted the info does not live in Mt. Vernon (according to his post) and is back home now in another state. He has tons of posts on FB, lots of games, and then nothing for 20 days during the time Beth went missing. Doesn't say what he was doing for those 20 days. What is his tie to the pizza place if he does not live in Illinois?

I need more info before I am going to believe a random posting on FB on a missing persons case 2 months after the fact.


This tidbit is not a clue, it was an alleged tip LE supposedly worked on 8 weeks ago. It sounds like heresay mumbo jumbo and another discussion tangent for FBers to waste time & flame each other about, in my hearing/reading capacity. Seems like they should change the name of their group, or someone should start a whole new group instead of a discussion topic on moot points. JMHO. Time is extremely valuable for a missing person case, not just to THE endangered missing person, but also to their family, friends, business associates & especially another verified group of forgotten bystanders; family members of the law office's clients, like myself. Just might affect that family's net income if the administrators don't start cooling their jets. Respectfully, I have no beef anywhere and am not carrying over any unresolved issues around the many professional sites that care about this case and ALL the people involving themselves in many fashions bringing Beth HOME. It's not just my opinion, it's in my heart to do so as BB's probably demise could have been ME. I have been in some of the situations BB placed herself in, whether intentionally or accidentally, by employment or trying to help a manipulative, dishonest friend, spouse or coworker.
In summary, I also think most importantly, in my very humble opinion that it should be a part of the TOS here that discussions here are not carried back to any other social networking sites, amateur sleuthing sites, personal blogs, or other venue without the consent of the poster. Those other avenues of information exchange offer friendship requests, identity sleuthing and personal messages that are very hinky, snarky and annoying.
IMO, JW further took risks by agreeing to drop her friend off with a stranger? hundreds of miles away from home in an unfamiliar area. Supposedly without asking questions.

The ONLY logical scenario with this alleged friend Beth supposedly met is IF Beth had told JW she would be driving back with this friend and would see her when they got back. Yet, if that were the case WHY would JW not share that like she has shared every unflattering detail of her friends life?

All eyes are on JW - what incentive would JW have to further cover for Beth? That's a loaded question, because JW's livelyhood depended on BB. Could it be possible JW knows exactly where Beth is and 1)Has had enough of covering for Beth so she came clean to SB knowing if she did while Beth was off playing SB would not 'fire her' and leave her hanging? That might be a far stretch, and what are the consequences for JW IF Beth was found alive? Her friendship with Beth is ruined, but her relationship with SB is not fully impaired and perhaps JW leaves SBs law firm on decent terms with the understanding SB helps find JW employment elsewhere when JW parts ways with SB's firm. Maybe far stretched, but not unlikely. Especially if what was stated that Beth went out everynight..... Going out everynight with young children in the home is not typical behavior of a 40 something yr old mother of 3.


Better phrased. JW may have a good idea of where Beth is, but not 100% certain.

IMO, JW further took risks by agreeing to drop her friend off with a stranger? hundreds of miles away from home in an unfamiliar area. Supposedly without asking questions.

The ONLY logical scenario with this alleged friend Beth supposedly met is IF Beth had told JW she would be driving back with this friend and would see her when they got back. Yet, if that were the case WHY would JW not share that like she has shared every unflattering detail of her friends life?

All eyes are on JW - what incentive would JW have to further cover for Beth? That's a loaded question, because JW's livelyhood depended on BB. Could it be possible JW knows exactly where Beth is and 1)Has had enough of covering for Beth so she came clean to SB knowing if she did while Beth was off playing SB would not 'fire her' and leave her hanging? That might be a far stretch, and what are the consequences for JW IF Beth was found alive? Her friendship with Beth is ruined, but her relationship with SB is not fully impaired and perhaps JW leaves SBs law firm on decent terms with the understanding SB helps find JW employment elsewhere when JW parts ways with SB's firm. Maybe far stretched, but not unlikely. Especially if what was stated that Beth went out everynight..... Going out everynight with young children in the home is not typical behavior of a 40 something yr old mother of 3.


Well, I sort of agree, but as far as logical goes (although unlikely and very gamey) .... why don't we ever consider this: JW drops BB off at the train station to take the train to where ever to meet a guy, with the intention of taking off. The plan would be exactly what happened. JW go to Woodstock and just blabber like mad, I'll be gone for a couple of weeks and then when I come back SB will be way more interested in having me back than talking or complaining about all the things JW blabbed about. Now this is unlikely, but it's logical because there is no step that doesn't work. Is it cold, yes. Calculating, yes. No more discussions about financial problems, relationship problems, etc. The slate is clean, because SB is so glad to have her back.

