Found Deceased IL - Benedetta 'Beth' Bentley, 41, Mount Vernon, 23 May 2010 #5

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SB stated he talked to BB at 4:15. Why would SB lie about hearing from his missing wife? I think we can be 99.9% sure SB recognized his wifes voice when she called and LE can verify where he was when he received the call from BB.

What we do know now, is the 4:15 call on Sunday was NOT the last call made from Beths phone...... the pizza call came from Beths phone at 5:16..... so we really don't know when the last call or text was.........

I have known and know quite a few functioning pill poppers that are really quite beautiful. Someone mentioned something about "happy pills". The ones that are hard to detect are the ones that are still "functioning". The ones appearing on Intervention aren't functioning anymore.

I think that is what the poster meant by "sometimes things aren't what they seem." (just paraphrasing the quote)

You are right... "OC"s and pain pills seem to be really popular these days, or prescription narcotics in general.

I think the media is not reporting anything because they are getting stories so conflicting they can't verify anything as fact and don't want to be printing rumor. And of course LE isn't saying anything either. If LE made a statement to the media they would print it but LE isn't saying a word. :silenced:

I think the only "friends" that we have heard any info from are the ones on Facebook and JW.

I have a "feeling" that there are other friends that have been interviewed and that we know nothing about.

I hope the LE knows something but I don't think they can substantiate anything anyone is saying.

I wish someone would photo shop or put out a pic of BB with brown hair.
She could have walked by most people as a brunette. If I was going to take off I would definitely change my hair color. In BB's case everyone is looking for a platinum blonde...

LE isn't saying a word because they know they have a murder on their hands and aren't going to show their hand.


LE isn't trying to put a halt to the rumors by putting the rubber to the pavement because as long as rumors are running rampant LE knows it is keeping the perp off his toes thinking everyone is buying the rumors.

SB stated he talked to BB at 4:15. Why would SB lie about hearing from his missing wife? I think we can be 99.9% sure SB recognized his wifes voice when she called and LE can verify where he was when he received the call from BB.

What we do know now, is the 4:15 call on Sunday was NOT the last call made from Beths phone...... the pizza call came from Beths phone at 5:16..... so we really don't know when the last call or text was.........


The sad thing is this. If we go by statistics, when a wife goes missing it is usually the husband/boyfriend. The only person who knows if BB called him at 415 is SB and we and the LE are taking his word for it.

I also think some of us are curious about JW still being employed by SB. It is rather curious considering JW is such a huge liar, according to friends of BB and their associates.

Another thing I find curious is everyone that we have heard from, about SB, are trying to portray him as naive, quiet, and a few other qualities I have never seen in a lawyer. I was married to one and boy was he outspoken as well as his attorney friends. If SB was actually any of the qualities above he wouldn't be a successful lawyer, unless he isn't a successful lawyer. Friends and associates are giving everyone the "that's just how he is" and I for one don't buy it for one minute.

Now I'm not saying that SB had anything to do with BB's disappearance but I am saying that I personally am not completely shutting the door on the option. I am currently entrenched in the Kyron Horman case that has turned into a nasty divorce case so with all that has gone on there... I'm just saying I don't believe the fat lady has sung in BB's case nor is she warming up for an aria.

I would not assume LE is taking Scotts word for it.... I'm sure part of their investigation would be verifying his statements.

His demeanor may be very different with his personal and professional life.
The type of law he practices is not such that he has to be the big bad bully type.

SB stated he talked to BB at 4:15. Why would SB lie about hearing from his missing wife? I think we can be 99.9% sure SB recognized his wifes voice when she called and LE can verify where he was when he received the call from BB.

What we do know now, is the 4:15 call on Sunday was NOT the last call made from Beths phone...... the pizza call came from Beths phone at 5:16..... so we really don't know when the last call or text was.........


Up thread it was mentioned that JW might of been trying to change her appearance to look more like Beth. I to have thought the same thing before. Could it be that JW was planning on standing on the street in Centralia or getting on the train to imposture Beth to maybe throw LE a curve but it didn't go as planned. Maybe they got to the train station after the train had already departed. Personally I don't think anyone was in Centralia that day to start with, but who knows.