Now this is very unlikely, but is it logical, yep ... as a matter of fact, if that's what happened it worked perfectly.

I guess my point is this. I believe we spend too much time on JW, and whether she lied. She did, and does... If we say she lied and that meant she did it, well that doesn't find Beth, does it. IMO no amount of calling JW a liar will bring the truth out, so we can't find Beth that way.

I believe that a close examination of the story, as it evolves may help us. I keep thinking why a story about a train that leaves at a particular time, from a station 20 miles away. I haven't figured it out but when I do, I'll tell you.
This tidbit is not a clue, it was an alleged tip LE supposedly worked on 8 weeks ago. It sounds like heresay mumbo jumbo and another discussion tangent for FBers to waste time & flame each other about, in my hearing/reading capacity. Seems like they should change the name of their group, or someone should start a whole new group instead of a discussion topic on moot points. JMHO. Time is extremely valuable for a missing person case, not just to THE endangered missing person, but also to their family, friends, business associates & especially another verified group of forgotten bystanders; family members of the law office's clients, like myself. Just might affect that family's net income if the administrators don't start cooling their jets. Respectfully, I have no beef anywhere and am not carrying over any unresolved issues around the many professional sites that care about this case and ALL the people involving themselves in many fashions bringing Beth HOME. It's not just my opinion, it's in my heart to do so as BB's probably demise could have been ME. I have been in some of the situations BB placed herself in, whether intentionally or accidentally, by employment or trying to help a manipulative, dishonest friend, spouse or coworker.
In summary, I also think most importantly, in my very humble opinion that it should be a part of the TOS here that discussions here are not carried back to any other social networking sites, amateur sleuthing sites, personal blogs, or other venue without the consent of the poster. Those other avenues of information exchange offer friendship requests, identity sleuthing and personal messages that are very hinky, snarky and annoying.

Unfortunately this is a public forum, so just like any other public place on the net what is posted is available to view, discuss, scrutinize etc. WS links to other sites or media covering a case, just as what is discussed here is often discussed elsewhere and linked to or credited to WS. WS has no control over what is done outside of this site. Just as with posting anywhere, it is the posters discretion what information they wish to make public and post on the net for the whole world to see.

If you are receiving private messages that are outside our TOS, the alert button works not only on posts on the public forum, but also the visitor messages and private messages as well.

Well, I sort of agree, but as far as logical goes (although unlikely and very gamey) .... why don't we ever consider this: JW drops BB off at the train station to take the train to where ever to meet a guy, with the intention of taking off. The plan would be exactly what happened. JW go to Woodstock and just blabber like mad, I'll be gone for a couple of weeks and then when I come back SB will be way more interested in having me back than talking or complaining about all the things JW blabbed about. Now this is unlikely, but it's logical because there is no step that doesn't work. Is it cold, yes. Calculating, yes. No more discussions about financial problems, relationship problems, etc. The slate is clean, because SB is so glad to have her back.

Now this is very unlikely, but is it logical, yep ... as a matter of fact, if that's what happened it worked perfectly.

I guess my point is this. I believe we spend too much time on JW, and whether she lied. She did, and does... If we say she lied and that meant she did it, well that doesn't find Beth, does it. IMO no amount of calling JW a liar will bring the truth out, so we can't find Beth that way.

I believe that a close examination of the story, as it evolves may help us. I keep thinking why a story about a train that leaves at a particular time, from a station 20 miles away. I haven't figured it out but when I do, I'll tell you.

Makes sense to me. I'm not a train rider... unless I am going to a Cub game when I will take the El during the day. I can't help but wonder if BB possibly got on a train but a train bound for somewhere other than Chicago. Could be far fetched, but I know nothing about what time trains arrived going to different areas' and if LE looked at the possibility of Beth getting on a train departing for somewhere other than Chicago.

I still think the top possibility for me is Beth meeting up with someone neither she or JW knew well, possibly someone RR and NR did not know well and finding herself in a bad situation. It is easy for me to see BB walking out on a husband, but much more difficult for me to see her walking out on a 10 yr old son. IF she left with someone, who knows where they may have taken her from Mt. Vernon.

When a person is being interviewed by the police, my guess is that the last thing on their mind is that somebody's feelings might get hurt. It is more of a "how do I not end up in jail today, self affirmation."