I have also posted before about the phone call to SB maybe being only made from her phone and placed by someone else like JW as a way to tell SB that the deed was done and discuss what will be told to LE when the need arises. Funny if Beth was such a doting mother and serial texter/caller why has no one at all come forward and said that they have talked to her that weekend? There is no mention in the media or on fb IIRC of any of her friends that said "I talked to her at XX:XX on Sunday afternoon" "I received a text message saying she was having fun" Why didn't Beth ask to talk to the kids when she called SB or did she even call them at all during the weekend that we know of? I would think a mother away from her 10 year old son for that amount of time would want to talk to him when she called. I don't assume he has his own phone yet, but I could be wrong.

Up thread it was mentioned that JW might of been trying to change her appearance to look more like Beth. I to have thought the same thing before. Could it be that JW was planning on standing on the street in Centralia or getting on the train to imposture Beth to maybe throw LE a curve but it didn't go as planned. Maybe they got to the train station after the train had already departed. Personally I don't think anyone was in Centralia that day to start with, but who knows.

I have also posted before about the phone call to SB maybe being only made from her phone and placed by someone else like JW as a way to tell SB that the deed was done and discuss what will be told to LE when the need arises. Funny if Beth was such a doting mother and serial texter/caller why has no one at all come forward and said that they have talked to her that weekend? There is no mention in the media or on fb IIRC of any of her friends that said "I talked to her at XX:XX on Sunday afternoon" "I received a text message saying she was having fun" Why didn't Beth ask to talk to the kids when she called SB or did she even call them at all during the weekend that we know of? I would think a mother away from her 10 year old son for that amount of time would want to talk to him when she called. I don't assume he has his own phone yet, but I could be wrong.


Excellent points Joe.

Yes, it does appear that JW was changing her appearance to resemble BB. WT wise though I think they were different enough size wise they would not be mistaken for each other. Because of the difference in WT I don't think JW would be posing as a BB imposter. jmo.

I too think it is VERY ODD none of BB's friends have come forward to say they spoke with BB that weekend and give any indication of her demeanor. I wonder why? Why wouldn't anyone say, I spoke to BB that weekend. She was in good spirits... enjoying herself, talking about X the upcoming week..... Or that she sounded down, anxious, distracted........


Beth Bentley.... walk in and say MISS ME? Bumpin for Beth
I've received word from a few sources - who we will not sleuth or ask who shared this- that the MM or mystery man Beth was allegedly supposed to meet the weekend she went missing is an RSO in Woodstock IL with the initials SS.

Some members have asked about posting his information on the forum.
I spoke with Tricia about this and we agreed, it is something we need to further explore. I've heard SS has an alibi for Sunday evening, but nothing is known about Monday.

IMO this puts a new spin on Beths case. What if what JW said about Beth taking the train to Chicago is true? What if SS met Beth at the train station in Chicago? It has been stated BB and JW lied about being in Mt. Vernon and said they were going to WI that weekend. What if BB used a name other than her own to purchase the ticket? What if she was on the train and no one noticed her? I don't know how busy that train is or how many passengers the train has on a Sunday evening back up to Chicago. It's possible she could have been in an almost empty car on one end out of view from other passengers and no one noticed her.

SS may be sleuthed but please use initials and keep the info 'tied to the case'.

I will be checking in over the next few days but mostly offline....

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Thank you
There are two RSO's with the initials SS in Woodstock. One is a 64 year old with a long beard so I'm guessing it's not him. So that leaves this guy:

He was convicted in 2001, when he was 23, of kidnapping the developmentally disabled 8 year old, of aggravated criminal sex abuse during that felony, of exploitation/exposing organs and of aggravated battery of a policeman. It looks like he got sentences of 10 and 4 years, maybe he served them concurrently. You can search for him here to get the info on that (make sure you look at the right guy, there are two SMS's in McHenry County, the guy we are looking at was born in 1978):

He was out by 2006 because he got a traffic ticket. He also had a burglary case back in 1995, a marijuana dealing charge in 1997 and a DUI a couple of years ago.
IMO it is possible he met her either at the Chicago or Woodstock train stations.

Not only an RSO but kidnapping charges. :furious:

Odd LE would say they could not place Beth on the train.
Especially if LE knows (if the following is true) that JW and BB lied about where they were going and said they were going to be in WI rather than Southern IL.

IMO it is reasonable to believe if they were lying to cover going to southern IL it is reasonable to believe Beth boarded a train 'laying low' to not attract attention to herself. I've never been on an amtrak so I know nothing about what they look like inside and how easy it would be to keep oneself semi hidden from view while on the train.

I'd like to know where this guy was from the time the train from Centralia arrived in Chicago early Monday am.

He's reportedly married. Could he have snuck out the house while his wife was sleeping to meet Beth? certainly.

I hope LE is watching this guy closely.
Snippet from a PTV (pay to view) article about the kidnapping of the 8 yr old.

Calling into question a defendant's excuses for what he did, a judge Thursday sentenced a Woodstock man to 10 years in prison for kidnapping an 8-year-old girl from inside her home last year.
The sentence was the maximum SS, 24, could receive after a plea bargain reached last month eliminated more serious charges that carried prison terms of up to 30 years.
In issuing the sentence, McHenry County Judge Ward S. Arnold scoffed at claims by SS's family and supporters that his longtime abuse of heroin and cocaine, combined with his struggles with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,

So there we go with some confirmation of the rumors regarding heroin and drug abuse. And without a plea the charges could have been up to 30 years.
Wouldn't surprise me to know LE has been on this guys trail since the early days of the investigation, especially with his history.

Going back to the train. LE said they could not place her on the train, no where did they state they ruled out that Beth boarded the train. LE has not said they have ruled anyone or anything out.
Oh no, I think I am gonna be sick.

Woodstock police arrested "SS" about 10 hours after he allegedly slipped into the girl's home at about 4 a.m. May 30 and took her to his car. A short time later, an officer patrolling the city spotted two people sitting in his car parked off the road in a secluded, wooded area. When the officer approached, police say, the car's driver threw the vehicle in reverse, slammed into the squad car and sped away.

Not to mention the police chase which ensued after he was caught with the 8 yr old parked near the woods.

This man did a number of years in prison. Staying out of prison and murdering someone who might go to LE with someone is incentive for murder.


ETA: The full or almost full article is available if found via google.
If Beth went to meet this guy there is no telling what he is capable of doing.

IMO this guys history makes a lot of JW's story make sense.

MOO: She (JW) "didn't ask....." because JW knew who BB was likely going to meet. She didn't like him but didn't want her disliking of SS to interfere with her friendship with Beth. "I have to live with this everyday" She probably has an idea Beth went with SS knowing his history but didn't think he would cause harm to BB...... now BB is missing and JW is beside herself for not stopping her friend from going. Still doesn't explain JW's slamming BB's reputation, but perhaps she did that because she felt cornered and fears SS coming after her if she told? I dunno but this does not look good. :(
This also explains why LE did not set up a search in Mt. Vernon.... if they believe Beth may have gotten on that train the search needs to be near Chicago or Woodstock or somewhere between the two cities.

This is sad. I have never thought JW was lying and also the fact of SB still employing her told me he has reason to believe her. I thought the LE probably had the entire story from JW and she was told not to discuss her police interview with anyone. I think JW was just telling the "friends" tidbits to get them off her back. I had one friend that just like dating really violent men and it almost got her killed (her husband and kids would have been devastated).

I just wonder how many of the friends and associates knew about this guys history. I know I wouldn't have wanted him around my kids. Leopards do not change their spots.

I was looking through the court records and in with the kidnapping was assaulting police officer(s). If you will hit a cop, you will hit anyone. I also read the story about him slipping into a house at 4am to steal the child. Dangerous dude! Highly predatory.
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