And lying about what really happen is going to keep them out of Jail? If the person being interviewed has nothing to hide, they should not be worried about going to jail.
Another random thought. IF BB left with a guy, whether she intended to stay away this long or not......... maybe the train story was a diversion. JW had the vehicle, we know that..... so it is likely whomever BB went to meet had a vehicle. What if they decided to go somewhere and fly out of St. Louis? If there is anyone reading or posting from the St. Louis area, it wouldn't hurt to put fliers in and near the airport.

And lying about what really happen is going to keep them out of Jail? If the person being interviewed has nothing to hide, they should not be worried about going to jail.

Is there a LIKE button on here? If so, I just hit it 100 times Joe
I'll clarify. JW took great risks while driving unlicensed and uninsured in a car that did not belong to her. No valid license = no valid insurance. Had she been unfortunate enough to have an accident while driving without a license she would have been uninsured, leaving BB and SB footing the bill, possibly being sued since an unlicensed uninsured person was driving a car owned by the B's. IMO, it demonstrates the risks JW took with regards to her friendship with BB. JW did not apparently do this for a short amount of time. According to IL law (IL DMV website - previously linked) a new resident MUST get their DL transfered within 90 days. So since day 91 that JW has been living in IL she has been driving on an invalid drivers license. This was risk taking that was not just for a week or two until she could get to the DMV but far longer than a full year - depending upon when she move to IL and when BB purchased the car for JW.


IDK about IL, but in Ga, you insure the vehicle, not the driver. If someone gets in an accident while driving your vehicle with permission, the insurance pays as usual. The person driving would be ticketed, and possibly your insurance company will exclude them from your policy. This is what happened to me when someone I allowed to drive my car got in an accident and their license was suspended. I didnt know it. The insurance paid and he was excluded from my policy.
... since 3 months after JW moved to IL she has been driving on an expired license. ...

JW has gotten 3 tickets in the Woodstock area on her Calif. D/L.
9/28/08 speeding; showed Calif. D/L. expiring 11/20/08
11/28/09 seatbelt (child). Calif. D/L had expired 11/20/09, but she did not get ticket for expired D/L; driving '97 silver Volvo.
6/23/10 1:17AM on U.S. 14 (by deputy). Driving w/o valid D/L. Calif. D/L had expired 11/20/09; driving '97 silver Volvo.

On first two tickets, last name is hyphenated: JAW-P
The June 2010 ticket was issued to JAP (not Wxxxx-P)
Same Calif. D/L number on all three tickets.
Q. How could D/L expire one year later?
Another random thought. IF BB left with a guy, whether she intended to stay away this long or not......... maybe the train story was a diversion. JW had the vehicle, we know that..... so it is likely whomever BB went to meet had a vehicle. What if they decided to go somewhere and fly out of St. Louis? If there is anyone reading or posting from the St. Louis area, it wouldn't hurt to put fliers in and near the airport.


JW told me that Beth was supposed to go to Vegas that weekend with "the boyfriend", but that JW didn't know his name and that the boyfriend never ended up calling until Sunday, saying he wanted to see Beth.

So, did they drive to Mt Vernon that weekend knowing all along that Beth was going to go to Vegas for the weekend?

But since the boyfriend supposidly didn't call until Sunday, did they still go to Vegas?

But wait, both JW & Beth both told multiple people they were intially going to WI for the weekend, so that SB wouldn't know where Beth really was??

But wait, then they changed their story and said they were going to Mt Vernon, and they were confirmed there.

So was the story JW told me about Vegas true or not?

Was the Vegas story a diversion so that Beth could take off, but to another destination and it bought her some time?

Or could the Vegas story be a lie to cover something else up, something bad that accidentally happened? Or wait, no maybe the train story was the cover for something bad that happened. No, no, the train story could be a diversion to give Beth more time to go into hiding.

And yes, the Vegas thing was reported to the police.

Who knows anymore. We have a case where there are two woman who are known to lie, with no regard for anyone else or who they may hurt. I guess at this point, anything is possible. There are people who genuinely care and want Beth to be found. People are putting a lot work, thought and time into finding her, even if it means just discussing what little we do know. I realize that Beth had many problems in her life and that possibly, she needed to get away - but like this? I think it's also possible that something unexpected happened, and Beth came into harms way, and that it is being covered up.

JW has gotten 3 tickets in the Woodstock area on her Calif. D/L.
9/28/08 speeding; showed Calif. D/L. expiring 11/20/08
11/28/09 seatbelt (child). Calif. D/L had expired 11/20/09, but she did not get ticket for expired D/L; driving '97 silver Volvo.
6/23/10 1:17AM on U.S. 14 (by deputy). Driving w/o valid D/L. Calif. D/L had expired 11/20/09; driving '97 silver Volvo.

On first two tickets, last name is hyphenated: JAW-P
The June 2010 ticket was issued to JAP (not Wxxxx-P)
Same Calif. D/L number on all three tickets.
Q. How could D/L expire one year later?

Just curious....she got a ticket on 6/23/10 @ 1:17 am for driving w/o a valid DL but, what did she get pulled over for to begin with?

I have heard some things about that night, but I wonder if anybody else knows exactly what happened to prompt the ticket being issued, to see if JW is telling the same story to everyone or is she making it up.
LE verified the 4:15 call early on. The info was in the earliest media reports. It was not verified, outside of a report on FB (which is not LE or a credible media source, no offense to FB........ ) where the call came from. FB is saying LE reported the 4:15 call from Beth came from Mt. Vernon, but we have not seen a statement from LE to support the location from where the 4:15 call came.

I too am leaning on a possible murder from someone Beth was intimate with, and not necessarily her DH.

I'm curious how it is verified that it was Beth who called from her phone at 4:15PM that Sunday. Electronic records would show only that a call was placed from one phone to a second phone. What if someone else called from her phone at 4:15PM? Who spoke with Beth at 4:15PM? More than one person?

For someone who reportedly was always phoning or texting, who all communicated with her on Friday, Saturday and Sunday?

If her phone was used to order a pizza that wasn't picked up, is it possible that she ordered a pizza and then some untoward event occurred, and others did not know to go and pick up the pizza?
If someone knows BB is alive and well, why woud it make it easier if the reward was low? Wouldn't the possibility of someone 'outing' Beths location be greater with an increased reward?

If someone had knowledge she was murdered, or an accident occured and someone was guilty of improper disposal of a corpse, wouldn't a higher reward be a greater incentive to report that info to LE. Especially if a potential tipster was concerned about their safety or the safety of their family if they reported such info?

IMO, the lack of a cry from SB for more media attention, or the lack of a request from LE for the publics assitance tells me LE and SB are happy with the progress of the investigation. JMO

If you know she's okay, you don't run up the reward, because you are going to have to fork it over.

Respectfully, I offer the suggestion that the reward won't ever get big enough for someone with knowledge of a murder or concealment of a body to come forward.

I was told by a family friend of SB early this week that SB is happy with the work by Woodstock PD. If anyone is to be pleased, he's the one; so be it.
My thinking was along the lines of a divorce doesn't include a legal name change. Her married name may still be her legal name even if she no longer uses her married name.

I could be wrong, but I don't know that JW's current legal last name necessarily makes much difference unless we can tie it to her use of it in relation to a crime. Which we have not as of yet...... It is not like we have any proof she was purposely trying to deceive LE by the last name on her DL - as the blog might seem to indicate. A blog, is merely someones opinion..... it does not carry the same weight as a credbile local or national news source.


You can have your name changed easily during your divorce with a simple request to the judge.
However I question if JW is divorce, I can not link it now as her page is blocked from viewing but when I went back thru all of her wall before JW change her settings, JW had a post that her husband & father were killed by a drunk driver, maybe in 1997? I am not sure of the date but maybe someone else that seen this post can add to it, or someone that has access to her page, I believe there was a picture posted with the post.
Maybe someone that is good at news article research skills can find this date in the Riverside Cali area papers?
Of course this doesn't mean JW wasn't married again, I have no idea to that, just tossing this out there since it was brought up.

Also I am not sure that LE ever went on record as giving JW name out, I know many of us provided Nick with SLToday with her name and info when he posted on the FB page for information. So this might be how it got reported as JW and not JWP, JMO of course.
I'm curious how it is verified that it was Beth who called from her phone at 4:15PM that Sunday. Electronic records would show only that a call was placed from one phone to a second phone. What if someone else called from her phone at 4:15PM? Who spoke with Beth at 4:15PM? More than one person?

For someone who reportedly was always phoning or texting, who all communicated with her on Friday, Saturday and Sunday?

If her phone was used to order a pizza that wasn't picked up, is it possible that she ordered a pizza and then some untoward event occurred, and others did not know to go and pick up the pizza?

Unless SB is lying about Beth calling him. It was SB that stated he heard from Beth at 4:15. Technically we haven't had any official statement from LE anyone has been ruled out, SB included - as far as I know. No media reports other than initial ones... so who knows.
We can not post what is on JW's page now that it is private. It is a tos violation. Private means private and no posting what is on JW's page at WS as long as it remains private.

It is possible JWP is her legal name. I had just assumed she was divorced, I could be wrong.

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